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Reasons To Keep Playing After Mastery 12+


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I'll speak from my own experience here, I have played games long after the fun factor was gone. Most the time I played for the unlocks, games like Halo:Reach, for example, did this beautifully. This could be done in this game as well, how?


Unlocks per frame, they could have it like other games and unlock pieces or even add-on parts like games like Halo:Reach did. It did it with Rank and Credits, but this same type of thing can be done here with total kills of a certain faction with a certain frame. Example: Mag could unlock a new chest piece if you 10,000 infected kills with her. Or a new leg option if you kill 10,000 Corpus, and arms if you kill 10,000 Grineer. Give us a reason to go to the void other than rare weapon pieces. Killing 10,000 Orokin unlocks a special helmet. You get the idea behind all of this, I hope. Same thing could be done with the weapons as well for different skins for the weapon.


If the Devs want a way for the long time players to stay interested in the game give them long term goals for all frames or weapons. They are thinking too short term and just drop easy to unlock content and keep pushing off the "endgame" saying it will come someday. That's fine by me, but give us something bigger to work for, a far off goal that keeps us wanting to grind the enemies well after the honeymoon is over.


Customization options to unlock for frames and weapons coupled with the ideas from this thread about power pools https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/84811-power-pools/  will give this game a deep level of customization that it lacks atm and will keep the long term players coming back to play.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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I agree with you.


I guess the problem is that too many players playing too much Warframe.

It's a good thing, but the more you play, the faster you reach the (not existing so far) endgame.

DE wasn't planning that so many players get so fast to endgame and it takes some time to develop.


It's no offense, I guess you did a lot of hard work in Warframe.


Just sit back, relax, wait for the things to come.

There are other great games aside from Warframe you can play.


New content will come, thats for sure.

Just keep an eye out for it.

Edited by raiden1337
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I agree with you.


I guess the problem is that too many players playing too much Warframe.

It's a good thing, but the more you play, the faster you reach the (not existing so far) endgame.

DE wasn't planning that so many players get so fast to endgame and it takes some time to develop.


It's no offense, I guess you did a lot of hard work in Warframe.


Just sit back, relax, wait for the things to come.

There are other great games aside from Warframe you can play.


New content will come, thats for sure.

Just keep an eye out for it.

Even if there is tons new content, I still think this game would not suffer from more customization options and longer term goals to shoot for. Think of this game if your Rhino and my Rhino were standing side by side and looked head to toe different and not just because of the colors you used and a slightly different head piece, but our choice of armor was totally different. And not just from buying it at the cash shop, but earned from fighting for it all.

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Well, I guess yes, but reason behind the grind. This game is nothing if not a grind fest, so why not make me want to come back to do it after the luster is gone?


I would rather see some challenging content or difficult content rather than more grind. because grind is not a content. and it doesn't matter what you can get for grind.

Edited by DEMegan
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Althix, I feel you are truly missing the point or trying to troll. I'll make one last attempt to convince and let it go with you.


It is not about "please give me more grind" it is about customization with our frames and long term goals to keep us wanting to log in and play. This game is a grinding game, so I offered a way to unlock pieces using the set method. However, these can be unlocked in whatever other method the devs feel they should or could be unlocked, they could play duck, duck, goose with us all for all I care. My point is give the players who have seen it and done it all some longer term goals to keep us interested in coming back.

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I don't think customization is the priority..... customization is to keep the game more enjoyable and extend longevity while you are already enjoying it and having fun. Take a look at these:





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well this looks like some sort of achievement with "ingame concrete reward"... i like it


too bad we have to rely on grinding to do this... maybe with new ways to obtain same stuff could be cool...


Some should require more time, other more skill... but i like where are you heading to.

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Well they have mentioned Achievements for the "directed grind". Hopefully the rewards would be significant/visual enough to be worth doing.


Tie it in with scarves/shoulderpads/kneepads, maybe?

Nice! This post made me a bit misty... I might need some time guys.

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Althix, I feel you are truly missing the point or trying to troll. I'll make one last attempt to convince and let it go with you.


It is not about "please give me more grind" it is about customization with our frames and long term goals to keep us wanting to log in and play. This game is a grinding game, so I offered a way to unlock pieces using the set method. However, these can be unlocked in whatever other method the devs feel they should or could be unlocked, they could play duck, duck, goose with us all for all I care. My point is give the players who have seen it and done it all some longer term goals to keep us interested in coming back.

oh Jesus H. Christ.


Assuming that you are not made this post to say "hey im rank 12 now", but you really wanna find a solution of some sort i will play along. For now.


You know what is my current goal after 850+ hours of playing? I am leveling damage mods. Like Serration and Hornet Strike. This is what keeps me playing.

You see there are two types of games: pvp and pve.

Pvp is not an option in warframe. So we stick with pve.

Warframe have A LOT of low mid level content for players however game offers ZERO content for high end players. So as it now Warframe fails to deliver. I do understand that this game is very young. And more things is to come. But major part of this game is a grind. Not a challenge, not a difficulty. Grind. And you want more grind, but you also want a reward in form of shiny bitz for your "efforts".


This game is not hard, it is time consuming. You see a difference here? So even if i have powerful weapons, frames, sentinels and i don't have a content where i can use them to full potential. Hell this game is not even coop anymore.


And instead of making a thread about content for your level, you are asking for more grind. What is wrong with you?


If you grind all those shiny bitz what is next? you log off and wait for more bitz? How about to login with thoughts "hey, that mission was hard, i need a decent team of a b c d frames with a b c d weapons to try it out again because we failed yesterday?"

Edited by Althix
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No need to be harsh or rude mate, any constructive suggestion is a good suggestion.


I know what you mean and i agree with you, these things are far from being a priority at the moment... the priority should be addressing the gameplay in skill/challenge and end-game aspects..... to at least make it look like a decent beta that needs bug fixing and optimization tweaks.... instead of a half assed alpha that's missing most of the game content.

It's no surprise most people quit at 10 and 20 hours of gameplay or that WF has millions of sign ups, yet hardly anyone is playing the game or doing missions :P.... Mercury = Pluto ... just ++++++stats. And since the game it's purely stat based.... there's hardly any need of really being coop...... in 99% of the games, *coop* is just used to increase the spawn rate and mostly to make defense waves faster instead of the painfully slow pace that solo def has.


In any case, i concur that those are the things we need to address... but no need to shut down other valid suggestions because of that, at least that's my humble opinion man...

Edited by Eisvogel
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I know what you mean and i agree with you, these things are far from being a priority at the moment... the priority should be addressing the gameplay in skill/challenge and end-game aspects

This may not be priority in your eyes, some people like me want and in fact, need these types of things in any game I play. I love my long term goals and the custom options. I hate almost every game I have played that every player looks exactly the same as the guy/girl next to them. Endgame will come the challenging stuff you are after, DE is working on as we speak. But, never have they mentioned (as far as I know) any of the things that I'm talking about.


There are hundreds of posts (including the ones you linked of your own) about the "endgame" and what you feel are the priority, and that is why I feel I don't need to mention them here.

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I agree with you Eisvogel about reasons to team up right now.


But in my opinion these shiny rewards for grind is hardly needed now. In the future yes why not? Having a special helmet or skin for several thousands killed ancients is rather nice touch. Or legacy quest in EQ games? When you finish this multistage quest you get special item and title behind your name. Sure why not i am all hands for it.


Funny thing that DE can make something similar using current missions. Like multistage personal event for a player when he reach level 10 of mastery or something. So you team up with other rank 10 players and you do this event in a group. Rewards could be a statues in dodjo, badge, scarfs you name it.


But this event must be challenging. Giving a rewards because one guy have a lot free time to grind mobs solo on MDs or EDs? really?

Edited by Althix
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I agree with you Eisvogel about reasons to team up right now.


But in my opinion these shiny rewards for grind is hardly needed now. In the future yes why not? Having a special helmet or skin for several thousands killed ancients is rather nice touch. Or legacy quest in EQ games? When you finish this multistage quest you get special item and title behind your name. Sure why not i am all hands for it.


Funny thing that DE can make something similar using current missions. Like multistage personal event for a player when he reach level 10 of mastery or something. So you team up with other rank 10 players and you do this event in a group. Rewards could be a statues in dodjo, badge, scarfs you name it.


But this event must be challenging. Giving a rewards because one guy have a lot free time to grind mobs solo on MDs or EDs? really?

Well, I'm glad you are starting to see the point a bit, and again I really don't care how these things are unlocked. I'm just asking for longer term goals. Multi-staged hunts or missions, sure. I just want something to shoot for. I think what you are suggesting feels a bit like a mastery type reward and not long term goals, but at least your seeing my point a bit and I'll count that as a victory.

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I was seeing your point long before you started this thread. You are not the only one who came up with this idea in last months.


However i don't care about special looks of my frame i really don't care.


Warframe is pve game and as pve game it must have content that will satisfy any player at any level. As i stated above game have low and mid level content for new players. But it missing high end content. There is no high end content, there is no coop.


I want pve content in pve game. If i will have rewards for playing this content even in a form of some visual alteration for my frame i don't have anything against it. But i want content first.

Edited by Althix
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