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Melee 2.0 And You (Come On Guys, Reply Also Instead Of Only +1Ing)


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So first off. No this isn’t a help tutorial thing… and on that note, let’s start with the biggest issue here.

(+1ing this post will help DE know how many people want this) (+1ing the bottom post will help DE know how many people don’t want this). AND REPLYING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE HELPS A LOT. LIKE A LOT.

Its the replies that will let THIS HAPPEN


Stances and YOU:

Stances. I feel like if this gets talked about a lot, then DE could change it (like what happened with the auras)

So let’s start…


I was excited for melee 2.0, it seemed like it was an AWESOME AWESOME insane addition. And it is. It truly is. But the thing is. The grind. (Gee, didn’t see that one coming (Actually I really didn’t…)). I don’t get why right now melee 2.0 is pretty much exactly what we had before. Just no more charge attacks, but instead, the channeling thing. (Small thing on that on the bottom (just a visual thing)) Seriously, what I’m playing with right now is exactly the same thing, but I can hold my melee. (Which is cool btw). What you wanted was for us to stop pressing the same button randomly. So you gave us stances. That’s alright (although I would’ve just preferred just having all the combos anyway, because it gives more variety (but that’s not too big of a deal)).


But the problem is, like everyone’s saying, you have to GRIND for melee 2.0. That’s literally what’s happening. You’re grinding for update 13. You don’t get to experience 99.999% of update 13 (cause let’s be honest, update 13 was about melee 2.0, not hydroid and stuff (hydroid’s just the icing on top of the cake)). So pretty much, without stances, not even a single combo, you’re just pressing E (well for me the left mouse button (which I’ll talk about later)).


Enjoy your melee 2.0! I don’t like the fact that to experience melee 2.0 you have to grind for ALL of the stances. Since almost all of them have 2 stances, just nerf and buff the mods around, and make 1 of the mods uncommon and the other one can be a rare. That’s the least you could do.


If you want to do more… give all the players one of the single handed long sword stances. Long sword why? Because you start off with the skana and new players can have a taste of what melee 2.0 is all about, and also for the RNGesus’ unloved tennos, so they can have a sip™ of melee 2.0.


I guess that’s all for the major part of this topic…




I’m only making this just in case you didn’t understand what I said. If you’re going to reply, don’t just read the TL; DR and reply.


Least you can do about stances: Since most melee weapons have 2 stances, make half of them uncommon, and the other half rare. But it would be VERY VERY appreciated, if you could just give everyone just the normal long sword stance, so players could at least have a sip of melee 2.0, Long sword because, you start with the skana, so new players should get at least that so they can try out melee 2.0. (Suggest what to do with the weapons that only have 1 stance.)


Key bindings and YOU:

I’m sure DE is going to do this soon ™, but hey, this is a Melee 2.0 topic, and this has a place here…


Personally (and lots of other people), I (and lots of other people) prefer using Left Mouse button to attack and to PRESS AND NOT HOLD E to channel. It feels much more natural. But if we change it to like that, we aren’t able to fire. So it would be very much appreciated if we could change key bindings for the melee MODE. So we get like completely different key bindings.

But ALSO. A toggle button for melee channeling would be VERY VERY VERRRY much appreciated.




I’m only making this just in case you didn’t understand what I said. If you’re going to reply, don’t just read the TL; DR and reply.

Melee channel toggle button much appreciated.

And allow us to change key bindings to left mouse to attack, and e to channel, so it works…


Physx effects and YOU:

With the recent hot fix, you toned down the effects. But it looked so badass before. And you only toned it down because of performance. Can we have an option to enable/disable it please? Thanks.




I’m only making this just in case you didn’t understand what I said. If you’re going to reply, don’t just read the TL; DR and reply.

With the recent hot fix, you toned down the effects. But it looked so badass before. And you only toned it down because of performance. Can we have an option to enable/disable it please? Thanks.


Hit counter and YOU:

And finally. This is just a personally thing, maybe to like think about but it wouldn't hurt to have it as an option. IMO the hit counter lasts waaaaaay to short. Maybe the bigger the hit counter, the more time you get to keep it up. But that’s not why I made this. This is purely an aesthetic thing, but would look so nice on warframe. Have a Metal Gear Revengance? IDK, but like the new old MGS game kind of hit counter. It fits perfectly with the art style of warframe. Right now, with all the action, you can’t even see the hit counter. Just have it like beside your frame. But instead of having it white, it can have different colors to it every 5 consecutive hits. The colors can go from a Blue, to a Red (to match up the HUD). So every 5 hits, it gets more and more red. And also, when it’s going to disappear after more than 5 hits, make the number shake so you know it’s going to go away. I feel like it would make melee 2.0 that much better (but first fix the stances issue). So it would look something like this…




The number would be the same size as like your health and stuff…




I’m only making this just in case you didn’t understand what I said. If you’re going to reply, don’t just read the TL; DR and reply.


Hit counter should last longer the higher your counter (should have a max time on it though), and it should be like beside your frame, and should change colors every 5 hits, from blue to red (to match the HUD)


Should look something like this…



Well that’s it. I hope this doesn’t die off… at least until DE fixes most of these things…

And yah I know these have been suggested already (and some of these I already made threads about, but I just want to put them all in one so that DE can easily see everything. And it makes it easier for me)

And don’t forget…

+1ing this post will help DE know how many people want this, and +1ing the bottom post will help DE know how many people don’t want this.

That’s all for today folks. 

And btw DE, great work on melee 2.0! Its 9.9999/10.

If you could do these, it would be like 20/10

Edited by Deaths.Reap3r
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I agree with everything except the visual change to the hit counter. I'd rather that be an optional thing as I already have enough trouble seeing and decyphering what it is that I'm seeing with all the bloom and assorted color explosions of physx confetti. Adding a giant set of numbers into the mix is just going to make it worse for anyone like me. 

No, I am not visually impaired. I just have trouble honing in on my targets when my screen is being painted in all the colors of the rainbow. As it is now, I just shoot where I think my enemies should be. It works but it makes Sonar nigh-useless for me.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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I agree with everything except the visual change to the hit counter. I'd rather that be an optional thing as I already have enough trouble seeing and decyphering what it is that I'm seeing with all the bloom and assorted color explosions of physx confetti. Adding a giant set of numbers into the mix is just going to make it worse for anyone like me. 

No, I am not visually impaired. I just have trouble honing in on my targets when my screen is being painted in all the colors of the rainbow. As it is now, I just shoot where I think my enemies should be. It works but it makes Sonar nigh-useless for me.

Yah I understand. No harm in having and OPTION.

But still having it as an OPTION would be really great.

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You have my +1 too. (for stances in particular)


Glad you also like the new system/update and glad you are the kind of player who has a tester point of view, who knows that such a big thing recently released needs feedback ,not bashing without arguments nor showing possible solutions to current bugs/problems ("Nerf","Thanks for ruining the gameplay","Too much grind"...Reactions encountered in a lot of thread mostly created by players with huge expectations).


Fixes are coming like during damage revamp, and devs are particularly reading our suggestions. We still can correct the content and make it the most pleasing to the majority.

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I feel the same way. I can't experience all of Melee 2.0 since I have to grind for stances. I felt the moment this happened that each weapon should come with at least a default stance mod that would have a couple of simple combos to get you started until you find the stance with the best combos.


Key Binding:


I see no reason why DE can't make this happen. I don't need it myself since I'm used to using E with melee so it feels more natural to me this way. Channeling should be just a key press like you said and if you want to cancel it you can just hit the channel key again.


Hit Counter:


I think the visual is fine the way it is but giving options to players on how it's displayed seems like a good idea to me. Agree that the hit counter is too short and the length between hits should be increased a bit.

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These mods are supposed to relatively rare. I've been playing Update 13 for about 4 hours, and have found a total of three. It's not horrendous. I think I'm expecting to have a decent number in a decently short time.

I've been playing Jupiter and Saturn survival missions, as well as the Mars invasion.


No, the thing that disappoints me more is that the new stances (or just the 3 I've gotten so far) don't add anything more than a single combo. Don't get me wrong. The combos looks REALLY great. However: the awkward pauses during the combos really throw me off. It's perfect time for an enemy to get a hit in and disrupt my combo, especially with Infested swarms.

I do like the Channeling, though. I feel like a Pewterarm flaring his metals (Mistborn trilogy allusion) when I use it. It's a bit energy hungry, but I like it this way. It really makes you conserve.


However: my Glaive Prime disappointed me a little. The extra step in throwing the Glaive really stopped it from being a viable source of damage. Also, the charge is almost unbearably slow in a fast-paced game such as Warframe. It once again allows opportunistic enemies to hit me when I'm charging.


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I actually was hoping the stances would basically be combos that were unlocked as you rank them... Yeah, I was disappointed. I don't mind some farming, but there's just too much going on at once. The key binding I don't really have to care about since I use a controller anyway. And I love physx, so yeah. The hit counter is a bit hidden, and it feels like they wanted it but were embarrassed by it. Either it's something that is part of the game or it's scrapped, right now it's awkwardly in between.

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1. The grind is imply indicative of how little DE pays attention to player concerns unless the SPREADSHEET OF ALL RNGESUS directly reinforces the complaint. The funny thing is it only seems to be follow negative connotations.


Now the reason why is really simple, because WF players whine about a lot of things; an overwhelming number of things, but then they don't carry through on their empty threats, they just do whatever the game dictates they do anyway.


Player: "Oh noes void is completely glutted with b@llS#&$, how the hell am I supposed to actually get a specific item out of this procedurally generated nightmare"


DE: "Just play more void"


Player: "Oh, ok"


Until you (yes, you, you aren't as special as you think you are, and yes you the guy thinking oh well, that applies to everyone BUT me, right) stop chasing every piece of all white specular map cheese that DE throws out every time they do it after spending so much time making a post about how the cheese is evil and their has to be a fairer, and non punishing solution, then whining about the cheese is pointless, and DE doesn't care, and after a while they'll stop reading your idle and empty diatribes about it, cause they know you don't actually mean it.


Stop grinding for the shinies. Until DE stops seeings player metrics that show the playerbase is full of crap when it comes to endlessly running the maze for just another chance at the special thingie oh just this one thingie I promise then I'll totally not be a slave to the grind no more just another hit daddy that's all I need and I'm gonna get paid real soon I promise and I'll have your platinum I promise




It's the only metric DE understands or even cares about.


If the next time someone checks over the procedurals and the number of times "!Endlesslygrindforshinybaubles" is dinged = 0, then you can expect someone from DE to actually bother paying attention to a forum topic about grind and how it damages the game's long term future and playspace. Until then, you're full of bull and DE knows it, and why'd you bother complaining about it and then not even bother backing up what you said in game is baffling. Until you start damaging DE's bottom line; $$$, DE is not obligated to take you seriously about anything, and they won't.


2. Channeling should be a toggle, a toggle that can be shared with another function, regardless of whether that function is currently active or not. Because channeling is a state and an associated effect and not an animation, the state should be activated whenever pressed whether any animations are called or not, and shouldn't be bound to any specific button. Common sense.


3. Countering and parrying should be a a highly telegraphed signature animation that occurs on both player and enemy, and also has an optional  sound cue ->toggle<- that players might activate if they need additional feedback on when to do it. I don't particularly want flashy S#&$ all over my screen when I'm trying not to be gutted by 15 level 50 infested, so I need to see what I'm doing so flashing and particles should not be the answer, ever.


4. Stances need depth. Right now it's just essentially a mostly cosmetic boosting mechanic. If DE is serious about melee being an integral factor and melee-only being late game viable, then stances need to be an additive incentive that supercharges melee, and they should either be cumulative or provide strong options to melee.


5. Master Lens: Remember when Rhino just wrecked S#&$ with no weapon in the Zanuka promo? That should be a thing. That should be a late game viable or even wf-build desired thing.


6. Count: Yeah it's a known and established metric how adding a hit counter makes players giggle like meth addicted ravers at a Skrillex concert, but I don't want S#&$ all over my screen. I don't care how many hits the computer let me do, I just care about the enemy being clearly dead, because there's going to be 15000 more i kill on this endless survival and I don't want S#&$ blocking my view, no matter how big It makes my epeen or how many twitch subscribers it supposedly brings. I want my screen eye pollution free. It should be a toggle.

Edited by -Kittens-
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