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Posts posted by Reconsile

  1. Mag Heirloom uses Energy colours for her galaxy/star/space fashion on her hands, body and head instead of Emissive. Unfortunately Energy colour is also shared with Ability colour. Darker Energy makes her bubbles very hard to see, meanwhile brighter Energy makes it more visible but it also makes the space/galaxy/stars on Mag obnoxiously bright Heirloom should be using Emissive instead so you can have both fashion + visibility


    Current Fashion:





    Using brighter colours to be able to see bubbles better




    Other examples of energy colour







    • Like 6
  2. 44 minutes ago, Galuf said:

    I have a math degree actually. But anyway I'm done :). You're right anyway, there is a chance that you'll turn into a giant burning sun and obliterate the whole galaxy in your sleep.


    Imagine being arrogant enough to throw out the "I have a math degree" to support that you have more knowledge on how rng works, but then proceed to mockingly claim that there is a chance that an impossible event could happen. 

    Ironically, the link I posted earlier proves that you don't understand the difference between normal probability & random number generators. For your benefit, I have posted the full article below. Hopefully, instead of remaining willingly ignorant, you learn something & finally wash off the clown makeup

    RNG and drop chance in video games with focus on Warframe

    RNG and drop chance is one of the most misunderstood and also frustrating topics for players in Warframe. This not only because of the maths involved but because of many half-truths found on the Warframe subreddit and in the official Warframe forums. Players tend to confuse the drop chance which belongs to probability with school-taught use of percent in calculus. Let’s look a bit deeper into this topic.

    What RNG means

    RNG stands for random number generation and simply describes a tiny piece of software tossing the coin or rolling the dice for you. There is nothing fancy about this and in most programming languages it is just one line of code that decides about your luck. 

    This is how a success drop is calculated in the programming language Java:


    In Warframe this kind RNG is used after every enemy encounter, after every boss fight or fissure run, to name just a few. 


    RNG in drop tables

    Whenever a drop in Warframe can happen it follows defined drop tables. Drop tables mostly have multiple items that can drop. The common drops will mostly likely happen all the time. The uncommon drops occasionally and the rare drops will happen only after many repetions or a long time of playing.

    Take for example Arbitrations rotation A where the rare drop is the Adaptation mod. You get this drop only after many many missions whereas the common drop of 1300 Endo will happen most of the time. 

    Warframe’s drop tables are public and can be accessed by everybody who interested at this link.


    Most things that can drop will be in this drop table. Just use CTRL+F to search in the site. They contain the drop chance in percent that give you an overall “feeling” of what common, uncommon or rare means. To really understand and appreciate those numbers we have to do some more exploration of the maths involved.

    Down the rabbit hole of probability

    As said before RNG means that a piece of software is rolling the dice for you. Given that noone has manipulated the RNG software this digital dice rolling represents a perfect die that is rolled by a perfect hand on a perfect table. And thus the results of each roling are bound by the rules of probability. 


    Here are the most important facts about probability using the die example:

    • Each time you roll the dice your dop chance stays the same. If you want to roll a 6 there is a 1 in 6 chance each time the die is rolled.
    • 1 in 6 can be written as a fraction 1/6. That fraction is 0.1667 which is in turn 16.67%. A 16.67% drop chance is just for the definition and has nothing to do with how probability actually works. 
    • 1 in 6 is an average if you repeat something long enough. Long enough means thousands of times. You can test it for yourself with a die and roll it 6 times and will most likely not get each number once.
    • There is absolutely no pattern when the number 6 will appear when you roll the dice.
      If there was a pattern that could be calculated we would not have a gambling industry that makes decent money from people being unlucky. If someone thinks there is pattern that person has fallen for what is known as as Gambler’s Fallacy.

    Combination to spice up probability

    That last paragraph might have struck you because when playing games with dice you intuitively know that a 6 will appear after having rolled that die 20 times without a 6. You are totally right and it does not violate the rule of no pattern. A pattern would be something you can calculate and make exact predictions.   

    What you and me experience when rolling a die repeatedly without getting a 6 for a long time is called: Decreasing the probability of being unlucky. In math terms this is called combination and we can calculate it. But – a big but – there is a limit to that calculation because probability will never allow us to make a 100% probability prediction. A 100% prediction would be a pattern and we do not have a pattern. 


    So we can calculate how the probability that something will happen increases over time but at the same time have no clear pattern. That is confusing but that is at the heart of it. And it is at the heart of it because it is probability. 

    To bring out the die example. After 25 dice rolls you and the vast majority of all human on this planet beings should have seen a 6 at least once. But it is perfectly possible to not see a 6 after after 100 rolls for hand full of people on this planet. 

    Using combination and understand its meaning

    We can and will use combination to calculate the probability of getting an item with a defined drop chance through repeated runs. The results of combination is a good indicator of what to expect. But let us not forget, it is just an indicator and not a reliable number.

    This is the formula that is used to calculate the probability of not failing after X runs:
    1 – ((1-dropChance/ 1)^numberOfRuns)

    The result of the above formula will always be followed by “chance of getting the item at least once”. Thus indicating you could have gotten the drop even earlier.


    By turning the formula upside down – using logarithmic calculations – we can make a statement about the number of runs it will take you to have 90% or 99% probability. The 90% probability is what in most video games is considered the expected number of runs you have to do to get an item at least once. The 99% probability is what in most video games is considered as almost guaranteed number.

    If we take the Heavy Caliber mod as an example. It has a 4.35% drop chance upon open an Orokin Vault. You have to do 52 runs to have a 90% probability to have at least one drop of Heavy Caliber. That is the expected number of runs. But you have to do 104 runs to get to a 99% probability to get at least one drop. So, 104 runs to have nearly guaranteed drop.


    Can you still not get the item after you repeated the number of runs that are calculated with 99% probability? Sadly yes and it is called bad luck. But it will happen very very rarely.


    Drop chance in percent works differently than your everyday percentage calculation and that is what people get confused about. Drop chance percent should be understood in the context of doing thousands of repetitions.

    A 10% drop chance does not mean after 9 runs it should drop. A 10% drop chance mean that after a thousand runs around 10% will have given the drop without knowing the time of the drop. That could mean you do not see a drop for 100 runs and after that 10 times in a row. 

    Actual pic of me spending 69 (nice) DP to get the UR birthday ...

  3. 39 minutes ago, Galuf said:

    Probabilities don't work like that. I had also 2K hours or so in warframe before getting it, and I got it after target farming. it is 161 kills for 1/10000 precisely. It is the same in every video game that relies on rng, at a point either you trust the entropy and minmax your slot machine or derp around, 100% of people die one day too.

    I mean, did I use the full 5 years I have had an account on warframe farming specifically Stalker? Of course not. However, in the span of 1500 in game hours, I do know that every time Stalker beacons were up, I would farm them as much as possible. Every time Shadow Stalker spawned naturally, I would always kill him. I tried my best to maximize the odds, and despite this, I rng'd Hate from Shadow Stalker with 2.765% vs Stalker 5.53%

    While I don't agree with the statement "You do realise that nearly guaranteed still means that at least 1 player in 10000 still wont get it" (probably just wrong wording), it is entirely possible (albeit rarely) to fail the first 500 hundred attempts then get your first drop. That is just the way rng works.




    Do not misunderstand drop chance

    One of the most common misconceptions about drop chance is taking the percentage for granted:

    • A 10% drop chance does not mean every 10th repetition.
    • A 10% drop chance does not mean 10 of 100 tries is a success.
    • A 10% drop chance only means that over a large enough sample size or number of tries – tens of thousands – roughly 10% of those tries will lead to success.

    And because randomness is involved it is possible that with a 10% drop chance you fail 900 times before you succeed the next 100 times. That is the beauty of randomness.



  4. 9 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    took me about 3 years to get Hate, friend of mine still doesn't have it, and he's been playing since Console Launch.

    Lol at it being stolen. I guess now your Lich has your Hate in 2 ways now. at least you've got motivation to take him down!


    What is cool is that I was already planning on killing my lich. Got lucky with the dubba stubba, the akstubbak, 50% toxin. So now I just get 2 weapons from it 🤑

  5. 12 minutes ago, Jemmies said:

    And it got stolen??

    Yup. To be fair, Lich could have also stolen the Stalhta piece if I got it, but was hoping I would rng him not stealing. Just didn't feel like doing the lich mission to clear the node. Then again, also wasn't expecting to get Hate

  6. Back when I first started 5 years ago, I picked Mag, MK1 Paris, Lato & MK1 Bo. Hated it, no mods, no survivability, no damage. Had a group of friends to help taxi me to planets, found out about Valkyr, and I fell in love. Her innate tankiness & ability to heal was so amazing to a player that had no idea how to do anything. Eventually, as I got better at the game, started understanding mechanics, I gave Nova Prime a try & instant favourite. While Valkyr may have been my first love and played her for 2 years straight, Nova is a clear favourite, with 3 years of play.

    Nova is easily one of the most polarizing frames in the game. Her 4th alone can be customized to your preferred strength for missions. Speedva and Slowva are quite well know for their extreme slow and speed, however the real hidden strat is that you don't always need max slow/speed. Her 4 still applies a x2 damage modifier to all incoming damage. You can easily just go neutral with 70% strength (only requires Power Donation). Neutral Nova is pretty slept on, or even a Nova with only a tiny bit of a slow or speed. There just isn't really a situation where she could never be useful

    My ship is decorated with Nova articulas and glyphs all over. I own 3 Nova Primes, about a dozen(?) different fashions for her.

  7. Only proof i have that it isn't photoshopped is timestamps in my discord, where I said I was going to first time gauntalyst, then my timestamp of the screenshot when I killed it 🤷‍♂️ As well as, I would like to think that others would not think I am such an idiot that I would be this sloppy if I was lying, and actually did photoshop it.

  8. Just now, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Don't want to call you a liar, but the first image seems to be photoshopped. Glitched background and different Font

    It is understandable to think that, given it does look suspicious. It is part of the reason why I am questioning it. Could it possibly have glitched because I did an incursion AFTER eidolons, instead of heading back to the gate? So my unidentified rewards revealed on incursion rewards?

  9. I did a ghoul incursion, and apparently got arcane guardian and tempo. Now, to be fair, I had also just finished a gauntalyst, however, in my inventory it shows the two arcanes AND 2 unidentified items. Is it possible that this is a visual glitch from the incursion rewards? I mean, clearly it is using a mod base and not an arcane. I did not check after the rewards AFTER (in my hubris) if I got 2 more arcanes, however I only have on record 14 eidolon hunts, and 16 arcanes. Believe me or not, I have not bought any arcanes that I can remember of.

    Took a screenshot after I killed Gauntalyst to show time to clan:

    After incursions:








  10. Spoiler


    So this bug still exists. I have been able to replicate it by going into the 'killzone' in the Uranus tileset, where you hack a console to stop a tube with falling running water. If you jump to the very top, and instead of waiting for the water to turn off again, run into the flowing water, you will be respawned at the bottom. However every time the water turns on again, you will get this water effect on your screen for a few seconds. I remember seeing this bug at least a year back.



    Water off





    Water Onunknown.png





    Simply walking back into the killzone fixes this bug.




  11. We are experiencing the beginnings of the Relevation my brothers! The end times are here! DE Steve has take the worthy few that remain in game, chatting on region. They will watch by the seat of God, as us sinners burn for our depravity! In the next few hours, all world governments will fall. Gather your friends and families, and pray that God may have mercy upon our damned souls!

  12. 43 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

    If it did take 20 hours, this thread would still exist and you'd be asking for 16.

    Even if we assume people did want to take more and more, can you blame them? Nearly everything costs forma, and you are time gated by 24hrs. Polarizing warframes and weapons, building dojo rooms, clan tech weapon recipes. There are 53 weapons alone that require forma to build them. 53 days just to acquire the resource to make them. 36 warframes total (primes not included), and people typically forma them at least once, adding minimum another 36 days just to wait for the resource. Building every room in dojo at least once requires 29 formas. How about companions and sentinels? Sentinel weapons? How about all the builds for weapons that require 3-5 forma?

    However, I understand why the build time is 24 hours. Lets be real, the time gate for construction in any video game is done as an incentive for impatient players to pay up. It is a subtle form of money maker. You either pay with your money or your time to get your item. However, as for why formas being so important as a resource locked at 24 hours, it is possible that the time was decided back when Warframe did not currently have 36 base frames, and over 300 weapons. You could queue a forma after you came home from work or school, and by the time you came back the next day it would be done. For veterans, they have been able to keep up with forma costs since they have already grinded up until now. They are sitting on forma piles waiting for the next weapon release. But for new players, formas are quite daunting, given how much you need.

    As a veteran myself, I have no qualms with the 24 hour because I have no real need to use them atm, so I can stockpile. However I recognize that new players do not have the 1k+ hours I have played. I honestly think it is time to reduce the time required to build formas. I see no reason why we cannot build 2 formas a day, 12 hours each. The impatient will still rush or buy the forma packs regardless of the time change (within reason).

  13. 1 minute ago, Kasarian said:

    At least the place seems more alive thanks to higher amount and variety of npcs and the 'fake distant chatter'. I like it quite honestly...

    Totally agree. I just thought this was funny. Relay feels like a new place

  14. On 2018-08-26 at 6:47 PM, Gunter111 said:

    i'm sorry fellow tenno but there is not much you can do about it, try to ask if other players want your clan and try from there. Good luck fellow tenno

    That is incorrect, I have left a clan as the sole player in the past when I was testing Clan names. Even the wiki states you can delete your clan if you are a Warlord.

    "If the user is the Warlord of the clan, while in the "Communication", "Clan" menu, clicking on the username and select the option to leave will delete the clan"

    If you truly can't leave or delete the clan, then this needs to be taken up with De Support and report it.

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