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Posts posted by Jim22

  1. This may be a thing that DE is going to do but please make it so when we are using khora that the metal kavat walks around the ship with your kavat or kubrow. 

    One more thing if you guys do this please make it so they can play fight lol.

  2. so I am confused on why I only got 2 million focus back instead of the 7 million I had before. I had 7 million in zenurik,3 million in naramon and 1.5m in vazarin. is anyone else having this problem or is just me ?

  3. so I just checked my profile and had a look at how many kill I have with each zaw and guess what the all said 0 lol. but the other day before this update I looked at my profile and I had 6k kills.

    pls fix DE

  4. How rare is the infested zaws that holds sells 

    11 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

    Hok sells fully build Zaws that may or may not have an Viral Strike on his daily sale.


    How rare are the infested zaws that holds sells

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