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Posts posted by Wandrecanada

  1. Considering Blind is the only CC that breaks through CC immune enemies... yep it's OP.  Blind is the only CC status that affects enemies under the protection of ancients.  Blind can CC immune Sentient shards.  Blind gets finisher bonus while enemies will not even have the opportunity to retaliate like other CC options.


    Perhaps setting it similar to how Chaos or Radiation procs occur?  Random blind fire that can hit other enemies by accident at the very least.

  2. Saryn 3.0 is the epitome of a selfish frame that doesn't fit into any role. Venom Dose is probably the best thing that the frame has to offer, and that's pretty sad if you ask me. Bringing less to the table than Nezha is an impressive feet if you ask me, so at least Saryn has got that going on.


    If you think Nezha is unimpressive as a support frame you've never speared an entire room for 20 seconds of unbreaking CC. Bring along an Atomos and you will be a happy camper.

  3. After playing with the Nezha frame for a bit and playing with some builds I have come to realize that he is possibly the most interesting support frame to date.


    Firewalk - not only area denial via damage but a great way to keep those pesky status effects down


    Blazing Chakram - Knockdown proc, burning proc and on kill does healing to friendlies.  Teleport to location.


    Warding Halo - Damage shield, knockdown immunity and stagger to nearby enemies


    Devine Spears - Hard CC with massive range, damage and allows finisher damage on melee.


    Just looking at those abilities we can see healing, status cleanse, knockdown, stagger, hard CC, damage shield and teleport.  Possibly the most well rounded all arounder in the game makes him useful in nearly any situation where groups occur.  And he even has a decent amount of armor despite the weak HP/Shield pool.


    You can create different mod builds to focus on different ability sets making him able to be either a specialist or a generalist as wanted. I hope DE uses this philosophy in the future when reworking frame ability sets.



    You can contrast Nezha with Saryn's rework. She was a specialist with no equal alternative builds so they tried to spread out her power across multiple abilities instead of having 2 or 3 ability combos that would cause her to have multiple specialist builds. This just made everyone angry that she now had to use all abilities together to be viable.

  4. You know... why doesn't Toxic Lash just have her equip a melee lash similar to how other melee warframes work?  Wukong, Excal and Mesa all have power based weapons and whip style weapons would be a fantastic addition to the Saryn style.  Power range could affect the length of the lash itself and you could still have it pop spore sacs.


    Make the lash look like a glowing vine with thorns and maybe even have a slash/toxin proc.

  5. Took me two days of dedicated farming to get Ivara parts while at the same time scoring gold mods and core returns.  I farmed ember non prime parts for three days and kept getting the wrong part drops.  Hell I've been farming Derelicts for almost a year and still have never gotten the final part of Nova Prime.


    If you run the spy missions you will get it... eventually. You can solo it with a standard Loki without much effort and each run has a chance to net you actually rewarding items. There is no cost to enter beyond unlocking the sectors and the difficulty never ramps over time so you can always know what to expect. And you will never spend 20 minutes plus and score a shiny Tower II mobile defense key.


    Seems like a pretty good deal to me considering other frame grinds (how soon we forget about Mesa, Vauban or even Equinox and Chroma).

  6. DE has needed to assess the RNG drop rates of many frame parts both in Prime and non prime versions.  Ask anyone farming for Archwing weapons or Derelict Prime drops.


    Fickle or not; no one should have to be a statistical outlier when someone has control over a system. There are ways to engineer a solution but it we will need to see DE make this a priority.

  7. Wait, how does this work out for Warframes?

    Say I were to install a lens onto my Loki. Would it be a complete waste, since the Loki warframe is virtually incapable of directly killing anything? Or would it take affinity from all of your weapons and/or your teammates' kills or something?


    It takes direct affinity earned in a mission and converts a percentage to focus.  On Loki that means affinity earned for things like Spy mission success would actually be really good.


    However it does give a general edge to weapons or frames that can output more kills.  Moving AoE killers like Ember or Equinox work well. Atamos also works well.

  8. We had this bug just after a fight in Second Dream.  A sent was permanently irradiated and killed our team multiple times.  One of the members missed a lot of dialogue because of it.  Had to shoot the thing dead to stop it from happening.

  9. Because of the addition of "Maroo's Bazaar" on Earth, the extractors see Earth as unfinished and no longer deploy.


    Complete the Second Dream Mission to find out why Earth is no longer finished.

  10. Second dream Cinematic not rewatchable on button press.


    What: Rewatching Quest Cinematics

    Where: Second Dream in the Quest tab.

    Can it be reproduced?: Yes.



    1. go to your codex

    2. locate Second Dream on the quest page after completing the quest.

    3. click it and click on "Watch cinematics" on the bottom right hand corner.


    It won't let me or my friends watch the cinematics.


    I was unable to watch the Cinematic the first time and I cannot watch it again. Same reasons as above.  Had to watch on YouTube.  Would prefer to watch the real version that DE put so much time into making amazing.

  11. Please think about this... It is very easy to monitor 10 people in a ghost clan... That's 11 nintain.. Meaning that it would take 2 alerts to have wukong complete... In a moon clan it is increased times 100 percent, that is 1000 nintain... De is assuming that all of my 1000 members will be active and playing for the alert when that is practically impossible. That is the expectation of DE which beilive should be lowered. That doesn't just go for moon, but the same statistics in percentage race apply for mountain clans... The percentage raise is to high and it needs to be lowered


    I think it's important to understand that DE didn't want people to use clan downscaling as a loophole for large clans. What is stopping you from downsizing, doing research and then regrowing and re-inviting people back? Hopefully U18 helps relieve the strain but try the following.


    Consider making an alliance of smaller clans. Keep the actives in the main clan and less active players in other less active clan groups. This keeps research costs in check and allows the really regulars to gain advantages while the non regulars don't get something for nothing. The upside is that you can stay in community too. Otherwise it just becomes a gateway for freebies and that means DE doesn't get to monetize as it should.

  12. Because it's trivial to get to rotation C? So you want "decent" rewards for something you can solo in your sleep unless you are new player?


    New players like everything, not just high end stuff.


    Aside from attacking my skill level for some reason your argument does not address my problem. I don't care if they fill the drop table with whatever.  I care that there is gated access (crafting a key) to a mission that has drops that are only as useful as an excavation mission on low tiers.


    I should be able to run a Derelict mission and get things in rotation C that is at least equal in value to something from Void 3 or 4 rotation C. Maybe instead of filling the tables with junk they could remove something from an overburdened table in Void and drop it in Derelict Survival?

  13. We are still finding key drops you could farm on planets with level 15 enemies in the C drop table. In all my time playing I have only ever gotten Forma blueprints or Tower II keys.


    I understand that there is lots of work to do with the new starmap and content but you could at least pull all the useless garbage out of the Derelict drop tables in rotation C and worry about fixing the item balance later. This has been a raised issue for at least a half a year if not more.

  14. I have to take slight umbrage with this big update considering the Xbox (read Microsoft) controller support being still mostly broken in most menus and hacking mini-games.


    Does this mean Xbox controller support will no longer continue improving? Was there ever a timeline on matching PC to console level controller support? I may be a second class citizen as a controller pleb but this feels like really bad optics from a player perspective.


    PS: I do not own a Steam controller so I cannot speak to it's implementation but I am under the impression that it is fundamentally a different control system than a standard gamepad (Xbox, Logitech or any of the other reputable gamepads).

  15. All I can say is that after playing all the new frames and rework frames... Saryn is a chore to play by comparison.  With Excalibur, Mag, Atlas, and Equinox I feel POWERFUL.  I don't feel invincible but I certainly feel like I can really bring a lot to the table.


    Saryn now feels like I have to put in far too much work to be of any relative value at all beyond firing my gun. The bottom line is that powers are important for a frame to feel like it's worthwhile because everyone can use all the guns but only Warframes can use their unique skills.


    When placed beside any contemporaries (including the new Rhino preview build) Saryn falls flat.  Especially for controller players who don't use number keys (like me) for because no other frame requires 2-3 powers combined to contribute less DPS than a first stage power on other frames.

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