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Posts posted by GentlePuppet

  1. TYPE: In-Game

    DESCRIPTION: Opticor Vandel beam (could be all weapons with stagger) hits the scanning beam light of the oplink and causes you to stagger as if you shot it point blank at an enemy.

    REPRODUCTION: Go into the ground mission with an opticor, Put down the oplink, stand close to/inside the scanning light beam, fire the opticor.

    EXPECTED RESULT: The gun fires normally and you are not staggered.

    OBSERVED RESULT: The gun fires normally but the beam impacts on the oplink light beam and causes you to stagger.

    REPRODUCTION RATE: Every Single Time.

  2. Yer pretty much guaranteed to get rewards from the ground mission because you don't have to rely on a third party to progress where-as the space missions require you to get data from the ground missions.

    If you have bad internet, high ping compared to all the ground squads (I'm pretty damn sure the sending/receiving logic of the kill codes uses the same logic as the matchmaking system so if you host but yer internet isn't good enough to allow others to join then you'll never receive kill codes, outside of player boosted codes), or the game decides to break then yer S#&$ out of luck and you get nothing.

    I think it's a really terrible idea to have a seperate mission require dynamic synced information from the first mission to progress cause if that first mission doesn't have any squads then you can't even play the 2nd mission because you have no information to progress.

    It would be like doing a mobile defense mission except you don't start with the datamass and you have to rely on a different squad in a different mission to do a deliver quest. They deliver the item and get rewarded meanwhile you stand around waiting to get the delivery.
    If the post never ships the package then yer stuck waiting around like an idiot with nothing to do and you don't get anything.

    IMO it would be better if when you did the ground mission you got a "kill code item" that could be key to join the space mission, but each person had to have at least 1 to be able to join the space mission that way you would do a minimum of 4 code uploads, yer squad could decide to leave after the 4 codes were uploaded but you could stay longer if everyone had more codes and they agreed to stay.

  3. Same, I got shoved into the mission solo so I just went with it, after defending the oplink for 30 minutes I ended up with only 1 kill code sent to me, via a player boost and not from the squad link, had to abort. 
    Real fun. I also lost 7 intrinsics so that's cool.

    • Like 1
  4. He is a great support frame and with the addition of shield gating he is even better than he was. If yer shield get's broken just throw some chains at a horde of enemies and yer good to go. As long as you pay attention to yer shields, yer surroundings, yer buffs, and yer energy you'll likely never get downed.

    Get full energy then use his 3 till you run out. Then shoot a couple guys in the head to refill yer energy.
    Then spam his 1 to gather up tons of shield while stunning all the enemies you hit and use his 2 to give everyone reload/firing speed and health, when you deal damage.
    Finally use can use his 4 either when you want to deal more crits or when you need a second to breath should you or yer team start hurting.

    The build I like to use for harrow mainly focuses on duration, while also giving a bit of a boost to everything else.unknown.png

  5. On 2020-03-21 at 4:56 AM, Traumtulpe said:

    But why would you need to use macros in Warframe to begin with?

    Sometimes people with disabilities need to use macros to even play games.

    I personally have a Autohotkey macro so when I press my melee button and ctrl at the same time, then hold down my melee button, it will repeatedly attack.
    Just so I don't have to mash my melee button to do combos.


    #SingleInstance Force
    SetBatchLines, -1    

    ; Mouse 4 Spam | CTRL + Mouse 4
        #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 20000
        SetKeyDelay, 0, 0
            If (GetKeyState("XButton1", "P") = 0) {
            SendEvent {XButton1}
            Sleep 100


    • Like 1
  6. Here is a list (Warframe Wiki) of all the melee stance mods (excluding conclave stances) to show just how much of a waste it would be to spend 4 Forma (if it's just like the aura forma) on a Stance Forma when a large majority of stances for weapons are only 1 or 2 different polarity types.

    Defiled Snapdragon Sudden lashes, lethal slashes Blade and Whip Madurai Pol   Rare
    Four Riders Fast strikes, powerful slams Claws Madurai Pol   Rare
    Malicious Raptor Puncturing strikes and quick slashes Claws Madurai Pol   Rare
    Vermillion Storm Kicks woven between spinning slashes Claws Madurai Pol   Rare
    Pointed Wind Spiral strikes, lifting combos Daggers Madurai Pol   Rare
    Homing Fang Fast strikes, many hits Daggers Naramon Pol   Uncommon
    Stinging Thorn Vigorous slashes with forceful stabs Daggers Madurai Pol   Rare
    Gnashing Payara Lunging punctures with impaling spirals Dual Daggers Unairu Pol   Rare
    Sinking Talon Strong, focused attacks with multi-hit spins Dual Daggers Zenurik Pol   Uncommon
    Spinning Needle Swift Stabs, twisting slashes Dual Daggers Vazarin Pol   Uncommon
    Carving Mantis Strong slashes and quick stabs that keeps momentum forward     Dual Swords    Naramon Pol   Rare
    Crossing Snakes Multi-angle strikes and deadly thrust attacks Dual Swords Naramon Pol   Rare
    Swirling Tiger Fanning, multi-hit strikes Dual Swords Zenurik Pol   Uncommon
    Gaia's Tragedy Methodical blows thrown with great force Fists Vazarin Pol   Rare
    Fracturing Wind Fast attacks and high finishing attack damage Fists Unairu Pol   Uncommon
    Seismic Palm Methodical strikes with reaching combos Fists Vazarin Pol   Rare
    Gleaming Talon Fast arcing strikes Glaives Naramon Pol   Rare
    Astral Twilight Orbiting slashes and lashing strikes Glaives Naramon Pol   Rare
    Bullet Dance Sharpened blades dance with gunfire Gunblade Madurai Pol   Rare
    High Noon Bullets spray between wicked slash attacks Gunblade Madurai Pol   Rare
    Crushing Ruin Arial attacks with crowd control combos Hammers Madurai Pol   Rare
    Shattering Storm Methodical strikes and high impact combos Hammers Vazarin Pol   Uncommon
    Cleaving Whirlwind Arcing cuts with spinning finish Heavy Blade Vazarin Pol   Rare
    Rending Crane Downward cuts with an impact combo Heavy Blade Madurai Pol   Uncommon
    Tempo Royale Sweeping strikes and twisting slashes Heavy Blade Vazarin Pol   Rare
    Cyclone Kraken Brutal strikes with deft movement Machetes Zenurik Pol   Rare
    Sundering Weave Steady chopping strikes with focused damage Machetes Zenurik Pol   Uncommon
    Decisive Judgement Fierce, double-handed strikes Nikanas Madurai Pol   Rare
    Blind Justice Reverse grip style emphasizing slashing and impaling strikes Nikanas Madurai Pol   Uncommon
    Tranquil Cleave Powerful arcs with frenzied combo Nikanas Madurai Pol   Rare
    Atlantis Vulcan Rapid strikes, Deceptive movements Nunchaku Vazarin Pol   Uncommon
    Bleeding Willow A blend of strong and rapid strikes with leaping combos Polearms Naramon Pol   Rare
    Shimmering Blight Fast spinning attacks and staggering strikes Polearms Zenurik Pol   Uncommon
    Twirling Spire Mix of sweeping attacks with precise strikes Polearms Naramon Pol   Rare
    Vulpine Mask Swift cuts, lancing strikes Rapiers Naramon Pol   Rare
    Reaping Spiral Far flung attacks and multi-hit combos Scythes Naramon Pol   Uncommon
    Stalking Fan Lunging spirals and shattering combos Scythes Zenurik Pol   Rare
    Brutal Tide Round-house attacks and leaping fists Sparring Naramon Pol   Rare
    Grim Fury Lightning fast hit chains and hard hitting combos Sparring Unairu Pol   Uncommon
    Flailing Branch Lifting Strikes and whirlwind combos Staves Unairu Pol   Rare
    Clashing Forest Arcing strikes and focused combos Staves Madurai Pol   Uncommon
    Eleventh Storm Rapid attacks Sword and Shield Madurai Pol   Uncommon
    Final Harbinger Powerful slashes and shield attacks Sword And Shield Madurai Pol   Uncommon
    Crimson Dervish Strong whirlwind attacks Swords Madurai Pol   Rare
    Iron Phoenix Fast cutting attacks with punctures finish Swords Unairu Pol   Rare
    Swooping Falcon Quick slashes with spinning lunges Swords Madurai Pol   Rare
    Vengeful Revenant Hate Dread Despair Swords Madurai Pol   Rare
    Gemini Cross A style exhibiting sweeping slash attacks and swift jabs Tonfas Madurai Pol   Uncommon
    Sovereign Outcast Outlandish style with sweeping attacks Tonfas Naramon Pol   Rare
    Wise Razor Deftly executed sweeps and slashes Two-Handed Nikana   Madurai Pol   Uncommon
    Slicing Feathers Twirling, acrobatic slashes with a refined touch Warfans Naramon Pol   Rare
    Burning Wasp Chaining combos Whips Vazarin Pol   Uncommon
    Coiling Viper Powerful arcing strikes with energetic flips Whips Zenurik Pol   Rare

    All the Blade and Whips, Claws, Glaives, Gunblades, Machetes, Nikanas, Nunchaku, Rapiers, Sword and Shield, Warfans, Two-Handed Nikanas Mods all only have 1 Polarity type.
    All the Daggers, Duel Swords, Fists, Hammers, Heavy Blades, Polearms, Scythes, Sparring, Staves, Swords, Tonfas, and Whips Mods all have 2 Polarity types.
    And Duel Daggers has all 3 Mods with different Polarities.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, (XB1)NightMare666Rip said:

    If the relic has a forma in sliver or gold slot and that it should give 2 to 3

    That would be pretty neat, I mean there are no relics with forma in the gold slot but it would be nice to get 2 from silver slots.

  8. I managed to beat them on the day they came out. I played as a very stressed panicking Jumpy wisp with a wolf sledge constantly doing heavy slam attacks and rolling back into a jump just to slam again. Wouldn't recommend it honestly.

    I won't lie, I cheesed the defense mission. I got a bug that when I ragdolled a corpus he just stayed laying on the ground and didn't die so I just waited for the defense target to regen hp and shields before killing him.

  9. I've been playing warframe since about 2014 and there are still things that pop up and make me go: "Now wait a second... what? That's what that does?!"
    When I first started playing I played for about a year and was clueless on what the hell I was doing. 
    It's nothing to really be worried about. As you play you'll naturally come about more info as you play both by accident, by seeing other players doing it, or by reading the wiki. The game doesn't really tell you a lot of what is going on. The Wiki is a seriously informative read if you have the time. Before I got and learned how to play all the frames anytime I built a new one I'd go and read the wiki to learn what their abilities synergies were. 

  10. Did you by any chance mean that when you refine a relic to RAD and you get a forma that you should get more forma than 1 because you refined it?
    Or do you actually mean that if a relic has a forma in a silver slot it should give 2 forma instead of 1?

  11. Is there any particular reason we can't link mod configs during a mission? (Besides the "You can equip them feature" which could be disabled when in missions)
    I would love to be able to share my configs with people in my squad during a mission but instead I have to wait until the mission is over before I'm allowed to do that.

    • Like 1
  12. Still a problem in Hotfix 27.2.2
    It's not just primary weapons it's everything. The sort by usage function just breaks sometimes and only sorts by name. It's really annoying.
    You can temp fix it by going into your profile, equipment, and then sorting it by usage. Then the arsenal will sort correctly after that, until it breaks again.

  13. Any News about the bug with the Railjacks internal space windows constantly being occluded when in the gunner seat. Image Included Below.




    On 2020-03-06 at 8:04 PM, GentlePuppet said:

    The doors on the railjack. Please for the love of all that is holy make them bloody client side. Make all doors Client side. It's is so #*!%ing annoying when you end up having high ping and you go to run through a door and it opens but it doesn't let you go through until the host says it's ok. (I have satellite internet and I can't fix that so I end up having 700-900 ping. Besides my points here it's quite playable and fine.)

    Please please please make the guns overheat bar client side as well. Again having high ping while shooting will make the bar fill up then when you stop shooting so it doesn't overheat it'll start going down then it'll suddenly flare up and overheat anyways.

    Please make as many frame abilities client side as you can. I understand there are limits to what you can have be client side but please try. Playing as a majority of frames with high ping is dreadful because it ends up taking time to do anything with them. Vauban for example. It takes me (again I have bad internet that I can't do anything about) several seconds before he'll throw down any of his grenades. It's down right a #*!%ing pain to do.
    Same goes for operators. Please making switching to and from our operators client side. Pressing 5 then having my frames slide around the ground for 3+ seconds before my operators decides to pop out is horrible. Then I try to use my zenurik energy bubble only to not have it work unless I void dash 5+ times all over the place until it decides to spawn.

    Sometimes, for clients, the gunner turrets will straight up break for the rest of the mission. The seat will become lodged in the ground for the client and they won't be able to use it anymore making it useless. God forbid they get unlucky and both guns break making them unable to use either of them.


    • Like 1
  14. Before I start this is not a rant of "EEEEEE I don't like this change it." The title is just a form of "clickbait" to hopefully garner attention. These are actual bugs that are a #*!%ing chore to deal with. I absolutely love Railjack. It's great fun but it's also really tiring to have to deal with all these things while trying to rush around fixing S#&$ and dealing with boarders.

    First thing that is infuriating. The bug where when you enter a gunner seat and the railjack disappears, except it doesn't completely disappear and you end up with this annoying black planes that appear at certain angles. Sometimes completely blocking your view of everything.



    Second thing that is infuriating. The doors on the railjack. Please for the love of all that is holy make them bloody client side. Make all doors (except friendship doors which should be deleted anyways) Client side. It's is so #*!%ing annoying when you end up having high ping and you go to run through a door and it opens but it doesn't let you go through until the host says it's ok. (I have satellite internet and I can't fix that so I end up having 700-900 ping. Besides my points here it's quite playable and fine.)

    Third thing. Please please please make the guns overheat bar client side as well. Again having high ping while shooting will make the bar fill up then when you stop shooting so it doesn't overheat it'll start going down then it'll suddenly flare up and overheat anyways.

    Fourth thing. Please make as many frame abilities client side as you can. I understand there are limits to what you can have be client side but please try. Playing as a majority of frames with high ping is dreadful because it ends up taking time to do anything with them. Vauban for example. It takes me (again I have bad internet that I can't do anything about) several seconds before he'll throw down any of his grenades. It's down right a #*!%ing pain to do.
    Same goes for operators. Please making switching to and from our operators client side. Pressing 5 then having my frames slide around the ground for 3+ seconds before my operators decides to pop out is horrible. Then I try to use my zenurik energy bubble only to not have it work unless I void dash 5+ times all over the place until it decides to spawn.

    Fifth thing. Sometimes, for clients, the gunner turrets will straight up break for the rest of the mission. The seat will become lodged in the ground for the client and they won't be able to use it anymore making it useless. God forbid they get unlucky and both guns break making them unable to use either of them.

    • Like 1
  15. Spoiler


    This Birb has transparent ghost feathers.



    These ropes on the cooking hut aren't ropes anymore and are weird void strings that delete shadows and make everything orange when you look through them.



    I don't know if it's intentional but putting reflections on nearly every surface in cetus makes stuff look unnaturally shiny. (The rugs look like plastic instead of... cloth. A lot of stuff looks like plastic now :c)
    I knew there would be a performance decrease with all the shadows but I didn't expect to go from 75fps(max frame lock) to avg 45fps. This is only in cetus, the plains, and the orb. Everywhere else is fine.

    It would be wonderful if there was an option(s) to turn off dynamic shadows from grass/foliage while letting us keep shadows from props/rocks/characters/etc and such.
    I think that would let us choose to have some pretty stuff while giving us the ability to save on performance.
    Or just an option to turn off dynamic shadows from open world area's. Because, while I love the new shadows and lighting and such, it kills fps in huge open area's like the plains or the orb. But I don't want to turn it off for normal missions cause there isn't really a noticeable hit there.

    Or instead of OFF/ON having it be OFF/LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH/ULTRA with LOW being something like only big objects/characters have dynamic shadows but only render when they're close, MEDIUM everything has shadows but only render when it's close, HIGH same as medium but farther render distance, and ULTRA being the current if not farther than current render distance.
    Or something like that, I don't know.

    All that aside I absolutely adore how metallic objects appear, my railjack is so god damn golden, I love it.

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