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Apex, The Warframe Of Prey/ Yamakasi...(U1.3)


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Wassup Tenno,


After 2 years under balance duty, I now want to congratulate D.E. by providing an interesting concept that could imo bring something cool to the game... Ok, now let's save the speech & jump in the lion's lair...

Après 2 ans au service de l'équilibre du système solaire, j'aimerais remercier D.E. par le biais d'un concept que je juge intéressant & qui pourrait selon moi apporter quelque chose de cool en + dans le jeu... Trêve de bavardage & entamons la part du lion...







What? Where the Hek...?!

...Mais où sont-ils?!







Aaah here they are! They were "space ninja-ing" and stuff...

Ah ben non en fait, ils étaient là depuis le début.De vrais ninja!


What you just saw is Apex, a warframe suited for Stealth play, tactics & mobility fun! (male or female version)

The pleasure of feeling like a threat while thinking twice about your actions....

Ce que vous venez de voir est Apex, un warframe spécialisé dans l'infiltration,la tactique & le fun de l'art du déplacement! (en version homme ou femme) Le plaisir de la traque en utilisant sa cervelle...




Morphology/ Morphologie :






Stats(but DE is free to change any,this is just to give an idea of their specs)


Health : 125

Base Shield : 75

Armor : 200

Power : 150

Stamina : 200 (If you're a climber...) Ah yes : we won't need it with that Parkour 2.0... :3

Speed : 1.15

Shield recharge : 20


Explanations : I don't want them to be OP or fragile like glass, and they need to have a good physical condition.

When you're specialized in tracking stuff, Being fat is not helping.Survival of the fittest and so on...

Explications : idéalement il/elle devrait être équilibrée : ni trop lourd ni trop faiblard. Evidemment, une bonne condition physique va de soi : un prédateur trop corpulent aura moins de prise...La lutte pour la survie trouverait ça handicapant.








I ) Sharp Wire

Fil acéré

Using thin monomolecular wires (made of his energy), Apex puts a trap and the dangerous way is up to you! Just draw the lines from a point to another, and once it's finished, enemies will get their legs,heads or arms cut silently... You could also create ziplines with it!

En se servant de fils très fins & coupants(même couleur que son énergie), Apex met en place un piège dont le trajectoire peut être choisie! Il vous faut seulement tracer les lignes d'un endroit à un autre & lorsque c'est fait, les ennemis seront démembrés en silence... Naviguer sur ces fils serait aussi une possibilité!


Picture :

Illustration :








Conclave : -Enemies trying to use your wires as ziplines can stand on it, but will take damage aswell... >:) (opening another path for your enemies yet hitting their health hard)

- Tenno enemies won't be cut in pieces.


II) Pursuit

Upon activation, Apex sees in a thermal vision way & all enemies within a range can be seen behind walls. They also are marked on the map. Sneaking into an enemy for a Stealth kill will result in a gruesome & fast biting of the target that replenishes health for you & your teammates (yummy meat indeed...) Ranged kills give a few energy & the thermal vision could have the same colour as the energy.

Une fois activée, Apex voit en vision thermique son environnement & tous les ennemis sont visibles à travers les murs. Ils seront aussi marqués sur la map. Faire une attaque furtive sur un ennemi donnera lieu à une morsure sanglante qui redonnera de la vie à toute l'équipe(hmmm Charal!). Les morts à distance donneront de l'énergie.








Conclave : - Finishers are doable on opponents. (you get health and killing from a distance gives you energy)




III) Yamakasi


This is Apex's favourite way of hunting : once you press 3, Apex triggers an optical camouflage & runs on all four.

Apex gains the ability to move faster (all four motion) and to move on horizontal AND vertical surfaces for a good amount of time! This means that this state allows you to move freely on walls & even ceilings for better recon, giving you high mobility & more hunting experiences... Death in 3D...


La technique de traque préférée d'Apex : en appuyant sur 3, Apex active son camouflage optique & va plus vite (à 4 pattes). Apex peut maintenant grimper sur n'importe quelle surface, horizontale ou verticale pour toute la durée du pouvoir! Concrètement,cela vous permet de vous déplacer librement sur les murs & même les plafonds pour une meilleure tâche de reconnaissance, vous donnant une mobilité accrue & une meilleure expérience de chasse...La mort en 3D...




*While moving on walls, you can choose wherever you want to climb.

*Vous pouvez bouger vers n'importe quelle direction quand vous grimpez aux murs.

**When the ability stops, you stay on your position (exactly like after a vertical wallrun). Same when on ceilings.(when it stops : same animation as the idle rope sliding)

**A la fin du pouvoir, vous restez accroché sur place(comme en fin de wallrun vertical). Pareil au plafond.

***Secondaries could be used when on walls/ceilings

***Armes secondaires utilisables quand vous êtes accroché au mur/plafond

****Toggleable ability. Drain of energy over time. (as suggested by Burntoutt)

****On peut annuler le pouvoir à volonté. Il draine de l'énergie en fonction du temps.(suggestion de Burntoutt)

1291113125_octopus-camouflage.gif See how the color changes,not like Loki or Ash invis.

When-camouflage-fails-the-cuttlefish-cat The texture of the frame could match the ones on the wall too! (and leave the enemy clueless)


Conclave : - standing perfectly still will make you really hard to notice, but as soon as you shoot/move people will see your energy trails/silhouette.



IV) Ambush


Apex reaches an energy driven device & throws it where you aim : once activated, it creates a slightly visible tetrahedron that captures enemies. They can enter, but they can't leave it & any damage done on the pyramid's boundaries will go to all the targets inside! (the sound is muffled,of course,and enemies who enter it cannot be seen outside of the structure by other enemies)

After some time, the structure will collapse & do blast damage, sending the remaining people ragdolling all around the room!

Apex équipe un appareil fonctionant à l'énergie & le jette où vous visez : une fois activé, l'appareil créera un tétrahèdre transparent qui capture les ennemis. Ils peuvent entrer dans la zone, mais ne sauront pas en sortir & chaque dégât perpétré sur les parois de la pyramide ira sur toutes les cibles à l'intérieur! (dans la structure,le son est noyé et les ennemis sont invisibles de l'extérieur) Après un certain temps, la structure s'effondrera sur elle-même et les ennemis virevolteront dans toutes les directions!


*If you're near the device & the ability is still active, you coul use "x" button(use button) to throw it somewhere else.

*Si vous êtes juste à coté de l'appareil toujours actif, vous pouvez utiliser le bouton "x" pour le jeter autre part.


**To make it Stealth-viable aswell, enemies can't see what's happening outside of the zone!

**Les ennemis ne peuvent voir ce qui se passe hors de la zone!


Picture :




Mystrieux-cocon-Rainforest-Expeditions2.(this spider trap inspired me)


-Conclave : opponents are stuck inside & shooting/hitting the net reflects damage back at them,but dealing enough damage to it will break it & allow them to escape.


Bosses : They can go out of the trap much easier.






Alternate abilities :



I B) Pierce


Using his/her sharp ended fingers, Apex rips the enemy at close range (180°),dealing slash damage and a guarantee of some nice gore (enemies limbs flying and blood splatters) upon killing.

Grâce aux bouts acérés de ses doigts,Apex déchire la chair des ennemies à proximité (à 180°), donnant des dégâts tranchant garantissant un démembrement (des membres qui volent,des effluves de sang) si le pouvoir tue sa cible.


If you are at close range, you grab the enemy and you can throw him/it/her immediately for a better Crowd Control.

This bounces on an idea I got earlier that unexpectedly got the approval of many tenno :

A bout portant, il est possible d'attraper l'ennemi et de le jeter où que vous le vouliez pour un meilleur Controle des foules. (Ca provient d'unede mes idées concernant les prises dans Warframe,fort appréciée contre toute attente) :



Picture : Soon

Illustration : Bientôt



IIB) Spurious Echo

Echo trompeur


A growl from the dark is heard... Enemies, semi-alerted, go to the estimated position of the noise source. They shouldn't have done that. Apex was on the opposite side & their back is now exposed...

Un grognement venant des ombres se fait entendre...Les ennemis, à moitié alertés, se dirigent vers la source supposée du bruit rauque. Ils n'auraient pas dû. Apex était de l'autre coté et leur dos est sans défense à présent...


Pic : Down the block®

Illustration : Dans un futur proche®


IIIB) Unsighted Trap

IIIB) Piège insoupçonné


Apex throws a device that creates a mist around the location it landed... Anyone inside this area is doomed : what is more terrifying than being unable to see where the enemy will strike? (AI acts like in Radial blind, they are open to Stealth finishers. They walk erratically but if they find a way out of the cloud ,they're safe.)

Apex lance un objet qui crée un brouillard autour de la zone d'impact. N'importe quel être à l'intérieur du brouillard est perdu : qu' y a-t-il de plus effrayant que l'impossibilité de savoir d'où frappera l'ennemi? (l'IA agit comme lors d'un aveuglement radial, les Exécutions furtives. Ils se déplacent erratiquement mais si ils trouvent un moyen de s'échapper du nuage aveuglant sains & saufs, ils ne seront plus affectés.)




Possible Passive abilities :


- Apex jumps higher. Predators like lions can jump 3 meters with ease...

- Apex can hang on ledges & move left or right without automatically getting up.

- Apex can stay longer on the walls (and stay close to them)


Alternate helmets / casques alternatifs :




Thank you for reading.

Merci pour votre attention.



So,what do you guys think? What could need improvements? What could feel much more innovative?...This is a work in progress so it can change with your help!

Alors,qu'en pensez-vous?Suggestions? Qu'est-ce qui pourrait être plus innovant?...Vous pouvez contribuer aux changements futurs!...

Edited by unknow99
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<3 I love it dude, keep up the good work

Thanks man Will update everything as time goes by (& reviews).


Made this concept while listening to these :





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This is an awesome idea! I would love to see a warframe like this. Btw this is the first concept I've seen on the forums that isn't way over powered lol. 

Thanks man! I just want to make a warframe suitable for the "quiet" alternate playstyle while still being viable for mass murdering.


This game is all about balance, and not giving specific roles or overshadowing the other stuff shouldn't be the way to go... :)

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This is an awesome idea! I would love to see a warframe like this. Btw this is the first concept I've seen on the forums that isn't way over powered lol. 

A concept of a "tracker/hunter" frame is TOTALLY awesome :3

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I like the idea, but if Apex is going to be a stealth-themed frame, shouldn't he/she have a fast sprint speed, high stamina, and low max power?  IMO the abilities should complement his/her stealth, not create it.


I especially like the idea of Apex having a different parkour system than other frames.

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Keep up the great work!

Ability 1B sounds like the stealth game I never played.

All the abilities sound like fun, I like tue stealthy and aggresive aspects of them.

Anybody else feel a Kraven vibe on male Apex?

Thanks 8 Go !



This will be their codename : Kravenframe...

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Hotfix 1.0.1 :


Added french translation.


Réoaration chaude 1.0.1 :


Addition d'une traduction française.


Blend will be renamed Yamakasi. (After "Ya makasi",Lingala word meaning "strong spirit" or "strong body", also the title of the founder movie of Parkour)

"Blend" sera renommé Yamakasi. (d'après "Ya makasi" en Lingala signifiant "Esprit fort" ou "Corps fort". C'est aussi le titre du 1er film de Parkour.)



Edited by unknow99
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this idea is badass i would love this. no op at all

Thanks man, I don't want to overshadow the preexisting content too much : there's already enough stuff to balance!... :p


I like the idea, but if Apex is going to be a stealth-themed frame, shouldn't he/she have a fast sprint speed, high stamina, and low max power?  IMO the abilities should complement his/her stealth, not create it.


I especially like the idea of Apex having a different parkour system than other frames.

You're right Tengu : he/she needs to keep moving for a long duration... I'll increase the stamina right now! Being a parkour frame also means that speed counts. Great suggestions.


I'm still trying to figure out what passive ability Apex could have : less detectable? Parkour based passive? Let me know if you got a better idea! :)

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You're right Tengu : he/she needs to keep moving for a long duration... I'll increase the stamina right now! Being a parkour frame also means that speed counts. Great suggestions.


I'm still trying to figure out what passive ability Apex could have : less detectable? Parkour based passive? Let me know if you got a better idea! :)

I say that Apex's passive parkour buff be that he/she is able to cling to walls and maneuver on the ceiling (can't sprint or use any weapons while on the ceiling but retains his/her movement speed at the cost of constant stamina drain).  Either that or a stronger jump (propels the player for more distance than other Warframes save Zephyr).

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I say that Apex's passive parkour buff be that he/she is able to cling to walls and maneuver on the ceiling (can't sprint or use any weapons while on the ceiling but retains his/her movement speed at the cost of constant stamina drain).  Either that or a stronger jump (propels the player for more distance than other Warframes save Zephyr).

Hmmmmmm yeaaah... Being able to climb in normal mode is good! And that's the problem, it may be too good !


If the first isn't doable, I'll side with the higher jump because the third ability relies on this climbing aspect.



Kravenframe is one with the Spider?

Hey it's a good deal! That would mean that KravenSpiderframe is his/her own category... ;)


Just finished watching the boxing fight of the century (Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao), so watch out! Pics & ideas are coming!

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Hmmmmmm yeaaah... Being able to climb in normal mode is good! And that's the problem, it may be too good !

If the first isn't doable, I'll side with the higher jump because the third ability relies on this climbing aspect.

Hey it's a good deal! That would mean that KravenSpiderframe is his/her own category... ;)

Just finished watching the boxing fight of the century (Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao), so watch out! Pics & ideas are coming!

The fight was underwhelming, I was expecting something like Ali vs. Frazier or Foreman vs. Ali.

I wanted excitement.

The fight, like Baro after Prisma Grakata and Skana codex leak, did not live up to the hype.

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The fight was underwhelming, I was expecting something like Ali vs. Frazier or Foreman vs. Ali.

I wanted excitement.

The fight, like Baro after Prisma Grakata and Skana codex leak, did not live up to the hype.

Yeah, it wasn't about trying to do some sick uppercut KO in yo face... :p


And who's that Barry you're talking about? I think I've heard about this name before, but I can't tell when...

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