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Posts posted by spacerocks

  1. Thats an interesting idea to have additional kubrow support ideas drop from drakh masters. I like it. However i feel that these drops would have to be extremely rare in order for it to balance out

    I think I would rather have the Kubrow to be able to move arohnd the Liset/Orbiter first though

  2. I hope we get the Akvasto or ak lex, but honestly some more akprimes would be nice to have. I really enjoy using that weapon model for a secondary, but i think it would be interesting to see a prime secondary that is based off of elemental damage (like the Acrid), something new we havent seen before

  3. I think the next stance to come out will either be the Vermillion Strike or a new Sword and Shield stance with the inclusion of the updated Tyl Regor. Personally, I think that the current stances need to be fleshed out with a full set of moves before we get too many more stances. There are still quite a few stances with only 2 moves

  4. If you are referring to the fire/status chance and cold/status chance mods, they can be obtained in normal spy. Nightmare mods can only be obtained in nightmare missions, and you wont get extra nightmare mods for running nightmare spy. It is a fun challenge however

  5. I think almost everyone can agree that trinity is always a welcome frame. I main Frost, so ultimately it depends on the mission, so Ill try to give my list

    Survival: Nekros or Hydroid, always afraid of losing life support

    Rescue: Ash, when you get to the target, a bladestorm ash is always a preference of mine to have

    Defense and Excavation: Frost, bubble up

    Hijack: Mag or Trin, either works

    For me, all other mission types, i dont feel uneasy with any team, most a preference of auras that matter to me

  6. I just did the hot topics poll. I do think more mini bosses would be cool, but the assassinations should have a mix of ordinary and epic battles. We the Tenno are assassins, so i dont feel every boss should have an epic battle, some (by which i mainly mean mini bosses) should have ordinary deaths.

    In my ideal vision, how your battle went down would depend on if you triggered the alarms leading up to the assassination. If you could get to the boss without triggering the alarms, it would be an ordinary fight since they didnt have time to prepare. If you did trigger the alarms, then it would be an epic battle.

    I feel stealth is not as encouraged in missions as it should be, by creating a dynamic mission like this, the players (especially me) would think more carefully about how loud we are in missions.

    Additionally, this would give a mix of having those epic battles and ordinary ones, and how you play will effect how the fight goes down

  7. This is already in the game, just that you choose the node and itll put you in an open squad, if there is one. Also, you can join friend's and clanmates session through the use of the communications section of the menu.

    The groundwork of what you are talking about already exists, and I feel like this is what DE is attempting to better accommodate in the upcoming Star Chart 4.0

  8. Just saw the community hot topics. The free roam maps sound awesome. With the possible inclusion of more planets and moons, we could use the archwing as a method of transport to get between moons of planets, or conduct random assaults on Grineer/Corpus ships. Possibly explore hidden corners of the system.


    Imagine, a group of tenno in their archwings cloaked in deep space, laying in wait for a Grineer military transport. The tenno can disable the ship from the outside and then infiltrate the ship. This may be too similar to how it works with the Liset though.


    Personally, I think this would be awesome.

  9. So like the title says, I am looking to buy 2 blue raksa imprints. I am looking for a small/athletic build with the blue in the 3rd slot. I am not interested in what fur pattern it is or the other colors on the kubrow.

    Message me in game @spacerocks

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