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New Corrupt Mod - Transient Fortitude


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FYI - it gives 55% power stre with a 27% reduction to duration. Aaaand its a rare rank 10 mod which takes 16 points from ur build... U might be thinking - Well, this will still be good with my roar build - almost 150% bonus dmg to whole team with all power stre mods... WRONG! U cannot equip this and Blind Rage!

Which leads to the question - who is this mod useful for besides Saryn? :S I dunno, Doesn't seem very useful to me, and the fact that it's a rank 10 mod is kinda strange to me with such a small benefit...


EDIT: So, Rebecca has posted in the thread:

DERebecca, on 30 Oct 2014 - 4:18 PM, said:

Merged similar discussions, awaiting confirmation of intent from design.


Design confirmation at this time: They will be fixed to be equipped simultaneously.

Tested, and the 2 mods are now compatible. Very pleased with that. I personally think it was a design choice in the first place NOT to make the 2 mods compatible, so I wonder why they changed their mind. But pleased that DE listened, thx a bunch.

Edited by Koed
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I'd rather sacrifice duration as oppose to energy efficiency. Plus this is probably much more useful for raw damage skills like Shock, Fireball, etc. that don't rely on duration, so I wouldn't say it's worthless to any frame besides Saryn.

Not even worthless to Saryn, on Miasma builds it will make it do more damage and lowering duration splits it into fewer ticks. Double buff for Miasma, thats assuming you use her as a nuke though.


Nvm, misread post.


I do wonder what will work out better for saryn however, I think blind rage might still be better since venom ideally needs duration. So perhaps only purely nuke focused saryn benefits from it, a more generalised saryn wont benefit as much and is probably better off with blind rage of the two.

Edited by Jag272
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Rhino/Prime w/ Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp could use it since duration doesn't matter.  Saryn loves negative duration mods for Miasma.  Any damage based frame where duration doesn't matter but efficiency does really.  What's funny is that this mod is everything wrong with having all 4 abilities as it makes so many useless.  I mean this and Fleeting make skills that rely upon duration pointless.


Sad to hear that it cannot be used with Blind Rage though.  I don't really see the point of that restriction since with Intensify and maxed Blind Rage (129%), what's another 55% power strength going to really matter?  Particularly since these three mods would cost over 40 mod points to equip.  Yeah, I'd hate for veteran players to have somewhere meaningful to spend their unused mod points.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Rhino/Prime w/ Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp could use it since duration doesn't matter.  


Sad to hear that it cannot be used with Blind Rage though.  I don't really see the point of that restriction since with Intensify and maxed Blind Rage (129%), what's another 55% power strength going to really matter?  Particularly since these three mods would cost over 40 mod points to equip.  Yeah, I'd hate for veteran players to have somewhere meaningful to spend their unused mod points.


Well, if u play rhino in high tier, u will need the 130% power stre for roar, so I'd say its useless for Rhino! 

I dunno - I can see the reason behind not mixxing with Blind Rage, but at the same time, I just dont see the point of the mod, if it does not stack.  When I first heard about it, I was like: "F***, Rhino just got a hell of a lot stronger!" But now, it's just so MEH - mayb if it was a rank6 mod, people might experiment with it and use it, but rank 10 with such a small benefit? This mod is useless....

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Seems like a decent addition, i will use this mod + narrow minded with Valkyr to boost warcry and hysteria without hurting my power efficiency, is a gread addition for those who dont want to max blind rage or sacrifice power efficiency, more options are always welcome but they should lower the points comsuption imo.

Edited by Rhaenxys
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WRONG! U cannot equip this and Blind Rage!


Wait, why not? Does the game prevent you from equipping both mods at the same time, or do the Power Strength boosts from the mods overwrite each other or something?

If it's the latter case, then it might just be a bug.

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Yeah that makes no sense for me either. Why even make mods that you can not mix and use as you want?


>Removes 2 slots from Warframes and forces us all to use all of the Warframe's abilities

>New mods can't be used together


Boy, this update makes me feel like I'm being forced a play-style...

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I don't get why it can't be used with blind rage, not at all.


True. Power Strenght is not a problem. The most times it affects damage abilities, and they really need this kind of buff. 


About the mod itself, it's better then Blind Range because it doesn't affect Efficiency at all. Personally, on Warframe like Frost that use Power Strenght mods both for Avalance both for Snow Globe, it worths. 

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