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Bring Back Reworked/removed Abilities in the form of Augment mods


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Many of the warframe abilities have been changed or completely removed for being clunky/unfun for some players and/or being OP. But instead of removing these abilities from the game, it would be nice if we could choose to keep them in the form of Augment mods. Of course these mods would be slightly different from the original abilities, OP abilities would have significantly reduced stats, abilities that would negatively interact with teammates would only affect the user, weaker abilities could have added positive effect. This will give players a chance to make more creative builds and will not upset players who loved how their warframe worked before they were changed. Of course these mods dont have to be viable, just something to make warframes more fun like Peculiar mods with weapons.

Some Augment Ideas at max rank:

[Excalibur's Replaced Ability] Super Jump Augment- Bullet Jump can be charged by holding crouch increasing jump range up to +100% (increased by Strength)

[Limbo's Rereworked Ability] (Stasis Augment) Self Control- Limbo's bullets are stopped in the rift and deals +200% Damage upon stasis deactivation (increased by Strength and does not affect allies)

[Ember's Replaced Ability] (Accelerant Augment) Overheat- Replaces Ember's heat wave attack with a buff dealing 100 fire Damage to near by enemies and add Damage reduction of 20% for 20 seconds (Duration is the only stat that increases with mods) 


Of course these are just ideas, none of them have to scale with mods, and none of them have to have added beneficial stats like my suggested stasis augment. It would just be nice to have a choice to use an ability like it use to work (i.e. choose to have your bullets to stop or not with stasis) in the form of an Augment/Peculiar mod.

Edited by DakraChime
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2 minutes ago, Excaliburnn1 said:

Wasn't the reworked/removed ability's reworked/removed because they were either OP or stupid? 

As I said, the old abilities that were broken would be brought back with significantly lower stats that would be not very viable. And the mod would be a choice just like Peculiar mods, its stupid, but its a choice if want to use it or not just for fun.

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Interesting idea. "Legacy" augment mods could be cool, but we'd have to be careful with which abilities and how they'd be introduced. Old Bladestorm would need a serious tweak due to its old duration blocking ally damage on targeted enemies. Old Prism should never've not needed Line-of-Sight, so either a legacy Prism should happen at all or its blind range would have to be nerfed into oblivion. Things like this.

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