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Posts posted by ant99999

  1. @phoenix1992 thinking about what you were saying now, I think I'm indeed missing something.

    Bosses especially. As little part of the game as they represent, things like Eidolons are actually quite popular, I always forget they exist.

    So, I think this may be solved utilizing the same logic I had for the crowds, but reversed.

    So as well as a possibility to add AoE damage, we should be able to remove it from the weapons already having it, increasing their damage output in the process. Considering AoE range varying from one weapon to another, maybe the mod should be scaling with it, something like +x% base damage for every meter of AoE range sacrificed.

    And before you post more videos with synergies, yes, I'm well aware of those. I ignored them, because they are far too specific. You can use Mag or Nova or Khora, Hydroid, whatever other there are to hit multiple targets, but the problem isn't really fixed by using some specific warframe. It is a band-aid that only kind of fixes it for some situations, but mostly you will be still limited.

  2. 7 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:


    Where does it state that Meta is the most trivial content by definition?


    7 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:


    Most Efficient Tactic Available.

    You kinda did it yourself. Most efficient means least difficult, means most trivial. Even if it can't be considered trivial by itself, it is the most so in comparison to non-meta options.

    9 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    Is it more efficient to snipe down a target that has a specific weak point, invulnerability phase, needs higher attention, ETC ETC, or to whack it over the head with a Bramma?

    If you are facing a Nox for example, you will have less problems by sniping him in the head, which I consider more trivial option then repeatedly body-shooting him with a Bramma (from my experience at least) however Noxes maybe make a 1/20 of an average Grineer horde, the rest being lancers and such, which are far better dealt with by a Bramma. Overal AoE is far superior to non-AoE, single-target weapons being at most a back up option for weak spots. And most of the time you won't even bother switching weapons for killing them anyway.

    15 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    The thingy is that you want to change a mechanic based on the assumption, that there is no place for ST pick weapons, which is simply not true.

    Even if they have some presence in a form of headshotting an occasional Nox (Ignoring the fact they also have a dominant meta among them, such as Tombfinger or Rubico in comparison to some Spectra), I think they would be appreciated more if you could use them as your main killing method.

    19 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    And the notion, that *well yeah, but it matters only on high levels* is also silly - this is the only place in which your gear will actually be matter, everything else you do, you do for fun. You can't have the cake and not eat it at the same time considering the overall difficulty of the game.

    Not fun, progression. Endurance runs have absolutely no purpose at all, they are meaningless other than as an opportunity to rise your self-esteem somehow, because the game does not consider them an achievment of any goal. Which is why I only pay attention to those parts of the game which actually reward you with something, and they so happen to be under lvl 120 99% of the time.

    I think I shouldn't go too much into why only the parts that grant you progression matter. If they didn't, no one would've ever invented the looter shooter genre.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    I love such kind of topics!

    They always ask the wrong type of questions like :

    1. Aoe bad, because it is not fun, right?
    2. Do you think of the new players?
    3. Why should Single Target weapons/frames do Single target when they can do AoE?

    Instead of a more simple one : Why are you using as benchmark content that was always meant to be trivial? 
    Do you really thing that you multi forma Kuva Tonkor/Bramma/Shedu/Whatever is the king of meta should struggle to do it's job versus enemies under 100 (or higher with the recent changes)?

    Am I somehow using my English wrong in the OP, or is it targeted to someone else?

    Because I state more or less the opposite

    1. Aoe bad, because it is not fun, right? No, It's the opposite. AoE weaponry is the only fun one I see in the game, and it is quite good

    2. Do you think of the new players? Literally never mentioned them

    3. Why should Single Target weapons/frames do Single target when they can do AoE? Yeah, that's closer to the point. My idea is: they should do AoE or some other form of multi-target damage.

    Why are you using as benchmark content that was always meant to be trivial? Because the topic is about solving problems with the meta, which is the most trivial content by definition. And if you're speaking about the enemy level after which most AoE weapons begin to fall off, those levels are hardly encountered at all unless you're an endurance runs enthusiast.

    Do you really thing that you multi forma Kuva Tonkor/Bramma/Shedu/Whatever is the king of meta should struggle to do it's job versus enemies under 100 (or higher with the recent changes)? No, I do not. At all. I think the opposite to that. The ones that are not the meta kings should do their job on a level competitive to the meta, hence my proposed changes.

  4. 2 hours ago, _Mannaroth_ said:

    Lol it's simply not possible to break out of the meta due to its nature.


    4 hours ago, ant99999 said:

    Which means it can't be 'good' or 'bad', it just is there. And for the players sticking to it it means just that - being efficient. Not the only choice but the prefered one.

    The question is not in it's existence, but in it's contrast to the other tactics out there.

    We can't break it literally. We can however put more gameplay options closer to each other in terms of efficiency. And building variations will help with that.

    In Path of Exile which I already referenced, balance is nowhere near perfect, however the sheer number of possibilities translates there in lots of viable gameplay options.

    Warframe on the other hand too often just cuts entire archetypes of weapons out of its balance system, narrowing down the variability to laughable numbers. This is the consequence of its rather limited building strategy (mandatory mods, useless weapon types, etc.)

    I try to make it more diverse with my idea, with more options in the end becoming viable.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    Someone on these forums posted a picture of Atlas Karst from behind showing his posterior, and I was like “Oh my 😳“. Shame I can’t find it again. I’ll be getting that skin when I get Atlas 👍

    Here you go


    • Like 1
  6. 53 minutes ago, George_PPS said:

    AoE Weapons and abilities are most fun and most powerful. Are you proposing NEFfffffSss???? DE has been destroying meta AoE stuff from the game forever and player base are angry about it always and then many quit. We need to expand AoE and restore previous AoE meta in all categories to being players back,  not nerfing it. 

    I'm sorry, have you read it through? Or is it some kind of post-post-post irony?

    • Like 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    The meta is bad, and sad because it makes people believe it's their only option, but it's really just one of them.

    Meta is (afaik) an abbreviation of 'most effective tactic available', at least I interprete it as this.

    Which means it can't be 'good' or 'bad', it just is there. And for the players sticking to it it means just that - being efficient. Not the only choice but the prefered one.

    The question is not in it's existence, but in it's contrast to the other tactics out there. A lot of people I believe won't run a Lich mission with only a Lato not because they consider Bramma the only weapon out there, but because they don't find it fun to bother doing a mission being deliberately handicapped.

    Especially in a looter shooter like Warframe.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Ragnafiro said:

    It's not just AoE weapons, but AoE nuke frames lol. As long most of WF's content require large amount of bodies dropped in the shortest amount of time, it doesn't matter if it's just a weapon problem that you claim, people who tryhard will lean toward to the tools that give the best result while the rest of the mediocres pretend that their Fulmin worth something in the grand win condition of things.

    The only way I can think of to slightly discourage the mass-kill meta we are in right now is to rework mission types.

    I have nothing against the mass-kill meta, it's quite fun actually.

    But I have something against mass-kill using 1% of the game's arsenal meta.

    In case of warframes, I don't really consider the situation thete as bad as with weapons, you can buff/nerf the extremes, but with them it is simpler because a dd frame comes out maybe once a year, quite a reasonable time to balance it as is.

    With weapons' scale, where we have like half a thousand in our arseanals and only use 10, simple rebalance on the personal basis isn't sufficient anymore and already was proven so by how many those balance passes we had solving absolutely nothing.

  9. 6 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    So, your solution to break the "AoE meta" is to make every weapons AoE ?


    Because my point was to not try to reverse the course the game is taking. Warframe was steadily headed more and more towards killing the most enemies per second possible for all its lifetime. That cource isn't bad by itself, the community is fine with it, but we don't really know what the result will be if we try to reverse Warframe to the good ol' times where we only had a couple of AoE weapons.

    Most of the players we have now joined the game when not caring much about the shooter side of things was already the reality. However making every weapon competitive (or close to it) to Bramma & Co. won't change the present gameplay much, just will add a bit of variety

  10. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    I just wanted to express, this shouldn't bother anyone. Just play how you like playing. I don't mind if others one click kill every enemies in a 10m radius, if that's what they enjoy.

    Yeah, I get that, but my problem is not my relative performance to other players, but one weapons to other.

    Because I find it rather sad to scroll down all the way from one border of the collossal arsenal we have to the other to then find where that Fulmin is again among those other weapons I never use, because it will make me less efficient if I do.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

    Which is why I said:

    23 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

    Remove it.

    A simple problem requires a simple solution... But since DE wants this approach to be an option, they'll simply adjust it to become an option.

    That may be an option of course. If we ignore the usual raging reaction of the commuinty to nerfing things that is.

    I am personally fine with it. Or I would be if it didn't make warframe abilities dominate the weapons entirely. So you would need to nerf them as well...

    Yeah, DE won't do that.

    • Like 1
  12. You're talking about the AoE narrowing down to the Bramma, but don't forget that the Bramma isn't the first 'weapon to rule them all'. Warframe time after time comes back to 1 to 2 weapons capable of killing multiple enemies ruling the lower level activities (which are to be honest the major part of the game content)

    There was the Tonkor meta, then there was the Mirage-Simulor meta, then Arka Plasmor, then Wukong-Exodia Contagion, then Catchmoon, then Acceltra, now Bramma.

    Not to mention we have melee, which is also AoE, changing from polearms to whips to whatever is popular now, becoming more and more powerful relative to firearms.

    They nerf one, just to introduce another, to then make the whole class of weapons prevalent - all thanks to AoE.

    • Like 5
  13. So we all know that the majority of the game's content is dominated by AoE weapons that can hit multiple enemies at once. The more changes DE make to the balance and the more new weapons get added the more AoE dominance is getting set in stone.

    That is quite natural if to think of it, the game is about killing hordes of enemies standing close to each other and those snipers we have even being great on paper are simply not suited for it.

    Yet for some reason the devs are either trying to somehow equalize AoE and non-AoE weaponry or flat out pretend it is all ok and nothing needs to change.

    Why instead we don't embrace it and develop this AoE prevalence further? I'm looking at the games like Path of Exile: there you can modify your attacks in most curious ways making even the most modest fireball viable for killing crowds.

    Why don't Warframe have something similar. Mods that change the effects of the weapons. A Rubico doesn't need even more damage, why don't we put there a mod making its shots chain between the enemies at the cost of sacrificing damage. Why don't we make Opticor fire a cone of beams instead of just one. Why don't we make Soma P have bullet magnetism so that you don't have to target every single enemy. Why don't have a weaker spectral copy of Ignis Wraith following us around and helping to kill things. Why don't we then combine multible such mods to make killing the crowds even more effective.

    Someone may ague that it takes the identity of some weapons like Amprex away. But let's be realistic, nothing takes away more identity than the meta being dominated by a single digit number of popular weapons just because they are capable of damaging multiple enemies at once.

    I don't pretend I came up with the greatest idea possible, maybe someone out there has a better one, but something needs to be changed.

    • Like 6
  14. 2 hours ago, BadgerAmongMen said:

    You took 500 random people, 500 people who may have never even touched railjack before, and gave them control over the fate of the game mode.

    Or you could as well be less salty and not talk absolute bs.

    They weren't random. They were divided into a 'random' part and a predetermined part (mostly partners). The 'random' part wasn't random either. They chose separately people in multiple categories, depending on how experienced they were in the game. Assuming there was an equal ammount of people in each, veterans had much greater representation there than in a completely random selection.

    Moreover the people they chose weren't given any actual power, they were just aked for feedback (and I guarantee you, I'd be such a mess if the players could actually influence anything).

    We were asked if we liked it or not for multiple aspects of the update and could additionally make a post writing down our feedback (most of the suggestions I read there were reasonable). We found quite a lot of gamebreaking bugs and balance issues which you hopefully won't experience because of the test.

    So please, don't just attack people out of nowhere, not even knowing what they participated in.

    • Like 6
  15. I had a mixed experience with it. The visual side is great, the grind for arcanes is engaging (and is probably the only think which kept it replayable for me). However the gameplay is flat out boring, and the band-aid nerfs which came along with the event made me question DE's competence.

    Overall, it was decent, which places it on the last place relative to every other event I participated in.

  16. 7 hours ago, Lazarow said:

    Maybe Panthera prime but not Kuva because its a Tenno faction weapon not Grineer

    But we all know where it all started


    So... Maybe it's not so far from being possible. And by the way we still have Ghoul blade gun unreleased...


  17. Well, I would suggest adding him an ultimate which if you miss it, lets him grab your warframe and decapitate it, instantly failing the mission and making you craft your frame back with a reduced time...

    but I know everyone would hate it.

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