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Azamagon's Warframe Ability Balancing


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WARNING: This post is immensely big!

The main purpose of this thread is to take EVERY warframe and look at how their abilities can be rebalanced! With these suggestions i will try and make sure that all abilities will have a use, on all levels of difficulty. Here are some general concepts that i have tried to follow for ALL abilities:

* I have tried to make sure that all abilities are affected by Stretch, Continuity and Focus! (Some are not 100% complete in that regard though, yet). Note: Whatever Continuity boosts, so does Constitution of course.
* I've made a big effort into trying to make all the skills of a Warframe synergize with one another! (Also between different Warframes!)
* Almost all damaging abilities should have some form of utility, however small it might be. Why? Well, if one ability of a warframe is ONLY for damaging purposes, then it might scale too badly to not keep up with your regular weapons, making the ability sort of obsolete at that point.
* All skills that deal damage should IGNORE ARMOR (but ofc consider elemental resistances). This would make all of them scale better, damage-wise.
* Pretty much all abilities should be RENEWABLE in the midst of their durations! No more annoying "POWER IN USE" messages!
* I also think that no Warframe should feel severely underpowered against a certain faction (Such as Volt feeling very weak against Infested. Being weakER is ok, but not feeling nearly useless), and i hope that the improvements will cover this as much as possible too.
* Another thing is that when you upgrade an ability from rank 0 to rank 1, it most of the time does NOTHING to the ability (except increase its mod cost)... That clearly needs a change! I won't suggest so many numbers in this thread, but i still want that pointed out :)
* I think that ultimates should scale in damage with each rank (well, i think so for all abilities, but this point is in particular for Ultimates). Say something like this (from rank 0 to 3): 700, 800, 900, 1000 damage. Just increasing in range, while still a great upgrade for general mook-disposal, can make them feel a little pointless to upgrade when considering useage against singular heavy units and bossses.

Now, that said, let's dig in!

--- ASH---

I think Ash's skillset is nice in general but there is some severe lack of synergy between the skills. At the very least I've tried to make them neutral in synergy. I'm not 100% satisfied with the ideas yet, so Ash will be updated more in the future if i can think of something new.

- Whiplash Shuriken - (Placeholder name)
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
* Now works as a merge of the different versions of shuriken: You throw ONE straight-flying shuriken again, which has 100% accuracy and can hit an unlimited amounts of targets along its path, but it stops if it hits anything in the environment. Alternatively (to make it different), the shuriken could have a few metres of puncture, meaning it could also be used a bit through walls etc! (Puncture values could be like 1/2/3/4 metres or something like that!)

* In addition, the shuriken is covered in ashes, which can lash out with razorsharp accuracy against enemies getting close to the shuriken (Like within a couple meters or so), which deals heavy damage. These ashes can only lash out against max 2/3/4/5 different targets or so. Thus, it still has SOME homing properties to it.

* Damage-values could be something like 125/250/375/500 serrated blade damage for the "lashing", while the shuriken itself deals 60/125/180/250 serrated blade damage (but the shuriken can headshot, dealing 2x damage, while the lashing can not headshot)
* Still silent to use.
* Still staggers (if it doesn't kill) (both the lashing and the shuriken itself)
And this is how it is affected by the mods:
Focus - Increased damage (both the whiplash and the shuriken itself of course) (Same as before)
Stretch - Wider whiplash targetting radius and increased shuriken puncture-values (New!)
Continuity - Increased amount of whiplashes (New!) (Note; Fractions will be made into an extra whiplashing doing less damage, relative to the fraction amount)

- Smoke Screen -

On top of what it already does:
* The melee damagebooster of this ability now counts as a simple boost-mechanic, rather than one based on stealth-mechanics. (This is for the sake of the Focus mod). This booster is now a plain 50% meleebonus, both for regular and charged attacks (not 50% for regular and 100% for charged). Read in my other thread "Melee Tweaks" on why i suggest this (In short, it can allow melee weaponry and their mods to scale better, without overpowering stealth mechanics)
* The Smoke Screen now also lingers a longer time and hinders the line of sight for enemies. This makes them either shoot blindly through the smokes, or makes them run closer (and through) the smoke to be able to see you and/or your allies etc. While in the cloud, their vision is reduced to a range of about half a meter. This gives it more group utility and some usefulness in modes such as defense etc. It also will make enemies more prone to clump together more, potentially giving your Shuriken and Bladestorm abilities more targets to hit!
* In addition, when in this invisibility you should be able to do stealth-attacks, even after you have been detected (And as suggested in my other thread (It's called Melee Tweaks) stealth-attacks should be done with your action-button (X-button is standard) rather than with your melee button, which gives you more control over what attacks you wanna do)
* Also, like mentioned in the top of the post, this ability (like all abilities with durations) is renewable whenever you want. No more "power in use" messages!
Focus - Increased melee damagebooster (New!)
Stretch - Increased AoE for the stun-effect and line-of-sight obstructing smoke (New for the smoke!)
Continuity - Increased invisibility and line-of-sight obstructing smoke-duration  (New for the smoke!)

- Teleport -
* Instead of only allowing you to teleport towards a target, you now teleport in the target direction (at where you point, with a certain maximum range limit), This means you can still teleport towards a target if you want, if you aim at it, but you can also teleport anywhere you want! If you aim at nothing in particular, you will simply teleport in that direction, with a maximum distance the ability allows. (Max range could be like, 20/25/30/35 metres)

* When you cast teleport, at both the starting position and your landing position, the teleportation has a "warping" AoE-effect on nearby enemies, which slows them down for a little while (Example numbers: Slows them down 30/40/50/60% for 3/4/5/6 seconds within 4 a metre radius or so.)
* The ability is now also entirely silent. Even if enemies are hit by the "warping", that will not cause aggro or anything.
Focus - Increases the warping slowdown-amount (New!)
Stretch - Increased teleportation distance and warping aoe-radius (New for warping aoe!)
Continuity - Increased warping slowdown-duration (New!)

- Blade Storm -
If it is to be kept in its current shape, some improvements are needed. I have a few ideas and versions on how it could be improved:


Version 1

Pretty much the same as now, but with a few tweaks:
* Each attack needs to be sped up a liiiittle bit more (just a tiny bit faster)
* It needs to be able to jump over different tilesets

* Each enemy will be knocked down after they have been attacked by a Bladestorm-assault (giving it some CC)
* It should attack new targets getting into its radius, until all attacks are made or no more new enemies can be found.
* If you press 4 again in the middle of the effects, your current attack will still be performed, but no more attacks after that will be performed (meaning, you can cancel it). A minimum of 2 attacks will always be performed (to prevent accidental cancelling if you are spamming the button or something).

Focus - Increases the damage done (Same as now)
Stretch - Increases jumping distances (Same as now)
Continuity - Increases amount of targets that can be hit (New!) (Note; Fractions will be made into an extra attack doing less damage, relative to the fraction amount)

Version 2:

A more "stationary" and MUCH faster version:
When activated you perform some hyperfast melee swing at your current spot, turn invincible, and a very brief-lasting sphere surrounds you (think like max 0,5 second of duration or so). In this sphere you will see a blurry Ash-shadow appear on each enemy in the sphere, which will attack each enemy with the animations that exist now, but animated WAY faster. Whatever enemy target that is within or enters this sphere (while it still lasts its short duration) gets targetted by one of these Ash-shadows (but with a target limit still i guess?). All enemies inside (even if they are not targgetted for an attack) also come to a complete stop (like if in a stasis). When the sphere then subsides, this stasis-effect lasts for up to max 1 second further, and then the stun wears off for all targets at the same time and all attacked enemies suffer their heavy damage and if they die, they die in very gory dismembery ways). If they don't die, they are knocked down (giving it minor CC)

Note: All these blurry "shadows" is still the REAL Ash, just that he is moving INSANELY fast within this sphere.
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increases sphere AoE radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased sphere duration and increases amount of targets attackable (New!) (Note; Fractions will be made into an extra attack doing less damage, relative to the fraction amount)

--- LOKI ---

Loki has a nice skillset, in particular Decoy and Invsibility. Switch Teleport and Radial Disarm are nice too, but they are missing SOMETHING, so some new things have been added to them. I have tried to make it fitting to Loki too, in the form of indirect damage. Otherwise, i think Loki has one of the more synergistic skillsets of all Warframes in the game!

- Decoy -
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
* The Decoy should be "shoot-throughable" by allies, so it doesn't block ally gunfire.
* The Decoy should be more durable, preferably invulnerable. (Although, if invulnerable, the duration needs to be reduced quite a lot)
* The Decoy has some kind of minor return-damage towards enemies that melee it (to go with the "indirect damage" theme Loki has). So if they attack the Decoy with a melee attack, they suffer a bit of their own damage done back to themselves! The percentage increases with higher Decoy ranks. (Note: If an enemy kills itself through the return-damage, you should still gain affinity for it!)
* The Decoy should use your equipped weapons, not just the Lato (low priority change though)
* In addition, Loki should be able to see his own Decoy through walls. A possible addition to that would be that you could be able to Switch Teleport with it through walls! That would be very useful imo.
Focus - Increased return-damage percentage (New!)
Stretch - Increased Decoy taunting-radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased Decoy duration (Same as now)

- Invisibility -
* For the sake of consistancy with Smoke Screen: The melee damagebooster of this ability now counts as a simple boost-mechanic, rather than one based on stealth-mechanics. (This is for the sake of the Focus mod). This booster is now a plain 50% meleebonus, both for regular and charged attacks (not 50% for regular and 100% for charged). Read in my other thread "Melee Tweaks" on why i suggest this (In short, it can allow melee weaponry and their mods to scale better, without overpowering stealth mechanics)
* In addition, when in this invisibility you should be able to do stealth-attacks, even after you have been detected (And as suggested in my other thread (It's called Melee Tweaks) stealth-attacks should be done with your action-button (X-button is standard) rather than with your melee button, which gives you more control over how to perform it)
* It should also cloak your sentinel!
* Also, like mentioned in the top of the post, this ability (like all abilities with durations) is renewable whenever you want. No more "power in use" messages!
Focus - Increased melee damagebooster (New!)
Stretch - ???? (Dunno yet)
Continuity - Increased invisibility duration (Same as now)

- Switch Teleport -
* Can switch with your Decoy through walls (Maybe even so that if you hold the Switch Teleport-button down, you automatically swap with your Decoy, if you have one out, regardless of where you are aiming?)
* Loki, regardless of which target you swap with, gets a reduction in damage taken (by up to 50%, for up to 5 seconds?). This is far more important now when the Invisibility doesn't make you pseudo-invincible anymore.
* If your target is an ally, it gets the same reduction in damage taken as Loki does
* If your target is an enemy, it suffers MORE damage taken (up to 100% more?) and will also get an illusion on it, making enemies think it is Loki (and will thus attack it). (Note: If an enemy kills another enemy, you should still gain affinity for it!)

* Both these effects (the positive for you/allies and negative for enemies) last for 5 seconds or so.

* Switching with an enemy could maybe also stun it for 2 seconds?
* These above mentioned buffs/debuffs that you and the target receive could be visualized by having clear "runic marks" placed on your bodies perhaps? The ally buff (the damage-reduction) could also make you look a bit more transparent (goes with the trickster/invisibility theme of Loki)
* Explosive barrels should be swappable perhaps (will get the same aggro on it as if it was an enemy)?
This is REALLY what Loki is about after all, no? Confusion in the battlefield! It is great in big fights (enemies will attack the swapped enemy target and possibly kill their own friend) and great for heavy units/bosses too (stun and damage-weakness). Having a percentage-based effect also makes it scale well into lategame.
Note: The enemies that participate in this fighting will not be alert of you (nor will they run for larms) when the confusion wears off if this is cast while still undetected. They will simply be going back to their normal patrolling and such :D
The friendly effect is useful for yourself (Loki is fragile) and if you target a friend, which can make good tanking-synergies (with Rhino for example) and also makes Loki switch-trolling a bit less dangerous for the trolled target!
Focus - Increased enemy damage-weakness and Loki/ally damage-reduction (New!)
Stretch - Increased castrange and enemy aggro-radius (New for radius!)
Continuity - Increases all effect durations (New!)

- Radial Disarm - (Rename to Runic Disarm perhaps?)
This is the only ability of Loki's which i felt was kinda lackluster at lower levels. Sure, making all enemies having to go into melee combat has its uses, but, something is missing to make it useful on enemies of all levels and of any faction. So here are a bunch of things that could get added to it:
* Enemies affected that are disarmable, gets PERMANENTLY disarmed, just like now

* Enemies affected also get briefly stunned (3 secs on first disarm, only 2 secs if they get "disarmed" again).
* Enemies affected, regardless if disarmable or not, also gets a TEMPORARY (say, 20 seconds or so) effect: When they deal damage, they suffer a high amount (200% or maybe even more?) of their own damage dealt back to themselves! (Note: If an enemy kills itself, you should still gain affinity for it!) Add a Decoy or a Switch Teleport (or something like Nyx's Chaos etc!) and you got yourself a potential mayhem! This gives it a lot more useage too where it currently is useless:
a) It makes it useful against Infested units!
b) It makes it useful even against non-disarmable units such as bosses!
c) It gives you a reason to use it more than once (since the returndamage is only temporary), even on already disarmed enemies! (And yes, this effect is refreshable/recastable on them no matter when you cast it on them again, which is how I think ALL abilities should function like)

* Also, instead of just simply disarming ranged Corpus/Grineer enemies by removing their weapons, making their weapons explode (Grineer) or electrocute them (Corpus) instead (with some damage) sounds cool and makes sense (also makes the initial stun-effect make more sense). It might deal some damage yes, but very indirectly, thus still fitting with Loki's theme. The damage done should be based on the unit's own damage dealt too (not a set amount, but a percentage of their own damage they could've dealt before getting disarmed), since you are exploding their own ranged weapon and its ammunition. But this percentage could scale higher with Disarm-ranks (and Focus too). Personally, I'd set this percentage kinda high (Like 100/200/300/400% of their own ranged damage-potential)

* Infested could still suffer the 200/300/400/500 damage from the disarming effect (not just Chargers though, but ALL Infested units) and they could be literally disARMed, graphically losing a limb or two (which could reduce their attackspeed, and/or reduce their movement speed a bit). This disarming should also knock them down (Ancients could get stunned instead of knocked down though). Also, this damage-effect should only be able to take place once per target (since you can only disARM them once).

* Just like Grineer and Corpus lose their special abilities (Shockwave attacks, Osprey abilities and flight capabilities etc), the Ancients should also lose their special abilities and ranged tentacle-attacks! Disruption, healing, poisoning, all gone! (Toxics could still possibly leave poison after death, but they won't spread poison while walking around. Still makes them safer to engage in close combat at least.)

* Now some graphical changes that could be needed for this skill to become more interesting (Saw this posted by another guy, credit to him! Forgot to note the name, sorry!)

 - Grineer weaponry should explode upon disarming and they should pull out Grineer melee weapons, such as Machetes/Cleavers etc. Makes more sense than a stunbaton (And Grineer Flameblades btw, why aren't they equipped with something like a Heat Sword instead?)

 - Corpus weaponry electrocutes them upon disarming, and they still pull out their stunbatons.

 - MOA guns will malfunction and they could get knocked down rather than stunned. Then they resort to kicking you, like now. But instead of the silly baton on their heads, their guns could instead have sparks/electricity around it, indicating the MOA being disarmed.

* Low priority idea: This ability could be an aoe-ability that is castable at where you are aiming, rather than just an aoe-ability cast at your feet. Could be visualized by a mystical rune with a circle around it (to show the radius) at the place you aim. This rune lasts for about 5 seconds or so and the effect area size is as big in radius as the current disarm effect is. Meaning, you have a ranged aoe-disarm instead!
Focus - Increased return-damage (and if at all, the damage done of the disarming explosion/electrocution/limbrip?) (New!)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as before)
Continuity - Longer rune-duration (the one placed on the ground) and damage-return-effect-duration (New!)

After-note for Loki:
* The return-damage a target suffers (from Decoy and/or Radial Disarm (or any other further suggested return-damage-skill)) is not based on what actual damage they DO, but on what damage they SHOULD be doing to whatever target it attacks, calculated as if the target had no armor/resistance on it. So, if you have damage resistances/high armor or even an invulnerability effect, or anything that reduces your damage taken, that does NOT reduce the return-damage the target suffers if it attacks you (This is to avoid dissynergy with tanking skills/mods ^^).


I actually feel that ALL Excalibur abilities needs some oomph to them (Slash Dash being the exception). I've added some stuff to them that makes them stand out more and more in line with the Excalibur theme (In particular for Radial Blind and Super Jump), but i still feel they lack a bit of synergy. I think they seem better than before though.

- Slash Dash -
Remains pretty much the same. This is more or less how a GOOD ability looks like. It has great damage as well as utility in form of great mobility.
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Wider slash area (New!)
Continuity - Longer dashing distance (Same as now)

Radial Blind replacement:
- Weapon of Light -
* Has the same effect as Radial Blind (raises the sword and blinds all nearby enemies) but also infuses your weapon with "light/holy" energy (Goes with his Knightly/Excalibur and melee theme).
* This infusion causes you to project forwardmoving, very fastmoving energy beams every time you attack in melee. The look of the beams depends on how your melee attacks look like. So a big slash with a sword sends out a wide "energyslash" in front of you, while the punches from a gauntlet send little "energyballs" in front of you.
* This energy connects with the first target it hits (One target limit, or a max limit of 3 or so? Base the limit on rank?)
* Damage is based on your melee attack (a percentage of it).
* Damage type is the same as the weapon used, or a set type?
* The distance these energy beams/slashes/balls travel are limitted, but they should travel quite far.
* The duration for this infusion is longer than the blind (15 seconds max?)
(NOTE: Merged Radial Blind with Weapon of Light as suggested by: VKhaun! Great suggestion!)
Focus - Increased energy-damage (New!)
Stretch - Increased blinding effect's AoE radius and energy-projectiles' travellingdistance (New for energy travel)
Continuity - Increases blind duration and energy-imbuement duration (New!)

- Slash Jump - (Name changed to fit its new effects!)
* When you perform the jump, a little (very slightly) damaging AoE-energy-blast is made which staggers the affected enemies, and you perform a melee upwards attack right in front of you as you leap upwards, dealing some decent damage to the target that might be in front of you (quite high slashtype damage, NOT based on your melee weapon, just like Slash Dash).
* The AoE-energy-blast causes the enemies to be staggered, while the potentially "uppercutted" enemy is knocked UP along with you, although not nearly as far up as you are. I think that would look VERY cool and would be that little thing that Super Jump needs to make it just that slight bit more awesome, and more offensively useful as well!
* Maybe have an extra energy-blast also when you LAND? (And change the "Heavy Impact" mod to something else?)
* Maybe you should be able to use Slash Jump while in the air! Although, with the restriction of just one use in the air until you land again (more useages in the air increased with rank? Max 2 uses in the air?)
* Maybe this would require the skill to have an increased cost though? 10 seems a bit low for that (Somewhere between 15 and 25 energy?), although if it the AoE-damage is kept very low, i guess its cost can remain that low...
Focus - Increased damage (both the uppercut and the AoE-effect) (New!)
Stretch - Increased AoE-effect's radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased jump height (New!)

- Radial Javelin -
This ability could use some boosting, but don't know what to choose yet. Some simple ideas for upgrades could be:

* Visually, you could impale the ground with some kind of energy-projected blade (the same that SHOULD be used graphically for Slash Dash and Slash Jump imo. This energy is what you infuse your REAL melee weapon with when you cast Weapon of Light)
* The javelins could penetrate through their struck targets (meaning, it can hit more targets than there are javelins) and knock down each target hit by a javelin
* All enemies hit by the Javelins are impaled and pushed back a long distance with tremendous force. If they collide with another enemy target, that collision-target will be dealt damage (As much as the impaled target?) and knocked down, while the impaled target will continue on in its flying path. If the impaled target hits any environmental obstruction (such as a wall) during their pushback it is pinned to that obstruction for a short duration. After the pinning effect disappears, they will fall down and be in a knocked down status. If they are not pinned to any surface before the end of their flight-time, they will only be knocked down at the end of the pushback-distance
Note: Being pinned means they are stunned for the duration and can't do anything.
Focus - Increased javelin damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased javelin travel distance and pushback distance (New?)
Continuity - Increased disabling durations (Pinned down/ragdolled/knocked down) (New)

--- RHINO ---

Rhino, the ever-changing one. His current skillset is nice and probably one of the few Warframes currently where ALL abilities are useful. But i still feel some things need to be changed, mainly the much debatted Iron Skin. I hope my changes are ok...

- Rhino Charge -
I think this ability is actually quite good as it is! I don't understand why people think it is so weak, it has more or less the same damage as Slash Dash, but has the added effect of knocking all targets down that don't die. It's fine, damage-wise! What i would like it to do though:
* You get an "energy cloak" around you when you charge, which has one particular graphical addition to it: From your head there should be a large energy horn! And, with that said, I'd like it if you hit an enemy HEAD ON with this ability, that target will be gored by said horn, and pushed along the whole charging process, which should take heavier damage than other targets (like those on the sides)!
* Enemies that are hit by your sideswipes should not only be knocked down, they should maybe also be pushed some distance in your travelling direction (although, just a little bit, not dragged along all the way as the possibly gored target is)
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Wider dash area (New!)
Continuity - Longer dashing distance (Same as now)

- Ironskin -
Uy, the controversy on this one haha! :D I have three different versions for this ability. I like all of them actually, so I can't choose!

Version 1
1) First, when activated, you are invulnerable for a short duration (Like 5 seconds). This is added so it has more use on higher levels of gameplay. This could be visualized by some kind of shiny effect around Rhino (so you see when you are invulnerable or not)
2) Second, you also get the current absorbation shielding and antidebuff effect (up to 1200 extra "shields", which doesn't have a duration, only durability, as well as immunity to enemy crowd control effects etc)
3) Possibly, maybe not keep the taunting effect anymore. This could be given to his Roar ability instead! (Just a thought, far from a necessity)


Version 2
1) First, you get the current absorbation shielding and antidebuff effect (up to 1200 extra "shields", which doesn't have a duration, only durability, as well as immunity to enemy crowd control effects etc)

2) Secondly, when activated, you also get a 60/70/80/90% damage-reduction for a short duration (Like 3 seconds). Then every second after that, you lose 10% of the damage-reduction. Continuity (and Constitution ofc) extends all these durations, so the damage-reductions take longer before they dissipate (Both the initial strongest reduction, and each reduced section after that). This could be visualized by some kind of glow around Rhino, which fades in opacity as the reduction becomes weaker.
3) Possibly, maybe not keep the taunting effect anymore. This could be given to his Roar ability instead! (Just a thought, far from a necessity)

Version 3
1) First, it no longer has an unlimited timer. It has a base duration of up to 15 seconds or so
2) During this version of Iron Skin you have a 75/80/85/90% damage reduction (you already have different durations for the ranks, no need for highly different reductions on top of that).
2) This reduction reduces damage taken both on shields and on health
3) Rhino is immune to any negative special effects during the effect (No Disruptions, Knockdown, Stagger etc should affect him!).
4) It could possibly still provoke enemies into attacking you, just like now, or it could be added to the Roar ability instead as mentioned in version 1 and 2.
5) Lastly, upon activation you also get some help with your shields: You have a shield-repair effect which repairs your shields by a set amount (Like, 10/20/30/40 shields, depending on rank) each 3 seconds. This shieldrepair is in effect, even if you are taking damage! (Alternatively, your normal shield-regeneration could work during Iron skin even if you are taking damage, but I don't like that idea so much, as that makes you rely on Fast Deflection / Fortitude too much).

Regardless of versions: Like mentioned in the top of the post, this ability (like all abilities with durations) is renewable whenever you want. No more "power in use" messages!
Focus - Increases the absorbtion (v1 and v2) or shieldrepair (v3) amounts (New for v3!)
Reach - Increases the aggro radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased invulnerability duration (v1), damage-reduction-durations (v2) or total skill duration (v3) (New!)

- Roar -

Note: This is far from a necessary change, more like food for thought in how to make it more "realistic". Meh.
While i like this ability, i just don't know how some of its FUNCTIONALITIES fit:
Increasing melee damage? Makes sense.
Increasing ability damage? Fits too.
But that it increases the damage from your RANGED WEAPONS? Ehmm, i dunno, that doesn't seem to make all too much sense to me. So, if i were to be able to decide how to change this ability i would do this:
* Reduce energy cost to 50 energy
* Only cause you and your allies to get increased melee and ability damage. No more boost to ranged damage, sorry!
* All enemies within a huge radius are staggered upon cast.
* Possibly remove the "taunting" mechanism from Iron Skin and add that to Roar instead.
Also, like mentioned in the top of the post, this ability (like all abilities with durations) is renewable whenever you want. No more "power in use" messages!

Alternate ability idea instead of Roar:
- Gravity Punch -
A simple tank-oriented ability that is pretty much a different version of Radial Blast
* When activated, you briefly raise your fist into the air, which amasses a gravity well in your fist (cool shiny graphics :D), then punches the ground (to keep the old Radial Blast animation) which causes all enemies within quite a huge radius to be sucked in towards Rhino's punching position
* All affected enemies are also damaged (decently heavy damage, but less than Rhino Charge) and knocked down to the ground.
* The base cost of the ability could be something like 35 energy or so!
I think this ability fits with his time/space/heavy weight/gravity theme so why not expand on that? It also fits more with Rhino if there was a quite drastic range-nerf on Rhino Stomp (Look at this synergy: Iron Skin to get tanky, Rhino Charge quickly into a good position, Gravity Punch to bring all targets in, Rhino Stomp to massively damage and cc them!)
Focus - Increased damage (New!)
Stretch - Increased effect radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased knockdown duration (New!)

- Rhino Stomp -
I think this ability is more than powerful enough as it is right now, even a bit too strong I'd say. Maybe slightly reducing its range would be in order i think.
Also, like mentioned in the top of the post, this ability (like all abilities with durations) is renewable whenever you want. No more "power in use" messages!
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased enemy lift-up duration (Same as now)

--- TRINITY ---

This warframe needs quite a lot of work. In some cases Trinity sucks (groups of enemies), and in some she is overpowered (Boss fights). That's too narrow and too strong/weak at the same time. So these abilities will have quite a lot of changes to them. Trinity will still be good during bossfights (just not so insanely) but will now also be better in fighting groups of enemies. Brace yourselves for big changes! Regardless of changes, something in general has to happen to Trinity though: The casttimes of her abilities need to be MUUUUCH quicker!

- Well of Life -
Frankly, the old Well of Life really sucked. And the current one is just weird, i mean, it INCREASES the health of your target (yes, i know, temporarily) It's just so counter-intuitive. I'd make it far more HEALING-oriented:

* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?

* Wherever you aim, you place an (almost literal) Well of Life, which radiates with healing energy. It is placed similarly to how you place Loki's Decoy.

* Every 2 seconds or so a healing wave radiates from the well of life, which heals all allies (including Sentinels/Hostages/Cryopods etc) within its radius.
* Whenever you are healed by this ability and you already have full health, it should instead repair your shields.
* Numbers (how much it heals, its healing radius and duration) I'm not entirely sure of, but i bet that can be easily balanceable. * For balance's sake, if you place a second Well of Life before the first one has run out of its duration, the first one is destroyed. (Similar to how Decoy works)

* An additional thought: Wether you are healed or not by Well of Life, the energy that radiates could potentially also reduce allies' damage taken by a low percentage perhaps? (Like 10%? Increased by Focus?)
Focus - Increases healing amount (New!)
Stretch - Increases healing radius (New!)
Continuity - Increases well duration (New!)

Energy Vampire replacement:
- Barrier -
Face it, Energy Vampire has waaaay too much overpower-potential and can make bosses far too easy (Current one is just ridiculously strong) Energy Vampire simply needs to be scrapped. (I do have a suggestion (bottom of the post) on how abiliites can be changed a little in how they use their energy etc, which slightly alleviates the loss of Energy Vampire for ALL Warframes.)
So, Barrier is its replacement:
* When Barrier is cast, energy expands/explodes out from Trinity. If an ally gets hit by this sphere, the ally will have the Barrier effect on them (Trinity being in the centre of the cast will always get hit by this effect herself of course).
* It affects Sentinels, Cryopods and Rescued hostages too!
* This Barrier gives you a timelimitted secondary shield which has two effects:
1) It makes you immune to all negative effects such as disruption, knockbacks etc
2) It gives you a set amount of second layer shields that can only absorb a set amount of damage. So think of this skill as weaker AoE-version of Rhino's Iron Skin. However, something that differentiates it from Rhino's Iron Skin and which is also a nice indicator that your Barrier is destroyed/has run out of time, is that it causes a small-radius explosion upon desctruction/expiration. This explosion deals no damage, but it staggers all nearby enemies!
* Also, if an ally gets hit by a second Barrier, the Barrier effect will be refreshed in its absorbation values and duration!
* This should be castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
Focus - Increased barrier shielding-amount (New!)
Reach - Increased cast radius and endeffect's stagger-explosion radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased barrier duration (New!)
Note: I'm not 100% happy with this skill, and I'm thinking of something new to replace it, but i think it's ok for now i guess...

- Link -
Link is ALSO way too strong for Trinity. Trinity should be a healer/supporter, even a possible reserve tank, but not an invulnerability-tank. With the above Barrier and Well of Life abilities Trinity can still tank, just not so effortlessly. Also, Trinity has no real way other than Link to help damage enemy targets. Thus this ability is changed from being a single target damage/tank ability, into a multitarget damage-assister (which will still be useful on bosses btw, just not as overpowered). The tanking part of Link is gone (and sort of moved to the above Barrier ability).


So, i have made Link a flexible ability (giving it both offensive and a defensive effect)


Offensive one:
* When Link is cast on an enemy target, the target unit and a maximum amount of nearby enemies around it become "linked" (Max 5 enemies total). This staggers all affected enemy units, but it also has 2 more effects on them:
1) Whenever a linked target DEALS damage, it suffers 100% of its dealt damage back onto itself (Will be referred to as reflect-damage)
2) Whenever a linked target RECEIVES damage, a small amount of that damage is also dealt to the other linked targets, (like max 15 or 20% dealt to each target) (Will be referred to as share-damage). If a linked target suffers reflect-damage when it shoots a Tenno etc, this damage will also become share-damage (!).
Link can thus make enemies kill themselves quite fast, but it also allows YOU to kill them faster yourself.
* When you deal damage to a linked target, the share-damage the other target(s) get, counts as YOUR damage done to them.
* The reflect-damage a target suffers is not based on what actual damage they DO, but on what damage they SHOULD be doing to their target, calculated as if the target had no armor/resistance on it. So, if you have damage resistances/high armor or even an invulnerability effect, or anything that reduces your damage taken, that does NOT reduce the reflect-damage the target suffers if it attacks you (This is to avoid dissynergy with tanking skills/mods ^^).


Defensive one:

* When Link is cast on a friendly unit (or cast upon oneself, which is done by holding down the Link-button), you and all nearby allies get a positive Link-effect.

* This positive Link-effect reduces all damage taken by 10/20/30/40% (and maybe also something else, such as increases everyone's movement speed by 5/10/15/20%?)

* Links to Sentinels, Hostages, Cryopods and all other ally units, not only players.


Casting either version:

* Is now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?

* Energy cost should probably be reduced to 50 energy only?
Focus - Increases enemy reflect- and share-damage, as well as friendly damage reduction values (New!)
Stretch - Increased linking range/area of effect (and possibly number of targets linked together?) (New!)
Continuity - Increased link duration (New!)

- Blessing -

* Make it nearly instant to cast

* Make it revive downed targets (Maybe not DEAD targets, but those who have been incapacitated and awaiting friend-revival).
* Instead of healing shields and health to full, maybe instead just heal set amounts instead? (Such as 75/150/225/300 health and shields?). This effect has global range. Why nerf this? To give your other skills more useage (in particular Well of Life)
* I would make the invulnerability-effect have a limitted casting range (the healing effect could have unlimited range though)

Focus - Increased health/shield healed (New!)
Stretch - Increased invulnerability range (New!)
Continuity - Increased invulnerability duration (Same as now)

--- NYX ---

Nyx has a decent skillset that has POTENTIAL to synergize well, if only a few things were fixed or added. So, lots of synergizing stuff has been added!

- Mind Control -
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Should also be castable without interrupting your reload (no real animation for this skill, except some kind of glow from Nyx's head)
* When the target is under control, it should deal more damage (25/50/75/100% more damage, depending on rank).
* The target under your control should also be way more aggressive
* You can now recast Mind Control on an already controlled target to refresh the control-duration. You can also cast Mind Control on a NEW target while you already have another one in control, but doing so make you lose the control of the first one.
* An idea: When your Mind Control wears of from the target, or if you recast Mind Control on your already controlled target or if you cast it on a new target, the previously Mind Controlled target suffers a Mind Blast. The Mind Blast-effect could deal some damage to the target (Like 75/150/225/300 Serrated Blade type of damage THAT ALWAYS HEADSHOTS (if there is a "head"-region that is)).
The idea behind this Mind Blast addition is to prevent you from keeping Mind Control on a single really strong target over and over. The Mind Blast damage is also suggested so that if a target is immune to the Mind Control effect (like Bosses), it would simply do the Mind Blast damage to them instantly instead!
Focus - Increases the damage-boost of the target (and if added, increases the Mind Blast damage) (New!)
Stretch - Increases the range of the cast and the target's aggression radius (New)
Continuity - Increases the control duration (Same as now)

- Psychic Bolts -
This ability needs a lot of buffs:
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). A good candidate of a skill that could also be castable without interrupting your reload!
* Reduced to a cost of 25 energy (or at least 35)
* The bolts should pass through terrain! This is frankly NECESSARY for this skill to not fizzle so much.
* The bolts should also pass through (and not be wasted) on dead bodies
* If a bolt has not found a target upon cast, it constantly keeps searching for targets to attack as it travels along (Stretch helps with this radius too). If a target dies before its locked on bolt has hit it, this very same reaquisition functionality also takes place. In short: HIGHLY improved homing capabilities
* The bolts should always go for HEADSHOTS (if the target has a "head"-region in the first place)
* They could also stun targets they hit, for a brief while (3 seconds or so?) (Could have the blind animation, like with Radial Blind, but the little smokepuff at their heads with the same colour as the bolts themselves).
Focus - Increased bolt damage (Same as before)
Stretch - Increased bolt homing-radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased stun duration (New!)

- Chaos -
* When targets are under the effect of Chaos, they should deal a bit more damage (like, 5/10/15/20% more depending on rank), but only if the attack is towards other enemies (not towards your Tenno allies) or against Nyx herself when she is under the effect of Absorb.
* If an enemy kills another enemy, you should still gain affinity for it!
* Also, like mentioned in the top of the post, this ability (like all abilities with durations) is renewable whenever you want. No more "power in use" messages!

Note: If that would make this skill too powerful, how about this: You can recast Chaos whenever you want to, but doing so removes the Chaos-effect of currently affected targets (but if previous targets are caught in the new Chaos-cast, they will be affected again of course).
Focus - Increased damage-booster (New!)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased chaos duration (Same as now)

- Absorb -
This skill needs a whole list of buffs:
1) Absorb should taunt nearby enemies (Absorb should have the number 1 taunting priority over all other abilities in the game!) 2) The Shade sentinel should be unable to cloak you during the Absorb duration (But should be able to cloak you RIGHT after the explosion occurs, if enemies are still alive to trigger the cloaking effect that is!)
3) Melee damage taken during absorb should also count (bug that it doesn't sometimes?).
4) The explosion should also go through all walls and environmental obstructions etc
5) If there are any targets under the effect of Chaos and/or Mind Control, they should IMMEDIATELY focus on you, no matter what they are doing currently (It still taunts other enemies as well, but it is 100% reliable on MC/Chaos targets). They should also always try to move in closer to Nyx during the absorbation, to make them more likely to get hit by the explosion. That gives Absorb a nice synergy with these abliites due to the suggested damage bonuses these enemies get during their respective effects!
6) You can cast your other skills during Absorb! Mind Control and Chaos work as normal, but Psychic Bolts don't fly out and attack enemies, instead, they get absorbed into your Absorb-shield and add to the explosion-damage! (No limit to how many times you can cast Psychic Bolts?)
7) If you press Absorb again while it is active, you can explode earlier. The Absorb ability must last at least a second or so before you can detonate early though (to prevent accidentally cancelling it too fast)
8) Nyx can still move, although slowly, during the absorbtion! The speed should be about as slow as moving while crouched. If you move over an edge (or cast the ability in the air) you will fall very slowly downwards.
9) The damage absorbed should have a multiplier for the explosion's damage (Similar to Antimatter Drop). For each rank it could be something like a 1,25/1,5/1,75/2x damagemultiplier.
10) Targets hit by the explosion should also be knocked down
Focus - Increases the damagemultiplier (New!)
Stretch - Increased explosion AoE radius (and maybe the taunting area?) (New!)
Continuity - Increased absorbation duration (Same as now)

--- BANSHEE ---

Banshee has a nice skillset, but slightly more synergy has been added, and of course some slight tweaking to the abilities (In particular Silence).

- Sonic Boom -
Maybe make it castable while moving, without stopping your movement? Otherwise a very solid skill that doesn't really need any other change. Except some fixes:

* Should be able to hit targets in the same room that are behind cover (but not hit through walls)

* Damage could be increased a bit perhaps? (From 25/35/40/50 to 25/40/65/80)

* Enemies killed by Sonic Boom should maybe have their heads pop, hehe?

Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased cone size and range (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased knockdown-time (?) (New!)

- Sonar -
Great skill, but with some slight changes:
* The sonar aoe now travels with Banshee as she moves! If a target then no longer is within your Sonar range, the question is how it would affect the target: Should the Sonar effect still be in place on the target for a short duration (like a couple of seconds) or should the Sonar effect immediately be lost from it? An idea how it could function:

* When activated, you have the Sonar pulsating from yourself every second. Each time a Sonar pulse hits a target, they are affected by Sonar as normal, for 2 seconds. If they are hit by another Sonar pulse, the Sonar effect is renewed on them. How does that sound? (No pun intended)
* The weakspot should be more easy to spot if the target is under an elemental effect. (The previous idea on its mechanics could potentially help grealy with that)
* I also think it should make Sonic Boom get some damagemultiplier to Sonar'd targets, no matter how it hits!
Focus - Increases the weakspot damage multiplier (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased sonar duration (Same as now)

- Sound Eater - (Silence buffed up massively)

* Implied by its new name, Banshee somehow consumes/absorbs all surrounding sound, causing the mystical silence it does currently, but also allows it to have more effects:

* The silencing effect is GLOBAL! All enemies will be unaware of your audial activities, including you and your allies' abilities.

* Due to absorbing the surrounding sound, your next Sonic Boom will be empowered, both in range and in damage (30/50/70/90% damageboost, which can be increased with Focus, and a 15/30/45/60% rangeboost increased by Stretch). For how long does this boost last? How about until you activate your next Sonic Boom? So no duration! But you can only store ONE charge like this i guess?

* When cast, all enemies within a huge radius (35 metres at max rank?) become staggered (or stunned for 2 seconds?) due to the massive sound absorbing towards Banshee.

* All enemies (even those on a global range!) gets distracted by the sudden sound-changes, causing their "awareness" to become reduced (if you are still under stealth, they won't become alerted/aware or anything), and EACH INDIVIDUAL ENEMY have to directly see you to become aware of you again (during silence).That means if an enemy does see you while during the silence and start fighting you, no other enemy will come and assist him/her (unless they also see it themselves of course). So enemies lose some awareness of your current position (but they might go to where you were at the moment of casting Silence, as that is the last location they knew of you and your allies) and lose their "hivemind-like global awareness" for the duration of silence! This would actually make it far more useful!
Focus - Increases the damageboost for your next Sonic Boom (New!)
Stretch - Increases the rangeboost for your next Sonic Boom (New!)
Continuity - Increased silence-duration (Same as now)

- Soundquake -
I'd make this skill work with a little more interaction:
* You still soundquake at your position, but you also soundquake at your AIMED position, which can be moved around by simply AIMING around! You can even aim the soundquake at your feet, causing double damage around you (So yeah, the two soundquakes should stack).
* What damage does it deal though? Currently, the soundquake deals 175 damage per tick. I'd give my suggested Soundquake-ability a max of 100 damage per soundquake per tick (So if you aim at your feet, you will be doing 200 damage per second, making it a slight buff), and as mentioned at the top of the post, it should ignore armor (as should ALL abilities!)
* I'd also make Banshee immune to negative effects (Disruption, Knockback etc) during the effect, as well as maybe have a 50% damage reduction. That'd be something in between of what it was (invulnerability) and how it is now (no defense at all).
* Due to these buffs however, i think the AoE-radius needs to be made a liiittle bit smaller.
* Casting the ability again midcast will end the ability early (It needs to last at least a second before you can cancel though)
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased duration (New! This is fine due to the ability to cancel the cast)

--- MAG ---

Mag has some cool skills, and after the buffing, they felt better, but they STILL need some buffs or even complete revamps.
A general thought about Mag is to make her damaging skills be of the element Armor Piercing. That gives you 3 characters that are better against one the 3 specific factions each (Mag for Grineer, Volt for Corpus and Ember for Infested), which would be a cool theme. Armor Piercing is usually the strongest elemental damage type against enemies with more armor on them (Namely Infested Ancients and all Grineer units), and it just makes so much sense that enemies with more armor on them would suffer more from magnetic powers. If the abilities are not to be changed into Armor Piercing, they should at least (like all other Warframe abilities should) ignore armorvalues.

- Pull -
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
* Other than that, the new Pull ability is pretty much perfect imo, except that it maybe deals SLIGHTLY too much damage. I'd reduce it to 40/80/120/160 damage (down from 100/125/150/300 damage).
Note: If i would ever revamp Pull, it would be that you instead magnetize the point you are aiming at, which pulls all enemies within a decently big radius to its central point. But I'd keep it how it is for now though.
Focus - Increased damage done (New!)
Stretch - Increased cast-range and pull-distance (New!)
Continuity - Increased knockdown-duration (New!)

Shield Polarize replacement ability idea (Shield Polarize is (slightly) merged with Bullet Attractor)
- Shrapnel -
As Shield Polarize is merged with Bullet Attractor more or less, Mag is missing an ability slot. Thus i propose this Shrapnel-ability:
When you activate the power, you launch metallical shrapnel in a conical blast which penetrates all enemies and goes through all environmental obstructions and walls etc (think railgun shotgun). If the power is held down, the cone of fire is narrowed down until (at max charge) all shrapnels will travel parallell to one another (making it a rather thick line-attack, rather than a cone-attack). In short: It's pretty much a "railgun shotgun"-ability with variable spread of the "pellets".
Distance travelled of the shrapnels are limitted (but still quite far), because they disintegrate due to the insane speed they are launched at. However, charging up the ability also increases the travel distance (Max charged Shrapnel could be about 300% further in distance than non-charged!).
Anyone hit by the shrapnelblast is dealt damage (it doesn't matter how many shrapnels actually hit a target, the damage dealt is a set amount). Charging the ability also increases its damage dealt. Think of (at max rank) a damage of around 300 damage or so when uncharged, up to maybe as high as 500 damage or so when fully charged. The damage has no falloff with distance, and ANY enemy hit (regardless of faction or unit-type) by the shrapnelblast are also staggered.
This way you have choices:
1) Quick tap = Fast cast conical blast. Less damage, shorter range, but quick and affects many enemies (Think: Railgun shotgunblast)
2) Charge-up = Slow casted lineblast. More damage, much further range, but slow (due to the need of charging up) and harder to affect multiple enemies (Think: Railgun snipershot)
3) And then you have different charge-up amounts in between those 2 options, making it highly variable in terms of damage, range and area of effect.
Further notes:
* When you reach max charging, the ability is NOT launched automatically, you can hold the charge for as long as you want!
* While charging you can still move, but you stop briefly when it is cast.
* If you are charging the ability and don't want to launch it, just press your blocking button to cancel it.
* As you chargeup, some kind of visual "metallical shrapnel" should be held in front of you, which should also indicate its conical/linear shape (So you can see the area of effect of its attack)
* Charging up to max power could take about 1 second or so (?)
Costs 35 (?) energy to use
That sounds cool huh?
Focus - Increases damage done (New!)
Stretch - Increases travelling distance per shrapnel (New!)
Continuity - Reduces charge-up time (?) (New!)

- Magnetic Sphere - (Bullet Attractor renamed due to more additions to it)
Think of this skill simply as Bullet Attractor merged with the old Shield Polarize! There are also a bunch of new additions and changes.
General changes:
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
* Aiming at an enemy and activating it creates an offensive magnetic sphere on the target
* Aiming at an ally and activating it creates a defensve magnetic sphere on the target
* Holding the button down creates a defensive magnetic sphere on yourself

Offensive magnetic sphere:
* Redirects projectiles towards the target (just like now), but it does so perfectly. If a box or something similar is in the way of the projectile, it doesn't matter, it will ALWAYS hit the magnetized target! To make this effect even more interesting, the redirected bullet could be directed towards the target with perfect puncture (Meaning, if enemy targets are in the way of the projectile, they are also hurt!)

* Not only bullets shot on the sphere from the outside of the sphere should be redirected, projectiles shot while INSIDE the sphere should also be redirected (is it a bug that it doesn't?)

* When the duration ends or the target dies, a metallical shrapnel-explosion occurs, damaging all nearby enemies, including the main target. The damage of this depends on all the ranged damage "absorbed", but has a low multiplier (like 10/15/20/25% of damage "absorbed"). The current flat damage-explosion makes no sense at all.
* The redirected projectiles goes towards the target's weakest point (Sonar synergy!)!

* The target will be slowed down by 50% (heavy magnetism you know)
* The target also loses a certain amount of shields instantly (15/25/35/50%)

* The new ability "Shrapnel" passes through the sphere unchanged (due to its insane projectilespeeds, it has no time to be affected in trajectory).

Defensive magnetic sphere:
* Catches projectiles, stopping them from hitting the target (Meaning, more or less a personal & mobile Snow Globe / Absorb!).

* Not only does it stop enemy projectiles shot against the sphere, it also stops enemy projectiles shot from inside of the sphere

* When the duration ends or if the target dies, a metallical shrapnel-explosion occurs, damaging all nearby enemies. The damage of this depends on all the ranged damage "caught", but has a low multiplier (like 10/15/20/25% of damage "absorbed")

* The target also gets a small damageboost and projectile speedboost on its ranged weaponry, like by 5/10/15/20% (Magnetic speedup of the projectiles)

* The target also gets a certain amount of shields repaired instantly (15/25/35/50%)
* Yes, this can be cast on friendly targets other than your allies, including the Cryopods and Rescue-targets!


Focus - Increases the shieldboost/damage, end-explosion damage, enemy slowdown and friendly damagebooster (New!)
Stretch - Increases the castrange, sphere-size and end-explosion radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increases the duration (Same as now)

- Crush -
Great skill, however, it needs some fixes:
* It needs to ignore armor (like all abilities) or, as mentioned in the "fast description" of Mag, maybe make the damage in AP-element type. AP-element generally deals more damage to heavily armored targets (Like Grineers and Ancients) which makes so much sense (More armor = more metal to crush!)
* It also needs to make targets become affected by the ability when they enter the area after it has been cast (but they won't be hurt or stunned for as long then).
Focus - Increases the damage (Same as now)
Reach - Increases the AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increases the knockdown duration (New!)

--- FROST ---

Frost has nice abilities, but 3 of his abilities (all but Snow Globe) just seem a little lackluster, with just slowing effects and damage to offer.. Some minor utilities has been added to them to give them some more variable useage and synergy. I feel he maybe needs something more though, dunno what yet to add. I guess he would be perfectly fine with these simple additions.

- Freeze -
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
* When the target is released from Freeze (be it from being broken by damage or when the duration of the Freeze effect wears out), the ice covering the target should shatter with an icy explosion in a somewhat small area around the target, which slows down and deals moderate damage to the defrozen target and nearby enemies. That'd give it a bit of tactical remote explosion going on! That also redeems those situations where an ally shoots the frozen target and the incapacitation is broken early by having more damage dealt to the target (and possible surrounding enemies) when doing so!
* A cool addition would also be that if you hit the environment with Freeze, a small iceblock is formed where it hits. Shooting it (or if it runs out of its duration) would have the same effects as if you shot a frozen target! The iceblock's duration is as long as the freezing ability (the time a target would've been frozen if hit). That'd redeem those situations where you miss the Freeze, and it would also make it a more interesting skill for various tactical uses (Remote icebomb!)
* In addition, if you cast Freeze on an already frozen target, it will first trigger the ice-explosion (as in, you broke the previous Freeze) and then re-Freeze the target again! This would leave Freeze as a highly valuable single-target CC ability!
Its freezing duration (on top of the damage-values) should scale with its ranks (say, with durations such as 8/10/12/14 seconds), otherwise, the ability is pointless to level up...
* Maybe also make it so that for the first 2/2,5/3/3,5 seconds (duration depending on ranks) of the Freeze, the target cannot be unfrozen by damage? (Some kind of thicker/shinier ice-coating should be in effect to display this "deeper" freezing).
Focus - Increased damage (initial & ice-explosion) (New for ice-explosion!)
Reach - Increased AoE radius (for ice-explosion) (New!)
Continuity - Increased freeze duration and ice-explosion slowdown duration (New for slowdown!)

- Ice Wave -
* Now also pushes enemy targets in the wave direction! Maybe they should be pushed a set amount of range (Like, 5 meters) and/or to the end of the ice wave? That would be a good synergy with Snow Globe regardless (it can push them outside the Globe, which, if they are ranged enemies, makes them unable to shoot inside the globe!).
* The ice wave should also leave an icy path behind, which should serve as a prolonged defense in the form of (very) slightly slowing targets down which travels on it. I'd also give it something positive for your allies, like allies can slide on this path with no loss of forward momentum while on it! Maybe the wave/path could be widened a little bit more too?
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Reach - Increased width and distance (New!)
Continuity - Increased path duration (New!)

- Snow Globe -
* You and your allies should be able to shoot into the Snow Globe as well (no more dissynergy!), although maybe with a penalty on damage dealt?
* The size of the actual globe should also always remain the same even if you have Stretch equipped (Increased size on it is not always a good thing for its enemy range-blocking capabilities). Instead, with the Stretch-mod, the slowing effect could
expand itself outside the globe (Although, this slow effect should be much lesser in slowing power than the one inside).
* The duration should also scale with ranks, with its current 30 seconds being the max duration.
Focus - Increased slowing effect (both the powerful one inside and the weaker one that expands outside) (New!)
Stretch - Increases the radius of the outer slowing effect, but not the Globe size (New!)
Continuity - Increased duration (Same as now)

- Avalanche -
* Should no longer be able to stagger enemies out from the freezing and damaging area of effect. I would actually change how the ability works a bit too:
* Instead of freezing enemies and then shattering them, it could instead leave enemies in their frozen state after the damage is dealt (although, if they die from the damage, they should still shatter).This freezing effect should be quite shortlasting (4 seconds max?) and should probably end early upon any health-damage taken.
* Avalanche should also leave a shortlasting icy area behind after the ability is performed, which slightly slows enemies down that steps on it.
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased freezing and ice area duration (New!)

--- EMBER ---

Ember is in need of tweaks, but not so very big ones actually. The main tweak is that her abilities should ignore armor (but not resistances) like i think ALL abilities should (As i mentioned at the top of the post). The skillset has nice synergy otherwise. I do think however that the skills are slightly bland, as the abilities seem just to be more of the same, and could need some more interesting utility.

- Fireball -

To make it more significant, it has pretty much been merged with the old Fire Blast (!)
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
* Initial damage is 150/250/350/500 fire damage and has a decently big explosion radius (4 or 5 meter radius or so?), which also knocks down all enemies caught in the explosion.

* After the Fireball explodes, it leaves an area of lingering flames behind (which would look kind of similar to old Fire Blast's animation). Any enemy that stays inside this area of effect suffers some damage over time (Like, 10/20/30/40 damage per second). These lingering flames lasts for about 10 seconds or so. Has the same area radius as the initial explosion
* The fireball projectile should also have a much faster travelling speed.
* The fireball itself could also look neater (looks more like a huge flameburst than an actual ball of fire)
Focus - Increased damage of both impact and lingering flames (New for lingering flames!)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (both initial exposion and lingering flames) (New!)
Continuity - Increased duration for the lingering flames (New!)

- Overheat -
Just some small additions to this one:

* It should also give Ember's melee and ranged weaponry some bonus fire damage (Like 10/15/20/25% bonus fire damage)

* Maybe increase the damaging fire aura's range a bit, but reduce its damage a bit?
Focus - Increased damage reduction, DoT damage, and weapon fire-bonus (New for weapon bonus!)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (New?)
Continuity - Increased buff duration (Same as now)

- Fire Blast - (Complete revamp)
Embers skills are more about being mobile, so the current version of Fire Blast seems very out of place. However, as Fire Blast DOES have some uses (like on Defense missions etc), it was pretty much merged with Fireball (so you pretty much got yourself a RANGED Fire Blast instead!)

So, Fire Blast gets a complete revamp. What does it do? For now I've just come up with something simple:

* Upon casting, Ember quickly generates lots of fire in her hands and unleashes it rapidly in a powerful explosion, centered around Ember herself.

* This causes all enemies caught in the explosion to not only suffer high instant firedamage (Like, 200/375/550/750 damage), but it also ragdolls all those enemies away from Ember! Simple, but i think that would be a fun emergencybutton!

Focus - Increased explosion damage (New!)
Stretch - Increased explosion radius (New!)
Continuity - ??? (Reduced casting time? Stronger ragdolling effect?) (New?)

- World on Fire -
This skill is very powerful, and i guess many people like it as it is right now. The only things that COULD be changed if it's in need of any change would be:
* Make it instant cast (or at least faster cast) and the first time an enemy is hurt by the flames it should be a guaranteed "panic" effect on them (Maybe not on bosses though?), regardless of the enemy faction.
* Maybe increase Ember's movement speed by a decent amount (25%?) during this effect?
* If this ultimate is considered too strong as it is right now, maybe dump the 3-target limit and make it unlimited amount of targets affected, but reduce the damage dealt per second so it is more balanced in comparison to other ultimates. That would make it work, but i still feel it is kinda boring... Meh. Will update later.
Focus - Increased damage (New!)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased duration (Same as now)

--- SARYN ---

Saryn has some cool and useful abilities, but they could need some slight tweaks. Venom and Contagion have had their names swapped too, just fyi (makes way more sense that way).

- Contagion - (Nameswap with Venom)
Changed a little in behaviour to make it simpler to use (and not so potentially overpowered as it is now):
* You mark an enemy target with Contagion. Contagion causes this target to suffer damage over time. It is surrounded by a toxic cloud (graphics of it is very faint to not disturb the player), and if any enemy that comes near this cloud they will also get inflicted by the DoT. This DoT will still deal its damage even if this newly poisoned target leaves the toxic cloud
* Secondary targets (those who came close to the first Contagion-target) will NOT be able to spread the DoT further to other targets. (They won't get a cloud surrounding them, they only get the DoT-effect)
* The main Contagion-target (and this target ONLY) also gets a number of toxic spores on it (max 4, +1 spore for each rank?). These spores can be detonated by gunfire or melee attacks and will cause a huge explosion that deals some minor instant poison damage to the target and anyone else in the AoE. All the targets caught in the explosion AoE will also be given the DoT effect if they aren't already affected by it. If the target dies with any spore(s) still intact on it, the spore(s) will then detonate upon the target's death, regardless of how it dies.
* An idea would be that you could cast Contagion on your Molt (but not on allies). That'd be useful
* Now castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
Focus - Increases DoT damage and spore explosion damage (New for spore explosion!)
Stretch - Increases the disease AoE radius and the explosion AoE radius (New!)
Continuity - Increases DoT and spore duration (New for spore!)

- Molt -
* When used, this ability also instantly heals Saryn's health a decent amount (30/60/90/120 health per cast? Should it be increasable by Focus?).
* The molt decoy has shield and health and should scales up with the ranks, being based on Saryn's base stats, and not affected by any health/shield-mods. Think of something as high as 7x base shield and health at max rank, which would be quite a lot i think.
* The molt decoy should also deal poison damage every second in a quite small area around it!
Focus - Increased poison AoE damage (New!)
Stretch - Increased poison AoE radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased decoy duration (Same as now)

- Venom Lash - (Name swapped (and enlonged) with Contagion)
* Does the same as it currently does, but should also extend your melee range! Numbersuggestion: Increases your melee range by 25/50/75/100%!

* This poisonous buff should also be more viually distinct (in particular to see the enlonged melee range). This melee elongation should stack with the Reach mod too!
Focus - Increases the melee damage-booster (Same as now)
Stretch - Increases the range of the range-booster (New!)
Continuity - Increases the duration (Same as now)

- Miasma -

Some tweaks to this one:

* When cast, a lingering toxic cloud is created at your casting position. This is quickly created and you can almost instantly start moving around after this.

* This cloud causes high damage the first 3 seconds of its duration (150/200/250/300 damage per second), but will last 2/3/4/5 seconds longer than that afterwards. During these 5 seconds, the damage is much lesser (just 20 dps).

* Any enemy hit by the higher damaging poison will be stunned for 4 seconds.

* This cloud also causes enemies to lose line of sight (similar to what i added to Smoke Screen). This makes them either shoot blindly through the cloud, or makes them run closer (and through) the cloud to be able to see you and/or your allies etc. While in the cloud, their vision is reduced to a range of about half a meter. This gives it more group utility and some usefulness in modes such as defense etc. It also will make enemies more prone to clump together more, synergizing with its own damage capabilities, as well as synergizes very well with the rest of Saryn's skillset!
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased duration (Same as now) (Note; Fractions will be made into an extra tick (counts for both the highdamage and the lowdamage poison) doing less damage, relative to the fraction amount)

--- VOLT ---

Volt has decent potential to his abilities, but they seem very dissynergized and underwhelming compared to other Warframes, so, expect a lot of buffs to his skills!
A little note i'd like to put in: I don't think any target should be IMMUNE to any elemental damage (Such as Ancients to Lightning damage). Reduced damage, sure, but not 0 damage done! That's too restricting. Even with the immunities being removed, Ancients are still FAR too resistant to Lightning damage imo.

- Shock -
Needs some oomph for sure. On top of having its damage raised (Needs at least a 3x damage-increase, seriously!), some more things need to be done to it. Here is how i visualize it:
1) When activated, a thick lightning bolt is made that travels in a straight line, dealing high damage to anyone it hits. It goes through all targets in the line, all suffering equal damage. Number of targets able to be hit by this "line lightning" is unlimited. Stops when it hits terrain though.
2) Anyone that is close to the lightning bolt (close to the "line lightning" anywhere along its line or at the end of it, doesn't matter, just anywhere near it!) suffers arcing damage. This arcing lightning can then further arc over to another enemy etc, etc. This arcing damage is lesser than the main line lightning, but all targets suffering arc damage take equal damage (No reduction between jumps). Has a set amount of targets that can be arced over to (Like max 10?). Arcing range is quite far too.
3) A target CANNOT be hit by both the line lightning and the arc lightning, only one of each.
4) Should also be able to instantly hack consoles if it hits it / jumps over to one (Should not count towards the target limit though). I mean, why not? That'd give Volt some quite unique functionality!
5) In addition, this skill should stun any non-boss target for a short while (Including targets like Ancients...) (To make sure it has utility even if its damage is lackluster in endgame)
6) It should also be castable while moving, without stopping your movement (no brief "halt"). Maybe castable without interrupting your reload?
Focus - Damage increased (Same as now?)
Stretch - Longer arcing range and increased amount of targets chainable (New!)
Continuity - Longer stun duration (New!)

- Lightning Speed - (Name better in line with Volt's theme)
I don't really think it fits being a group buff. but i guess that can stay. Only one groupbuff nerf:
* The boosted allies should only get half the bonuses of what Volt gets.
Now for the buffs:
* Next, i would remove the whole camera-zoom-thingy. It's just annoying.
* On top of the runspeed, it should also buffs to ALL the weaponry (not only melee!): Faster reload speed and faster rate of fire for ranged weapons, and faster attack speed and faster charge-rate for melee weapons. The bonuses should be noticeable, but nothing insane either (up to 50% melee bonuses but only up to 30% for the ranged bonuses or so?) A nice and simple buff to make this utility-skill have OFFENSIVE useage too.
* Your rolling-animation should also be faster during this ability!
* Another boost to this skill could be something like: When you sprint during this effect, enemies are less likely to hit you with their ranged weaponry!
Focus - Increased offensive speed bonuses (not the runspeed) (New!)
Stretch - Increased ally buffing range (New!)
Continuity - Increased duration (Same as now?)

- Electric Shield -
A great skill that MANY people underestimate. Sure, it has bugs, but that's doesn't mean that it's useless (when it DOES work, it's insanely good and versatile!). Regardless of that, I too think that it could still need a few tweaks:
* Your regular damage should not be reduced/converted at all, but the lightning bonus should simply be a BONUS lightning damage! (Could be something like 15/25/35/50% bonus electrical damage)
* Whenever an enemy comes close to the shield, they are shocked with a slightly damaging lightning beam (Like, 15/30/45/60 electrical damage) and stuns very briefly (or maybe just staggers?). This lightning attack shouldn't be able to strike a single target more than once per Electric Shield cast, but can strike an infinite amount of DIFFERENT enemies (Different from Vauban's Tesla in the exact opposite way)
* Here is also another idea on how it could be a more versatile ability:
Tap the button = Creates a shield which follows you around in front of you! (New!)
Hold the button = Creates a shield in a stationary fashion (just like now)
Creating a following shield in front of you can make it synergize very well with Speed (and Overload for protection too)!
Focus - Increased bonus lightning damage and proximity lightningbeam damage (New?)
Stretch - Increased shield size (New!)
Continuity - Increased duration (Same as now?)

- Overload -
A powerful skill, that just needs a slight bonus to it:
* During Overload, you should be able to interact with it a little more, namely, on top of the regular effect pulsating, you should also be able to repeatedly shoot out lightning bolts (like a weaker single target Shock in a semi-automatic fashion) when leftclicking during its effect, all the way until you land. I think that would make it more fun to use (More interaction during ultimates is more fun rather than just Press button, watch the animation, wait til the effect ends).
* Maybe also make it so that you can still move around (although slightly slower, somewhat redeemed by your Speed ability) and also be able to cast your abilities while it lasts! That would make it way more fun and versatile to use!
* I'd also make it similar to Shock, that it would be able to instantly hack consoles that the lightning hits (both the aoe and manually shot lightning bolts).
* The Overload AoE should stun targets, and the manually cast lightning bolts should stagger and/or briefly stun targets (depending if it is a heavy or light unit, or a boss etc)
Focus - Increased damage (including the manual lightning-bolt-shots!) (New for the manual shots!)
Stretch - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased hovering and lightning pulsation amounts (and thus also longer manual-firing-duration) (New!) (Note; Fractions will be made into an extra lightning pulsation doing less damage, relative to the fraction amount)

--- VAUBAN ---

Vauban is famous for his strong and versatile abilities. Vauban mostly needs to get bugs fixed on his abilities, but some abilities could still need a little tweaking (Not much though).

- Tesla -
I think this skill is fine. Maybe make it so that the lightning beams also stagger targets they hit (if it doesn't stun it), so it has some utility at later levels when the damage might seem lackluster?
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased zapping range (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased grenade duration and chargeamounts (New for duration!)

- Bounce -
This skill needs more useage in offensive ways. I'd say these tweaks would be nice:
* Whenever a bounce is triggered (regardless of enemy or ally using it) an AoE-blast occurs at the launch pad which deals some decent damage and staggers all enemies in the blast radius
* If the main target that triggers the bounce is an enemy, that enemy target should suffer quite high damage to it when launched, and even more damage if it collides with something/someone. If it falls on or collides with another enemy, that enemy should ALSO suffer from the collision damage as well as also being knocked down.
* There should be a way for an ally (or yourself) to not be launched when traversing a bounce pad. Maybe if you crouch-walk over it, it doesn't trigger?
Focus - Increased damage (AoE-blast, launch damage and collision damage!) (New!)
Stretch - Increased blast radius (New!)
Continuity - Increased launching distance (?) (New!)

- Bastille -
A solid and powerful skill. I would add something as simple as: Targets suspended in the air by Bastille have a higher chance to be critically hit. (A 10/20/30/40% increase, scaling similarly to how the weaponmods work. It should scale multiplicatively i guess?)
Focus - Increases the critical hitbonus (New!)
Stretch - Increased radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased duration (Same as now)

- Vortex -
With its recent changes, i think it feels very good right now. Only problem i have with it is that i think it does a job too similar to Bastille, (CC a big group of enemies), just in a slightly different way and with damage added to it. But i dunno how to differentiate / synergize them better, so i will leave it as it is for now.

(Personal quick note: I think Vortex should have a bit shorter duration, but be compensated by having quite a lot higher damage. That'd make them feel a bit more different)
Focus - Increased damage done (Same as now?)
Stretch - Increased vortex radius (Same as now?)
Continuity - Increased vortex duration (Same as now?)

--- NOVA ---

Nova should first of all have 2 themes: Antimatter and SPACE. I mean, you have Null Star and Wormhole which don't seem to be all too "antimattery" in its effects. I think her skills right now are also a bit too strong, so some scaling down of the abilities could be in place.

- Null Star -
This skill is fine, but something that COULD be changed would be to make the "stars" from being anti-matter particles into some form of heavy MATTER particles instead. Why? To give it synergy with the ultimate. How? Well, the ultimate is fusing in a form of anti-matter particles into the targets, so if Null Star is instead made of some form of matter which fuses easily with the ultimate's anti-matter energy, the Null Star particle could then instantly trigger a detonation of the target it hits!
Also, the skill needs to be refreshable whenever you want (you don't stack the stars, you only refresh them to its max amount)
Focus - Increased damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased seeking range (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased summon duration and amount of particles (Same as now)

- Antimatter Drop -
I would tweak its damage scaling like this:
* Base damage changed to 75/100/125/150 damage
* Absorbed damage nerfed to 1,25/1,5/1,75/2x multplier

* It should have a (longlasting, like 30 seconds) duration. If you haven't collided with anything before the timer, it will explode at the end of its duration.

* Food for though: How about, instead of being able to summon multiple drops at once, why not let a second push of the button cause it to explode on its spot?
Focus - Increased damage (only the base damage) (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased blast radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased launching distance (?) (New!)
Note: If Focus were to affect the multiplier as well, I would see it being an ADDITIVE bonus, rather than a MULTIPLICATIVE bonus (Meaning, at max rank of both Focus and Antimatter Drop you would get a 2,3x multiplier (2 + 0,3) rather than 2,6x multiplier (2 * 1,3)) so it wouldn't be too strong of a buff.

- Wormhole -
I could see this skill being upgraded to have some more uses rather than just being a mobility tool. Things such as:
* An enemy that walks through a Wormhole can either get teleported through the portals VIOLENTLY, suffering damage and being stunned/knocked down when they land, or that they don't get teleported at all through the portals, but rather they just suffer damage and a stun at the wormhole they touch.
* Ally gunfire shot through a wormhole will travel pass through it like it normally does, but a weak "copy" of the projectile is also created (and shot out through) the OTHER wormhole, which deals 10/20/30/40% laser type damage to the target(s) it might hit!
That would make it quite interesting i guess?
* I would also give the wormholes a duration rather than charges.
Focus - Increases the damage (projectile copy / enemy passthrough, whichever is added) (New!)
Stretch - Increased cast range (New!)
Continuity - Increased duration (New!)

- Molecular Prime -
I think the intention of the ability is nice, but i think it is simply just far too strong. Maybe reduce the damagemultiplier (Max 50% bonus, rather than 100%?) and reduce the damage of each explosion a bit? I think that could be very reasonable considering the buff i gave to Null Star (a Null Star particle can trigger a MPrime explosion even if the target doesn't die from the Null Star) Note: If Null Star would trigger the explosion from a target, they could still suffer from the damage-multiplier and slowdown (some kind of graphical indication that they have already had their explosion effect could be in order, so you see which targets can and can't explode respectively)
Focus - Increased explosion damage (Same as now)
Stretch - Increased casting and explosion radius (Same as now)
Continuity - Increased debuff duration (New!)


NEKROS (to be added, just left some personal notes here)

Soul Punch - Needs reliable AoE-damage. Otherwise cool.

Terrify - Quite fine. Maybe terrify some targets in their place

Desecrate - AoE version of old Trinity's Well of Life (Cone or Radial) (SotD and Soul Punch synergy)

Shadows of the Dead - Shouldn't block players or their attacks. Stronger Shadows.

I think to promote the useage of all abilities, it is still not enough to just make them better. Someone might still say that an ability is useless for whatever reason. So there are 2 things I'd like to suggest on TOP of all the above

Suggestion 1 - Hybrid cooldown/energy system
Here's a hybrid cooldown/energy system inspired by benholiday and securitywyrm.


TL;DR: Abilities have individual "cooldowns", when the cooldown is done the ability costs 0 energy, but abilities are still spammable, although the abilities costs energy (relative to the remaining cooldown) if you don't wait for their "cooldowns" to finish. Energy then becomes more of an emergency-resource.


Suggestion 2: Warframe mod alterations:
Even if something like all of the above is done in the Energy-revamp-suggestion, people STILL might not wanna put an ability in their Warframe because they maybe think their Fast Deflection mod is more worth it etc. So what could be done to make sure they will use it anyway?

Feedback please? xD

Edited by Azamagon
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Wow, even as someone who loves Rhino, I'd have to say this version fo IS (along with everything else) would be very welcome. I'd actually use the other abilities way more often, and Ash would be awesome against bosses when using Smokescreen, easier revives for everyone! As for Bladestorm, I like the current version, but I do wish it would execute much faster though.

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a suggestion on the nyx psychic orbs, instead of right clicking why not just press the power button again to launch one a set distance, if it collides with an enemy it does damage, if not then it returns, this way if i want to keep them around me while aiming my prim/sec i can.


Ash's bladestorm, the way you described it, would make it a kill everything around you button like the other ones, but the animation you suggested would be nice to see instead of the lazy pokey pokey now, if he teleported faster to his targets.


I pictured Rhino's ultimate to be more similar to Sand King's Epicenter from DotA 2.


gtg now, will edit in more feedback when i have time.

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I think Ash's skillset is nice in general, so the abilities have pretty much just been oomphed up a little.

- Okay.



The main change i have done to Loki, is probably a controversial one. What is that? Well, that most abilities now also deal some damage! That felt quite needed, in particular for Switch Teleport and Disarm, to make them more useful. I also felt the Switch Teleport damage-mechanic is rather unique and "tactical", fitting with Loki... Read on :)

- No. Not his purpose. If you want tricky+damage that would be a new Warframe. Loki is for pure trickery. That is it's own niche in the player base and the obvious intent behind naming your warframe... Loki...




I actually feel that ALL Excalibur abilities needs some oomph to them (Slash Dash being the exception), but i haven't had much inspiration on how to improve them yet. This character will be updated later.

Radial Blind

Remains the same, but the targets are also weakened, making them suffer extra melee damage while they are blinded and for a few seconds after the blinding wears of (up to max 20% or so?)

Focus - Increased damage-weakness (New!)

Reach - Increased AoE radius (Same as now)

Continuity - Long blind duration (New!)

NOTE: I think this ability is a little dull, but i can't come up with a more fitting ability for it yet, so it stays as it is for now.

-Agree in general. It needs a melee buff, but even then it's wimpy so I would just say rework the slot into something new.



Super Jump (This ability is either a "any warframe can use it" ability, or a revamped ability idea for a different Warframe. More to that further down)

Weapon of Light (Name to be changed, placeholder...)

This is a selfbuff that causes you to project forwardmoving, very fastmoving energy beams every time you attack in melee. The look of the beam depends on how your melee attacks look like. So a big slash with a sword sends out a wide "slash" in front of you, while the punches from a gauntlet send little "balls" in front of you. This energy connects with the first target it hits (one target limit per enemy) and its damage is based on your current melee attack (a percentage of it). I think this seems like a more fitting ability for Excalibur, but im still not sure.

Focus - Increased damage (New!)

Reach - Increased energy travel distance (New!)

Continuity - Increased buff duration (New!)

-No. Super Jump is awesome and I don't want it trivialized. Add Weapon of Light to Radial blind, so the cast animation also blinds people. Now we're talking.







Rhino, just like Excalibur, is in need of tweaks. And, just like Excalibur, i don't really know what to do with him yet. Will be updated!



Uy, the controversy on this one haha! :D I'd tweak it to be something between how it was and how it is, and then add something else to it too. First, have the damage reduction be 75/80/85/90% (you already have different durations, no need for highly different reductions on top of that). Second, let this reduction also help you with your HEALTH, not only for the shield (That's just dumb). Third, make Rhino immune to any "special effects" during Iron Skin (No Disruptions, Poison, Knockdown, Stagger etc should affect him!). Lastly, i would like to add something extra on it, something related to the Iron Skin being "heavy weight"-related, but i don't know what yet (Like, each time land from a jump during Iron Skin, you do area of effect interruption/stagger to enemies, or something like that?)

Focus - ???

Reach - ???

Continuity - Increased duration (Same as now)

- Agreed in general. Clearly he was supposed to be an armor/HP tank and the problem was that he was shield tanking by recharging during iron skin. The gaping hole left by the nerf is that pure HP tank is not viable. It has no ability to sustain itself without a heal and it's counter-intuitive to gameplay and mod setup to give people an HP tank and tell them to shield tank it to preserve their HP buffer for tough fights.





This warframe needs quite a lot of work. In some cases Trinity sucks (groups of enemies), and in some she is overpowered (Boss fights). That's too narrow and too strong/weak at the same time. So these abilities will have quite a lot of changes to them. Embrace yourself!

-No it's not. An anti-boss support warframe is a fine niche. EVERYONE kills trash mobs. The occasional Loki or Trinity is useful. It creates gameplay, affects the areas difficult enough to be barriers to progress, and makes team building a meta instead of everyone being good at everything.




Mag has some cool skills, but they seriously need some buffs.

-Agree on the need for fixes/buffs, but her skills are fine. If you're capable of making headshots, you didn't need bullet attractor in the first place... Pull is already flexible, it will take away shields, knock people down, etc. I don't think she needs every button to do five things.




Frost has nice abilities. Some minor utilities has been added to them to give them some more variable useage. I feel he maybe needs something more though, dunno what yet to add. I guess he would be perfectly fine with these suggestions though.

-Again, you are ignoring his niche and putting extra damage and utility on his stuff. Continuing down this path of super flexibility and disdain for drawbacks just destroys roles and specialties and turns warframes into cosmetics and elements.




Ember is in need of tweaks, but not so very big ones actually. The skillset has nice synergy otherwise. I do think however that the skills are slightly bland, as the abilities seem just to be "more of the same", and could need some more interesting utility. This Warframe needs more updating for sure.

-I have not played Ember, but when I group with them the damage seems lackluster and the areas aren't that impressive. I'm not really sure what niche the devs wanted her to fill. If she's meant to be the sterotypic 'fire mage' of blasty asplodyness, bland is fine but she needs more damage and more AoE. Beyond that I can't argue without a purpose or role to move towards.







When used, this ability also heals Saryn's health a moderate amount. The molt decoy has shield and health (scales up with levels, being based on base stats, not affected by health/shield-mods. Think of something like 5x base shield and health at max level, which would be quite a lot i think), while Loki's decoy is invulnerable (To make them different). The molt decoy also deals poison damage in an area around it every second (Loki's is weaker in damage while having an invulnerable decoy instead).

Focus - Increased poison damage (New!)

Reach - Increased poison AoE radius (New!)

Continuity - Increased decoy duration (Same as now)

- I don't like Saryn for a self heal. Her skills like Contagion do put her in harm's way a bit more than the direct attacks of other frames though. Could we have Molt double as a stun release? Hit Molt to instantly teleport backwards leaving a molt where you were and clearing any stuns you were in, capable of being used while in air and stunned? Giving her time and attacks seems more in line with her theme than simply giving her an HP refund. I also dislike the idea of Power->HP conversions because they remove gameplay. Some people will just run around with max Molt and armor doing nothing but self healing.


Venom Lash (Name swapped (and enlonged) with Contagion)

Does the same as it currently does, but should also extend your melee range! The buff should also be more viually distinct (in particular to see the enlonged melee range).

Focus - Increases the melee damage-booster (Same as now)

Reach - Increases the range of the range-booster (New!)

Continuity - Increases the duration (Same as now)

- I resist this because it seems like a heavy handed buff, but as simply a damage add it's not creating gameplay. It's just you doing normal melee. Being able to suddenly bust out extra range melee attacks would indeed create gameplay. I will agree.


My 2¢.

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First, thanks for the thorough answers! I have actually added/edited a few things, taking your advice in mind!

Loki - I have added alternative ideas (or thoughts as "Notes:" after the descriptions) to his abilities so they don't rely on dealing direct damage. I hope the alternative thoughts are more in line with what you thought :)


Excalibur - Noted! I actually wanted to take away Super Jump as i had a very new "Jet Pack" idea for a new warframe (Think Super Jump with explosive aoe-launch + being able to slowly hover downwards if you hold space while in the air from launching with the Jet Pack...), but i just oomphed Super Jump into SLASH Jump, making it more combat-useful while still retaining its original function.

I also merged Weapon of Light and Radial Blind into one. That was a great idea! :)


Rhino - I added some new goodies to Iron Skin to make it something in between the old and the new one (Even MORE!). It now has massive damage reduction, a shield heal (can overheal as a temporary buffer), has the negative effect immunity, has "taunting" to it. NOW we are talking >:)


Trinity - Well, she is STILL better for boss fights than against groups, just not so absurdly, while still being able to be a general healer and damage SUPPORTER (her skills are STILL not awesome for big groups, the Link is capped for 5 enemies). Having a niche (Healer + Bossfighter) to a REASONABLE degree, rather in an overpowered way, combined with some more flexibility for groupfights (Yet still not nearly as good as other Warframes) would just make her more popular and, frankly, a lot less boring!


Mag - Well, Pull is useful yes, but very situational. Having it more generally useful (Like other #1 abilities) would just make it...  more generally useful, as it should be!


Frost - Nope, i'm not ignoring his niche. He is a tank yes, but why should his abilities be useful in only very narrow situations? ALL abilities should be useful in many situations, that is what makes them FUN! You should WANT to use all abilities on ALL Warframes! Freeze and Ice Wave are decent, but needs more utility. If an ability only has utility, it has very niched and situational uses. If an ability only has damage (unless it is VERY strong) it might lose its usefulness by simply having greater weapons. Hence the additions. He will still have his drawbacks (like being slow for example) and the abilities aren't buffed THAT much. And how much fun is it if his abilities are useless most of the time, and you count THAT as his drawback?


Ember - Blasty asplodyness indeed seems like a nice niche, but having "more of the same" gets boring fast. Utility, even if just minor, is always nice to tack onto abilities, especially if they add some fun! I changed Fire Blast into Fire Helix for example, what do you think of that one?


Saryn - Why not have Molt heal a little? It kinda "makes sense" since she is shedding skin... well, it makes sense to me xD  Regardless, the heal wasn't intended to be very high (Like 100 health at max) just to give it something different from Lokis Decoy. *shrugs*

Glad you liked Venom Lash though :)



Thank you very much haha! :D





Psychic Orbs - Valid point. I want them to be more controllable than now though. But when you aim your orbs you can still also shoot with your regular weapons (She controls the orbs with her mind, not her hand), i dunno if that was clear enough?


Bladestorm - Yeah, but it'd look way cooler :D


Rhino Stomp - Well, i changed it again. Now it is the old Rhino Stomp + General bullet time for your allies! How about that?





Thanks, those are very kind words!

I edited him a little bit again (more awesomeness ;D) I hope you still like the new stuff too :P




Heh, yeah i know, it's a MASSIVE wall of text. I edited a little so it's easier to reach using spoilers mainly.

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Psychic Orbs - Valid point. I want them to be more controllable than now though. But when you aim your orbs you can still also shoot with your regular weapons (She controls the orbs with her mind, not her hand), i dunno if that was clear enough?

not that, more like if i want to aim my weapon, assigned to M2, and the orb is also assigned to M2, then I don't want an orb to fly out everytime I decide to aim, non-zoom shooting is fine but most people who play shooters get used to aiming. If I aim to shoot a guy and an orb flies out at the same time it'd be distracting or an unwanted annoyance (it'd be annoying to me, dunno about others).


Take for example, latron/snipetron users, if they want to zoom in with their weapons, and it is assigned to M2 as you said, it would at the same time launch an orb, which is not what the user intended if they wished to accurately shoot their weapon.


unless I'm misunderstanding something, I'd prefer it set to the power key again, such as press 2 = summon orbs, tap 2 again = launch orbs in whatever fashion you described, hold 2 = launch orb while controlling it by moving the mouse around or shoot all five at once (either way I don't care)


but the part where you said she controls it with her mind and not her hand was already assumed by me, seeing as she is a psychic frame anyways.

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