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[Suggestion] New Enemies


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So in this topic I hope to see some new ideas for enemies added. If there is another thread about this I'm sorry but I couldn't find anything while searching for it.


Some of these ideas have been posted in other threads ("scary levels" and "space pirates")



Phychic - long range manipulator, Grav-Trooper - special location flying "lancer", Grav-locker - special location sentry debuff mine, Protector - next gen Shield Lancer, Phantom - stealth assassin, Grineer Tactician - enemy co-op AI-buffer.

Maintenance droid - repair and robotic revive-unit, Stealer - Corpus manipulator/copy unit,  Trapper - defense unit that places traps and sentry-guns Corpus Soldier - heavy frontline unit, Corpus General - co-op AI-buffer and high damage unit with special calldown, MOA-S - Micro hover tankRedirectorCorpus flanking unit, serves as a target redirecting friendly incoming fire and focusing it on a single enemy. 
Corpus Bosses: Hyena pack - multiple versions of Hyena - tactics.

Infested Sentinel - flying ranged unit, Doppelganger - sneaky copy enemy, Mimic - loot-monster, "Tentacle roof monster" - stationary "trap" unit, Infested Queen - mini boss monster, Infested Berzerker - immortal "chase"-enemy, "Space Squid" - outside "stealth promoter" alerted by sound, Hunter - hunter-killer "tension" unit, alerted by sound, high damage.

Space Pirates:
Captain - grappling hook and flashbang whit medium/long range weapons, Cannoneer - slow "big gun" AoE unit, Hullbreaker - Ultra-Heavy melee walker whit CC-abilities, Hoarder - standard unit whit increased drop rate, Pirate - base unit (melee and ranged), Havoc(outdated?) - Super-mobile version of the "Scorpion", Prototype Droid - drop down won't-show-on-radar scare unit.


Hunting beast - pirate "shock trooper/ mutated dog"


Unknown faction:

Boss - A boss with various stages in battle - different tactics, patterns and special features.





Psychic - A Long range "elite" unit which would mess with your head.

This unit could use skills such as making copies of enemies, make you hear/see things (scares?). They could also inflict some kind of curse-state - DoT or some visual complication. Perhaps they could use some telekinetic force to levitate you.

Visually I imagine them to be somewhat slimmer than the grunts and also a bit taller to make ther silhouette more defined.


*Grav-Trooper - A hovering unit that make up the main force of the "Grav-Forces".

(Read more about Grav-units later)

Grav-Troopers are a part of the Grineer army controlling the outposts cargo lanes. The Grav-Troopers utilizes "attack-armor" which is medium-heavy in the front and weak in the back. They carry low-recoil burst rifles and anti-gravity packs for movement in the gravitation-fields.


*Grav-Locker - A hovering charge and attack unit that concentrates on quickly approaching it's enemy and capturing them in containment fields.

The Grav-Locker is a Grineer sentry that on detection will max its thrusters and slam into an enemy briefly stunning them and planting a "containment cell" on the player. With the attachment of the containment cell a containment field will slowly grow in power slowing attack and movement speed. The containment cell will deplete its own energy after a while and self destruct for medium damage.

Medium frontal armor with weak armor in the back this "rocket-grinder sentry" is a nuisance for players exploring the cargolanes.


Edit: as a seemingly huge base of players are scared to death by even mentioning "stun" I would like to explain that this is NOT a stun, it's a slow-down on movement and fire speed. Never to exceed lets say 35%? Also, you would pretty much just float around "on rails" in the Grav-Shafts these units would appear in. If you have the coming (YES!!!) grappling hook you would still be able to lock on to some points and perhaps get to cover.
The containment cells would also be destructible, wave around with your melee long enough or just wait the x-amount of time before they die of energy shortage.


Protector - The Protectors are the support units of almost every newer Grineer army.

Protectors carry a mobile shield-generator and will often team up with 1-3 Grineer lancers surrounding themselves in a damage reducing shield-bubble. They are the next-gen shield lancers and carry single Vipers making them both hard to take out and semi dangerous in close quarters.

Protectors are easily identified by their blue armor and, when activated the white shield-bubbles. The wear medium armor and are almost equal in size to the Grineer lancers just slightly taller (for the chance to make headshots).


Phantom - The Phantoms are the newest and most feared of the Grineer forces, ghostlike stealth units that attack from behind the cover of visually deceptive personal cloaking suits.

Almost unnoticeable mostly melee oriented units that use cloaking to attack remaining unseen and hard to target.

Weakly armored units resembling Tyl Regor but in gray/black/green (red eyes showing at all times?)



Grineer TacticianThe Tactician is a Grineer group-leader that specializes in making her allies more efficient with new formations and coordinated attacks.

*The Tactician is an idea I got from others wanting the higher ranking enemies like the Commander to boost the AI of existing enemies. Though I am 100% behind this and think that Commanders should do similar things to the Tactician it could be an interesting unit, perhaps a unit that shows up at either lower levels (medium) with lower HP than a Commander, or a especially hardcore unit that is only seen in later stages of the game.





Maintenance droid - Corpus maintenance and repair unit.

A droid/robot somewhat reminding of a Osprey but walks around on ground. It's main function is reviving/repairing fallen MOA (lowered HP/shields on revive)


Stealer - A unit that either mimics an ally (looks the same) or teleports an ally away and makes their "green marker" on the minimap dissapear. (Corpus version of Doppelganger)


Trapper - a unit that spawns stationary turrets/laser-mines/shield generators.

Turret: basicly the roof-mounted turret on ground (maybe slower rate of fire and more damage?)

Laser mine: sets a mine on the wall with a laser that registers any bypasser - explodes if an enemy breaks the laser.

Shield generator: short-lived Bubble that regenerates the shields of ANY unit standing inside (Players regenerate much slower)


Corpus SoldierThe Corpus soldier is a beefier version of the basic Crewman. This is a rigorously trained fighter with enhanced weaponry and armor enabling him (preferably HER though to add variation) to stand in the midst of battle.

Fighting Crewmen seems unfair, sure Corpus has MOAs and Corpus Tech, but do they really send those poorly equipped box-heads into battle? Let's make this technologically advanced faction show a bit of love for their brethren with proper protection.

Heavy Corpus, late game unit. Larger than Crewmen, smaller than Corpus-Tech (?)

* I mean come on, with that dropped chin-guard the Corpus helmet has they can't even turn their heads! Even Rhino should be able to infinitely troll them poking their shoulders saying: Guess who? and moving away.


Corpus General -  The Corpus General is a foe not to take lightly. Wielding both a burst laser-rifle and a devastating plasma shotgun it is dangerous at all ranges. The General will also not tolerate any failures and thus he orders his subjects with a firm hand. The most frightening aspect of the General is however his ability to warp in the dreaded MOA-S (Subjugator).

The General is a humanoid Corpus with some special features (perhaps even the corpus use body-augmentations?) Possibly purple in color and somewhat larger than the crewmen but not as big as the Corpus-Tech. Could have some shining lights on its armor to make it stand out.


MOA-SThe MOA-S, Subjugator, conqueror, destroyer... The Dreadnought of the Corpus army and challenger to the mighty Jackal and Hyena sentries.

The MOA-S is a specially constructed Corpus robot initially designed for taking out heavily armored targets and masses of infested. It fires a high-power missile that erupts in a frontal cone of plasma (think of banshee's 1:st skill). It also has two individually targeting turrets. Unlike the other MOA the MOA-S does not have legs but sits on a anti-grav hover-engine.
The only weakness know to Tenno is its lesser close range defensive abilities and its weaker top and bottom armor.

(Micro hover-tank, mostly called in as reinforcement in larger more open areas)


Redirector - In many battles cover has played a great role in determining the outcome of a battle. With the addition of the Redirector droids the Corpus have made many places once considered safe virtual death traps. 

The Redirector was originally a Corpus Grav-lane droid that helped out with various cargo duties. In battles with the Grineer the Corpus despite their advanced weaponry often found themselves in a pinch due to the aggressive nature and sheer numbers of the attackers. Desperate times called for new tactics and in one of his (few) victories Derf Anyo (*will provide link) mistakenly attacked one of his own. The Redirector then defended itself by chancing the course of the bullet which resulted in the death of an important Grineer general. The higher ups took notice of this, seeing as they had a vast number of droids, and made a few tweaks. The result being the now called "Redirector". 

Red in color, these Osprey-like droids fly to flank their attackers. Corpus forces then use these droids as targets for there fire which results in the Redirector focusing an unlimited amount of incoming fire to a single target. Specializes on taking out enemies behind cover or around corners.



Corpus BOSSES:



Green: heals others, ground pound-knock down (heal: possibly deploying special repair units? Maintenance droid/Osprey)

Red: fires "plasma" rockets and has close range plasma (flame) thrower - "Big Guns"

Blue: sets up shields and places stun mines - Support/Tank

Yellow: Teleports/ Creates temporary moving decoy (no damage) - Main goal is to target players running for cover.


Edit: again! the fear of "stun" has call for "noooo no stun-mines! mommy save me".
Sure, we can change the idea to be "lock in place mines" (
you can still fire) or "Weapon-jammer-mines" (can't fire for a while) but with no stun. The idea is to make each Hyena a threat. Will you focus on taking out the healer? The "big guns", the teleporter (you can't hide from it)... Or will you take out the tank/support?

Without a reason to fear each Hyena there is no need for it. It adds nothing to just make another bullet sponge, that is just poor boss making, however awesome-looking it might be. 


A bit more "out there":

Purple: Hyena caster type:

Bullet-disintegration: a spell that after a medium amount of time creates a AoE blast around it causing ALL ammunition left in a players magazine erupt causing major damage. The charge up will cancel if players are able to focus it down.

This "spell" is to penalize Heavy weapons and large magazine ones. I should perhaps not do 100% of what the bullets in the affected weapons would have made, but the damage should be able to outright kill you if you fail to stop the charge up and being close enough.

Hard Shields:  Pretty much stolen directly from the Immortals in SC2. All incoming damage is capped to a maximum for X-amount of time. This is a reaction spell to heavy weapon-spam.

Tractor Beam: Need I explain this? no I think not. It shoots tractors ffs XD




Reactive armor (passive): Any incoming fire is semi-countered by the Hyenas' reactive armor. This is a "tanky" Hyena-type but it is also very dangerous to fight close range as all incoming fire results in shrapnel and fire damage reflecting off the hyena.

Snatch: The Hyena will physically grab a player that is to close and start crushing it with its "hands" (DoT). A player caught by the Hyena will find him or herself pinned to the ground with the secondary weapon equipped. To get out you must target the Hyenas weak points (only weak points in this situation) being the joints or some other "logic" part.

Note: the DoT might not be that great, but due to the Hyenas reactive armor any incoming fire from allies or even from the caught player will result in damage.


As mentioned in the ** link the Hyena is a lone wolf and they are supposed to hunt in packs. Perhaps giving it some friends and adding some abilities would make it a bit happier?
Also a new arena for this boss would be nice. As Vorpalstryke mentioned the drop rate for C-mods is pretty harsh and the boss is easier than the Jackal (its predecessor). Less stomping, higher drop chance.




Infested Sentinel - A horrid mutation of flesh and machinery warped together in a retched form of flying death and decay

Predating the current Sentinels was a version of faithful followers made out of biologically altered material and advanced mechanical technology. Their use was widespread and their efficiency in complementing warriors in the field much appreciated. Then the nanocyte plague swept across the system and the sentinels fell by the millions. Now they've come back with a mind of their own, evolved into some new form of horror with a mind set on destruction.

Flying ranged unit, maybe firing toxic darts?


Doppelganger - an infested mimic that copies allies and show up as "green" on the minimap. Once they are near enough they jump onto their enemy and devour them.

A chaotic enemy known to lurk in packs of other infested only to show up as a friendly moments later. Using the element of surprise these creatures jump their prey knocking them to the ground with a wile attack. Though the mimicing propeties of the Doppelganger are substantial they are not perfect, if inspected more thoroughly their infested origin makes them stand out as odd and discomforting. 


"Mimic" - Mimics hide in cannisters and lockers eagely waiting for their prey, beware Tenno, everything isn't as it seems to be.

Weak creatures hiding in lootables attacking when a player comes to near/opens/destroys the lootable.


Tentacle roof monster - stationary enemy that pulls players up in the roof to eat them.

Infested Queen - Boss type monster that is very hard to kill. Provoked by you killing others.

Infested berzerker  - close to the above, but cannot be killed at all - heavily plated but with weak points that you can shoot to slow it down (becomes less and less effective). Doors may also be shut to slow it down (breaks them down).

"Space-squid" (lack of a better name haha) - A monster that follows you from outside the ship and if you make to much noice (gunfire/skills) breaks through the hull to get you - also causing decompression. (Decompression suction effect?)


Hunter - A monster that as the above lurks on the outside following you to strike when you least want it to - wall/roof-climbing, high damage.


Space Pirates:


Captain - Larger, rather heavily armored, but still not "slow" character that wields both close range and mid/long range weapons.
Can use grapling hook (it's a pirate, they have hooks!) to draw you in somewhat like commanders but without the switch and not "magnetic" like mag, they can miss if you dodge. Also has super annoying flashbangs that they THROW.

Big gun pirate that fires cluster bombs, has medium health, shields and armor - slow.

Ultra-heavy melee walker-machine with S#&$loads of armor. Has weak spots from the back and a small "driver headshot" window.
Can drill ground to make aiming harder (shakes) and doe medium aoe-damage around it.

Usual crewman but with a higher droprate on credits/pickups. Can drop mines.

Standard unit - saber wielding or semi-auto rifle, has kick-attack that knocks you down.

Female pirate - agile, wallruns. Submachine gun.
Has a "lasso" attack that wraps around your feet and draws you near for a big melee hit. If lassoed you end up lying on the floor as you do when you're down - you can use your secondary to take down Havoc.

***(this was suggested before Scorpions, might be outdated)

Last but not least.

Prototype droid.
Half finished, make do droid. Moves very sporadic, sometimes in spider-like manner clinging to the roof.
More of a rare drop down - S#&$ your pants enemy. Makes weird noises to alert you there can be one on board - but you just don't know were...won't show up on radar.


Orca (Dropship)

The Orca is an old Grineer harvesting craft that many pirates use because of its' low costs and availability. It holds 8-12 troops and has a special bay for a mining unit. This minig units has in turn been modified by the "Hullbreaked" design.

Due to the nature of their occupation many Pirates rely on a fast in - fast out tactic. The need for cheap and reliable ships has therefor always been dire. The Orca, a former Grineer harvesting craft  with it's low cost on the black market together whit its' highly customizable loadout and flight reliability has made it favorite among many "space dogs". With the classification "harvester", the police of stand alone republics and settlements have been in a bind about the illegal use of these vessels. Though widly known many "flight instructors" are infact founded by pirate organizations the use of harvest-ships in ordinary life is equally common.

   Pirate tactics often involves deploying a hullbreaker and afterwards baking it up with squishier units behind it.

If precize enough snipers have been known to take out the engines' stabilizor causing the ship to make an emergency landing. (Often damaging the troops in the lower compartment).


Hunting Beast (by GratuitousLurking)

'Hunting Beasts are mutated, malnourished pack hounds 'recovered' from the drags and hives of more populated worlds. Often experimented with after the Pirates gain them, these creatures occasionally are launched off a pirate vessel to act as 'first wave' troops. They don't do well discerning friend and foe, and thus tend to be caged at all times on a ship, but when released to battle they are rabid, ferocious fighters.


My comment:


Could we pull a lever or snipe the locks of their cages creating mayhem? (Even if hard to pull, sniping the lock of a cage on an incomming dropship freeing the beasts would be awesome. Picturing it causing pirates to fall out and then either the beasts or if lucky (low lvl) causing the drop ship to crash as the beast(s) tears apart the pilot (muhahahaha).

Also: an elite version wearing some armor?


Will add more later.


Unknown faction


Unknown faction BOSS:

To vary the next added planet there could be a boss that would appear in the maps leading up to the final boss destination.

You could hear him/her/it saying stuff, perhaps see (from now i'll call it "him") him take off in a space shuttle, fight his thugs and/or him but he escapes...you name it.


To make it more interesting this boss should have some mechanics to it than the usual "kill it with fire - done".


I imagine it something like this (with stages)

1: Break the buffers - rather easy - walls/floor coverd with "generators" constantly refilling shields if it has those? (Mass destruction - getting to know the arena + boss)
2: Break the armor - fire at weak spots and avoid attack 1 and 2 (aim and perception)
3: Deplete energy reserves - avoid getting hit by attack 3(single) and 4(AoE) and try to get the boss to fire at specific locations to make it hurt itself/ drain energy. (Patterns - tactic - timing)
4: Speed battle - Enraged the boss now switches tactics and fights with increased speed an "melee" attacks (5&6). Agro-drawn attacks. (speed, debuff, buff - ally focused tactics)
5: Reinforcements - final stage. Boss tries to regenerate some of his health and switches back into ranged mode (1,2,3,4). Multiple enemies swarm the battlefield. (Focus fire stage, trash mob-enemies rather commonly drops both energy and hp-globes + mods)
6: REWARD TIME! - Larger then normal rewards, mods (yes more then one) resources. Possible drop of "Void escape key"

 *Void escape:
A mission with high lvl enemies and many loot rooms. Map is collapsing or a massive unkillable horror closes in on you - map is kind of on time. ("scary levels" ;)






Grav unit background:

The second idea would be a future "town" or "base" map. Something to tie into the lore "how does the Corpus/Grineer live?" These maps might be suited for spy, capture, stealth and new "lore" game-play.
I have no real idea of the looks of it, maybe something like the star wars Coruscant city or other futuristic type.

Special: As a way of transport the Corpus/Grineer use anti-gravity tunnels to get from one place to another. Think of these like the tubes in futurama only more like large shafts and not as crowded (not in glass). There would be a direction of the stream inside every tunnel that would only let you go "one way".
In these tunnels there would be special enemies that controlled the traffic inside them and "flew" around there.
Tenno that jumped into these tunnels would be partially "on rails" going from one location to another - an element of inevitability would dawn on them as if they closed in on a group of enemies without taking them out fast enough things would get pretty bad.
A possible utility item would be a grapling hook/gravity belt that would let you gain some "air control" or the ability to latch on to certain objects to gain bonus cover or access to a different path.


Space pirate thread:



Scary leves thread:







Edited by Lactamid
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I Support.


DoppelGanger needs to have infested characteristics of a tenno, and no grav-lockers. Maybe psychics, but acts more like loki.

Absolutely, the Doppelgangers shouldn't be exactly like the player, but close. There should be a way of identifying them.


Haha, I take it you were not a fan of the former Nervo-Seekers? ;D

Maybe just frekkin mines then?


How would they act more like Loki? Switch teleport is already used by Commaders. Radial disarm? Decoy?

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nice ideas, just be very careful about the lore and theme. Those grineer units seem a little out of place in grineer technology and style.

They might be. Although I haven't seen any "lore" more then the videos and in-game stuff which is always being added to.

It's just ideas and I'm not really expecting any of it to get implemented into the game. However one can always hope :D


One just have to sell an idea and provide some kinda backstory to it. I "could" work, or be reworked to fit better.

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DE showed a VERY strange looking ancient-model in (i think) the last livestream. Things are changing :)

Yea i saw it BUT still its only ONE model. its basically still Charger and ancients, runners are short ancients, also crawlers. That's still 2 enemy types.

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what Corpus and Grineer needs are mini-bosses or heroes...

what infested need is a ranged unit(something like starcraft's hydralisk or left 4 dead's spitter or smoker)

what corpus maps needs is more traps(flame traps, electric floor trap, missile traps)

what grineer needs are something similar to commando units(dual-wields gorgons and has a brokk hammer to engage melee) 

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Yea i saw it BUT still its only ONE model. its basically still Charger and ancients, runners are short ancients, also crawlers. That's still 2 enemy types.

True, I guess we can only hope that they are placeholders and that there will be more personality to the different enemy types in a later state of the game. It's still Beta after all.

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Great ideas, but one question: Attac? Is that an actual word for something the units or just a misspelled attack?

I can't spell for S#&$ :D Feel free to correct me from sounding like a r-tard.

(Won't change it right away, to tired, but later on!) Fixed

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I don't really agree with all of this, plenty of those enemies break the flow of the gameplay, and I think people would be pretty annoyed with being stunned/helpless for most of the time. We're badass space ninjas.

Besides, those infested bezerkers shouldn't be put in at all, this isn't a survival horror game.

Not to mention those combined with Mimics would promote rushing and demote exploring/resource gathering,

Also, all those heavy units with weakspots wouldn't be very good for this type of game, at least, that's the feeling I get. Should at least make them rare to find.

Some of the enemy types are quite controversial, as you can see a large number of them are actaully from the "scary levels" thread - where it's basicly suggested there might be a "survival/horror mode".

I do agree on the point that we shouldn't try to make this into another game as it would probably just mess up what is actually good about this game and why we play it. The idea I would like to present is more of a "what could we add that would make the game more enjoyable".

I am open for critique.

If there is something that you kinda like but would like to change - tell me/uss. What and how/ why not?

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I don't really agree with all of this, plenty of those enemies break the flow of the gameplay, and I think people would be pretty annoyed with being stunned/helpless for most of the time. We're badass space ninjas.

Besides, those infested bezerkers shouldn't be put in at all, this isn't a survival horror game.

Not to mention those combined with Mimics would promote rushing and demote exploring/resource gathering,

Also, all those heavy units with weakspots wouldn't be very good for this type of game, at least, that's the feeling I get. Should at least make them rare to find.

They could make it like Fusion MOAs only spawn on some maps, and are rare. We need variety man. Not everyone wants a weak challenge like you clearly do. Most want something challenging and a new scenery.

Edited by W4RM4CHIN3
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Some of the enemy types are quite controversial, as you can see a large number of them are actaully from the "scary levels" thread - where it's basicly suggested there might be a "survival/horror mode".

I do agree on the point that we shouldn't try to make this into another game as it would probably just mess up what is actually good about this game and why we play it. The idea I would like to present is more of a "what could we add that would make the game more enjoyable".

I am open for critique.

If there is something that you kinda like but would like to change - tell me/uss. What and how/ why not?

And it can even be its own game mode. If people don't like it they have to right not to play that game. But just because one person feels it is out of place doesn't speak for everyone.

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what Corpus and Grineer needs are mini-bosses or heroes...

what infested need is a ranged unit(something like starcraft's hydralisk or left 4 dead's spitter or smoker)

what corpus maps needs is more traps(flame traps, electric floor trap, missile traps)

what grineer needs are something similar to commando units(dual-wields gorgons and has a brokk hammer to engage melee) 

Missed this post before. Good points!

Infested should absolutely have something more to them than melee-attackers. The hard stuff might be to make up the origin of the "unit" that was infested from the start. Right now the infested are infested Corpus and Grineer and naturally their "humanoid" origin doesn't really support the ranged attacks.

Perhaps The Grineer, or even the Corpus could have a biomechanic unit that could be infested.

I'm thinking something in the line of:

Android - artificially created "robot" not composed of a majority of metal parts having a more organic feel to it.

Cyborg - mainly metallic, mechanical and electronic "robot/altered humanoid".

Bionic/Biomechanic - a "robot" with a biological base or "brain"

Robot - Electronic/mechanical unit built from scratch out of non living parts and programmed with data.

And that with Grineer being mainly (over 50% humanoid) and corpus MOA being entirely Robotic some new units could have a biological base (but maybe less than 50%) that would be susceptible to the infested "virus". These units could be smaller or larger providing a different silhouette and style. I don't know what that would be exactly, but perhaps the Corpus "maintenance droid" or something, though it being very simple and a "android" would suggest it not being biological.

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Some of those are really cool and others I imagine incredibly annoying, some almost making soloing impossible.

Also what about The Void? some combinations could be very frustrating to fight against.

Havoc and Hullbreaker combo could be very hard - a bit of stun lock warning. Perhaps some AI nerfing would be required to dampen their effect. How they act when the units are put togheter.

Plz mention what you think of when you say that some units togheter would be very annoying.

Solo-mission should probably be a bit different from multiplayer ones.

In the aspect of the "scary-units" many of these units are created to get you out of your comfort zone and break up the thight teams.

The heavy units that are more of survival-types may not be as agressive towards a single threat. The space squid could be avoided to a point by using silent weapons. There are many ways to vary the playstyle to get by enemies, stealth being one of them.


The Grav-locker is NOT meant to be another Nervo. The point is to slow down a player while they are inside the Grav-tunnels (cargo lanes) and thus being partially in a "on rails" state. They are never meant to completly lock you down (despite the name) only hinder you.

Another way might to simply make them into "mines" that charge you when you enter their detection zone.

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