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Posts posted by TheChaotic1

  1. 12 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

    No, he doesn't. In fact, I would advocate changing Quiver and Minelayer by removing the ability to switch arrows/grenades mid-mission and make it a choice you make in the arsenal, just like everything else. We need more requirement for forethought in Warframe, and dumbing down Chroma to being "generic elemental master frame" is not conducive to that in any way.

    So you want people to use one arrow and one mine?

  2. Just now, (PS4)IroncladBomber said:

    Or just a buff to the Class of weapons in General, They are great fun, but they are all Sub-Par weapons. I mean who doesn't like the Look of the Machete. or the Idea of the Prova. Just running around and bonking people with a Weaponized Cattle Prod.

    Making one new weapon is easier and fits DE's MO better. If they buff an entire class of weapon, people will be shrieking from the rooftops to buff their favorite weapon type next

  3. The only catch up I think would be acceptable is a weekly mission that bumps you up by 3 days. And the mission is lvl 100-150

    And it also would not be able to push you past the current total

  4. Honestly they just need to make universal retrieve, its vacuumish, but not as good, which fits well with keeping vacuum on top but adding major QOL to kubrow.

    Also Chesa needs a new precept anyway, right now its the worst kubrow tbh.

    After that, they just need to come up with something for the kavats, maybe just let them use retrieve too, but I think it would be nifty if there was a different type per companion type.

  5. I think the consoles should get their own special excalibers,  so like, excaliber exodus and excaliber precipus. Release them for a month each. I don't even care bout the pc folks whining, the console folks deserve a chance to show appreciation 

  6. Just now, Simmml said:

    In principal it's ok to have them stay conclave exclusive rewards that are usable in PvE. It's a compromise I am willing to make if all else fails.

    However I just think back to Conclave event 3 in a row... People were... pleased

    Oh there will be riots in the street, but two days later everyone will be complaining about something else. Probably that there was an event and they had to build their own reward AGAIN (How dare DE)

  7. Just now, Simmml said:

    And force everyone else to play this broken, hated game mode. I don't think that would be very good...

    1. They put octavia in the derelict because it was underused, do you really think they wouldn't choose the easiest way to get people to play conclave which they have been trying to do for years?

    2. No one would be forced, anyone who would actually be looking for these mods would be far enough in the game to be able to trade for them.

  8. Honestly I say keep them as only obtained through conclave, then they would all sell for like 15-25 plat, would be a good source of income for people who don't want to do syndicate missions all the time

  9. People are offended by the idea of the word trap as it was used around ten years ago, in today's society it no longer has ties to the trans community, but the wounds still sting. Just say femboy, there will still be some keyboard warriors who get in a tissy about it, but the word is clean. Twink is good too lol

  10. This is hilarious, its a user market, platinum's value is getting higher compared to the worth of the primes, and you know what? It will increase platinum sales.

    users with less money can get more with platinum then before so are more willing to buy the smaller packs. A lot of users wait for the 75% off coupon to buy plat because of item prices, but if the free market is cheap, the lesser sales will go up.

    I am gonna go buy an ember prime and sell her for 5 plat lmao

  11. This is a good suggestion. It wouldn't take long to do this, and most people would like to be able to fix the weapons when they swap frame. Just put an [Are you sure?] on it to protect the fashion framers

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