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Posts posted by spacerocks

  1. Thank you also for your excellent answer.  I'm curious as to why you picked the Arcane Guardian enhancement as opposed to the Arcane Squall Helm?  Is it because you truly believe Guardian is better or is it because of the extreme rarity of the Squall?


    It looks like Guardian gives you a chance at increased armor whenever you take damage.  I'd be concerned whether or not it procs enough to get the benefit when compared to the constant benefit of the Squall?  


    Great question, I chose Arcane Guardian for various reasons. It isn't that Guardian is better than Squall, its that it fits my play style preferences better. First thing to note would be that at max rank, arcane guardian increases your armor by 60% for 20 seconds. If your worried about the proc chance, don't. It is constantly proccing.


    Second is a personal opinion. I simply just don't like how the squall helmet looks. Its not called fashionframe for nothing. Additionally, its like you said, Squall is extremely rare to find and costs quite a bit. I found a good deal for my Arcane Aurora, however I am also on PC where there are a lot more players with these helmets and trading is much easier. From what I have experienced on the consoles, trading is very difficult to coordinate.


    My third reason is that an arcane at max rank gives that frame an extra revive, not that I am using my revives on a regular basis, but its nice to.


    My last reason for choosing arcane guardian over squall was because I would like to use 2 arcanes on my frost (having Arcane Guardian rooted for Frost) and its because of my preferred play style. I use Frost more as a support tank than anything else. If you want to use Frost's main killing method to be through abilities then go for power strength with Arcane Squall. I use him to slow down enemies so I can shoot them easier. I like the new arcane system and I am really hoping it will grow with the new J3-Golem raid with new arcanes.


    I hope this answers most if not all your questions.

  2. Interesting idea, I like the message notifying players about syndicates. To take it one step further, how about a quest line that introduces you to each of the syndicates individual philosophies and ideas? Not only can we get some lore out of the syndicates this way, but a quest line to help the newer players understand the benefits of syndicates.

  3. Generally the Squall is considered to be the better arcane because it boosts power strength, which will affect all abilities, unlike Aurora which will only affect your Snowglobe.


    For end game uses, I have opted to not use arcane helmets and I went for the new arcane enhancements (specifically guardian). The new enhancements can be put on any warframe and there are no negatives to it.


    Frost is my main frame, if you want to use one of these arcanes, use the squall since frost is already a shield tank, and reducing his health makes him very vulnerable to bleed procs at high levels. Frost is strong enough at mid game play where you don't need the arcanes. Ultimately, it all depends on how you play him.




    You want to use an old arcane helmet for general purpose, use squall.



    I can't find the formula for frost his snowglobe at the moment (damn you google) but as far as I remember Squall was better due to it giving power strength. It should have a bigger impact than armor does on the snow globe. On top of that it helps with frost his other abilities which (hopefully) will be useful after his rework.


    EDIT: If his armor changes with the rework you may want to check again.


    The formula for frosts globe is 3500*powstr + 5*armor. Power strength will ultimately give you more results here.

  4. Hmmm, this definitely sounds like you would be a good match for Trinity. I would also recommend looking into Nyx and Banshee, both of which can require high level play and be very effective teammates.

    If you end up looking for a frame with more offensive power than Nyx, Banshee, and Trinity, but still offer some utility support, I recommend Oberon.


    I would NOT recommend Limbo, while he can be a crucial frame in a team, he is extremely difficult to play and can in fact hinder your teammates sometimes.

  5. Is the most least used frame in the game


    I highly doubt that.



    I point you to this video: AGGP: Why Everyone Should Learn to Play Banshee Solo


    Honestly, I hated banshee at first too, but that doesn't mean I think she needs a change


    It may be the least used frame in the game, but it is not because Banshee is weak.  It is because players are lazy.



    Couldn't have said it better.

  6. If multi shot mods are equip, it kinda skews the status stat. The stats wont show for each bullet anymore, but each time the trigger is pulled.


    It is also possible that he was lagging and therefore the results did not show up. (also procs sometimes wont show up if its a one shot kill).


    Sometimes things like this happen?

  7. 1 - Most likely never due to PS4's Certification process for updates (even if you caught up you would have to wait for updates whereas PC would still get them every week, so you'd shift behind for a time again repeatedly).

    Asking for cross platform play is nice and all, but its literally asking for updates to be delayed. On PC, we are very fortunate to have an update regularly every week. This is why I choose to play on the PC, since if I want to use a controller, I can AND I get the regular updates and new content first. Not to mention we don't need to worry about PSN or XLive going down. I really feel sorry for some console players sometimes due to the fact that the certification process takes a long time and the networks are constantly under attack. These things are just out of their hands :/

  8. Add more interactions! Just sitting around on a tower waiting for it to be done is not my idea of a good time. We need some way to speed things up if we're doing well. A thought I had was that enemies could drop tritium batteries like in the last phase of The Law of Retribution. It would take 150-200 energy to charge up. Slam dunk that into the floating basketball hoops in the center of the transmitters to boost the transmission speed. The more you put in the faster it goes.


    Love this idea, using energy to charge the interception point. Taking your idea, you could have the enemies drop encryption key devices that helps the players decrypt the message that is being intercepted.


    This mission type really needs to be more interactive.

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