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If You Cant Play The Video Game Dont Blame The Video Game. An Arid Discussion.


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You folks that have "a life" (this is the reason you keep bringing up) are not going to hold everyone hostage and mess the whole system up. All the events have had a tremendously decent requirement for getting all the rewards that consisted of nothing more that a couple of hours of play. A couple of hours for a couple of days if you want to take it slow.


These events have a deadline but that deadline does not state when the people should finish it. The people themselves are the ones that determine when the event finishes. Yes, the first couple of events they let you continue for the half of day that was left but that does not mean that this is what was going to happen with every event. That was obviously a bonus because that was just their first attempts at events. 


If you want to wait for the last possible second to get in, for whatever reason, that is all on you. The rest of folks here have, like you, their own schedule and it has been shown that these folks, made made up of all sorts of different schedules, are not going to wait to the last possible second to pop in. That's a bad plan. So dont blame everyone else for your planing.



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I completely agree with you. People whining about these events remind me of people making a lane in the bank and complaining because it's taking too long. You can just, not do it, you know? It's your life. You make the choices. You can't just expect the choices you have to be changed for your best just because... Because... What was your reason again? You had to do something else?

Yeah, exactly.

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The ending of this event was not clear.

Those people who are whining are doing so because of that.

If they knew the event would have ended today I bet they would have put more time into it.

Usually they state the exact amount of days you have, Most of us thought this event would be 6 days long.


Not to mention other factors in this event..


I feel bad for the people who actually had to work on it, considering all the people who cheated. 

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The ending of this event was not clear.

Those people who are whining are doing so because of that.

If they knew the event would have ended today I bet they would have put more time into it.

Usually they state the exact amount of days you have, Most of us thought this event would be 6 days long.

Not to mention other factors in this event..

I feel bad for the people who actually had to work on it, considering all the people who cheated.

wait, what cheating?

Edited by Paptimus
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This was a community event in which the community had to work together towards the goal. That didn't happen. Here's what actually happened:


1.) All the big clans went in, wanting to act like Operation Heroes, and finished the Operation, taking away the chances of the community to get points.

2.) See #1


Honestly, it's the same deal with Defense Heroes. You've all heard of them, right? Those guys that don't stay at the cryopod/reactor and rush out to spawn camp, stealing all the EXP?


Except instead of rushing out and stealing, not only the EXP, but you're taking away the chances for other players to work to their reward.

Edited by Psychosist
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This was a community event in which the community had to work together towards the goal. That didn't happen. Here's what actually happened:


1.) All the big clans went in, wanting to act like Operation Heroes, and finished the Operation, taking away the chances of the community to get points.

2.) See #1


Honestly, it's the same deal with Defense Heroes. You've all heard of them, right? Those guys that don't stay at the cryopod/reactor and rush out to spawn camp, stealing all the EXP?


Except instead of rushing out and stealing, not only the EXP, but you're taking away the chances for other players to work to their reward.


what happened


1) event started without any mod rewards announced, which resulted in only the players that wanted to help and the big clans doing the runs while all the others did only 1 point(at this point, no one complained, they actually wanted the big clans to carry them)

2) mods were announced at phase 2, suddenly everyone got interested, not to help the community, but to help themselves, so they started trying too, sadly that meant they started one phase later and that the sheer amount of people rushing(that would normally be distributed among 3 phases) ended up being in only 2 phases, which caused these 2 to end extremely fast.

3) QQ starts.(at this point people like you blame the big clans)

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what happened


1) event started without any mod rewards announced, which resulted in only the players that wanted to help and the big clans doing the runs while all the others did only 1 point(at this point, no one complained, they actually wanted the big clans to carry them)

2) mods were announced at phase 2, suddenly everyone got interested, not to help the community, but to help themselves, so they started trying too, sadly that meant they started one phase later and that the sheer amount of people rushing(that would normally be distributed among 3 phases) ended up being in only 2 phases, which caused these 2 to end extremely fast.

3) QQ starts.(at this point people like you blame the big clans)


Nailed it on the head pretty much.


If everybody took interest at phase 1, there would have been plenty of time for everyone to get 100 points.


If there were no mods, no one would have given a S#&$.

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The way I see it, there is no problem to discuss, no reason to complain:


People who had time / wanted to devote time to the game / wanted to take part in the event / for community or themselves - did exactly that. They did their 100 points (or more) in the early stages of the event and got the rewards.


Now, we have a lot of people complaining that they did not have time / had other responsibilities / did not know / want / whatever - those people will have plenty of time (with no deadlines) to get those mods when they get added to the mod pool. You will have all the time in the world. No stress, no deadlines.


So what exactly is the problem? - The rewards NOW are for people who contribute... The rewards LATER are for people who did not contribute or wanted to contribute later. 


As an additional note - the event had a deadline of 6 days, not a length of 6 days. There is a difference. Look closely and you will see it =)

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what happened


1) event started without any mod rewards announced, which resulted in only the players that wanted to help and the big clans doing the runs while all the others did only 1 point(at this point, no one complained, they actually wanted the big clans to carry them)

2) mods were announced at phase 2, suddenly everyone got interested, not to help the community, but to help themselves, so they started trying too, sadly that meant they started one phase later and that the sheer amount of people rushing(that would normally be distributed among 3 phases) ended up being in only 2 phases, which caused these 2 to end extremely fast.

3) QQ starts.(at this point people like you blame the big clans)

You're admitting that everyone did the event primarily for the mods. Were that to be true, that would further support the fact that all the people that rushed and grinded the heck out of this event were all greedy, not caring about those that would not be able to grind just as fast.


"I wanted the mods and the glory for my 1000+ member clan and I quite frankly don't care about those that don't get to grind as fast as I do. If you can't get your grind up to speed like I do, you're just too whiny."


is what it sounds like.

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Nailed it on the head pretty much.


If everybody took interest at phase 1, there would have been plenty of time for everyone to get 100 points.


If there were no mods, no one would have given a S#&$.


No, there wouldn't have. That's what people seem to be missing.


This event had no set time to complete. The more people doing it earlier, the quicker it would have ended. If it took 5,000 points per bar to fill, then there were 15,000 points to go around. Meaning that 150 people could get 100 points, or 15 people could get 1,000 points.


Clearly the number was much higher than this, but it was still far, far too low. By design the event excluded a large number of people because there weren't possibly enough points for all active players to get to 100. It further excluded players because clans were encouraged to go beyond 100 points in order to win statues.


Furthermore, you all can claim that people weren't helping because there was no reward all you like, but that's a load of crap. Most people go in, do the alerts, run a key. They maybe go a few more times to help a bit. Your average player with no reward is going to feel like they contributed by 15-20 points. Nobody grinds out 40ish missions with a full group just to help.


The whole event was motivated by personal gain, but considering it's a god damned video game, that's perfectly acceptable. This isn't a charity. We're not raising money for the red cross. We're playing a game to get new content in a game. Regardless of your goal, be it the new planet, the statues, or the mods, everyone was after something. Problem is that the event was designed in such a way that most people COULDN'T get that something.

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Okay there was bad communication was there not? I think there are also people who would of finished the event early had it not been poorly communicated and many are upset because it was misleading and it shouldn't be. Not making events simply because of life is one thing but it is another to not make an event because it was not communicated well and many misunderstood. Dunno why that is so difficult to understand. In one hand you have to deal with it and the DE did there part, on the other you try to fit around the schedule you are given the impression the event has and miss it cause of that.

Edited by KuaFu
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You're admitting that everyone did the event primarily for the mods. Were that to be true, that would further support the fact that all the people that rushed and grinded the heck out of this event were all greedy, not caring about those that would not be able to grind just as fast.


"I wanted the mods and the glory for my 1000+ member clan and I quite frankly don't care about those that don't get to grind as fast as I do. If you can't get your grind up to speed like I do, you're just too whiny."


is what it sounds like.


Dedication from the start doesn't mean greed, the real greedy people are the over self entitled people who are complaining about not getting enough points because they decided to start late.

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You're admitting that everyone did the event primarily for the mods. Were that to be true, that would further support the fact that all the people that rushed and grinded the heck out of this event were all greedy, not caring about those that would not be able to grind just as fast.


"I wanted the mods and the glory for my 1000+ member clan and I quite frankly don't care about those that don't get to grind as fast as I do. If you can't get your grind up to speed like I do, you're just too whiny."


is what it sounds like.


This... pretty much is the way a lot of the big-clan guys act on here now that this is a discussion.


And yeah, notice the surge in people running the event as soon as the mods were announced? I wonder why that might be.

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I don't get why DE doesn't just have extended alerts for those who haven't had time at the beginning of the event instead of just ending it early. There's literally no online games that do that, especially when there are individual rewards that can have significant impact.

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No, there wouldn't have. That's what people seem to be missing.


This event had no set time to complete. The more people doing it earlier, the quicker it would have ended. If it took 5,000 points per bar to fill, then there were 15,000 points to go around. Meaning that 150 people could get 100 points, or 15 people could get 1,000 points.


Clearly the number was much higher than this, but it was still far, far too low. By design the event excluded a large number of people because there weren't possibly enough points for all active players to get to 100. It further excluded players because clans were encouraged to go beyond 100 points in order to win statues.


Furthermore, you all can claim that people weren't helping because there was no reward all you like, but that's a load of crap. Most people go in, do the alerts, run a key. They maybe go a few more times to help a bit. Your average player with no reward is going to feel like they contributed by 15-20 points. Nobody grinds out 40ish missions with a full group just to help.


The whole event was motivated by personal gain, but considering it's a god damned video game, that's perfectly acceptable. This isn't a charity. We're not raising money for the red cross. We're playing a game to get new content in a game. Regardless of your goal, be it the new planet, the statues, or the mods, everyone was after something. Problem is that the event was designed in such a way that most people COULDN'T get that something.


Part of the problem is that when DE set a high bar, enough for everyone to roll high... everyone freaked out. The Floater event was rife with "DE YOU DONE GOOFED THE PROGRESS BAR IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FILL" QQ. With Sling Stone and Arid Fear, we're seeing "OH NOES IT'S TOO EASY TO FILL" QQ. If we want to empower the community when it comes to the event, so many factors will play in that we're never likely to get a 'perfect' one that doesn't in a huge QQfest in one direction or the other.

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You're admitting that everyone did the event primarily for the mods. Were that to be true, that would further support the fact that all the people that rushed and grinded the heck out of this event were all greedy, not caring about those that would not be able to grind just as fast.


"I wanted the mods and the glory for my 1000+ member clan and I quite frankly don't care about those that don't get to grind as fast as I do. If you can't get your grind up to speed like I do, you're just too whiny."


is what it sounds like.

Dude your argument is so flawed it's not even funny. First off big clans weren't the only ones who "grinded" the heck out of this when ghost clans which are 33 times smaller than Moon clans only had numbers that were only 4x lower than clans of Moon size. So obviously it wasn't just big clans but you want to make yourself believe that also if it was a community event why wasn't the community doing it as a group until those prizes came out? All people ever do is think about themselves if you expect me to worry about people who don't want to put in any work until they have something that benefits only them in return then you sir are naive.


Also it's not a 6 day event no where in the livestream or the arid fear update notes did they say it was a "6-day event", they did though mention several times that it was a WEEKEND EVENT! the 6 day part was probably a precaution to make it so it'd be really hard to fail the event and miss out on the new content.

Edited by Hazmatzone
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They didn't say it was a 6 day event, they said it had a 6 day time limit.

Exactly, and if people interpreted this wrong, then they're the only ones to blame. 

Having to play for 2 hours over a weekend wasn't much of a grind, and if you read up on the event, you'd know that it only held 3 phases.(of which we could see the progress bar)

Edited by NeopetsMaster4432
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Nailed it on the head pretty much.


If everybody took interest at phase 1, there would have been plenty of time for everyone to get 100 points.


If there were no mods, no one would have given a S#&$.


I logged on the first day of the event, and saw that Phase 1 completion was ALREADY at 40%+, so I think you're deluding yourself that some people weren't participating. Some of us still have void keys that we can no longer use, and the event had 3 days remaining, according to the alert system.

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I logged on the first day of the event, and saw that Phase 1 completion was ALREADY at 40%+, so I think you're deluding yourself that some people weren't participating. Some of us still have void keys that we can no longer use, and the event had 3 days remaining, according to the alert system.


if you compare the speed at which phase 1 was completed with phase 2, the difference is clear as day, phase 2 just vanished in thin air like it was nothing(just goes to show how many more players started running it)

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