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Posts posted by (PSN)Cerata_

  1. On topic, DE still has plenty of options, as it stands they have four frames currently in development, and there are so many themes they haven't even touched yet. No need to even be concerned about running out.


  2. There is already a Melee/Brawler frame being created, got this off the latest Dev stream.



    Melee brawler is not the idea being presented here, this is more of a samurai. Even if it were, I see no reason why we cannot discuss this concept.



    On topic: 

    I'd love to see this as the Female Excalibur variation if they ever get around to doing that. I'll need to think a bit longer on the abilities. 

  3. Can we please fix silence? Banshee has one of the best kits in the game, but then there's...silence. It doesn't work like it would make sense to. The changes I'm asking for are as follows:


    1. Make silence a zone where sound simply does not exist. Meaning enemies don't hear anything inside the radius, and enemies don't hear what you're doing outside of the radius. This would FINALLY allow silence to be a viable stealth tool on par with invisibility/smokescreen. 


    2. Refresh the activation stun every few seconds for the duration of the ability. This gives banshee some (more) nice CC, and would allow her to make better use of savage silence. Perhaps make it scale inversely with duration (higher duration, more frequent stuns)


    As of right now silence isn't really worth the activation cost unless you're running a really low duration/high range/effeciency build for CC. I'd like to be able to get functionality out of the ability both ways. 

  4. Wait, but....but...the syndicate mods were fun. Exalted blade didn't really need any of them for damage, but the utility they provided was nice. Covert Lethality was hilariously OP with exalted blade, but removing the syndicate mods (after you didn't allow them in the first place and then changed  your minds and then changed them again now it seems, unless I'm mistaken) is just a really unnecessary change. Modding your weapon for exalted blade ALREADY limits your choice of weapon to something that benefits from the same things EB does. 


    The syndicate mods aren't an unbalancing factor for the power, they're not necessary to get good performance out of the weapon, they're not easy to acquire in the first place. But they're really nice additions, and it would be a shame if you cut them in what appears to be a bit of an overreaction. 

  5. I actually like the idea of ballistic battery. I just wish the charging mechanic was always on, without the need to activate the ability first. That way, it's much less clunky. It's actually a very good power for eliminating single targets like eximus units when you just REALLY need them gone instantly. It's fabulous with punchthrough.

  6. I agree with the DR aura. My gripe with Ember has always been that she's a caster with limited range and terrible (now just low-tier mediocre) defenses. It's fine when you're handling infested, but factions with guns? Doable, but it's a lot more dangerous to Ember than feels worth it, especially when you compare her to other damage frames, like Excalibur. And she doesn't have the utility of Frost, or even Mesa and Ash to make up for it. Ember does a lot of damage, but the glass cannon approach just doesn't work on her, as she has no real way to mitigate that, nor any abilities that aid in her mobility.

  7. before you make yourself sound silly again, please take a look at the patch notes that i was talking about. The shattering of frozen enemies was intentional, but clearly they didn't think about it killing all enemies, no matter how much health or armor they have. That is the part that you are talking about, and what Glenn was referring too.


    They are nerfing it whether you like it or not. killing any enemy at any level one one shot is too powerful and everyone knows it. just enjoy it while it lasts.

    The point FelisImpurrator was making was that the velocity system for the globe is messed up ATM, so when that's fixed, enemies won't be insta-killed as often, because they won't be moving fast enough, which would make all of your tweaks unnecessary. Chill. *canned laughter*
  8. The last thing I need is to be surprised by a manic while I'm covered in bees, and being slooowly dragged through goo by an ancient, while also dealing with a toxin aura. The infested have plenty of special units so far.



    But that would be a really cool character model....so I'm torn.

  9. No, it's frikn not.

    But it's nice to be able to run around and shoot things without having to be worried that you missed that rare resource drop. It's not a sin to appreciate that kind of convenience in a game that is very farming-centric. That said, I tend to prefer my kubrows for the most part.

  10. I like shadowfall, but I'd rather work the stealth viability that preventing alarms would give, into smokebomb, then give smokebomb a larger radius and a duration that the cloud persists for. Suddenly Ash has a way to stealthily murder an entire room.

    Make teleport free-aim.

    And perhaps also add your changes to shuriken.

    Not sure about bladestorm. It doesn't feel like it fits in his kit in the same perfect way that radial disarm does into Loki's, who I think still has the most synergistically built kit of any frame, but at the same time, I'm not sure how I'd rather it work. It would maybe be nice if bladestorm was an aimable aoe that spawned shadowclones to wreak havoc in an area while Ash does other things. Bonus points if they draw all agro for the duration, almost like a hyper-aggresive version of decoy. That way Ash can be really tactical about how he deals with things, and can be played as a solo assasin while also having something to offer to the team, without compromising his theme. Just my late night ramblings, forgive typos/grammatical errors.

  11. Okay, I enjoy the thought of pistol finishers. That does sound pretty fun, and I do like the synergy with shooting gallery, but then that would make it's bouncing nature even more annoying I feel.

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