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Sickening Gray-Tint On Ember Prime's Colors.


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I was delighted to finally acquire my Ember Prime today, after the changes to the void drops from U12. However, that magical moment was spoiled when I went to color her and noticed that for some reasons, the color I wanted were not applied properly. See following picture: 






As you can see, she is covered in a weird grey-red, while it should be more of a dark wine red, like on the Syandana. The only part of her color option that is not desaturated is the "secondary" one, the rest all get that treatment. Other colors get the same effect, albeit white is slightly less affected. 


I hope quite dearly that this is a bug and not something done on purpose, because frankly it looks terrible. I want my regular colors back, is what I'm saying. 


EDIT: It would appear it is in fact intended, due to the 'material'. Well, again I state my disliking of it: if I wanted my frame to look grey-red or grey I would actually paint it that color, not depend on a different material to do so. 


I hope that this is changed so that I can actually customize my frame the way I want, I find it quite annoying otherwise. 

Edited by Kinperor
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That's not the issue here, I chose one color on my frame, and the color gets applied wrong on the frame.


I can reset the colors just fine, but when I change the colors again, it still has the same issue.


I would like to point out that this thread is meant to report the bug that makes my red go from "dark" to "grey" red. 

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The color I choose are shown desaturated on the frame and remains that way. 


Have you looked at the picture? You can see on the Syandana what the color should look like and you can see on the frame that it isn't the same color at all. That's really just it. 

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I did see the picture and if the colors aren't the same as the color you picked and look like a mixed version of the color you picked and the color that was on ember then its not a bug some frames will do that and its really annoying but seeing that it takes up all of embers body then they should change it later if your concerned about it then just report it there's no harm in it if not then just wait it out

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From what I recall, other primes suffer from the same disease.  Coloring a prime is iffy at best.


Frost Prime has no such issue, I tested it just now. Excal Prime for some reasons appears to somewhat brighten the colors when applied to it. I can't try Mag Prime, I sold her. I won't lose my time on the prime weapons to check.


Point is, only Ember and Excal prime seem to be really affected by this. 



I did see the picture and if the colors aren't the same as the color you picked and look like a mixed version of the color you picked and the color that was on ember then its not a bug some frames will do that and its really annoying but seeing that it takes up all of embers body then they should change it later if your concerned about it then just report it there's no harm in it if not then just wait it out


This thread is my report. 


If it's intended then I'll have a mod move my thread to a feedback subforum. I just find it odd because there is one color option that works fine, but only "secondary". It's not consistent, is what I'm saying. 

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Well, that opened a small can of worm.


While we're still on this particular issue, I might as well bring up Valkyr, see here:




She has the same problem, you can see on the picture above the contrast between the normal dark red and the faded version. That would be her "primary" color. 

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Mynki's taken a look and tweaked the materials a bit. It should look better after tonight's patch is released.



Can he look at the Drakgoon? 

The same thing has happened to part of colors on the Drakgoon -it's actually not even customizable anymore. 

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