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Posts posted by Jim22

  1. Hello

    so first of all who here would like Excalibur prime to come back.

    before you start throwing you're pitch forks at me let me tell you why Excalibur prime should come back well it would really cool for none founders but founders might get angry because DE did say it was founder exclusive only but  if he did come back like in a prime vault or something I think DE would make it so his parts didn't drop in game I don't know how many people would like this but who knows it could happy tell me what you think.


  2. well since baro never brings anything good besides beacons weapons and primed mods why dosnt DE make it so you can just buy beacons from the market because the G3 never spawns for me and neither does the zanuka hunter the only thing that does is stalker and plus I want the brakk but  all I get is landing craft parts which I don't need ever since those got added to G3 drop tables I haven't seen any brakk parts or bp's drop from them,

    so why don't we just buy beacons from the market for like 10p each or something idk

  3. I mean like putting 2 different colour together and like lets say ember when you use her ability's  instead of having just one colour you have 2 colours because its all about fashion and if you can merge 2 colours it would be like putting blue and pink together wouldn't that be cool. 


  4. well I just thought of this but what if DE would do something like mixing  2 colours together like red and green and you have a choice of picking what colours you want for you're energy or any of the warframe bits what is you're thought's on this because it could be a good idea.

  5. so this has only happened to me once but when people join fissure missions and they are almost finished and you only have like 3 or 6 reactants and you cant chose to get any prime parts because you came in late that's really dumb when the mission ends you cant pick any of the prime parts because you didn't collect all of the reactants the needs to be changed or make it so people cant join when the mission is almost finished. 


  6. so how come you cant trade the war bp because I was gona trade it with my clan but it wont let me I think DE should change this and plus if you already have the war you should be able to trade the stuff for the war what do you think  

  7. don't you think DE should make it so when your standing around your ship and you have a different stance the four arms still come because right now you have to use  the nova stances what do you think and also why isn't it when you wear that syandana the four arms are permanent just and idea 

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