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An Option To Switch Off Enemy Damage Indicator.


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I'd like to have an option to turn off enemy damage indicator, those damage numbers that appear when you hit someone. They look out of place and ruin the athmosphere which is extremely annoying in otherwise athmospheric and immersive game, warframe is. I mean come on, there is also a damage bar for the enemy that is currently being attacked, those floating numbers are plain redundant.

I understand that some people probably may need those indicators to fine-tune their weapons. But for those of use who are not into min-maxing and don't care about the difference between dealing 42 and 43 damage per shot as long as it gets the job done, game athmosphere and immersion is way more important. So please, give us the ability to switch those floating hitpoints off if we want to.

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Although I don't actually want the feature myself, I agree that it should be put into the game. There are very few games as immersive as Warframe because of how amazing the atmosphere can be. There is such a huge difference between playing with speakers and playing with headphones. I kind of like to roleplay (not the pervy kind >_>) in my head a little and think of myself as a ninja being all stealthy, stylish and swift. Especially when using pistols, it's like a secret agent or spy from a movie.

Kudos to the art and sound teams.

Edited by Liacu
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There are people who like the numbers(number porn), and I'm willing to bet money the dev who implemented it likes jrpgs, where it originated from. The option should be there though, but you should be able to turn off the health bar and make it numerical only, damage only, healthbar only, or none at all, which is also good.

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There are people who like the numbers(number porn), and I'm willing to bet money the dev who implemented it likes jrpgs, where it originated from. The option should be there though, but you should be able to turn off the health bar and make it numerical only, damage only, healthbar only, or none at all, which is also good.

well you need to have some kind of healthbar of the bigger enemies, if not "healthbar" than it's health should be visable by armour/body being damaged

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Frankly I'd rather have the exact opposite; a better way to see the damage done and total health of the mob.

You mean the more detailed info than the enemy healthbar? Numerical total health value perhaps? In that case, what if we give damage indication 3 levels of verbocity, minimalistic, normal and detailed.

Minimalistic will have no damage floats, and only show a healthbar for the current enemy at the top of the screen(the rest of the UI is of course stays the same). Normal is what we have now, it will be the default damage info setting for the game. Detailed will have all that we currently have + health value will be constantly shown above each enemy in the form of <current health>/<total health>, i.e. 73/100. If it will not clutter the screen too much armour and resistance values for each enemy could be shown too(or added to the healthbar at the top of the screen).

Alternatively(and frankly I think it will be even better), there should be two differnt switches: enemy health(off, bar, number) and damage indication(off, on). This will let players tweak the damage indication to suit his personal preferences

Edited by Siilk
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Give us options.

God forbid LUA scripting ;x

I would prefer the floating numbers be replaced with a healthbar akin to the one above downed team-mates. I find it annoying to have to constantly flick my eyes from the centre of my screen to the top to monitor enemy health.

I would probably write my own unit frames addon.

Anyway, we should have the option to turn it off, and also have an option for a true combat log, especially to see damage taken, damage done, item pickups, etc.

I agree with the OP, it would be a nice to have. Granted, half the time I join a mission in progress, I don't see damage numbers anyway. That said, I like them on, but they do clutter the screen when you have multishot and puncture mods, lol.

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I would really like a way for the damage being done by allies to never show up, especially when an enemy is downed. Keep the blue indicator, that's nice. But the numbers make it hard to tell if I was the one that got the kill (which only really matters to me when I use the Snipetron, but I pretty much always use it).

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