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Posts posted by malekas

  1. The main point of the Nullifier change was to give slow rate of fire weapons like bows and sniper rifles a chance against them. The way that this change was put in place didn't accomplish any of that. The way that the drone resists damage, and the way that it moves around (most of the time to the opposite side of the bubble from where you're standing) make it so slow firing weapons still have a hard time. And even with this new drone it's still easier to just slowly shoot the bubble until you pop it, rather then trying to hit the drone.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Clonmac said:

    No, sorry that's such an exaggeration it's not even funny. I feel like you're complaining just for the sake of it. Limbo can't stop anyone from killing an enemy. He only delays the inevitable and he can only delay it for so long before the timer expires. If you fire your shots at an enemy, you'll get your kill.

    I don't see you complaining about abilities that CC enemies by throwing them around (like Zephyr and Hydro). That's more a hindrance to a teammate's killing ability than Limbo is. At least with Limbo you can guarantee you shots will land on a still target. With Zephyr or Hydro, the bodies being flung all over the place makes it difficult to land a clear shot. I'd be willing to bet that there are more enemies that are freed from CC without being killed from Hydro or Zephyr's CC than there are from Limbo's Stasis.


    I play high level gameplay all the time and I don't "instadie" ever. He has so many tactics available to him and none of them involve instadeath. Often, I just cast Banish once and just enter the rift. Banish can even be casted through walls and around corners. After that I can simply use Rift Surge going forward to keep bringing in enemies without exposing myself. Or I can just use Cataclysm. Not sure how that's difficult...

    Can you explain how you're using Rift Surge? Because I don't seem to be doing it right. The only ways that I see to use it are overly complex, clunky, and not worth the time or energy.

  3. Someone has got to explain Rift Surge to me, because everything I see so far leads me to believe it does little to nothing (unless you're using the augment).


    1) Put enemies in the rift

    2) Cast Rift Surge, now every enemy in the rift is "surged"

    3) ????????


    I just don't see it doing anything. Sure, the enemies stay in the rift if I drop my Cataclysm, but why would I do that? It would be better to just keep Stasis up and murder everything in the rift. Rift Surge doesn't deal any extra damage (again, unless you use the augment), it doesn't make it any easier to put more enemies in the rift, it accomplishes nothing. The only thing I actually see it doing is that if I Banish a "surged" target to push them out of the rift, it will do a  tiny 5m banish around the target. That is a horrendous waste of energy when I can cast Cataclysm, or even the nerfed Banish, for much more range and effectiveness.

  4. Bugs aside, you can easily solo Vay Hek with Ivara in about 10 mins.


    First, don't forget you can skip the fights leading up to the last area, just run there and he'll catch up. I took Pox to strip his armor. If you stay invisible he'll just park somewhere and let you point blank his face. Terra Frame goes down real fast after you strip it's armor (Pox) and blast it with Artemis Bow.

  5. 4 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

    A case of convenience vs. annoyance really. On one hand I don't have to babysit allies who want to take advantage of the rift, they can just hop through the tear to fight enemies I group-banished there as I rift dash in to deal with them. On the other hand, a Limbo that constantly use Rift Dash as a mobility tool leave behind so much crap even if just 5 seconds each, allies have to evade or "roll" along with him to stay out of the rift.

    I personally try to avoid Rift Dashing too much in the path of my team. But I do expect them to learn to use the rift as this is clearly the design direction the devs are going for.

    That's exactly why I brought this issue up. I was in a fissure mission last night, and the limbo in front of me kept dashing constantly for extra speed. Got annoying as **** having to constantly roll out of the rift and dodge tears.

  6. Am I the only person who thinks this part of Limbo's dash is detrimental? Not only does limbo himself not need it, but all it does is make an active obstacle that your allies have to dodge. Nobody wants to be put in the rift constantly while working their way through the map. If I want to be in a rift I will ask a Limbo to banish me. These tears are terrible and slow everything down because now I have to dodge them while parkouring through a stage. Is it just me?

  7. Just realized another issue. The little "tear" that Limbo leaves behind when he rolls is a terrible idea. I was running a fissure today and ended up following behind a Limbo that was constantly rolling in and out of the rift (Because that's how you move fast and safe in Warframe). I had to snake left and right to dodge the tears so I would stop putting myself in the rift. It was annoying as h***.


    The premise behind this didn't work for Volt, and it's not working here either. All they do is become land mines that your allies have to dodge.

  8. One of the rift portals is missing (One that I know of, might be more). The spy room that has lasers to the right, drones to the left, and the frozen floor towards the console. After you hack the console the rift portal never shows up. I'm stuck inside that room and can't leave. Only option is to abort.


    Also, some of the lasers are being tripped by Limbo while he's in the rift.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

    Still, this never was borught up before the Augment then, evne taht this problem technicly existed before it already, people doing exactly that on Absorbiton, purposly bursting it.

    It does matter to taht amount that it simply is a overall problem less about it beeing now "broken again" and more of players jsut beeing dumb pricks and we need more consequences for trols, which also is hard to proove also.

    No one ever brought it up because no one ever used Absorb before the augment. It's an awful ability in almost every situation. The augment made people use Absorb, so now a glaring problem is being noticed.

  10. There doesn't need to be any change to the augment. Let's not allow DE to severely cripple it, and then "fix" it to something worse than it was originally. This just needs to be undone and the augment put back to what it was before. This augment was the only thing that made Nix stand out from an Irradiating Disarm Loki, it was her only thing.


    No other changes, no compromise, no middle of the road, just put it back.

  11. Anytime I play Infested Salvage on the smaller map, where all of the stations are on the same level, no enemy ever goes to point "C". Points "A" and "B" are fine, but point "C" is barren. The only way to keep point "C" going is to collect injectors from the other points and take them over to "C".

  12. 1 hour ago, Knight_Ex said:

    Oh and the CC thing? damn right that would be a kickable thing, if you take a freakin atlas to a sortie mission that requires CC, like interception for general, you damn well better believe you'd be kicked

    ^This^ is the exact reason a kick feature will never be implmented. You would be punishing a player for playing how they want. You just gave the text book example of why a kick feature is so bad.


    Sorry, but if you select "Public", then you're agreeing to jump in with whoever is running the same mission. Don't like it? Stop running PUGs and just run friends only.

  13. My biggest concern with the eximus weak points is it feels like a reversal from the nullifier rework. One of the biggest complaints people had about nullifiers was that bows and sniper rifles were useless against them. It seems like the eximus weak points will be the exact same thing. No one would be crazy enough to try and hit a small weak point on a fast moving charger with a Dread. High fire rate and AOEs will be the only way to go. Bows and sniper rifles will become something considered unusable in serious missions.


    On top of the slow fire rate weapon concern, sortie eximus strongholds would be an instant skip with this change. I won't even subject myself to that.


    PS. Another thought. Higher level missions would become NOTHING but CC. Forget trying to hurt things, any mission that isn't Ext/Def/Surv will be pure CC with damage being forgotten about. Kind of like Law of Retribution is now.

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