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Posts posted by malekas

  1. With the recent "rework" and subsequent tweaks, the general feeling towards Titania is that she's still bad. I won't be posting any proposed fixes, but just what the problems with her abilities are. These are the problems that need to be addressed. Trying to tack on extra effects doesn't fix any issues.




    The casting time is a bit long for what it does. And the ability actually makes it harder to kill enemies. The way they float around makes them hard to hit, and headshots are pretty much impossible.




    Most of the buffs are still awful.

    Entangle: A 25% slow, even with the new range, is barely noticeable when active.

    Thorns: Damage reflection in Warframe sucks, the game simply isn't balanced for it. Damage reflection on a squishy frame that specializes in "evasion" is just laughable

    Full Moon: Companions disappear when entering Razorwing, 90% of players go straight into Razorwing at the start of a mission. And Razorflys are too squishy to expect anything out of, except a minor distraction.




    The fact that the target still moves. A slow acting tether doesn't stop the target from being blasted out into space and rendering the ability a waste of energy.



    Healing Razorflys on kill sounds good, but the Razorflys are just too squishy. I just tested against a group of lvl 50 Lancers, and all of my Razorflys were gone in about 20 seconds.


    • Like 4
  2. He still has a major issue. Most of the synergies of his kit revolve around the weakest and most useless part of his kit, living thralls. Dead thralls are pretty usefully now, but living ones are almost useless in team play. 

    If you look at each part of his kit minus the synergies, he's just passable. But if you look at his kit as a whole there are problems everywhere, all going back to the thralls.

    • Like 1
  3. For me it's not about where. Its that it's on one single tileset, with a low drop rate thanks to diluted tables. It's as if DE wanted to bring back the old nightmare of running Void Defense/Survival for hours just to get nothing.


    They need to either increase the drop rate of the unvaulted relics, or make them drop from other places. 


    This is a limited time event and the drop rate is horrid.

  4. 1 hour ago, RealPandemonium said:

    It's still bizarre to me that people are so scared of their gameplay experience being slightly different that the refuse any kind of change, even beneficial, because it isn't their FAVORITE way.  Maybe actually look at the screen and modulate your inputs to take advantage of the increased speeds?  The idea that having a speed-spamming Volt in your squad would make you want to quit out of the mission is ludicrous.

    "It's still bizarre to me that people are so scared of their gameplay experience being slightly different that the refuse any kind of change, even beneficial, because it isn't their FAVORITE way.  Maybe actually look at the screen and modulate your inputs to take advantage of the Stasis effect?  The idea that having a Stasis spamming Limbo in your squad would make you want to quit out of the mission is ludicrous."


    Yup, works like that too.


    The main issue isn't that I can't play my favorite way, it's that I need to completely change how I move just to compensate for the specific strength of the Volt's Speed.

  5. 1 hour ago, JDxBarracka said:

    No clue why people don't like his speed buff. Its so dope. I am not buying the messing up of movement excuse lol



    Not everyone likes the same things you do, imagine that. You think it's dope, I think it's annoying as ****. But I have no choice. If there's a Speed happy Volt in the party I have to adjust my movement for the strength of his Speed. Depending on whether it's a low strength or high strength completely changes how I need to adjust.

  6. A short rant (And hopefully drawing more attention to) about a issue that people have been complaining about for while.



    I keep getting paired with these high strength, low duration, Volts who constantly spam Speed. I'm ready to start aborting missions that have a Volt in them. News flash for Volt players, not everyone likes that buff. In fact, a lot of players hate that buff with a passion. It completely messes up our movement. This has really become an issue when I decided to use Titania just for fun. Huge mistake. If you think Titania bouncing off of walls and losing all momentum was bad before, try it with Volts speed making things ten times worse.


    We need a way to opt out of the buff. Backflipping doesn't help when the Volt has a 10 second duration speed. I would end up needing to backflip every ten seconds.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Vargras said:

    DE didn't hype Umbra. The community did.

    Y'all are the ones that were demanding we get it. You got it.

    Don't know what you expected, really.

    Just gonna quote this for truth. 


    DE really  didn't hype Umbra much at all. Its always been the community that's had some weird obsession over it.

  8. They should just make Spores a universal state instead of a per player state.


    Saryn 1 cast spores

    Saryn 2 sees the spore counter appear

    Spore counter for both Saryns is the same


    Problem solved

  9. 1 hour ago, Exanguinate said:


    Doesn't help. I had to abort an ESO run earlier because I ended up with a high range, low duration Volt. I was backflipping more than playing.

  10. Not getting why everyone thinks Saryn is energy hungry now. The way I have her built now she's significantly less energy hungry than she used to be.

    Her Spores build up damage and I don't need to worry about transferring toxin damage, that means I don't need Blind Rage anymore. I cast Toxic Lash when need be and just concentrate on keeping Spores spreading. In fact, I was able to drop Primed Flow in my build because I just didn't need the energy.


    I'm not saying the current iteration of Saryn is prefect. The decay on her Spores is ridiculous, and the aggro draw on Molt is nowhere near enough for the new "3 seconds of invul that build up health" to be effective. She's more "stressful" to play now because of the decay speed, and it's still a disaster when more than one Saryn are in a group.


    But Saryn scales better than she used to, she's less energy hungry than she used to be, and she requires a more active playstyle than the old Molt turrent. Personally I think the rework has been great, she just needs a few more tweaks.


  11. He's definitely good. He can dish out a lot of damage, protect himself from damage, and all of his abilities have some CC built in. The only downsides are that his 3 (Undertow) can be boring, and the "charge" mechanic on his 1 (Tempest Barrage) and his 4 (Tentacle Swarm) were a terrible idea.


    The reason you don't see him more is because his most damaging ability (Undertow) locks him in place in a game that prizes high mobility. Sure, you can move around with Tidal Surge, bu that will end up costing a truck ton of energy just to move around.

  12. 1 hour ago, (XB1)RPColten said:

    Exactly. Pets are stronger than Sentinels currently, with vacuum being the main arguing point to using Sentinels.

    Universal Vacuum shouldn't be a thing when one of the companion choices is far stronger. It's often stated that Universal Vacuum should be a thing in order to promote diversity, but the result would most likely just be the mirror of the current companion state.



    Diriga has an incredibly long range high power sniper rifle. No pet can do that

    Carrier has built in ammo conversion, allowing bullet hose weapons to be more effective. No pet can do that.

    Helios can scan anything nearby so you don't need to break combat. No pet can do that.

    Wyrm can blast away enemies if you get surrounded. No pet can do that.

    Sentinels are more survivable since they stay near you and don't rely on "Link" mods to increase stats.

    Sentinels can revive you.


    I won't deny that vacuum is large reason why people use sentinels, but it's by no means the only reason. Any by you're own admission, vacuum is important to people and drives them to use sentinels. If we want pets to be more utilized then vacuum needs to be included.

  13. 1 hour ago, DarcosRoyal said:

    Where are those numbers from tho

    Before vacuum was made usable on all sentinels the devs admitted that around 85% of all players were using Carrier exclusively, all because of vacuum. It's not a far stretch to assume that 80% of players are using sentinels over pets for the same reason.

  14. I actually think the changes to Ember are a step in the right direction. She's much more interactive than she was before. That being said, I agree with other people's sentiment that she needs some protection now. WoF is little more than a small aura now, and the little CC provided from Accelerant isn't enough to protect her. 


    Fire Blast provides little to nothing for her kit, it's just a stationary WoF. Replacing that with her old Overheat ability would be a great way to round out her kit. So many frames have damage reduction abilities now that one more won't break the game or anything. 

  15. So, with the Shrine of Eidolon update coming it was revealed that Eidolons would have a chance to drop a Riven Transmuter. These new consumable items will allow players to transmute 4 Rivens into a new one. Now, while I never touch Rivens myself (I just throw them away for more Endo), I can't help but scratch my head at the news of these new items. 5 months ago during Devstream 97 DE was asked about transmuting Rivens, and this was Scott's response:



    Is the RNG bucket really a good place to put [Riven Transmutation] for players that have earned them, you know?

    Personally I don't love the RNG of it because it just, [Rivens are] hard to get, so then throwing them away into an RNG pool seems bad to me. I dunno.

    I think that's my hesitation to it, that kinda "icky" aspect of it.


    Apparently Scott has had a change of heart (Which can happen, no harm or foul there). But with this new system there will be EVEN MORE RNG than what players suggested 5 months ago, since it's a "chance" that an Eidolon will drop the item.


    So this is my question to DE:


    If transmuting Rivens was an unacceptable level of RNG (which is laughable considering Rivens are nothing but black pit of RNG), how does adding more RNG to that suddenly make it okay?

  16. 7 hours ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    See, here's the problem. People think Mag is sub-par. But she's not.

    • Pull is actually consistent. It just doesn't necessarily do what you would like. With a high strength build, it's most effective against enemies towards the farther edges of its range. If you use it on enemies right in front of you, it will obviously throw them over your head. You may not like it, but it will do that every time. Count on it. Maybe use Crush instead, in that situation.
    • Magnetize is one of the most impactful abilities in the game, and it doesn't even need weapons to work. Between baiting enemies to feed it and using Polarize, you can easily top your squad's damage without firing a shot, and kill faster than some of the most infamous farming frames. Yes, some weapons have better synergy with it than others, but that's not automatically a bad thing. Every frame and ability has its own unique synergies and quirks. I definitely think they ought to fix the hitscan + multishot problem, but it's hardly at the forefront of Mag's issues. You don't see me saying that Banshee's Sonar is too niche because it doesn't play well with status weapons. The augment allows you to panic-detonate Magnetize to disarm enemies if they get out, or if another threat shows up.
    • Polarize strips armor and shields, and does tens of thousands of AoE magnetic damage, making it devastating against grouped enemies. Combined with Fracturing Crush or any other method of percentage armor reduction, it can fully remove armor even at sortie levels. And when used against enemies in Magnetize (or before Magnetize), it feeds the bubble for a large boost in damage. This last function is getting a big buff with the upcoming changes, including the scaling you said was missing.
    • Crush immobilizes enemies in range, too, so that's kind of a non-issue, except for the few that are immune. I have never actually seen it fail to pick up an enemy that wasn't immune. Realistically, if you want to use Crush often, you've included Natural Talent or at least Speed Drift in your build, and these also help with rapid use of other abilities, anyway. With the augment, it greatly multiplies the armor-stripping power of Polarize (much like magnetic procs do for its shield damage), and forces enemies to stay inside of Magnetize bubbles. Now that it will be granting squad-wide overshields, there's even more reason to use it.
    • A common complaint that you didn't list here is also being addressed. Mag's energy pool is getting buffed. Mag Prime will have a base energy capacity of 175, which at rank 30 and with Primed Flow can become 744. This potentially frees her from being tied to Zenurik, because her ability use cadence won't bring her so perilously close to 0 as quickly as it did before, and she will have time to replenish her stores without becoming vulnerable in the interim.

    1) Depending on your power strength, range from the enemy, and even vertical angle when facing an enemy; Pull can vary from just making an enemy fall over in place, to flinging them 50m behind you. I can understand strength affecting the damage and range affecting the distance of the ability, but the pull itself should be a lot more consistent. 


    2) Outside of rad procs, I have never seen enemies put good damage into Magnetize. That goes back to the massive difference between enemy health and damage though. It's the same reason why Nyx's abilities barely kill anything. And even with Octavia's Mallet having a multiplier (instead of a "percent of" like Magnetize) I've seen heavy Grineer units just stand in front of Mallet. 


    3) The shards from Polarize have NEVER dealt any noticeable damage inside Magnetize. I have tested that beyond reason. Magnetize an Anti-Moa and cast several Polarize, Anti-Moa lives. Same setup but fire one shot from my gun, Anti-Moa dies and I add good damage to the DOT. Hopefully this buff has good numbers behind it to fix this. 


    That being said, Polarize is a lot better than people give credit for, until late game where it's almost useless. It needs percentage based stripping to be useful in the later areas of the game. 


    4) Crush is just plain awful. Low damage, suicidally long casting time, no protection, no reason to use it. Adding a shield restore mechanic, at a time when shields are considered totally inferior to health, is a laughable change.


    Some suggestions for Crush? Listen to the flavor text. Crush creates a magnetic field that magnetizes enemies bones to crush them. First of all, you would think a magnetic field that powerful would stop bullets (make Mag immune to projectiles while casting). Second, if you're magnetizing an enemie's bones, it sounds like you reached past their armor/shields to do it (make Crush deal true damage, which will be offset by its naturally low damage).

  17. 7 minutes ago, schilds said:

    Her problem end-game is staying alive, not damage.

    IF you bring certain weapons to use with one of her abilities. Hence, my problem with Magnetize. 


    I don't deny that Magnetize can deal ridiculous damage. I can take my Mara Detron as my only weapon and out damage a Mesa on a sortie. But what if I don't want to use the Mara Detron (or one of the other weapons that work with Magnetize)? Too bad, I'm Mag so I'm forced to use certain weapons or Magnetize will be gimped. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Stoner said:

    She's not the best at endgame but is extremely good for everything else. Sometimes I get the feeling people don't even try her out, just whine on the forums because "boohoo, shes not killing lvl 150 bombard in one shot". Her Crush could be better thats for sure though. Would love to get a Discharge type of rework. 

    "don't even try her out" 


    2000 hours in game and she's my second most used frame, please try again. 

  19. I hate to be so negative about an incoming buff, but the buff that's coming is so weak and misses the mark so badly, that it's hard not to be negative. 


    DE, how many attempts have you tried to make Mag better? 4..... 5.....maybe more. And yet every attempt completely misses the reasons why people think Mag is sub par.


    Pull: wildly inconsistent with worthless mechanics. Energy orb on death from an ability that deals negligible damage. Extra damage to the target of Magnetize (a pellet gun could deal more damage and without using energy) 


    Magnetize: still forces players to use only certain weapons for it to be effective. 


    Polarize: still has no scaling, meaning it's nothing but an overscosted shield restore at higher levels


    Crush: now it restores shields? You're not even addressing that fact that it immobilizes Mag, deal pitiful damage for an Ult, and the CC doesn't "pick up" enemies some times. 

  20. The "marking" process is one big reasons I don't use BladeStorm right now. Trying to mark a far off target with a tiny point really sucks. And the the multiple marks just encourages shaking the camera around. 


    If they're looking at changing the cinematic, please look at the marking as well. 

  21. Yeah, just did some testing. Sleight of Hand is still just as bad as it was before.


    Tested against lvl 50 Butchers, 185% power strength, and SoH barely scratched them. Once there was a bunch of loot on the ground SoH almost took away half their health.


    Complete waste of energy that you should never use. Even the blind jewel is bad, it would be better to just cast Prism (Which will deal a ton more damage and blind everything around you).

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