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Perhaps a warframe that specializes in guns with these skills able to do combos/melee with pistols and rifle.

Or perhaps melee guns or gunblades. Literally turning guns into melee.


See how good that is. Imagine a warframe doing that or any warframe.


A gunslinger wARframe achieving this by going into a certain mode activated by a certain "4" power" called DESPERADO.


Whoknows, this power could make blade come out of his guns making them gunblades.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've wanted to see a gun oriented warframe for sometime. Maybe even a support type wtih abilities like + reload speed and or fire rate for team. Turrets mines maybe the ultimate could be a beam cannon you focus on enemies until it's time expires. Oh changing damage/ammo types for yourself and team would be cool, perhaps it could work as an aoe attached to a circle on the ground.


As for gunblades I would love to see a new weapon type perhaps it could take both primary and melee weapon slots

Edited by raikien
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Gunslinger yes, but he needs to be rambo.


With skills like Bottomless Magazines.



Bottomless Magazines

Cost : 25 energy

Duration: 7/8/9/10

Effect: Increases ROF by 40%, grants 50%/60%/70%/80% chance that firing the gun doesn't consume ammo.



The skills need to be hilariously named too.

Edited by fatpig84
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guns are good enough without having any new frame basically making them more godlike than they already can be.

But we already have frames that have a melee steroid, and melee is now really quite potent. Plus, some of those frames have AoE nukes.

Why not a frame that solely relies on guns, no AoE nukes, just 1 or 2 mild gun steroids and a distraction or crowd control or two?

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While you are at it, name his ultimate skill gunzerking...

And call him Sal.

+1 would love to see my favorite character from borderlands 2 in Warframe.

No call him Vash and name his gun ultimate Angel Arm

Edited by kscott190
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guns are good enough without having any new frame basically making them more godlike than they already can be.

You're boring, you know that. You don't want to think outside the box and imagine the possibilities of gun related skills and skills that come from the gun or even the warframe's own specialized guns.


Take a long look at that video.

Edited by SirAuron
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Shameless bit of advertising, but if you have any feedback on this idea :


I too would love a guntoting warframe!

Could use some Desperado(Hysteria) power to add more diversity to his powers and not be all support like trinity. He doesn't have to be invulnerable while in that mode and can use gunblades for quick or during melee mode.


Guns would shoot faster, higher crit, higher move speed, higher dash speed, in air longer while shooting and have him collect energy from ones he kill to fuel a finisher attack. And press reload key to fire bullets in a special animation similar to video above.


He himself without Desperado can use longer slide and aerial fire. plus more magazine and ammo and faster reloading(well faster reloading can be part of a power or not).


Or maybe a makeshift bullettime that allows you to phase through bullets or makes bullets miss you for a short duration. Not really an ultimate.

Edited by SirAuron
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You're boring, you know that. You don't want to think outside the box and imagine the possibilities of gun related skills and skills that come from the gun or even the warframe's own specialized guns.


Take a long look at that video.


doesnt change the fact that any ability that makes guns better in any way shape or form is pure overkill and a bad idea.

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doesnt change the fact that any ability that makes guns better in any way shape or form is pure overkill and a bad idea.

How is it overkill ?

I mean a metal storm ability like moving 30% faster and increase ROF  (75% capped) each time you kill an enemy for 8 seconds and basically refreshes its duration as long you kill something.


That isn't overkill amirite ?

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How is it overkill ?

I mean a metal storm ability like moving 30% faster and increase ROF  (75% capped) each time you kill an enemy for 8 seconds and basically refreshes its duration as long you kill something.


That isn't overkill amirite ?


guns are already overkill/overpowered, we dont need more weapon powercreep.


your example of gaining rof would make already powerful and fast weapons like grakata/soma/etc vastly more deadly and even more overkill/OP than they already are, buffs to weapons that relate to damage or even cc are 100% not needed.


if youd mentioned something minor like saving ammo or the likes then that would be fine and useful for weapons that suffer such as various fast rof secondarys and primarys like the boar prime.

Edited by Methanoid
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guns are already overkill/overpowered, we dont need more weapon powercreep.


your example of gaining rof would make already powerful and fast weapons like grakata/soma/etc vastly more deadly and even more overkill/OP than they already are, buffs to weapons that relate to damage or even cc are 100% not needed.


if youd mentioned something minor like saving ammo or the likes then that would be fine and useful for weapons that suffer such as various fast rof secondarys and primarys like the boar prime.

You do know that these buffs would most likely only last for a few seconds, and probably have a fairly high energy cost, making them used only in certain situations?


And then there is the fact that said abilities would most likely only affect the Gunslinger's own weapons.


And the weapons themselves are not overpowered, its the absurd scaling of damage mods that make them overpowered.

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You do know that these buffs would most likely only last for a few seconds, and probably have a fairly high energy cost, making them used only in certain situations?


And then there is the fact that said abilities would most likely only affect the Gunslinger's own weapons.


And the weapons themselves are not overpowered, its the absurd scaling of damage mods that make them overpowered.


so a soma, ogris or penta etc with no mods is on par with a latron, etc with no mods?


no we have a huge gap in many weapons and those high powered weapons dont need any buffs to their damage at all, if you want a gun related frame it should not provide dmg buffs but utility, ammo efficiency or the likes.


a frame buffing weapon damage in any way just sounds like someone who plays run and gun over melee or even power/ability use and wants to power-creep their fave style of play, and most likely their fave weapon(s).

Edited by Methanoid
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so a soma, ogris or penta etc with no mods is on par with a latron, etc with no mods?


no we have a huge gap in many weapons and those high powered weapons dont need any buffs to their damage at all, if you want a gun related frame it should not provide dmg buffs but utility, ammo efficiency or the likes.


a frame buffing weapon damage in any way just sounds like someone who plays run and gun over melee or even power/ability use and wants to power-creep their fave style of play, and most likely their fave weapon(s).

Who said that the damage buffs would be that big? I would think that at any level the buff wouldn't be too big, you wouldn't start one-shotting Lephantis with a gun boosted by the ability, at most it'd take a few less bullets/lasers.


And why would a frame who can boost his/her guns be so bad when we have frames like Nova who can make entire rooms explode, or frames like Trinity and Rhino and Valkyr who have what amounts to invulnerability? 


At least with his/her ability the gunslinger frame is still liable to be killed by enemies, and his/her ability wouldn't immediately kill entire rooms or grant them invulnerability to do what they please. They'd still have to be cautious, and if they can't aim worth crap the ability is wasted on them.

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doesnt change the fact that any ability that makes guns better in any way shape or form is pure overkill and a bad idea.

Did you watch that video? What did you see? A bunch of attacks or a bunch of buffs? Did I mention his own guns used for skills only?


And then there's Desperado(Hysteria with immortality) mode being his ultimate making him use his twin pistols/gunblades and perhaps a special melee like animation which would allow him to shoot in different directions at lightspeed possibly shooting in two directions with twin pistols and perhaps he can toss his gunblades forward and they would come back.


melee mode with gunblades, and melee animation when not in melee mode and that's the main draw to Gunslinger. Mostly attack with some utility.

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Who said that the damage buffs would be that big? I would think that at any level the buff wouldn't be too big, you wouldn't start one-shotting Lephantis with a gun boosted by the ability, at most it'd take a few less bullets/lasers.


And why would a frame who can boost his/her guns be so bad when we have frames like Nova who can make entire rooms explode, or frames like Trinity and Rhino and Valkyr who have what amounts to invulnerability? 


At least with his/her ability the gunslinger frame is still liable to be killed by enemies, and his/her ability wouldn't immediately kill entire rooms or grant them invulnerability to do what they please. They'd still have to be cautious, and if they can't aim worth crap the ability is wasted on them.


nova doesnt "make" whole rooms explode, she primes them for explosions, your weapon still has to kill them to make them go boom.

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Did you watch that video? What did you see? A bunch of attacks or a bunch of buffs? Did I mention his own guns used for skills only?


And then there's Desperado(Hysteria with immortality) mode being his ultimate making him use his twin pistols/gunblades and perhaps a special melee like animation which would allow him to shoot in different directions at lightspeed possibly shooting in two directions with twin pistols and perhaps he can toss his gunblades forward and they would come back.


melee mode with gunblades, and melee animation when not in melee mode and that's the main draw to Gunslinger. Mostly attack with some utility.


you've been watching too much equilibrium and final fantasy, that sounds like a lot of unoriginal work for little real benefit, ANY buff to weapon damage of any kind is simply overkill, even if it does look flashy.


your "cool" gun-kata wannabe move sounds just like ash's and valkyr's ultimate, visually annoying.

Edited by Methanoid
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you've been watching too much equilibrium and final fantasy, that sounds like a lot of unoriginal work for little real benefit, ANY buff to weapon damage of any kind is simply overkill, even if it does look flashy.


your "cool" gun-kata wannabe move sounds just like ash's and valkyr's ultimate, visually annoying.

You have no imagination, all you think of is buffs. You should look to other games for inspiration or else you'd come up with boring stuff. Powerful gun related powers that are not buffs are a good thing.


And a power that similar to Hysteria, but give you either twin chain blades or twin gunblades to use along with special pistols isn't really a bad thing.

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You have no imagination, all you think of is buffs. You should look to other games for inspiration or else you'd come up with boring stuff. Powerful gun related powers that are not buffs are a good thing.


And a power that similar to Hysteria, but give you either twin chain blades or twin gunblades to use along with special pistols isn't really a bad thing.


someone has to program/animate that imagination of yours, and it leaves itsself up to being overcomplicated, trying to animate a model so its arms freely "lock-on/move" to targets to do some gun-kata ripoff while not looking like a $&*&*#(%& crash test dummy flailing its arms around aint easy, plus the mechanics behind it basically screams autoaim/autofire/easymode.


the gun things already covered by basics, we dont need any help with the basic stuff.

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