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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. On 12/4/2016 at 11:33 PM, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

    Okay so its totally fine for a single player to inconvenience  the whole squad? 


    Why should the 3 other people in the squad have to leave just because one player doesn't want to play the game properly? 

    Yeah it is fine . They have the right to play the game just as much as you do 

  2. On 11/26/2016 at 10:09 PM, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

    Too op? If a frame can only use 2 of the 4 abilities he has the 2 he uses better be good. No one ever uses spectrla scram or effigy ever.

    I use effigy 

  3. 13 hours ago, Duavey said:

    It's easily the blandest Exalt weapon. Excal has blade waves and auto-parry. Valkyr  is invincible with lifesteal. Titania gets mini-Archwing mode. Ivara has the multishot bow which can change the angle of spread. Peacemaker trades movement for ramping damage and status/knockdown resistance.

    Wukong gets a stick with less range than a normal melee weapon. Whoop de freaking doo. It really needs some gimmick or mechanic to set it apart.


  4. On 9/16/2016 at 3:16 PM, EmptyDevil said:

    Why are you upset? I merely told you that you were wrong. Go grab the devstream + timestamp and make me look dumb.

    You saw that Steve said Perrin would get some lore/expansion and said you hope for a Corpus Rathuum. Then when people said they don't want a Corpus knockoff of the same thing, you got salty and claimed it was said in a previous devstream.

    So which is it? Word from DE or your hopes? Get your act together.

    They didn't mention that on the current devstream or any that i can recall.

    So uh corpus arena ? Guess I didn't have to go through 10 hours of devstreams 

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