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Posts posted by Nuko_Miko

  1. It's kinda simple. Each Orokin Derelict mission has a chance to spawn a Secret Vault with an artifact inside. There are 4 types of Vaults and each requires a special key to open. There's the Hobbled Dragon Key, The Decaying Dragon Key. The Bleeding Dragon Key, and The Extinguished Dragon Key.

    Each of those keys give a certain debuff to you. And you need all 4 in a mission to have a 100% chance of unlocking a vault. If you manage to get the artifact from the vault and extract you will get a rare mod.

  2. Hello there,


    I'm sure many of you have heard about the Oculus Rift. Such a fantastic idea!

    For those who never heard of it: it's basically a virtual reality headgear that increases the field of vision and adds 3d to your games.

    The purpose of this thread is to propose Oculus Rift support for Warframe!




    So what do you guys think? Is it too scary? :3

  3. Best I see is they remain until they die. Also you should be able to revive them just like you revive fallen teammates. If they die and they aren't revived then they're gone. That's how it should be. Right now it's more like "Ohh lets craft a specter and take it to this exterminate mission! *Kills everyone, goes to extraction* ohh sorry dude this extraction cell only has space for 1 person. Guess you'll be staying here then. Bye"

  4. Hello,


    Remodeling the dojo is a NIGHTMARE... There are just so many bugs. Take this one for instance: a 1 second long internet lag can glitch any of the dojo dialogues (Like when you click to open the contribution form or the room management) and you will be stuck in that grey window forever... Also sometimes the mouse just disappears and you can't click the <Exit> button to exit those forms.


    Picture example of what I'm talking about:



    What I suggest is, link the ESC button to EXIT the damn thing so that if any glitch happened and normal controls are not functioning anymore, the user can at least ESC out of it. Also I suggest a master key combo that can override anything else and boot you straight back to the mission selection page. Maybe something like Ctrl + Alt + W or something (Control Alt Warframe :3).

    Another thing you can try is if a user stays inactive in a dojo form for too long (Like 30 seconds) the form will close by itself?

  5. So what do you guys think about the resource chance booster? It is supposed to "Double the chance of resources dropping" but it really doesn't feel like it does that. So what do you think about the mechanics?

    Does it increase a flat percentage on the drop tables? Is it affected by mods? Dark Sector bonuses? Does it apply to kills by teammates? If you are a trinity with a crazy ult build saryn in your team then your booster is useless?

    I really liked the Resource Booster when I got it (doubles the amount of resources you get :D 2x neural sensors per pickup yo!) but the Resource Chance Booster seems a bit off :(

  6. Thx for the replies :D


    I'm not really asking for a complete rundown of everything that changed lol. I couldn't understand what half the patch notes of U13 meant xD I just wanted the big big big picture of things. Last I actively played was when Paris Prime and the others were introduced. I logged in a bit later for a few hours and a friend showed me the 3 headed boss in that infested void place don't really remember what it's called xD


    Yeah I have no idea what the Brakk is :o

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