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Posts posted by TheChaotic1

  1. Back when focus was on a cooldown Vazarin would refuel its instant revives, and I really miss that, because as it is now its barely noticeable. So I propose a few simple options for changes.

    1. Instant Revives on Operator void blast, makes it AOE, only operator gets it so another reason to use the child.

    2. Instant Revives on cooldown, You only get one and it takes 100s/80s/60s/40s to recharge, that way its not super free but its around more often.

    3. Instead of 1/2/3/4 you get 2/4/6/8, which is easier to implement

    4. 1/2/3/4 instant revives on a 140s/120s/100s/80s cooldown after you use the last.

    Or even some combination of the above. Its a really cool school ability that I wish was as good as it used to be.

    • Like 1
  2. Yeah its a huge pain in the ass to get yanked into a mission with no warning, I'd rather the force start be swapped out for some sort of "Abandon Team and Enter Queue" feature so the person hauling ass through missions still gets to go into the mission fast and I dont have to deal with rude peeps.

  3. This sounds horrible tbh but here is a much less masochistic option, instead of buying more build slots, you buy a new set of build slots. So you get ABC and DEF, ABC all share forma, and DEF share forma, that way the people like me who have two trinity primes for this reason get some relief, DE gets more sales, and everyone who doesnt wanna bother isnt bothered

    • Like 1
  4. Right now my move down is set to the B button, and there is nothing I can do to change it. I just want to be able to melee out of archwing but at the moment I have to hold Y to swap to melee, then use a heavy attack to cancel archwing. It sucks, I only changed the controls to accommodate the blink ability but now I dont need to do that anymore because its the same button, I've tried setting the controls to default, rebinding to literally every other movement, sacrificing a squirrel, nothing works


    Honestly the controller binding UI is extremely glitchy in general, and much more complicated than necessary, its been over engineered.

  5. 21 minutes ago, (PS4)RazorPhoenix970 said:

    Yeah pretty much, it was your fault at the end of the day

    I have not at any point said it wasnt, just that the sabotage drop rate should be higher, people are talkiing about blame and fault, literally it was just rng, and I am gonna have to wait a little while, I'm not upset, I'm not afraid to admit this situation was my own creation, but literally every person who replies ONLY focuses on that.

  6. 90% of this thread plays out like this

    Me: "Hey I broke a thing, it would be easy to fix"
    Yalls: "Um, maybe dont break it?"
    Me "Its still broke, this should still be dealt with"
    Yalls, louder: "I said dont break it, it would be so easy to have not broken it by doing X/Y/Z"

  7. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)RazorPhoenix970 said:

    Let me know if I'm getting this right, your perceived timegate is: "I need NItain" -> "I don't have enough creds" -> Do the chores to get standing for creds -> Rank up to creds reward -> Get creds -> Get Nitain

    If this is so then you could have suggested funner activities or increased standing rewards per challenge. I can admit the tasks can be mindnumbingly boring at times, but you should still however manage your cred spend so you don't have to do those tasks as often.

    The sabotage farm is entirely not recommended, by me at least.


    You are reading this as a lot more petty than it is, I just think getting it without using nightwave shouldn't be soulcrushing, and I have to wait for the chores, but this topic isnt about nightwave at all, its about sabotage cache hunting. My nightwave situation is just how I noticed that it sucks. Its like forgetting to take out the trash so you get roaches, yeah its my fault the roaches are here, but we still gotta squash the bugs

  8. 6 minutes ago, Squick said:

    You could have bought 1-2 wolf beacons instead of dumping all your creds in it, then nitain with the rest. You'd have gotten fun missions and had to run 0 "unfun" missions.


    Alternatively, you could wait a few days when nightwave will have more tasks and get more credits.


    You screwed up and you're blaming everything except yourself.

    This again, I bought a beacon, ran it, got a part, ran a beacon, got a repeat part, had to buy another beacon, process continues until I am out of beacons, I'm not blaming anyone, and the point of this thread is that I dont enjoy sabotage cache hunting and it shouldn't be the only way you can get nitain if the other methods are not available. Its not fun, thats it, its literally not fun to do, and I'd like something to be done about it because there is no good reason for it to be this annoying.

  9. Just now, (PS4)RazorPhoenix970 said:

    Firstly Nitain is WAY more accessible than it ever has been, as long as you have creds it's there no time gate, no alert, no RNG, it's there in sets of 5 which is more than you could expect from 2 days of waiting on alerts in the old system. If you chose to squander your creds on Wolf Beacons that's your decision and therefore it's on you not DE that you don't have enough creds to buy Nitain.

    If you said Alt Helmet alerts should come back that'd be fine, Kavat Genetic Codes alerts that'd be great but alertium alerts no no we're not going back to the dark ages because of irresponsible spending.

    To be fair a newer player doesn't need a mountain of Nitain but I imagine they want Alt helmets so yeah...make all Alt helmets ever present in the shop and lower their costs

    Adding more doesnt equal to less, and you are 1000% right I remember when nitain was once a day if you happened to be on, I just really want to be done waiting to get nitain, for the foreseeable future, but the credits themselves are under a small time gate, so sometimes things line up and you need a bunch of nitain and you gotta wait even longer than before, or run a really annoying mission.I dont think anything should be removed from nightwave, that would be worse, leave it alone, and add alerts on top of the current process, plus you do have to wait on things in nightwave too, its just much more forgiving if you don't play for a few days. because its less rotations, but you do still gotta wait sometimes.

    1 minute ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    Making players deal with consequences from choices is all fine and dandy.

    Trust me this person is not interested in a real discussion, they just are up their own ass that because I wanted to be self reliant and not buy things from the market, that somehow means I spent my credits wrong.

  10. 4 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    I'm glad they at least did it right this time.

    I'm telling you that making the only way to get Nitain Extract a "limited resource" is punishing to the players.

    I cannot think of another single basic material behind such a weird time gate, it doesn't match up with the fast paced nature of the game.
    I feel its more of an if it aint broke dont fix it deal, I really dont do nightwave at all, to get any of the good stuff is too much of a time sink for me, I don't play warframe every day, or even every week, more like every two weeks, and I don't wanna spend a whole session playing catch up on nightwave when I could be working on builds or something else

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    Pointless to argue with you. You should work your anger management, will do you good when you receive criticism.

    I'm sorry I gave you the impression I was angry, I love to debate like this. I literally need to be up right now for an important call, and was like "Hey what will keep me awake" and the answer was "Posting a minor opinion on warframe so someone will come argue with me"

    Now mind you that doesnt mean I dont think it needs to be changed, I just like to multitask, like if nitain dropped on a defense or interception mission, thats perfect for multitasking and I'd have no issue

  12. 19 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    It's stepping backwards because it's throwing your hands up in the air and going back to an old design - a design the community was constantly complaining about because it was even more flawed than Nightwave. The problem is easily solved by giving us better ways to build up NW Cred for buying Nitain with, and therefore working with the current system by addressing its flaws. And would result in Nitain farming being much less painful, while also giving new players an easier time in collecting all the rewards that come from the shop.


    I think its only stepping backwards if other methods are removed, I can't speak for others but I kinda miss alerts, seeing an alert for a mod you dont have or some rare resource was a good way to break up the gameplay and take natural breaks, so making it so we can grab alerts randomly AND do nightwave for alert rewards seems like a good way to do it, I am still confused as to why they were removed at all, just to add nightwave?

    12 minutes ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    It's not my problem if you can't express yourself correctly. Don't write sentences as if they were facts when they are your opinion.

    Its your opinion that I was stating facts. For me personally its common sense that if someone is posting a feedback thread, they are in no way working with objective facts, and that opinions are going to differ. Thats the nature of this section.

    12 minutes ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    I'm actually fine with your way of thinking. Your lack of foresight is not my problem and you seem to not understand it. Also, you seem to be too agressive towards people who disagree with you so another point why I don't want to even try.

    Trust me, my foresight is on a whole nother level, but you are right, my foresight isnt your problem, your problem is you want to be right, and are arguing about things that are off topic because you somehow think you can convince me sabotageses are fun because I messed up my nightwave credits, which is something I admitted in the first post, and have constantly said isnt DE's fault. If you would like to make your own feedback thread ABOUT my foresight, I'd be delighted to argue with you about it there. Honestly I appreciate your stubbornness to not get on topic now because its given my thread a lot of activity.

    12 minutes ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    But you know... If you change topics in the middle of the conversation, it's not everyone else's fault. Want me to quote your own posts where you say that the problem is about how difficult is to find Nitain and how I try to explain that it's not but you just made it difficult for yourself?

    See the thing is, I established the topic, you just kept ignoring me when I said it, and still are, and are now saying I changed topic, when in reality I have been desperately trying to get on topic, but for the record, I again could in no way own the nitain and the wolf creds right now, without real life money being involved somewhere along the line. I could have bought the wolf items with real money, but I did it the proper way, and I personally accept that, I'm not even complaining about there not being enough credits in the early nightwave, I am trying to open a dialogue about how getting nitain from sabotage, sucks. I cant make it any more plain than that.


    12 minutes ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    "bruh, just don't spend all the creds on getting beacon and all this topic wouldn't exist. I am very smart"

    "Bruh just dont play the game and you cant run out of nitain, I am so smart, you dont understand, I am clever if I had a tail I'd be a fox, I am so quick witted that I dont even need to read entire topics to argue against them"

  13. Just now, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    Saying, and i quote: " this is a thread about the zero fun you get running sabotage missions." is stating a fact. You are not exposing an opinion here, but a fact. And... Well, trying to pass your opinion as an absolute fact... Nah, it's just not right.

    Arguing about nonsense so ignored.

    Just now, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    I'm fine with how the things are and I don't think they should be changed

    Finally, an actual on topic sentence fragment, Okay to rebuke this, I disagree. Do you want to try and convince me otherwise?

    Just now, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    You're just making this topic because you spend all your NW creds. Lack of foresight. I don't know how that is a game flaw that should be resolved.

    I made this topic because I feel running sabotage missions are not fun to run in mass, and that it can be fixed easily, which I made sure to bold later since it was so hard to understand that was the main point. You did contribute that to the rest of the discussion

    Just now, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    I'm quoting you when I reply you, you know? Like... You said in the OP that you are not good finding caches (hence the "Sabotage missions are zero fun").

    I also said I didnt need to be told how to find caches in the OP because I didn't want the discussion to devolve into people saying "But its easy to run 500 sabotage missions" instead of talking about how to do something about caches not being a fun game mechanic to hide materials behind. Which I stated in the OP and have now bolded.

    1 minute ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    Good, get your NW complete, and start getting creds on each rank after 30th so you'll have all Nitain you need. There you go, an objective to work on.

    "bruh just wait thirty entire nightwave levels, I am very smart"

  14. 17 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:


    Nowhere in here is you mentioning ways to improve, this is you complaining.

    I said bump the drop rate from 2% to 8% this topic is about nitain drops in sabatage if your next post isnt about that it will be ignored.

    12 minutes ago, Iamabearlulz said:

    I say bring back Nitain alerts, and let Nightwave be the secondary source. Remind me why alerts got removed anyway?

    Honestly I almost made a post about wanting alerts back instead.

    12 minutes ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    That's like... you know... Your opinion.

    Git gud. Run a max range limbo with max resource radar, use equinox... There's a good bunch of tutorials on how to find them quickly.

    A bunch of things that have nothing to do with the abyssal sabotage experience, and I don't know how no one told you but feedback is opinion based, so like, yeah its my opinion that they ought to do something about sabotage missions and getting nitain from there. You don't seem to actually have an opinion on that though, you just keep talking about things that are completely unrelated to it.
    It says right in the OP that this thread isnt about sabotage caches being hard to find, and that advice isnt needed. Like, of course I already searched for guides online, its almost 2020, I just would rather spend my time in a mission thats worthwhile.


    Added all current proposed solutions to the main topic, thank you to everyone who contributed to actual discussion

  15. Just now, DrakeWurrum said:

    I think the point is Nightwave Cred needs to be easier to obtain, instead of only rewarding from specific NW ranks.

    You know, like rewarding Cred for every challenge completed. Or every rank up.

    Thats actually a much better solution than mine, do you mind if I add it to the OP?
    Maybe give some way to earn a little each week, like, if you complete all that weeks challanges you get 5-10

  16. Just now, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    Not really feedback since you haven't typed anything of how it can be improved, this belongs more in general discussion.

    It literally is feedback and I did several times mention ways to improve it, increase the drop chance, or add to another loot pool
    But also, just because you dont provide a fix for your feedback, doesnt mean its not feedback. A survey of how you enjoyed something of 1 - 5 is feedback, even without explaining why you put a 1. And I dont see anyone in this thread giving better feedback that doesn't involve literally traveling through time.

  17. 6 minutes ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    Nitain is obtainable through the nightwave creds. There's a small chance of getting in on sabotages that is considered as a cool bonus when it happens but is not (and should never be) considered the main way of obtaining it. This is all about how you screwed something and want others to fix it for you. That is how you worded everything till now. About "how I can't get a resource because I spent all my income on getting a different one and now want an easy way to get the thing that I chose to not get".

    Irrelevant, as always. I have been constantly saying that this entire conversation has been off topic and you've ignored it. Actually literally every reply I've had to you but one has said that.

  18. Just now, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    Make a better title next time, how you prefaced this it just sounds like you complaining about nitain, you didn't actually post any feedback here, just your opinion.

    You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what feedback is, I am saying "I am not having fun playing your game, DE, and one small thing could improve this" That is feedback.

  19. 1 minute ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    Nitain is accessible, you made a bad choice. That's not a design flaw.


    You could have traded to get one of the parts you were missing, you could have waited for the baro to bring the beacons and get them from him... You could have kept some creds "just in case" if something dropped in the NW shop that you wanted... Still, YOU decided to spend all your creds and now can't wait to get more.

    And you could have chosen to read my post, this isnt me *@##$ing about having to get nitain, this is me saying that sabatage caches are an unrewarding gameplay loop that adds nothing to the experience, sure I could have avoided this by minor circumstance changes, but this entire conversation could have been avoided if you could read

  20. 1 minute ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    So why didn't you just trade the parts you don't need for those that you do? Nitain is very easily accessible, you chose though to spend all creds on beacons. Only fault here is your own.

    This isnt a matter of whose fault is it that I have to grind, its that this grind sucks. Getting wolfs parts was fun, getting nitain is not. I would rather run 200 fun 20 minute missions than 100 annoying 10 minute missions. The mission sucks, the topic is about the mission sucking.

  21. I can feel that, my first lich basically had a perfect toxin chakurr or whatever that thing is called, and honestly I dont like the random elements at all, warframe is a game about setting things up well with mods and builds, and while adjusting your build to accomodate a weird riven is fine, I only like it because its optional, if they make guns with built in riven properties you may be screwed out of a good version of that weapon forever.

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  22. Just now, (NSW)Belaptir said:

    The fact is Nitain is accessible. But you made a bad choice and are blaming it to the game. You spent all your creds on getting the wolf beacons (because you couldn't wait for it to come with Baro) and now complain that you can't get nitain immediately. Nitain is a fixed reward in the nightwave and if you complete all 30 ranks, you get 15 creds each one after 30. So you just have to wait and you'll get more creds eventually.

    Next time, instead of spending all of them like this, think more carefully.

    Let me break these two things down more slowly for you.

    1. This is all off topic and not contributing at all, and I'd like to actually talk about Nitain accessibility in regular missions
    2. I had to spend my credits on wolf beacons, to farm wolf, I had to use all of my beacons to get the parts, there is no version of this where I end up having enough nitain and enough wolf parts, which is literally no ones fault, just bad RNG, my complaint is that its not FUN to grind nitain, and you'd probably know that if you read more than one sentence of my post. So next time practice more reading comprehension because I really dont want to have to reply about this again.

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