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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. Just now, -----LegioN----- said:

    That's simply because adding a brand new mechanic nonexistent in pve makes transition harder for the newcomers and turns them into easier preys for those who play regularly and will learn to optimize stamina usage and recover it on the fly to prevent running out of stamina in a bad moment.

    Yes they will have to adjust to like everyone else & most people who play conclave are new players . Also when you jump into a game you never played before of course you gonna be worst then other people have been playing for a long time . You die you learn . If that's the only reason you have to not have stamina added to conclave then I have to disagree 

  2. 15 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

     Plenty of similar threads explaining why adding stamina in conclave is a bad idea, so feel free to take a look at any of them; I'd recommend taking part on the most recent thread which is still visible on page 1 (huge link box below for  better visibility)

    That thread is not even 2 weeks long

    I find it funny that the people who disagree with stamina being a bad idea are the people who themselves say they hardly play conclave 

  3. 27 minutes ago, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

    get in line :P also im making snipers into a meta forcing de to nerf them because the only other weapon that can even come close to countering is another sniper or a daikyu

    Yeah daikyu and opticor . But how many shots does it take to kill with snipertron

  4. Yes stamina , that green bar that we all hated. I say we bring back to conclave . So that bullet jumping an other parkour moves cost stamina so players can't jump around like a fly for 5mins straight . But enough stamina for someone to dodge , get away , and engage into combat . 

    I also feel like melee should have stamina cost as well . Because honestly it's a lot easier to get kills with a melee weapon in conclave then with a gun. Making melee endless I feel like was a bit of a mistake. I feel like adding stamina will make players choose their moves more critically 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Xionyde134 said:

    Stealth multipliers, not stealth finishers. those yellow numbers are stealth multipliers

    & I think half a second of stealth multipliers is fine . But to each his own , I'm sure de will figure something out on how to make blast more useful . Because as of right now it's not all that great . The only good blast build that I know of is on the pox and that's it 

  6. Just now, Alcatraz said:

    I'm telling you it makes no sense to turn "Blast" into something that's going to blind enemies. It isn't "Flash" so it wouldn't work. All damage types correspond with their name logically and if you go making Blast from knocking enemies down, to blinding things, it wouldn't make sense.

    Or both & what is "sense" & wouldn't work ? I just want blast damage to be more useful then it is now . As someone who loves this game I'm going to try to improve it . I don't see you making any suggestions on making it better ? How about you leave feedback in the feedback forum instead of a "no". 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

    It's a knockdown proc, just like it would be if your car blew up in front of you. It'd knock you down. Regardless of how far you flew back, you'd still be down :P

    I'd also be disoriented, btw this is feedback right ? 🤔

  8. 7 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    Abusing or Utilizing?  You need to provide a bit more detail to support the abuse theory other than "they use it, therefore, abuse"

    Abusing . I'll be 20m away and still die maybe you're one of them. Before you know it it's gonna be everyone using a blade and whip in conclave . Destiny all over again

  9. For like 0.5 seconds, Not only would this make sense . But it would make people more willing to mod for it on guns . Also it would make use of the stealth multiplier on melee weapons like how gas damage does .

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