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Posts posted by (PSN)Cerata_

  1. okay first off i really like the 2 and 4. ive always wanted a death ray frame! and sun spot just seems like a unique and fun skill to use!


    Not much for me to say here, it's pretty unique, not too strong but not weak. all i might ask is that the 4 scale with weapon damage in some way. it bothers me to no end that spectral scream from chroma is so weak and you cant use your gun while doing it. you just dont want a skill that inhibits use of a gun be outdone by a gun, because then whats the point of using it.


    I too have a star frame lurking in the depths of the forums, though mine is very different. GJ here, i really like the kit. seems well put togehter. i'd be a little disappointing if DE didn't at least use a few of these ideas.

    Thanks for the detailed feedback!

    I hadn't considered having the 4's damage scale with mods, I'm going to look into it, adjust things so it's not hilariously op.

  2. I personally really like this idea. The last two abilities seem a little too strong. Maybe adjust 3 to 150 max or 125 max and 4 to 500 max. Unless it's not damage per second in which case carry on. This seems really well thought out and the stats all fit into the game very well so good job.


    Yeah, after thinking about it more I definitely agree with you, especially with Solar Maximum's damage buff mechanic. Adjusting for balance, thanks for the feedback and kind words :D

  3. (Update: 11/1/15: Augments! Artwork! )

    "This is Aten, the radiant, the divine. Master of light. Aten's abilities allow him to deal heavy radial damage to enemies, while providing safe zones for allies in need.

    Name: In Egyptian mythology, Aten was a sun god, who for a time was worshiped instead of Ra, before the two were combined into a single deity.

    Role: AOE damage-dealer

    Appearance: (Art by the wonderful and fabulous EvergreenmindShe's so sweet and awesome. If you haven't seen her stuff, check out her art thread here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/550516-evergreenminds-art-thread-updated-27102015-new-info/ )




    HEALTH: 150 (450 max)
    POWER: 150 (225 max)
    SHIELD CAPACITY: 75 (225 max)
    ARMOR: 300
    POLARITIES: 1 V, 1 - 1 D

    Passive: Eternal light:
    -50% proc duration
    -50% damage from explosive weapons


    1. Flare. 25 Energy

    Aten shoots forward in a straight light towards his reticle, increasing his speed to 40 / 42 / 44 / 48 meters per second over a duration of 0.35 seconds. Aten passes through enemies. Enemies touched or within 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.8 / 2 meters of Aten are dealt 150 / 200 / 250/ 300 damage, split evenly between radiation and heat. Damage is affected by Power Strength. Flare has a 25%/50%/75%/100% chance to proc one of either damage type. Once Aten reaches his location, he releases a radial heat/radiation blast dealing 150/250/350/450 damage in a 2.5/5/7.5/10 meter radius. Aten's health is immune to damage while Flare is active.
    Effected by Range, Duration and Efficiency

    Augment: Blinding Flare

    Flare's final explosion blinds enemies within a ten meter radius.


    2. Sunspot. 50 Energy

    Aten creates a dark circle wherever he's aiming, with a radius of 2.5/5/7.5/10 meters. Allies within this circle are rendered invisible while they remain inside of the sunspot. Ability lasts for 5/7/10/15 seconds. When Sunspot expires, it explodes into a blind with a range of 5/10/15/20 meters, affected by LOS. The explosion also procs the magnetic effect.

    Effected by Range, Duration and Efficiency

    Augment: Blindspot

    The Sunspot now moves with Aten, but suffers a reduced max range of 10 meters. 


    3. Corona. 25 Energy per cast, 5 energy/s

    Aten glows with piercing light, dealing a single instance of 25/50/75/100 Puncture damage within a range of 10/15/20/25 meters with guaranteed proc on cast, followed by 25/50/75/125 damage per second, alternating between Heat and Radiation every tick.

    Effected by Range, Efficiency, Duration and strength.

    Augment: Unstable Corona

    Upon disabling Corona, Aten creates an explosion dealing 300 damage with a 100% chance to proc Blast 


    4. Solar Maximum. 50 Energy per cast, 10 energy/s
    "Don't stare, Tenno."

    Aten turns his scolding gaze towards the enemy, staggering enemies on cast, sacrificing movement speed, parkour and use of his weapons for a ray of incredible power, dealing 125/250/375/500 combination

    Radiation and heat damage to any enemy within Aten's LOS. Enemies under the effect of Solar Maximum take double damage from the skill for every second they are effected.

    Effected by, Duration, Efficiency, Strength.

    Augment: Maximum Carnage

    Enemies killed while under the effect of Solar Maximum explode, dealing 500 heat damage around them, and creating a fire hazard on ground the which lasts for 6 seconds at max. 


    (As always, values are subject to change, this is an eternal WIP, so constructive comments are welcome!)

  4. Lol you are kidding me right? you sad you cant just go for full damage mods?

    Install (primed) ammo mutation and stop crying.


    Try using the Secura Dual Cestra and tell me how that sizes up.

    I feel like you just didn't read most of the points in this thread.

  5. Even so, people would complain.

    I don't think you realize the point of most of the people here. They just don't want a nerf to OP things.


    Also, its console players crying about a change they haven't even experienced simply because it exists. They're just trolling the balance patches...that's all.

    Good Lorde, READ. The OP said nothing about damage. The official reason given for the change was graphical optimization. It is not a balence change. The op just offered an alternate solution to said graphical problem without having to alter how the power works/used to work. It's not rocket science, it's not whining, you're making arguments for a situation that doesn't exist in this thread. The devs did not label this as a balence change, and regardless of your opinion, we have to take them at their word, and with Mirage's history of setting computers on fire, it makes total sense, as does the OP's idea imo.

    If you don't agree with an idea, that's fine, but just say that instead of being a jerk and attacking the OP's right to even make suggestions.

  6. Of course the new mirage is problematic, I don't deny that, but what I am saying is that he should try her out before making a suggestion to change her.

    But...he/she/they knows what the change is, and what the reason for the change is. What new information would he/she/they need in order to make this suggestion more valid? It feels like you're just making a stink out of this for the heck of it.
  7. The problem I had with the Gammacor nerf was that they changed the feel of the weapon. I don't like ridiculous ammo-wasters, and they changed a gun I had grinded for into exactly that. I didn't care about the damage, I just liked the reliability and the asthetics of the little laser-arm-squid. All they had to do was lower the damage, but instead they completely changed the way you had to use it. It felt more like punishment than a balence change.

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