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Exodia Contagion


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Similar to the Lenz, if you have Exodia Contagion on, you have to accept that you will down yourself at some point. It's honestly annoying as all hell when you have to always keep in mind that you cannot be close to try meleeing them after a double jump, but (for me at least) Double jumping is so natural in Warframe, you tend to forget, especially when if you change to different a Zaw with a Exodia Epidemic on (Even more-so they almost have opposite prerequisites), Not only that but the double jump axe has a lingering type of effect, where if you touch the "misty" explosion, it will still down you. Exodia Contagion is fine to have self Dmg, we have plenty of that already, but to 1-shot yourself with 90% of the frames is just ridiculous when you consider every enemy is taking a leisurely jog towards you from all directions

IMO Lower Self dmg on Exodia Contagion so you don't mistakenly jump twice and Rekt yourself by trying to get that extra height or extra distance, but keep it at a ratio where if you do mess up that badly and you never learn to avoid that double jump axe, it will still screw you over. instead of forgetting about it and downing yourself on accident cause you forgot you had a Zaw on that has the Contagion Arcane.

What is your thoughts on Exodia Contagion? Has it been as bad as mine, constantly downing myself when changing out melee weapons or when you come back to the game after a nights rest and you go, "Oh...." .Or am I the only Scrub to constantly have this happen?

Edited by rawrs123
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I think a good change to avoid this would be to cap self damage to 75-90% of your max EHP+shield so it's still dangerous but less frustrarting.

I play Ogris and Exodia Contagion a lot and have no problem with self damages and I can understand it's frustrating and we clearly see that in explosive weapons Riven disposition.

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