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Posts posted by Otaiken

  1. The railjack is pretty hopeless without at least one point in 3 of the intrinsics. Sprint is critical to dive for cover, repairs are much more effective already with engi 1 and trying to hit stuff with APOC without the lead marker is a challenge at best.

    Thankfully intrinsics can be grinded out easily even if you keep failing over and over. It's not the optimal way to do it but railjack solo is hardly optimal.

  2. Every player has their own resources which they pick up. In order to actually share them with other players they need to go to the compactor and "Refine" them. This shares them with other players but they can no longer craft railjack consumables with them in the mission.

    Also, the best farm method so far is to finish the mission and then fly around in archwing collecting sutff. Those maps are huge and the actual fight usually takes place in only a small fraction of them. There's also turrets in the enviroment which drop "mods" and resources and respawn.

  3. The game does a pretty poor job of explaining how resources work in railjack missions. Good news is that our worries about people griefing via draining your resources were unfounded.

    From what I can tell everyone has their own pool of resources they pick up during the mission which they can then use to craft stuff in the mission. I'm not entirely sure how resources picked by the railjack itself work, presumably they go to the host or the pilot.

    In order to share resources with the team you have to go to the compactor and click the "Refine" button which shares them with your team but removes them from your pool so you can no longer use them to craft railjack consumables in the mission.

    I think that's how it works. If anyone has any new info by all means share it.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    On that note though, don't forget to destroy them once you finish the mission, they drop intrinsic mods.

    They also seem to respawn repeatedly. So they can be farmed after you finish the objective by flying between their platforms (the playable are of maps is pretty huge). Though that is a pretty tedious thing to do.

  5. It is possible to solo, it's just really difficult (unsurprisingly).

    One, you absolutely have to use cover. So find yourself an asteroid and park behind it and keep it between you and the big ships. Sprint is pretty handy here.

    Two, sealing a critical breach gives you brief invulnerability period. Shoot down fighters, then seal the breach and use that time to kill the crew ship.

    And thirdly Pulsar has no travel time and disables enemy ships on status effects. So while it does less damage than the Apoc it can easily prevent fighters from getting to you.

    Also, breaching pods can be shot down.

    I would experiment more but I've been repeatedly running into a bug which makes my railjack entirely invulnerable. It makes soloing pretty easy but it also kinda ruins the whole experience xD

  6. 3 minutes ago, Kaizal said:

    I don't think that's necessarily true for everyone(it might be for you). But I remember feeling the spark 3 times, first when I started out the game, the other time with the second dream, and the last one with lunaro(YES lunaro, I love that game mode, shame there aren't servers supporting it).

    The point at which it happens is different for everyone. Some may need 1k hours, 2k, whatever. But it's inevitable.

    And if you have some tips how un-souls myself I'm quite desperate for suggestions. While Sekiro was a decent departure it very much wasn't enough.

  7. As an aside. If you're a veteran with 1k+ hours in the game and are expecting an update to bring back that spark you first felt when you started to play the game. Give it up. It's NEVER going to happen. No matter what DE does Warframe will still have the Warframe DNA and will never feel entirely new again.

    I wish I could feel the same way I felt like when I just started playing Demon Souls back in the day. But it's not gonna happen. And this applies to the entire genre of souls-likes. I still love them but that initial spark is not ever coming back, it's all too familiar to me now.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Technically, that would be a pretty close description for the current Archwing interception.

    The real difference being that any of them can cause the entire mission to fail regardless of what the other members do.

    It's an interesting premise...I just expected more.

    That's my bad.

    You're dismissing any differences (completely different progression and maps for example) down to the "They're both lobby-based systems with a set objective".

    Which is true. But if you're going down that path then archwing is very similar to Left 4 Dead because it's 4-player lobby-based gameplay with set objective.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, khazlol said:

    With railjack everything seems to be comming togheter actually, instead og having archwings feel like a different game.

    I thought that having space combat seamlessly transition into infantry shooter combat was the ultimate dream of space sim developers. Hell, even just making space stations properly accessible on foot instead of just a menu still seems to be an issue.

    WF kinda takes this from the other end by having infantry combat and then building space combat on top of that.

    I don't expect it to be a proper space sim though. Game of such a scope seems to be impossible to make. Well, maybe Star Citizen will make it if it manages to come out before real space travel.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Truthfully, I expected it to be closer to a Mass Effect with considerably less story.

    Expand to explore X, Y, Z new place, etc while dealing with incursions from the Void and understanding what our doppelganger represents all while getting enough stuff done to get to Tau to confront the Lotus and the Sentients.

    It's got a lot more moving parts than old Archwing but the process seems to have stopped there to me. 

    But Mass Effect with considerably less story is just a mediocre third-person shooter/RPG.

    ME also features no space combat or open world apart from the latest entry (which we do not speak about). Does planet scanning constitute exploration?

    I'm sorry but you're not making much sense at all.

    Railjack is also very much co-op focused. What are 3 players in your crew supposed to do in the hours of downtime while you explore/build?

  11. 27 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

    The problem here is that the whole point of the rapid releases from agile development is so that you can get your feedback and integrate it back into the software. There has been plenty of feedback. Almost all of it has been completely ignored. It's not even been given a "working as intended" rubber stamp response. Just plain ignored, leaving the current system a creaking mess in favour of the next 5-minute wonder.

    This isn't agility, this is ADHD.

    DE can be stubborn (universal vacuum anyone?) and they do tend to avoid discussions when it's about something they've firmly decided on. So not even "working as intended" is imho a calculated move since it probably results in less backlash then saying "I disagree, this is what you get." Whether that is a policy or simple inclination I don't know.

    Then there's the issue of the system not being used as intended. Does DE intend for people to grind their tits off to get and fully drain all lich weapons for mastery in a record speed? Probably not. And they're probably not gonna make changes to incentivize that (IE making kuva weapons rivens 2.0 suggestions). But they will also not straight up come out and say "Hey, you're doing it wrong!" because what good can come of that, really.

    And DE has to keep the churn going. We might complain about stuff on forums but are anonymous masses willing to put up with delays on polished content? Well, I suppose only DE has the data to even begin to guess.

    DE could certainly be more honest but they did get burned in the past. And it's not like the forum community is exactly welcoming as of late.

    19 minutes ago, FoxyKabam said:

    Mostly agree with this

    theres S#&$ everywhere and not a whole lot has managed to stick

    Form my perspective as someone who remembers there being a skill tree in the game and the game being pay to win. The entire game is build from the S#&$ that stuck.

    Secondly, I learned not to dismiss every system just because I don't engage in it. There's surprising amount of people into various stuff in WF that I don't often come in contact with.

    Thirdly I have a hard time determining whether something is "finished" or not. After the integration of Orb Vallis stuff into PoE I pretty much consider it a finished piece of the game. Some may disagree and I'm not entirely sure on how we determine who is right.

    • Like 3
  12. On 2019-12-05 at 6:50 PM, CuChulainnWD said:

    However, DE also has a MAJOR issue with following the 7P's. They don't follow a plan or a guide that would help them see themselves through a project to a "relatively" polished, complete, entertaining replay value product. They have vast imagination and potential, but they HALF ASS half Bake the idea into the problems they create for themselves, and to me excusing them for their own mistakes and problems which they have had numerous years to correct is letting them off the hook too easy.  Clearly DE wants to continue to make Warframe as it is their baby and Steve has his dream he wishes to fulfill. I support him in that endevour. But Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo India November Golf Finish what you start too. There are way to many systems they create that are not fully realised or complete.


    No plan ever survives a contact with the enemy. Ever heard that one?

    What are you still stuck in waterfall? Agile is all the rage man, minimum viable product and then you iterate. Or are you the kind of guy who spends half the alloted project time on documentation only to have to throw it all out when unforeseen problem arises or client requests some changes? See? I can do it too.

    The fact that DE throws stuff at the wall to see what sticks is what makes Warframe what it is. They just iterate in the open instead of behind closed doors.

    • Like 1
  13. I have real respect for DE.

    They are the scrappy adventurer exploring the great unknown in uncharted jungles filled with ancient temples.

    They ventured into the tomb of the live service at just the right time and found great treasure, but with the treasure came a terrible curse.

    Their playerbase is full of ravenous locusts. They consume content at alarming rate, definitely faster than they could ever produce it. When they try to throttle them they complain about grind. When they let them loose they consume everything too fast and go hungry. When they rush they complain about unfinished ideas. When they don't they complain about a drought. They can't keep releasing new systems and then also iterating upon them because their workforce is not exponential, yet their playerbase demands both. If they talk too much they get in trouble (why aren't you keeping your promises DE!). If they talk too little they get in trouble too. They can't win. So they have to juggle all of this while trying to make money without being too scummy.

    Also, now in the age of live service they themselves helped to bring upon us, players are continuously conditioned to expect perpetual games. I ask myself, how much playtime is reasonable to get out of a single game? 100 hours, 1 000 hours, 10 000 hours?

    I can't wait for this whole thing to spin out of control and I won't mourn the day Warframe dies because everything has to come to an end. I only hope DE will survive to do something new because I feel like they're stuck with Warframe for a long time to come still, for better or worse.

    Anyway, if you think Destiny or PoE or anything really will be your savior then think again. After hundreds of hours it will be the same, the spark will be gone and only bitterness will remain (the kind that leads to forum rants). Posts like these litter forums of those games as well.

    PS: Old Blood is just fine. Just because I don't bother posting about it being fine on forums doesn't mean you get to run wild with confirmation bias. I represent the silent majority and I say it's been a resounding success. My data points? Don't need any, it's not like you have more than a few forums posts either. I too, mostly go to forums just to complain.

    • Like 1
  14. In gameplay operators provide incredibly powerful utility. They might not be the best at killing stuff but that's not what they're for.

    As far as lore is concerned operators can be as powerful as DE's writers want. As for why Orokin were so scared of them... well, void itself has been shown to have a consciousness of its own in lore. Tenno are the only humans with direct conduit to the void. It's the thought of what might come knocking at the door of our reality should the wielder lose control that is scary rather than some flashy powers themselves.

    I think that is what the alignment system is supposed to represent. As rudimentary as it is the light "choices" represent rejection of void corruption and power while dark ones represent acceptance of the void entity (presumably) to gain more power. Maybe this will get flashed out with the Duviri Paradox and we'll get some gameplay effects along with it.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

    The thing is, there, is that at least once, they described Railjack as "glue" that will hold missions together, almost like a replacement to the star chart traveling, as how far reaching it would be... a new way to launch missions and travel around. Something THAT game changing isn't just "endgame" ... it's game-wide, and given the requirements to build this thing, that vision for it either changed, or got lost in the mix of wanting to provide some extra grind for their longer term players.

    You don't need a railjack to participate in those ground support missions DE showed during the reveal. I think it's very much supposed to be something to work towards but the system certinaly can affect other players even if they don't yet have the railjack themselves.

  16. 2 hours ago, Domaik said:

    I am concerned that the whole mechanic of boarding other people railjacks will be made pointless if progress in quests is awarded only to the owner or made solo-only.

    Any railjack-specific drops they'll get to keep to use when they finally build their own.

    At least I think I remember DE saying that at some point during the reveal. I might be wrong but can't be bothered to go over the footage.

    I doubt they'd get quest progress though. You won't ever get a quest progress in a quest you haven't started yourself and if railjack is the requirement then you can't start it.

    • Like 1
  17. I played a Ceres defence with Nekros and 3 other people. At wave 30 I had to briefly go afk and when I got back I found myself alone at the start of the next wave.

    In those 5 waves I've got more diode drops than in the 30 previous waves.


     - Playing solo increases drops dramatically.

     - Desecrate doesn't work unless you're the host.

     - RNGsus blessed me that day.

     ...are conclusions I could draw but most likely it comes down to random luck.

  18. 3 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

    If you're going that route, I find the "how the hell do you get 500 people in that ship" to be a much more entertaining question. I can imagine it bulging at the seams with the occasional leg or arm poking out of the improperly sealed airlocks.

    EDIT: and the credits aren't that bad. Each sortie gives you 100k credits, so it's 50 days even if all you do every day is log in, sortie, log out (like me). Yes, that's a long time, but credits are something that you get everywhere as you play and you're going to see constant progress. This is much MUCH better than that festering abomination known as the Hema.

    Also, consider that you really, REALLY do not want to play railjack on release. It will be full of bugs and balance issues. The delay is actually helpful to you.

    I imagined a line of tenno waiting for their clan railjack to come back from a mission so they can get a turn. But I considered that too silly even by this forum's standards.

  19. 33 minutes ago, ant99999 said:

    I suppose the three sections you see on the front of Liset are protective shutters to prevent damaging the window when entering the atmosphere. It's a common technology among all the factions, they are used in Orokin lab, on Corpus ships, in Grineer sealab (Regor's arena).

    I always thought of the liset view as a large display or a one-way window. Railjack doesn't have open and trasparent cockpit window either and that one is going into combat with the full available view.

    The new roof "window" could be the same which is why I don't get those "structural weakness" complaints. It that what breaks people's suspension of disbelief in this magical space ninja game?

    And then there's the fact that there are other landing craft models available now. How do those fit into all this? Mantis certainly wouldn't fit into the orbiter and would have different window given its shape.  We probably already spent more time thinking about it than DE did, so unless there's a reason to do a lore pass over this stuff (with railjack... maybe) it's pointless arguing about it.

  20. So if you have 500 people in a clan they should all share one railjack in your eyes?

    They'd need a poll and a week just to decide on a color.

    Or is it just the cost of the building that should be split? Moon clans would really have to fleece their active members to build that thing.

  21. 13 minutes ago, Cyclouros said:

    It's not what i want, my clan have a nice drydock. But i can still see that there is no actual reason to limit it to clans.

    Because DE wants people to engage with the clan and dojo systems.

    I was here when clans were being first introduced. Solo players and their woes came up repeatedly in that discussion. DE solved this with ghost clans. Dojo costs for ghost clans are not tuned for 10 active players, they're tuned for a single active player. For 10 active players those build and reasearch costs are a joke (with a few exceptions).

    I am one of those players who argued pretty hard and I am one of those players who refused to get a clan.

    I built my own dojo and I found it pretty fun, it became a long-term goal. If I was given an "out" that wouldn't have happened.

    And since people are perfectly comfortable appealing to all those invisible nameless players who quit the game because they refused to build a dojo, I'm gonna reinforce my own argument with the horde of invisible nameless people who stuck with the game because they were forced into the dojo system and eventually became compulsive decorators.

  22. Yes, you technically have to be in a clan to build a dojo and subsequently railjack.

    Practically you can easily do everything as a solo player without ever speaking to a single person.

    Let's say DE implemented a solo-tier "clan" where you can build a dojo but don't have a clan name attached to you in any way. Clan dojo would become a personal dojo and costs would be exactly the same as for ghost clans.

    Then I suppose people would stop complaining about having to be in a clan, right? I somewhat doubt it though ,the argument would change to "I don't want to be forced to build a dojo!" which exposes it for what it really is. It's just a grind complaint, about a system which is not even that egregious compared to legit housing systems in MMOs.

    Given the fact that the cost of building a dojo capable of supporting a dry dock is a drop in a bucket compared to the cost of railjack itself (which you'll have to pay anyway) this clan argument really comes off as petty.

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