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Hyper Propel Mod


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So with so many projectile weapons in warframe how many of you would like to speed up those weapon projectiles?

how many mod points would you pay? 9.... 11..... 13..... even 15?!


Imagine your Supra or your new Duel Cestra rapid firing a whole field of lightning fast projectiles?!


We have mods to reduce/increase recoil, fire rate even accuracy shouldn't we be able to mod how fast the projectiles go.


Some like it fast some like it slow, personally i like the feel of seeing my bullet/bolt/nail/staple/throwing star/etc... flying through the air to meet my target right where i wanted it to.  Hit-scan weapons are fun but not nearly as fun as seeing your shot in action rather than knowing instantly that you missed or hit.


So my purposal is to make a range of mods for each weapon class, minus thrown melee since "WHAT they already have a projectile speed mod!!!" (ie: whirlwind if you didn't know =P)


For instance since nearly every weapon class has a projectile weapon:


Rifles/snipers/launchers* =

Dera, Supra, Boltor, Miter, Lanka, Tetra, Ogris, Torid, Penta, even bows.


shotgun* =



pistols/thown* =

Bolto, Cestra, Seer, Twin grimlins, Akbolto, Despair, Hikou, Kunai, Tysis, Stug, Ballistica, Acrid, Castanas


(* = sorry if i missed some, not being complete on every weapon posible)


Im sure you see some of your favorite weapons up there, wouldn't it be worth it to send your bolt flying as fast as a lanka laser and flinging your foe splat and nailed to the near by clif face!

Or to see your ogris rocket .... well... ROCKET FASTER! You know SCAWOOSH like a.... well A ROCKET!!


To balance this out i was thinking of making the cost of such a mod simular to metal auger, seeking force, seeker and to simular increments as Whirlwind.


So it would look like:

rank - effect - cost - conclave

R0 - +20% - 10 - C5

R1 - +40% - 11 - C5

R2 - +60% - 12 - C6

R3 - +80% - 13 - C8

R4 - +100% - 14 - C9

R5 - +120% - 15 - C10


Now the reason im making it cost what i am, is because your literally removing the skill level of your weapon by doing this.  Mind you, your still firing projectiles and i could see the cost maxing at 13 or even 11 instead but this is just an idea =D


Lastly, could make this a corrupted mod and have it lessen something like mag capacity. but i see there being a problem with that since some weapons have a 1 or 2 rounds clip.  and make it cost somethink like 11 or 9 mod points.


so tell me what you think!


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I like the idea... assuming its balanced out correctly

that is kinda why i think the corupted way might be the better idea.


Also been thinking about the lob weapons... wouldn't it make them lob further? could be like a range modifier for them =D

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I would also like to see the opposite be the negative for a corrupted mod. For example, more damage for slower travel time. Even hitscan weapons could use them at the cost of losing the hitscan speed.

so complete opposite for increased damage?
atm you can get a total of 357% damage (heavy cal, serration, rifle amp) not including split chamber for double base damage on top of that. isn't that enough damage? most weapons can go to lvl 60 mobs easily with that alone.
not saying more is not better, but this thread is more about altering game play with projectile weapons not trying to increase over all game damage.
I mean psudo wise i would say increased projectile speed would give more DPS in the long run.

Also wouldn't increasing projectile speed make more of the weapons more viable and fun to play with?

slowed fire rate for sidearms is a viable corruption to this mod.

I would agree with that as a viable disavantage for a corrupted version of the mod.

Do you think that would be a viable mod with all weapon types? or just side arms?

Why is this in General Discussion again?

where else would it be? i mean is there a mod suggestions sub-catagory in the forums? Edited by Letter13
Please use the edit button next time! Merged.
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so complete opposite for increased damage?

atm you can get a total of 357% damage  (heavy cal, serration, rifle amp) not including split chamber for double base damage on top of that. isn't that enough damage? most weapons can go to lvl 60 mobs easily with that alone.

not saying more is not better, but this thread is more about altering game play with projectile weapons not trying to increase over all game damage.

I mean psudo wise i would say increased projectile speed would give more DPS in the long run.


Also wouldn't increasing projectile speed make more of the weapons more viable and fun to play with?

I don't think increased projectile speed would increase DPS. You can only fire so many rounds per second, determined by by firerate. projectiles moving faster wouldn't change that. Every time I use a non-hitscan weapon, I get close to the things I want to hit so I don't think the accuracy increase would be that big, just the effective range that you can use it at. Heavy caliber is a choice that a lot of people don't like making because it has detrimental effects on your accuracy. It makes you chose what's important for you. It doesn't have to be damage, just most mods increase damage and it's the first thing I thought of. If it was, even 30% less projectile speed on a hitscan gun would be devastating. I think it would be interesting to also make the choice to negatively change the projectile speed of your weapon for some benefit.

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I would agree with that as a viable disavantage for a corrupted version of the mod.


Do you think that would be a viable mod with all weapon types? or just side arms?

it depends... for me, slowed firerate means better for ammo-hungry Ak/Bolto, Gremlins, and thrown knives.

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I don't think increased projectile speed would increase DPS. You can only fire so many rounds per second, determined by by firerate. projectiles moving faster wouldn't change that. Every time I use a non-hitscan weapon, I get close to the things I want to hit so I don't think the accuracy increase would be that big, just the effective range that you can use it at. Heavy caliber is a choice that a lot of people don't like making because it has detrimental effects on your accuracy. It makes you chose what's important for you. It doesn't have to be damage, just most mods increase damage and it's the first thing I thought of. If it was, even 30% less projectile speed on a hitscan gun would be devastating. I think it would be interesting to also make the choice to negatively change the projectile speed of your weapon for some benefit.

i ment that since you would be hitting more shots figurtively speaking based on the increase in speed would result in more hits determined upon range of course, but in theory wouldn't it result in higher dps due to reduction in missed hits dispite accuracy?

though I do agree that projectile speed reduction for damage would be a viable mod, the descusion at hand is to increase projectile speed either with a normal mod or corrupted mod. a detriment to one stat is the core of corrupted mods, I only made the suggestion based on whether or not projectile speed increase would be too much power without a reduction of another factor of weapon stats.

To be honest i believe that it could be a stand alone mod with a higher increase in mod points due to the reduction of user/timing error in target movement prediction. this is all in theory however.

I also base this alot on that fact that recoil reduction mods make alot of weapons (ie. Latron, Lex, Aklex, etc.) a more potent weapon due to the frequency of shots. Without the recoil reduction in the lex/aklex its almost primarly a long range weapon fired not even close to its actualy fire rate, but with steady hands mod it becomes an all range weapon due to the frequency I can fire the weapon without hesitation due to recoil.

That same fact of recoil reduction is applied to projectile speed increase, I could fire my supra much more confidently if I knew the projectile would reach my target in less time rather than trying to predict movement or obtain a new, closer position.

I like the idea of an "increased projectile speed" mod. Whether as a corrupt or otherwise makes no difference to me, it still takes up a mod slot regardless.

would it be any different than reload or fire rate mods taking a spot?

i mean in the end its about personal preference anyways, but i happy to know that my idea would be supported by some if not most players =D

Moved to the proper section.

thank you, i didnt know where to put this and mostly though suggestions would be a genral topic, I'll make sure that my next posts are in the suitable location.

and if not, I'm sure you will relocate them for me =D
does the fan concept sub-section have any hope of actually being look at and considered for implimentation?

I guess the main thing I'm asking here is:
Is this mod or a mod simular to this with the concept of speeding up projectiles from projectile weapons something you would like to have the option to do or would it be a mod sitting deep in your inventory never to be looked at again?

other stuff:
How much of an impact would it have on the game or your game play?
Would it be more of a mainstream mod in your opinion, or more of a niche mod? Edited by Letter13
Please use the edit button next time! merged.
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