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Posts posted by (PSN)Cerata_

  1. In the future, are you planning on revising some of the older stance mods for usability? Some of the newer stances (Astral Twilight, Tempo Royals) flow much better and are more practically useful than some of the older stances. Also, are you planning to make a pass over some of the stances that don't have a full set of combos?

  2. Earlier today on a Saturn invasion I came across the body of a Grineer butcher that I hadn't killed. As I began to carefully step over it (because you don't want Grineer guts on your shoes) I received a prompt to Loot the Corpse.  I got some ammo and a couple of credits.


    I have never seen anyone mention it before, so I'm curious to know if anyone else has experienced this?  

  3. There are many weapons excluding brakk that have come back. The difference between other games and warframe is, there is no real difference between old players and new players.


    The only differences there should ever really be between old and new players are experience and maturity. Simply playing at a right time does not entitle you to anything. 

  4. So you just want everything easy then? Why even fire up the game? There you go, I just solved your problem, don't play at all, that's much easier!

    You literally missed his entire point

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