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Posts posted by Archeyef

  1. 9 minutes ago, Ayures said:

    Sure, except this skin bundle is amazing and your opinions are objectively wrong.

    Go Team Good Guys! Down with Team Bad Guys who want to take away Nidus Deluxe!

    Nobody wants to take it away. Enjoy it if you like it.

  2. 43 minutes ago, Xgomme said:


    Save space mom, check :clem:

    "Synthetic fibers and a molded foam insole where the basis for what was once a robust and comfortable combat boot. Now, it's a home for tiny aquatic organisms."

    Yup. Sounds like space mom.

  3. 4 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Technically, shouldn't it be us Brits doing the letting go? After all, you were the ones who decided you didn't want to be ruled with an iron fist looked after by us anymore... :laugh:

    By the way, you still owe us for all that tea you dumped in Boston harbour. :tongue:

    You guys officially let it go the moment you stopped fighting us over it. By the way, that means you also let the tea go. :laugh:

  4. 45 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Pretty much.

    Rugby is basically the manly version of American football :wink:

    You say that like it's an accompishment. :clem:

    50 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I'm currently in America spending the week with my girlfriend, comparatively American independence wasn't all that long ago, yet I've been treated politely by everyone I've spoken to. I hope the same happens for the rest of the world.

    Y'know, I've seen/heard this from other Brits. It does make me feel a bit of pride in my countrymen that we've been able to let it go.

  5. 5 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    We have American Football in the UK too now, or at least a few matches, although I believe most of it is in London.   I believe Shahid Khan still wants to buy Wembley stadium and bring a team over to the UK, he owns Jacksonville Jaguars and Fulham football (soccer) club.

    Rugby is probably our closest comparison to American Football although they don't throw the ball forwards to a team mate, only backwards, and they don't have any body armour type protection, just an inner mouth guard (protect teeth) and maybe a light weight head 'helmet' (think padded leather, closer to a boxers design)

    I see. I thought there would be some differences, but I remembered rugby being pretty close. And probably where American football originated. So pretty much the same thing.

  6. https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200049929-Clan-Alliance-and-Dojo-Guide


    If the Warlord(s) or Creator of a clan has been inactive for 30 days or longer they can be replaced by submitting a ticket to our support desk (we want to ensure that all clans are able to function correctly, which is not possible without at least one active Warlord). Digital Extremes makes it our policy not to get involved with internal clan matters and any other difficulties that may arise with a Warlord or other players in a clan will generally need to be resolved internally by the clan members involved.


  7. Just now, DeMonkey said:

    That sport where you spend more time cuddling the ball than using your foot? Yeah, that's Rugby :wink:

    I'm surprised though, I thought Baseball was huge? Hmmm, wait, the Superbowl is American Football isn't it? I was thinking it was Baseball for a minute there. Perhaps that's why I thought it was so big *shrug*.

    Yeah, that's the one.

    I don't know when it changed. I think baseball used to be our thing, but at some point rugbyball became more popular. I think baseball is still technically the national sport but it's not as popular anymore.

    And yes, Superbowl is American football.

  8. 57 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Same if Baseball went global, it's likely always going to mean more to America than any other country.

    I don't think a lot of us here in the US care that much about baseball. Football is a bigger deal here. Though that's American football. I think it's rugby in everywhere else the UK, right?

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