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Posts posted by TheChaotic1

  1. Yes in that scenario player A ducked up. How does that strip him of his agency in leaving the match while keeping rewards?

    How does allowing a leave hurt anything? If he aborts his team us still down a person. If he has to abort he will definitely, but if you are 40 minutes in it's stupid to lose everything for that. Same with excavations.

    It's not the players responsibility to work around the game.

    By you guys logic we should remove extracts from defense too. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

    it was cool . i want it nerfed . two contradictory statements 

    Just because it was amusing doesn't mean it's good for game balance, because if every sortie is zenurik limbo cataclysm spam it will get old

    I didn't ask him to stop because it's DE's responsibilitynot mine. And because it wasn't hurting anyone.

    What people fail to get is that even if no one is hurt, needs gotta happen to keep things in line

  3. Old Void:

    Get key (5 minutes), run forty minutes of survival (40 minutes)

    Thats 45 minutes of in game grind. Add maybe ten for grouping. Assuming you are super unlucky.

    ~55 minutes and you get at least 5-6 prime parts having eight chances to get them. 1 prime to 11 minutes of grind.

    Probably got three commons and two uncommons. 150 ducats. 2.7 ducats per minute

    New Void:

    Get eight relics (40 minutes), play endless mission to use them (40 minutes)

    Spend 20 minutes in loading screens because you had to do like, five missions just to get to the endless mission which you are going to run twice

    Thats 100 minutes of in game grind. You are guaranteed to get eight parts though. 1 prime to 12.8 minutes of grind. With a higher chance of getting better rewards.

    Probably got 3 commons, 5 uncommons. Somewhere around 270. So 2.7 ducats per minute.


    As you can see, old void was about 1.8 minutes more efficient per prime part

    They are pretty comparable, but in the end it literally just takes nine more minutes to do new void and get the same rewards

  4. Honestly there didn't really need to be a change, nullifiers are a bit annoying not game breaking. As for people complaining because they want to go into lvl 500 missions, just deal with it? Honestly? If you are going to push the system you are gonna deal with the consequences of pushing the system. And one of those consequences is bullets that deal 827k damage

  5. I'd rather each set of 4 be different.

    Start with classic AABC then swap to ABCD where the D pool has some really nice drops (gold mods normally dropped by rare enemies, 500+ endo) 

    Then for the next cycle you get AABC+ which filters out common rewards a little, gives huge credit boosts.

    Then ABCD+ which is self explanatory.

    Past that is masochism.

  6. 2 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

    For the sake of a factual discussion, it's worth noting that it was not put to a vote. There was a thread where users could submit ideas, and there were hundreds. DE picked from those submissions.

    I was not aware of that, but my point is still pretty solid. People got to be involved, they didn't have to do that

  7. 1 minute ago, Filly90 said:

    Let's he honest here. The only people that are complaining are the ones who are still mad over the fact they didn't get an Ignis Wraith. I don't see why you could hate Octavia as a name. 

    You are underestimating the salt level of the average user. But this post does prove my point of the community being wonderful

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