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Posts posted by (PSN)mmcareen

  1. 9 minutes ago, chaotea said:

    Only happens with enemies around, like valks mechanic.

    It was a infested defense, so we wouldn't have gotten shot.  So could easily be a bug causing it to work like valkyr and i wouldn't have noticed it.  I will keep a eye on it if another defense comes up

  2. 12 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    i understand your idea but there is a huge problem with that

    some players tend to choose the next relic depending on the rewards they got
    once they got the reward they wanted there is no point to keep running the same relic and instead its better to choose one with rewards that you still need
    same goes for the end mission select screen thingy
    if someone joins a mission to get just 1 part and nothing else how are they supposed to know they got it already?
    there are quite a lot of players that stop the mission immediately after they got the desired part

    i like the general idea but it needs some polishing

    It does need some polishing, I'm not suggesting replace the current system, in fact it would stay there, this would just be a add-on?  So would be completely optional.  Random groups wouldn't even know its there, as I'm typing your point just clicked in my head lol.  So if the auto fill option wasn't clicked, and the pick a relic did come up, seeing the game is already paused you could pick the rewards for that wave.  That way, those who just want to get what they want and get out could get it, leave, or pick another relic.  Those who are just there to ducat farm, or just for the fun of it can just keep going.  It would still work with my idea as well, once you extracted and had the list of rewards to pick from, for the wave you already picked your reward, instead of having the 4 options, you would just have the one you picked.

    I really think this idea would add to the game, especially for someone like me, who just does, sorties, syndicates and raids currently.  I don't run relics, I have 20k ducats, own everything the void trader ever had, so I'm only buying one item every visit.  I did however love running a T3S or T4I as long as I could, I found that fun.  The whole item is to bring some of that fun back and keeping the change the relic system brings.  So polish away.  Thank you.

  3. On 12/27/2016 at 2:33 AM, Kiracub said:

    God, Warframe NEEEEDS this!

    In solo mode, you should be able to pay 10k or so credits to a Tenno Ambassador to go to a mission and alert the enemies of your arrival, so you can play on your own but get the satisfieing spawnrates of a team of 2-4, or even more, it would be a dial, the more credits you pay the ambassador, the higher the enemy spawnrate, and on the other side of things you could also pay this Ambassador to go ahead and calm the location, lowering spawn rates for newer players, the gain/loss of this is there would be more/less enemy drops and loot, it would be like, your kinda gambling your credits on your skills as a Tenno. If you've ever played Kid Icarus: Uprising for the Nintendo 3DS, just like the heart system there. This would solve, among other problems, the most ANNOYING problem in Warframe: Solo Survival missions not being able to sustain themselves in solo. All i want is to play draco for a few hours (Draco is a mid level grineer survival now) but i can't because about 30 minutes in life support has completely given up on me. I'm killing every enemy as they come and desecrating them but the PLSC's are not dropping enough and the lotus isn't dropping them in nearly often enough. The solution? play with someone else. then the spawn rate increases to a reasonable number, but then i have this other guy who's killing half the enemy now. I just wana be able to sustain my own survival solo, and this is, in my opinion, a great way to solve that problem without just a stupid band-aid solution like hard-increasing the spawnrate of enemies in survivals. Yeah its exploitable, but thats a good thing, because if players are able to exploit it by setting it to the highest setting and getting rich, they deserve that because they beat the challange fair and square, they wern't handed the credits, they got it the hard way. opposite goes, if players want to turn the difficulty almost off, let them walk through, get nothing, and have no fun, i mean if its what they want,



    I have said this before, if i didn't, I meant to and forgot.  Solo play with the spawn rate of 4 people, so fun and it hurts no one.  Supported.

  4. So I like the fact that they have endless Relics, but the minute we have to stop between rewards kills the momentum.  So what I'm suggestion is, before the mission there would be a auto load option.  Either I can reset a order or just pick a group of relics that are randomly picked for me.  So basically every 5 minutes, 5 waves, whatever, the game wouldn't pass, it would just keep going and a new relic would automatically be equipped.  Some sort of on-screen animation with your frame would happen just so you have a visual cue that it happened.  If anyone on your team didn't select the auto pick feature or just ran out of relics of the ones they did, the current pick your relic system would pop up.  In which you can change your auto pick or refill it or just continue on.

    If that system was ever put in, I'd also like it if the rewards from the relics were rewards after you extracted.  Lets say, you did 40 waves.  Even you extracted on wave 40, you get the mission results screen.  Exit that, and then a relic reward screen would pop up.  All it would be, top row would be the the rewards you pick from wave 5, second line would be wave 10, 3 line would be wave 15 and so on.  So you would pick a reward per line, and down at the bottom, you would have a accept reward, you'd click that, then it would give you one more list, just basically a list of everything you picked, with a Accept or Reselect Option, just so you can go over everything and make sure you are getting what you wanted, didn't miss click.

    What these two systems do is get rid of the pass we have every few minutes, keeps the momentum of the game going, while still giving us the rewards we would have gotten anyways.  Also gets rid of that 15 second timer you have to pick a relic, when you have a crap load of relics and only a few seconds on which one to pick.

  5. As someone who has spent months as a trader, I was bored so changed my gaming style.  Running out of trades because you are selling Arcane's or whatever else, because you use two trade to give 10 of the same item.  We can stack plat, 10P is in one box, so I would be like to be able to put 10 Arcane Victory in one box.  1 trade.

  6. I would say the second one.  My suggestion would be lose Energy Conversion or Intensify for Overextended.  Your WoF will become much less powerful, but it will be a great CC build.  It depends on your playstyle though.  I move a lot, I'm quick, and I like to get up close and personal.  With that build, they are knocked on their arse because they get a chance to even shoot at me.  By the time they are on their feet, I'm up in their face and then they are dead.  High level then as well, you can turn off WoF and cast accelerant as your crowd control as it stuns them for a few seconds and with that build you would cover a large area

  7. My riven mod is damage and a element, good but could be better.  Even with that, it wouldn't last long in endless, and that's more of what I was thinking it for.  After reading everyones comments, I still think it needs a buff, maybe not as much as I suggested, but still even a little would help.  

  8. I used Limbo for Sortie Defenses, banish the target, banish myself, focus on reviving.  Had a mesa who asked to be banished in the one the other day.  I was refreshing banish between every way, or when I wanted to collect items and bring them to the mesa.  Neither one of us went down.

  9. On one stream DE said about custom missions for clans and alliances, do we have a ETA for that?  As part of a alliance who put on events regularly this would be a great help in putting them on and making sure everyone in the alliance knows a event is on going as soon as they look at their star chart






    Been trying to get a official answer from this question for the last 3 months.  I'm pretty sure I know the answer but if a official answer is giving on a devstream, it would help a lot.  As you are well aware, as console can't get plat discounts like PC, we get market place coupons in its place.  Selling market place discounts have become currently the biggest scam on console right now(at least ps4).  I'm wondering what DE official stance is on selling discounts as if you spend a minute in trade tab you will see at least one person selling one. 

    DE said one time about being able to board other people in your squads ships.  Any idea if that is coming soon?  My ship is pretty plane(I should be ashamed) but I got some friends with some crazy stuff done.  Would love to be able to see that first hand instead of looking at screen shots

    As arcanes are currently tied to helmets and syandanas, can we get a option to set a appearance config automatically with a build config.  As in if config A and B on my frame uses your arcane grace syandana but your config C uses Arcane Energize syandana.  You could set up Arcane Energize as config B in your appearance and anytime you equip Config C on your frame it automatically switches to config B in your appearance.  This would also give us more option for fashion frame as I could have each build colour different. 

    With Frost return the same time as Ember, is this the sign of a second unvaulting rotation?  As in, next unvaulting there will be 2 accesses as well?

    With the idea for dark sectors return, will you be returning to the old Dark Sector nodes, 2 on each planet, or will you be going with a smaller node system and making it more competitive?

    A long time ago DE Steve (calling you out :) ) said that DE will be improving the spawn locations of Focus Boosters.  We all know the pain of doing a survival where its too early to group together and the focus booster spawns all the way on the other side of the map where person 3 is hanging out.  Doing a spy and your at C when the booster spawns on the person at A.  Can we get our own Focus Booster locations instead of one for the team?

    First of, as someone could used to run the long missions, I love the fact that you now have endless back, yes we don't get a boat load of rewards for one key, but the rewards themselves is still there.  Thank you, would you guys ever consider a Auto pick feature though?  So before I loaded into a mission, I could pick a couple of relics that would be automatically picked for me.  As trying to decide which relic to take is a bit of a pain when you have so many relics and only got 15 seconds to do so.

    Also would you guys ever consider picking all the rewards after the mission was over.  As in after you extract, you exit the mission results screen, then get a list of rewards you would have normally have to pick from.  Scroll down the list, picking 1 per row.  At the bottom there would be a accept and exit, and you get a second confirmation to accept once you click it.  Are you sure you wish to continue with this rewards?  Yes/select again.

    Reason behind both of these suggestion is the current system, it kills the momentum.  That corpus crewman just sits there, tapping his strun against is his, "You done yet?" as he waits for us to pick our reward and next relic.



    As someone who current warframe activity is, clan/alliance stuff, syndicate missions, sorties, raids, then syndicate missions and sortie on my PC account, is there any plans for a nightmare JV?  A corpus raid?  A system where doing the Nightmare Version of the Raid, will also give you the regular reward if you haven't done the normal version (totally stolen idea)?

    Any idea on when the next selection of Tennogen is coming to console and which ones will be included in it?  #FashionFrameForLife

    Is there any plans in the works to make items stackable in trades?  As of right now, if I want to give someone 10P I can do that in 1 trade, however if I want to give someone 10 Arcane Victorys, that's 2 trade.  As a trader (I enjoy trading), not being able to stack the same items just eats up trades, being able to stack items would cut down this problem.

    Is there plans to add the Injector blueprint for the JV raid outside the raid itself?  We can farm injector fragments now with the new infested salvage but we still need to do the raid to get the injector bp added to the lab in the dojo to build it.  I do JV every night on my PS4 account, but there is no one in my PC account clan who do raids.  Being able to get the BP outside of the raid, would allow me, and I'm sure many others, to get the injector and be able to do the JV raid as most groups require a injector.

    So relic names are based on the rare drop in the relic, at least that's how it works from me looking at it.  Axi E1 Ember Blueprint was the rare drop, Meso F2, Frost Blueprint was the rare down.  In each era though, there is 2 relics which names are reverses, Axi A1 - NIkana BP Axi N1 - Ash Systems, Neo N2 - Vauban System Neo V1 - Nova Chassis.  Meso V2 and N2 and Lith V1 and F2.  Is this a oversight or am I just wrong on how the system works?  Switching the names on those relics would make every relic work within that system

    Can we get a New feature added to the market?  As someone who is just at that point in the game where you buy everything that isn't farmable, the market set up is kinda annoying to find the new limited item stuff.  Yes some stuff show up on featured, but not all.  Can we get a option added to show anything added in the last 2 weeks or something that shows the entire market so I can click, hide owned and see what is there?  

  10. 33 minutes ago, Cptcuddlybuns said:

    I recall seeing a tweet from Steve saying that there's a bandaid cure in the works. 

    The only downside of not being on twitter, I don't get to see DE Steves posted.  Thanks for the info, got 4 of my frames with it and refuse to play on anything by solo with other frames because every match there is a nidus.

  11. So I like sortie defense.  I like the fact that I can't fail it, or really its very hard to fail it.  Regular defense, something goes side-ways for a second, game over, heavy gunner destroyed the core in 4 seconds.   Done.  Which is why I like sortie defense, the AI isn't the best but his health drops, I can reviving him.  I would love it if this was a regular mission type, or if in defenses we had a option which style we would want.

    Honestly, a new endless escort mission would be nice either based on that (as soon as I said escort peoples blood pressure went up).  So basically a hybrid of sortie defense and mobile defense.  Basically our Ai would run to mobile defense targets, and hack and recover data.  Our job would not only to be protect him but get him there.  Every time he does a hack, we get a reward.  Could be a new tile set, like a derelict orokin tower which is not overrun by infested or corrupted but instead we are trying to get the data before the corpus or grineer.  The enemy type could even chance mid mission.  Just a idea

  12. Running a clan takes a lot of work, if you are willing to put that kind of work into it, Stay.  As a new player, there is going to be a lot of stuff you don't know, a active clan helps with that a lot, as well as most active alliances (grouping of clans) will not take inactive clans.  I would personally would suggest joining another clan.  One that's active and can give you active on how to play the game.  If down the road you want to be a clan leader, break out then, and make one yourself.  Build something that is yours and wasn't just thrown on you.  Ultimately it is up to you though.

  13. 9 minutes ago, I_am_Mr_E said:

    Player name: 

    Making a bogus offer in Trade chat:

    "Donate 21 plat in honor of 21 for cancer. For every 21 plat donated, 21 dollars will go to this charity."

    Not funny. Not okay. My Mother & Aunt both had breast cancer.

    Edit his name out as its not allowed on the forums.  Other then that, before coming to the forums, there is a option for support.  Those are the people to talk to.

  14. Just now, morningstar999 said:

    is this true? they never said it anywhere?

    would make sense though.

    I'm surprised ive not died to it then as i mess about at the kiddo for giggles. (or well i did when it first came out until the idea of the half-finished gimmick wore off)

    I believe Rebecca said it on a steam, if not it was Danielle.  One of them for sure.  That's what it says anyways.  I died a few times when I done TWW quest because I keep getting sent back to my frame.  It the counter goes away after time or anything like that, I don't know, never tested or heard anything on that part.  

  15. I love my amprex, always have, damage wise though, its not a good weapon.  Hasn't been for a long time.  Having the lowest base damage of all weapons, with only a 2x crit multiplier, with horrible ammo usage.  so I got a suggest for a buff.  nothing to extra but would make the good very usable again

    Base Elemental Damage would be increased 7.5 to  10-15

    Crit Multiplier would be increased from 2.0 to 2.5

    Magazine Size would be increased from 100 to 150, Total ammo staying the same

    Fire Rate would be decreased from 20 rounds a second to 15 rounds a second


    Reason behind this stats, is I have a riven mod for it, and even with a damage and elemental riven mod, this weapon still is horrible.  increasing its damage, even to only something like 10, along with the crit multiplier increase will make this a would make this gun a mob killer but not enough that its OP and doesn't run out of ammo within 15 seconds.  Very usable in late game

  16. 1 hour ago, Xardis said:

    We can use Operator direcly in mission, either by activating focus power or spawning as Operator ourselves. How it is that we can die in mission as Oparator and seconds later spawn again? Its a nitpicky detail about the gameplay, it may not be canon to even die as a Operator in a mission, maybe he just retreats. But how about putting it in other way. We project a void copy onto battlefield, not teleport ourselves. It makes much more sense (to me at least) than teleporting from orbit. I havent found anything that suggests that either is true, but to be honest, I just started to think about it and did almost nothing apart from looking at quotes on wiki from 2nd Dream and TWW.

    You don't die the first time, if you get sent back 3 times though you actually die.  You will need to burn a revive.  If you get sent back, you will notice you get a 1 marker up by your name.  That's to help you keep track of it.

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