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This New Event Is Awful


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1.) Boring rewards? 1.2 Meter puncture at max level combined with 30% firing speed for Rifles? 120% Bonus to Shields and Health? 60% firing speed and 60% multishot for pistols? ALL OF WHICH THAT CAN BE STACKED FOR MORE POWER? Wow, thought people would actually be happy for not having to find blueprints, materials, and waiting for 12+ hours to make a weapon that was stronger than their current versions that has the same namesake, but with added "Vandal" or "Prime". OHey don't forget about two more weapons that we can hunt for and -gasp- NEW LOCATION.


2.) Eh. It was mind numbing.  But I did have a lot of fun spamming Jackal for Ciphers. Eheheh...Rhino + Flux..


3.) Eh again. The only major downside to this was that I would have to re-add everyone into my/their lobby. Then again too, I was sitting in Recruiting just randomly adding people to my lobby and running those. I heard no qualms about it. Nobody knew that I was hosting. I was just randomly adding people that were asking for key runs, and almost everyone thanked me for it.


At tops, 102 total runs (64 for both alert missions combined, plus 32 for the actual mission for a total of 102) for everything isn't that bad, and it's compensating for when the game buggers up and only rewards 3 points instead of 4 with a full party. Took about...6 hours of actual work (Not including downtime/in between alerts), quickly gathered Ciphers from when killing Jackal was the alert mission, the rest was done in Raids and Spy missions (curse you multiple objectives!). Oh, and the silly alerts where the Cipher/Datamass was a 15 wave defense. Didn't do those. Bugger that.


All in all : Mind numbing? It depends on what's set before you, time limitations, and personal aspects. I had a bit of fun. Got my 100 points for myself and helped a few others along the way. Rewards? I'm ready for a few new mods to mess around with. Who couldn't say no to more firepower?

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So to remake my points.


Vigor - Yes it stacks but do you really want to waste a slot and more points into this? I mean you should already have a rather decent level of shields and health to even need this in the first place. With all bonus you should be applying to abillties and energy I don't belive there would be points left (or in the case of an extremelly polarised warframe, slots left to just put this. Again I find this to be close to useless.


Shred - More fire rate again unnecessary and puncture... Sure a better puncture but unless the enemy is stack up one behind another you'll never hit two with it because so long as there is a small gap between them, there goes the puncture so again, useless.


Lethal Torrent - Again more rate of fire is unnecessary and this comes from someone who had Afuris with a nearly maxed mod for extra fire rate. As for multishot I have my very sincere doubt that it gives you a 3rd shot. As far as I'm aware, ever since the system was redesign from the skill tree which allowed multishots of 300% or more, it seams to have been designed to never give more than one extra shot even if you could multishot it to 1000%. So, on the basis that no matter how high you get multishot to go you'll still only get one extra shot, then this is useless.

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Just going to point out one thing you got wrong.
You said: " Sure a better puncture but unless the enemy is stack up one behind another you'll never hit two with it because so long as there is a small gap between them, there goes the puncture so again, useless." The puncture does *NOT* count gaps in the enemy.  The *only* thing counted by the puncture distance is the amount of solid material it passes through.  And you can combine it with the auger mod to go through 2 enemies to hit a total of 3.  That is very useful for increasing damage dealt to hordes of charging infested.

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I agree with the OP (except for the third mod, that mod will break things)


im glad some people enjoyed it. However, i personally found it tedious and boring. Sure the void missions were nice, sure the alert/key thing was new. Though the (flaws > goods) in this event. 

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Are the points awarded supposed to be consistent amongst squad members? I captured 2 scouts in a mission, and my girlfriend did similar damage and had a similar number of kills IN THE SAME MISSION... and then because a door derped shut on her end, she was blocked from reaching extraction, leaving me to run to extraction to trigger itand allowing us both out of the mission.

She got 3 event points, I got 2, she received no bonus affinity for mission completion, and I received whatever I normally would have got for completion and extraction.

We've both been having MAJOR lag and synch issues since the update, and we appear to be receiving a randomly awarded number of points for void capture completions.

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Dun care bout puncture, main Sobek and Paris Prime. Dun care bout more Multishot as 120% is more then enough for Despair, dun feel like formaing to make space for 11 points and a fail RoF boost that I don't want. and 120% Shields and Health is Nice.... but who needs extra health? I'm fine with shields only. All in all, this event was in a way ahead of its time, I could see it working quite well... with a proper lobby system in game, but all this managed to do was give Recruiting a whole new meaning of "Lf...." spam. So until they give a proper match making system for Void and just missions ingeneral, this event was ahead of its time. The mods... yeah they're nice... for the ones who care for em? All in all, I do kind of agree. This was a fail event, having an Alert based system was the first mistake imo, the second was making it based in the void and having the keys only available through crafting causing the insane amount of spam in chat. Then there's is the fact that newer players really don't have a way to attend this event, and the other blah about it. Just really not set up ina good way.


And by the way, 4 people in a group mean 4 points, the mission adds another capture target for each person who the match started with. So I guess it's not that bad... Not farming it though.

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Just going to point out one thing you got wrong.

You said: " Sure a better puncture but unless the enemy is stack up one behind another you'll never hit two with it because so long as there is a small gap between them, there goes the puncture so again, useless." The puncture does *NOT* count gaps in the enemy.  The *only* thing counted by the puncture distance is the amount of solid material it passes through.  And you can combine it with the auger mod to go through 2 enemies to hit a total of 3.  That is very useful for increasing damage dealt to hordes of charging infested.


Are you quite sure about that though? The problem with auger was precisely the fact that it would never go multiple enemies and let me say that a maxed auger would certainly be able to do that, at least with some enemies like say, moas. Shot the legs and there should be more than enough to go through. The problem with puncture was precisly that once it hit something, it would only travel the puncture distance whether through solid matter or empty space. This led to puncture being useful for one thing and one thing only. Go through grineer shields cause the distance would be enough for that and no more.


PS: Infested is not a good example, everyone knows they are to be killed with mellee two handed weapons :P

Edited by Elhazzared
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I brought up infested because of the new Miter weapon.  And the distances in this game are a bit skewed, but from the original puncture mods(where you could get 5+ meters of puncture) it didn't matter how far apart the enemies were, just that there was less than that total amount of material to pass through.  And I think that if you can get the 1.2, let alone 1.8 meters, you'll be able to see that again.

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I think DE were a little confused over the event, the new bugs added and the shoddy invite system for teams were just the icing on the cake.


I think thier hearts are in the right place, though the guy behind the mitre needs his butt kicked (it seriously sucks).


I take it you didn't enjoy the Ripper in Unreal Tournament, then?

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1: That is where I stopped reading, the mods are GODLY...

What more could you want a mod that makes you invincible?


What you said. Nothing more from me on this matter.


PS: I managed to get the 100 points in about 25 runs with some friends. It's nice to have them in the game, but the tedium of doing this event solo is just too large for me to want to do it.

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Shred - More fire rate again unnecessary and puncture... Sure a better puncture but unless the enemy is stack up one behind another you'll never hit two with it because so long as there is a small gap between them, there goes the puncture so again, useless.



wait... does this puncture even works with blot-rifle? (boltor, etc)

it seems that this mod is only intended for bullets-rifle.

2 good mod and 1 fail mod.~

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I brought up infested because of the new Miter weapon.  And the distances in this game are a bit skewed, but from the original puncture mods(where you could get 5+ meters of puncture) it didn't matter how far apart the enemies were, just that there was less than that total amount of material to pass through.  And I think that if you can get the 1.2, let alone 1.8 meters, you'll be able to see that again.


The miter... Which will go through reguardless of puncture! It's a complete waste on that weapon that's for sure. Don't forget Miter is like the paris, with the difference that there isn't just a chance that it will go through. It is certain it will go through up to a certain number of limit hits.


Again so far the puncture (as far as I've seen and as far as everyone had also been saying in the foruns so far) counts everything from the point it colides with solid things, even empty space after it goes through the solid object it originally colided with.

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I don't care about the rewards, my real issue is the lack of pub matchmaking for the void part of the event, I don't have a lot of friends who play the game regularly, and my guild is pretty much just me (though I like having the dojo to myself). so whenever I do the missions, I always get just one point...


so yeah, the no public matchmaking is what really hurt for me.

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I've actually been testing the Miter and it wont go through the body of a charger or runner, it just bounces off to hit other opponents. With shred it should be able to pass through the first one at least and then bounce off of the second, and if I have both it'll pass through the second and bounce off of the third with the distances it would be able to puncture through.

And really, .6 meters of puncture isn't that much in this game. The distances are a bit skewed like that. That *might* go through the legs of a grineer, but definately not his body or anything.

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I've actually been testing the Miter and it wont go through the body of a charger or runner, it just bounces off to hit other opponents. With shred it should be able to pass through the first one at least and then bounce off of the second, and if I have both it'll pass through the second and bounce off of the third with the distances it would be able to puncture through.



So you're assuming that puncture works on non-hitscan weapons - which it doesn't.

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I've actually been testing the Miter and it wont go through the body of a charger or runner, it just bounces off to hit other opponents. With shred it should be able to pass through the first one at least and then bounce off of the second, and if I have both it'll pass through the second and bounce off of the third with the distances it would be able to puncture through.

And really, .6 meters of puncture isn't that much in this game. The distances are a bit skewed like that. That *might* go through the legs of a grineer, but definately not his body or anything.


Thing is, acording to mostly everyone, it doesn't goes through anything at all unless enemies are really so close up together that it would work. This is why I don't trust that mod one bit to do what it is actually supposed to do.


Again I fail the reason to have weapons specificly for infested. They are weak, they die o mellee weapons by the tousands and if this isn't enough because there might just be too many, use an abillity. Quite frankly I find it funny to bring ember to their missions or Rhino.

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