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Posts posted by TheChaotic1

  1. I'm don't want to remove the mods, I just want to free up at least one mod slot, and if you want multishot and damage there would be a mod that does both, like vigor to vitality. There would also need to be a general power increase of all weapon damage, to make up some of the difference.

    Ideally there would be like, ten mods that go in the slot, with most having some drawback to break above being average.

    Also thought of another mod that could go in that slot, damage conversion mods. Change all base damage to an element of your choice, and a mild damage increase

  2. Had a random thought, figured I would share.

    Give the damage mods their own slot, then make variations, but you can only use one. So for example you could have:

    Serration: Pure Damage, no negative

    Split Chamber: Pure multishot, no negative

    Heavy Caliber: Higher damage than Serration but decreased aim

    Burst Rounds: Higher multishot than Split but slower fire rate

    Double Barrel: Some multishot and some damage


  3. Because of the sparsity of enemies in POE, it's difficult to pick up pretty much anything as Titania. She is flying but other players get to the objectives first.

    These are a couple major issues, the other channeling frames have much better sustaining power than her, and I'd really like to see her at least get some vacuum in razorwing mode, it wouldn't be game breaking, and can't be that hard to change.

  4. Good luck to EVERYONE!

    Here is my submission! A diorama featuring: The Cutout, Four warframes, a bunch of infested, one eximus, some grineer that got owned, and a special guest star.

    Without further ado! Here it is! Keep clicking it to get a better view.



    Help with whats going on for those that need it under the cut.


    Excalibur using exalted blade. A Loki using invisibility, Rhino using stomp, and Frost using freeze. There is a arson eximus being attacked by Excalibur.

    Also a horse.


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  5. Weapon explosion radius! A great addition!

    But! And its a big but, the panthera cannot equip firestorm. This is clearly a mistake, I wasn't sure whether to put this in feedback or bugs though.

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