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Trade chat improvements (not another AH or billboard suggestion)


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Hello there, Tenno!


I decided to take my share of the ever groving trading feedback lists where people suggest all kind of changes. Dont worry, this is not an AH thread i know those are strictly two sided arguments.

Everybody who used the trade chat knows that normally flooded with literally everything turning the chat into an incomprehensible wall of text.

Many suggestions have born to improve the system from the early times to today and there were some great ideas around what could have been used atleast partially.


For example in this 2015 thread we are shown a filter system what seems to be both better designed and offering more function than what we have today.


The user here showcased a dropdown filter list where you can check in what you want to see and what not.

@Lluid in a 2017 trading thread suggested a trade chat coloring based filter system:


This offers a global filtering option while also colors each item differently so its easier to read.


There were more but im sure people didnt opened this thread to read about past suggestions, so lets go on with my promised system.


Introducing the Warshops!

A way to trade fast, become more visible and accessible.


The system based on the old idea of the classical shop setups in most oldschool MMO's. The player when he wants to use the trade chat he first needs to create a shop.

Im not good with graphics and my paint skills are terrible so excuse me for posting pic from other games or looking at horrible scraps.


The players get a new icon next to the trade chat called "Create shop".

When activated a shop interface comes up where the player can put in their items in 3 separate tabs. WTS, WTB and WTT, inside these tabs you can click on a square and choose what you want to do, theres also a search function incase you feel like you have too many stuff.

In the WTS menu clicking on a square brings up your inventory where you can select from every tradeable item you  own. Choosing one puts it into the interface, clicking on it again removes it from it. You can type in a plat price next to your items but those are only visible once someone enters your shop from the chat.


In the WTB menu clicking on a square brings up a global list where you can choose any currently tradeable item you want to buy. Similarly like before choosing one puts it into the interface and clicking on it removes it. You can type in a plat price next to your items but those are only visible once someone enters your shop from the chat.


The WTT menu lets you choose any item then lets you select if this is what you have or this is what you want to trade for.



After setting up the shop the players can write in a max 60 letter long name for their shop to avoid multiline cluttering inside the chat.

The trade chat is changed in the following way:

  • Instead of manually typing in your messages the trade chat auto fills you in with what you placed into the shop interface.
  • The trade chat is separated into 3 different pages. A page dedicated for selling, a page dedicated for buying and a trade chat for your current filtering. WTT since it counts as both selling and buying is posted in both pages.
Every shop with its base name is posted in their approtiate chats without cluttering the others.
Instead of seeing a wall of mess like:
WTS augur sets, cleaving whirlwind, arcane energize, excalibur tears, rhino manlyness, WTB prime trash, trash rivens, Boar critimag, valkyr prime set
You will see the shops name only and in a second line a continously changing droplist of items the user wants to sell. On the WTB tab you see the same but the second line droplist shows what that said user wants to sell.
The filter is changed to a list similar to this with the addition that now it functions with the intention of only showing the results for the chat tabs current function:
The thrid page where you can only see filtered results has 2 dropdown lists where you can setup rules to only show what you want to see.
For example if you want to buy boar prime pieces, want to sell rivens and also want to buy a boar riven, the chat filter can be set up in a way that it shows all shops what sell boar primes, those who buy rivens and sell the riven you look for.
You have to enter the secondary filter, choose the dropdown list for the WTS and WTB parts and accept it when you feel like everything is narrowed down enough. If thats still not enough below you can read how to further use the new filter system for advanced searching.
Every chat gets global filtering where you can set it up to only show:
  1. Primes
  2. Mods
  3. Rivens
  4. Other
After the global chat you can use the secondary filter to further narrow down what you look for and can even use the filter search option if you look for a specific trade.
Lets say you want to buy an Orthos riven with crit chance and damage, knowing this you first activate the global chat to filter for rivens, then in the secondary filter you choose the Orthos to only show its rivens. 
Once you are done with that you can also open the third filter and type in Critiata and set it to priority. This way now your fitered page shows all Orthos rivens while also marking the ones what specifically have the stats you want.
The shop system doesnt need you the player to spend your life infront of the chat, it only needs you to be online. The game reposts your shop and its name between set times but to start it you must everytime enter the trade chat and select "publish shop".
The trading in itself is not touched, it works just like now the only difference that the chat finally looks like something born in 2018 and not copy-pasted from a 2000's mmo.
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