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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. 21 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

    If they made a blast themed frame whose ability was firing a homing missile swarm like a mech I would buy it.  (Look up the trope Macross Missile Massacre.)  If they made its passive "immunity to self inflicted blast damage" I'd never play another frame again.

    All I need in life 😭

  2. 5 minutes ago, Extroah said:

    Same here. Though using something like a Tonkor fully modded for Blast is funny, seeing all the Enemies fly around, hehe. But DE already said that they want to rework Elements and how they work so i think this won't be a Problem for much longer (hopefully).

    Hopefully they don't touch viral & gas 

  3. I think it's really buggy like half the time it procs it doesn't knockdown, stagger, or nothing . But do you think it's useful, fun, useless, needs to be updated, can't compete with other elements. I feel like it should be expanded , seeing how we will probably get a warframe that does blast dmg sooner or later .

    (Please be a gundam/mech

  4. 7 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    Well, how many times have you actually seen DE staff lose their cool, compared to how many times they get insulted here on the forums?

    I believe there is also a rather prominent politician who is known to lose his cool on Twitter, I hear he's going to be in a rather important job soon.

    If Steve didn't delete his tweets I would show you 

  5. 9 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    And I believe players should be respectful in their comments, both to other posters and the devs.

    Why should anyone have to wade through insults to maybe find some relevant feedback?

    The devs aren't just "anyone" they hold power . You don't see principals, mayors, generals, presidents crying everytime someone says something against them

  6. 9 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    The reddit is a lot more openly critical, in a which can be both unhelpful (i.e. very negative and very hard on DE) but also more honest than the forums (DE don't moderate the subreddit, so players are quite free to say "Hey, DE just f**ked up really badly! Look at this!" without having to be concerned so much that their thread will mysteriously be reassigned to a different forum or different thread.)


    If DE choose only to pay attention to feedback on their own forum, they make a mistake by doing so.


    5 minutes ago, Zamio said:

    But it's true. Go look at the sub right now. Due to the way reddit is set up, unpopular opinions are downvoted and sent to the bottom while popular ones are upvoted. The current popular opinion is that DE is bad, never listen, WF is bad, etc etc. Thus you will see these opinions repeated repeatedly, because that's how reddit works. The unpopular opinion is that the situation is fine or that it doesn't matter, thus is gets downvoted.

    This is literally how reddit works, its not immature. Unpopular opinions get downvoted, popular ones get upvoted, so you see the popular ones regularly.

    Well this guy "born with teeth" here doesn't seem to agree with you . Like I said there's pros and cons . Being openly critical is probably more sensitive than censorship but it gets the job done . 

    I believe devs need to be less sensitive & translate what the players are actually saying instead of only hearing "dev bashing"  & cutting else everything out .

  7. 5 minutes ago, Zamio said:

    If you love to complain about the game and make personal attacks against anyone who disagree's, the subreddit is perfect for you.

    If you like complaining about the game productively in a way that will actually help, while dealing with the guys who just want to complain, the forums is for you.

    If you actually enjoy the game, and don't want to complain all the time, use different forums.

    I believe that's an immature way of looking at it , because things aren't black & white . Not everyone on Reddit will throw personal attacks & it's wrong to think so . Both sides have their pros and cons 

  8. Do you believe warframe Reddit is somehow a better environment for discussion then warframe forums ? Between all the censorship & knights or is Reddit just as bad as the forums ? I don't have much experience on Reddit but a certain youtuber did mention this so I was wondering 

    Ps. I mean we all come on to the forums to speak about a game we love & we only give feedback because we want to keep loving this game. The forums are a place where we can be heard. There's been a lot of complaints/criticism lately more than usual & with that there's been a lot more ignoring on the devs side , that alone is dangerous.

    I know me personally log in and log out just for the login rewards , I won't speak for anyone else. I appreciate the openness of the devs when it comes to experimenting with new systems , but you have to flesh them out completely. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Jobistober said:

    "Content guys were tapped out"

    DE didn't even officially release this "feature" and people are complaining of lazy modeling? Does anything make this community happy? Remember the early days of Warframe when ancients used the same model as corpus crewmen, just scaled up? Because I do.

    DE then isn't DE now . They have a lot more money . There's no excuse for the laziness 

  10. 1 hour ago, morningstar999 said:

    if you think about it in the past two months we have had: 7 months delays, half finished riven system, half finished operator system, half finished chargers, bugs, Huge increase in grind (mutengen sample and nidus) bad sortie drop tables, and much more more. there is good reason people are getting angry over everything at this point.

    I'm just saying.


    Truth. Something weird is going 

  11. I think the top contenders would be Valkyr, Rhino, and Atlas . 

    Rhino can shake the earth we stand on with a stomp . Atlas can send you flying across the city with a punch & Valkyr is the most sturdy of them all .

    So who do you think is the strongest ?

    btw I think the weakest in terms of physical strength would be between banshee or ivara .

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