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Posts posted by Jim22

  1. can i have a link to it? please

    3 hours ago, Xantheis said:

    It has been confirmed in a dev stream that it was Frost and Ember and the 3rd was confirmed via twitter to be Loki (though anything can change from now until release)


  2. ok i know someone has already made a psot about this but it would be cool to see a tenno royale mode in warframe. ok i know there will be some porblems like servers and conecction issues but it would be a cool idea. but it may be hard for DE to do this because i some people cant even do a raid without lagging and thats with 8 tenno i dont know how it owuld be with 100 tenno in the same game. let me know what you think IMO i think it would be cool but thats just me.



    P.S. i know DE isnt good with pvp but we can atleast hope they would make it enjoyable for everyone.


  3. i wouldnt say thats griefing maybe you wanted to leave and the other wanted to carry on but with you leaving that means the enemys wont spawn as much so thats probably why they left. its happened to me alot of times as well but i just carry on and forget about it. maybe at the start of the match ask how far you ugys wanna go or something.

  4. Maybe add some music to tell you if you are close to the tone or not. 

    Because ATM I feel like the somachord tones are stupidly rare like I could run 10 of the same exterm mission and probably ly have it spawn once or twice if luck.

    I know you can't do much right now since you guys are away but please change how the somachord works in missions whenyou get back from your break.

    Other then that thanks for an amazing game.

  5. 6 hours ago, lightdragon64 said:

    Heck yes!

    And also please make it to where when searching for the fragments that both Cephalon and Somantachord fragments appear in the same mission! i hated nothing more than searching vigorously for those things only to find out it was a cephalon fragment. (never felt more drained than after collecting all of them)

    also make it so the somachords icon is either different or the same but different colour. would help out alot more when looking for them.

  6. Hey DE so I want to say one thing please bring back misery we haven't seen misery since the acolyts were first released.   


    It would be a cool Christmas gift for everyone if you did this.

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