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The Future Of Endgame Warframe Progression? (Serious)


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Volt: Hack

Cost: 10 energy per unit

Target: Electronic devices, eg. Turrets and Moas

Effect: Volt hacks into the ship's/outpost's database and corrupts it, causing laser doors to activate but in reverse mode, damaging enemies and letting Tenno pass freely, turning autoturrets against the enemy and Shield Ospreys to protect Tenno instead of Corpus. Rollers would hurt the grineer.

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I'd also like to point out that Adding new warframe powers would cripple the required (God Tier) status of warframes by making each frame much more diverse. Having 4 new powers to mix and match with current powers would create true build diversity based on player preference.


It's also going to make balancing things a nightmare.


I guess you haven't had the forma to spend, but if you make a defensive frame you need ALL the extra points an Aura gives, so there is no "problem" with "extra" aura as you purport there is due to the insane logistics imposed on defensive mods.

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The ulti ultis should be, click 8, followed by rapid mouse clicking to charge it up. Certain warframes would supposedly synergize with certain others. Eg. Frost + Ember creates stone (frozen magma) or Nova + Necro creates dark matter or Mag + Rhino = enemies being pierced on Rhino's armour of thorns (assuming Rhino's ulti ulti is a spiky armour that is pierce on contact)

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I like the idea of legendary skills, very much so actually.


1. You would undoubtedly get complaints from the community, saying only hardcore players have access to these powers from hours of grind.

2. I don't like the idea of just putting all the powers in one massive OP power. Would prefer it was implemented differently. For example: we get 4 additional powers for each warframe, for each warframe 1 of these four powers is legendary. Reason being not because it is OP or game breaking, but offers a new form of playing said warframe, a game changer if you will.

Nice idea though.

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I like the idea of legendary skills, very much so actually.


1. You would undoubtedly get complaints from the community, saying only hardcore players have access to these powers from hours of grind.

2. I don't like the idea of just putting all the powers in one massive OP power. Would prefer it was implemented differently. For example: we get 4 additional powers for each warframe, for each warframe 1 of these four powers is legendary. Reason being not because it is OP or game breaking, but offers a new form of playing said warframe, a game changer if you will.

Nice idea though.

I'm tired of the community whining. I've done all there is to do in this game, and I consume content as fast as it comes out. I want a challenge. I want a long term goal other than maxing hornet strike or serration.


And those power mash ups were just "for fun" examples.

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It's also going to make balancing things a nightmare.


I guess you haven't had the forma to spend, but if you make a defensive frame you need ALL the extra points an Aura gives, so there is no "problem" with "extra" aura as you purport there is due to the insane logistics imposed on defensive mods.

I have over 30 forma blueprints currently and and I've used and bought quiet a few. I just don't see the point in using anything other that redirection and vitality. realistically. I didn't even need to forma any of my frames after the aura update.

Edited by Sirabot
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I would really love to see some sort of new really really rare stuff in this game, mods, decals, You name it something wich keeps you playing and hunting for that specific thing your after.


And a REAL money sink, wich has a purpose and is actully rewarding, Like a spinning wheel of some kind, giving you a smal chance, for a Forma, Orokin Reactor, Orokin Catalyst. Some of the Rarer materials in this game. And with a larger base of black spots where you lose the money you spent trying your luck on the wheel with a lockout so u can use it like 2 times per week. 


Beacuse as of now, for those who played this game for a long time, allready got all the mods we want, and got them maxed. And there for Transmute becomes useless.


Hell id even spend 1million credits on just one spin, beacuse as it is of now with the current void Credits you get, your earning more cash then u actully can spend over all.



Mainly some thoughts, as i really dont have annything left to do in this game.

Done and got it all when it comes to everything.



Edited by VariaCero
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Necro: Call the Fallen Legion


Action: Necro draws his hand up and summons the psychic afterimage of all fallen Tenno who do one of three random things,

1) spread out and kill things in vacinity then fade away 2) randomly pick someone on the team to dash into and grant that person their power (power cost reduction and strength increase for melee, guns and powers 3) all "Ghost" Tenno draw out an ethereal Wraithly Skana and dash at one foe one at a time in quick succession doing massive damage.

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I would really love to see some sort of new really really rare stuff in this game, mods, decals, You name it something wich keeps you playing and hunting for that specific thing your after.


And a REAL money sink, wich has a purpose and is actully rewarding, Like a spinning wheel of some kind, giving you a smal chance, for a Forma, Orokin Reactor, Orokin Catalyst. Some of the Rarer materials in this game. And with a larger base of black spots where you lose the money you spent trying your luck on the wheel with a lockout so u can use it like 2 times per week. 


Beacuse as of now, for those who played this game for a long time, allready got all the mods we want, and got them maxed. And there for Transmute becomes useless.


Hell id even spend 1million credits on just one spin, beacuse as it is of now with the current void Credits you get, your earning more cash then u actully can spend over all.



Mainly some thoughts, as i really dont have annything left to do in this game.

Done and got it all when it comes to everything.




Well, I'm very much apposed to gambling in my games because it's a pretty common tactic/gimmick in MMOs these days. Especially Korean MMOs. Hell you can't even upgrade a weapon without it having a chance to break most of the time. I understand RNG is it's own version of gambling but at these the way DE has done it you only stand to lose time rather than any material. (with the exception of transmutation) And with all due respect I encourage you and everyone else to stray away & advise against having shady gambling based money sinks in games.

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Another thread coined the whole "we're space ninja's not space wizards"


Clarke's Laws (Steve mentioned they follow this principle when coming up with new powers) state:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

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Well, I'm very much apposed to gambling in my games because it's a pretty common tactic/gimmick in MMOs these days. Especially Korean MMOs. Hell you can't even upgrade a weapon without it having a chance to break most of the time. I understand RNG is it's own version of gambling but at these the way DE has done it you only stand to lose time rather than any material. (with the exception of transmutation) And with all due respect I encourage you and everyone else to stray away & advise against having shady gambling based money sinks in games.



Yeah i know exacly what you mean, but to be honest most games will allways suffer from a balance between the Casual gamers and the Hardcore gamers content wise. Its really hard to do something that keeps both parts happy, but from all my years of experience this has allways been the problem with popular games.


Its really hard to implement things that satisfies both parts, but as you said your self gambling is a popular choice in alot of MMO'S. There's one reason i can think of. It gives things that both the casual can get in time, and still gives something to the hardcore ones. (If you Exclude the real money required) Using Pure in game credits.

Edited by VariaCero
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As long new abilities add variety and no more wizard like spells

I'm ok with this.


Will agree with this.

We dont need more skills that clear whole rooms just in a different color (and certainly not mega nukes that clear multiple rooms).

We need skills that add different synergies between frames,change the playstyle of frames or simply add more options of how to approach a target besides "spam that 4 boyo!".

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I'd really rather not plug/bump my own thread but I do want people to see it and give thoughts/opinions. But I'd also like to add that I believe that powers, namely Ubers need a cooldown. We need to get DE to put an end to 4 spamming. I read a thread somewhere about power cooldowns in the form of your warframe overheating when you used skills to prevent spam. I think this is a brilliant idea and would add to the versatility of possible additions of powers and mods in the game.

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