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A Katana Weapon That Replaces The Primary And Sword


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i feel like there arent enough japanese influenced weapons in the game

the warframe should hold the sheath in its left hand and sheathe and unsheathe with its attacks (yes sorta like Virgil for those dmc fans) but as for its attacks for the primary mouse click a normal blade slash charge etc. but for the melee button a blade wave attack that costs energy and dose medium to high dmg and is effected by efficiency and focus mods.

and holding the melee button will do a wide horizontal slash that can contact multiple enemys

(normal and charge attacks cannot only the energy wave should)

as for how it looks






perhaps to make this weapon harder to obtain it could be done in a 2 part crafting recipe? orikin cell Blade and handle

the blade and handle being there own crafting recipe so the blade could require rubedo alloy plate and circuits.

where as the handle could be neurodes circuits and alloy plate?

sorta like a warframe? it could sorta balance the power it can grant?


as for the energy costs what if the horizontal charge blade wave cost 30 energy and the normal non charge blade wave that could be repeated cost 5 energy with the damage values reflecting energy cost and power of attack?


 here is a quick ruff drawing by my friend yoskakune




it has been brought to my attention that dual pistols may be an issue with holding it in the hand but ibelieve this could be solved if it could be switched between like a primary and secondary or simply not allow dual pistols

 if it needs to be "holstered" the weapon could be stored on the back like the knives in the game.


i think the people who are going to be most intrested in this weapon are going to be looking for something diferent than whats currently available and i think this would inspire more ideas similar to this i realize this is a big idea that will take alot of work to add not only becuase its almost completely new style of weapon in the game and it may not be 100% original but nothing really is i mean if anyone looks har enough im sure they could find something in some game that functions similar to this


in order for this to be added into the game the developers may need to re work some ui elements and re think the equip screen a bit but in the long run it will benifit them becuase then they could add more diverse weapons to the game and as usual continue being awesome people


i think somewhere down the line there is going to be block where the weapons will stop being interesting and different and i believe this idea could in fact fix that



some one suggested i put this on the first page



as usual i appologize for any bad grammer or spelling

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you know, this reminds me of another game. there was a character that only used a sword. primary was a melee attack, secondary was a "wind cutter" attack or however you wanna call it and her special was a charge attack similar to slash dash only she would teleport to the end location  and a split second later there would be a bunch of "cutting" sounds and effects that would catch up and hurt stuff in its path. very stylish.


just wanted to say it reminded me of that. im all for anything so long as its fun. id give up all 3 wep slots for a single wep that did a bunch of different cool stuff like that.

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i know it would take a bit of coding (probably alot) i know im a programer too but. i think it would be a good idea so spread the word i need alot of feed back on this!

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On the topic of DMC.. I would love to see a "Cerberus" weapon get introduced.

(Look it up if you're not familiar with Devil May Cry).


But yeah, a katana/weapon that utilizes the Japanese Iaido style sounds pretty good to say the least.

Even if at the cost of 'sacrificing' your primary weapon for it.

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This sounds like a fun weapon, and it reminds me of some of the blades in Armored Core that had the capability of doing either a wave attack, slash, or some that could do both and count as a melee/ranegd weapon.

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If it were on a waist sheath i would insta-buy.


the sheath is supposed to be held in the frames hand it looks cooler that way :3

but when attacking it'd look pretty much the same accept for when your running witch would look nice with it in the frames hand

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the sheath is supposed to be held in the frames hand it looks cooler that way :3

but when attacking it'd look pretty much the same accept for when your running witch would look nice with it in the frames hand

What is wrong with it being attached to the frame like other weapons?

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i think it would be better in the hand myself but what if it had a toggle option to decide where its held?

I understand the reason is a stylistic one, and honestly it would look cool in a sense... However I'm thinking of how that would work when switching to a secondary of some sort. I suppose were it a Lex or something the blade could be sheathed but I use dual vipers for instance. I would be for a more traditional useage with the blade being attached to the waist normally as none currently are, but if not while being used then when swapping weapons. My two cents.

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I understand the reason is a stylistic one, and honestly it would look cool in a sense... However I'm thinking of how that would work when switching to a secondary of some sort. I suppose were it a Lex or something the blade could be sheathed but I use dual vipers for instance. I would be for a more traditional useage with the blade being attached to the waist normally as none currently are, but if not while being used then when swapping weapons. My two cents.

read the edits

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