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Posts posted by Wandrecanada

  1. 2 hours ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

    You don't have to survive the Technocyte Virus to become a Tenno and AFAIK no-one can survive it, the whole Zariman void jump accident is what made the Tenno who they are now, but I could guess that would hurt a lot as well depending on how the void works, but it's about as random as RNG is now.

    if you're referring to the Warfames however, we don't know what's under them just yet.

    Actually we do know what's under Warframes to some extent. We've even seen Alad V dismantle some and create Zanuka with parts. They are an organic/machine combination. The only thing we are still unsure of is where the organic portion of the Warframe is derived from. The Second Dream strongly implies they are non sentient without operator control.

    (Also we construct them from materials and design schematics in the Forge!)

  2. 44 minutes ago, WindigoTP said:

    They don't really care about alarms, despite Lotus claiming that "the alarms have triggered a bursa".

    Maybe setting off the alarm for the first time indeed triggers bursas on in the first place, but disabling the alarm doesn't help to stop their spawn. They just keep coming.

    Certain mission types create automatic alarm states that cannot be reset. Rescue is one such example. In these special instances Bursas can spawn indefinitely.

    However in most mission types you can reset any alarms before the spawn timer ticks on.  It's extremely important that you stop any alarms immediately when facing Corpus now. Try and stay away from soloing any of the special mission types where alarms may cause problems when it involves corpus.  That means Rescues, Hijacks, Deceptions and any timed missions where you are staying to the 20 minute mark.  

    If you can't do this then I advise trying to keep your game public and run with a group.  Trinity's Energy Vampire, Inaros' Devour or any blind effect can help lock down a bursa so use frames with these if possible (I could be forgetting sleep effects but I can't recall if these work).

  3. 8 minutes ago, Pyus said:

    Also, I am still testing how this works, but it appears that there is a chance per second for devour/sandstorm to instantly kill any mob.

    I'm pretty sure there is no auto kill mechanic however I do notice that enemies can often take damage on hitting other objects while ragdolled which can cause substantial damage.  I've seen Grineer knock into walls and each other doing upwards of 3k damage per impact.  Hard to see though because most of the time they are above or behind your LoS.

  4. 22 minutes ago, haze777 said:

    Sight*. The cloud of the bow  NEVER APplY'S the Status U have on the bow, so by far. this is the verdict  and I say this with tears after building it completely  its by far... The worst bow in the game. yup. mk 1 paris is better.

    Daikyu is the worst bow.  

    Mutalist Cernos is actually pretty great against Nullifiers since impact on the bubble creates a cloud that will destroy everyone in the bubble even as it shrinks. With it's ability to auto status proc you can take down the high HP targets while softening/killing smaller hp targets around it.

    Great in the right situations however at high level or in Sorties there's just not enough oomph to get things done.  Keep this one for those mid tier encounters against Corpus or enemy clusters.

  5. 4 minutes ago, SoullessEgo said:

    Agreeable. but there would be some shenanigans with the A rotation since its AABC. Maybe people will think thats too many cores too fast? lol. I guess since it's such a large reward pool that would work.

    Since they are planning on allowing core conversion from all mods and A rotation can only generate silver cores I don't think it could ever be too many cores.

  6. 1 hour ago, AXCrusnik said:

    I'm still sad Hyekka masters are using Ignis instead of something else like Atomos. We already have an Ignis user.

    I think I prefer them using the Ignis instead of those annoying napalm grenades that carpet bomb huge areas.

  7. Since all three new weapons can hit 100% status I'd start there. Look at stacking all the gold elementals with status% and then use other slots to buff the status you prefer to see happen the most. They can also do with a small dose of fire rate since they have awful RoF without hitting that headshot.

  8. Confirmed on invasion today.  Console was spawned sideways.  Took datamass and no timer began.  Tried host migration to fix.  Console reset properly but no datamass spawned.

    Suggest attempting host migrate if you see a sideways console before inserting datamass.  This sucks for the host but it might work?

  9. To effectively play Inaros you really need to leverage every skill as needed.

    The 4 skill is clutch and also dangerous if used poorly.  It will drain your HP to feed an armor bonus listed as a %.  Hold the skill to increase armor.  Click to cast 25% of the armor away to a group of enemies.  Enemies will be effectively stunned and HP drained.  Allies (including you) gain HP if they are near the stunned enemies.

    Keeping the 100% armor is important since you have no shields.  You will take very minimal damage this way. if you encounter a large cluster of enemies throw some scarabs and stand near them.  You can even replenish your armor while the scarabs steal health without losing a beat.

    DEVOUR! - the #2 skill can be very useful.  Press and hold to draw enemies towards you. This is SILENT so you can pull individual enemies away from packs during stealth runs.

    Devour is a super long stun that does not break.  Any player can approach the trapped enemy and press action to steal health from the enemy until it is dead.  This works on Bursas... until they are DEAD.  The heal is so powerful you can tank most damage while eating the bursa and stay alive.  If Inaros kills an enemy during devour the enemy returns as an ally for a time (This does not work on Eximus units or some unique units like Bursas).  Can be cast on multiple enemies to lock down a small group.

    Sandstorm #3 skill does two things;  It pulls items towards you and it throws enemies away from you/into the air.  It's effect is very similar to the Zephyr tornado but is localized to you.  Inaros does move slowly while this is active but it can lift and ragdoll most enemies and deals constant damage to them.  If enemies are under the DEVOUR effect you steal their health and will raise them as allies if they die.  Does not seem to be have a maximum number of targets.

    Last is the #1 skill.  The most important part of this skill is that it is a blind effect that can hit anyone in a large wide arc in front if you.  With stretch it can hit a lot of targets and allows finishers from melee.  Very effective if you want a cheap CC.

    Use all the skills together and they can make you a tank that never dies.

  10. After a buggy night of players falling through the world and running around below the maps we came upon the most difficult Mobile Defense mission ever!

    As you can see in the image below the mission progress counter seems to be spitting out an improper message.  While we did clearly have a datamass you can see from the minimap there is no indicator for consoles to hack.  Nor did we find any after a few minutes of searching.  

    The mission was an invasion against Infested for Corpus.  A second attempt worked just fine.


  11. Bursas need a spawn limit cap.

    Bursas need to not increase the exterminate counter.

    Bursa hacking needs to be a button press instead of breaking combat flow with hacking minigame.

    Bursa health/armor scaling needs to reflect the mission to allow proper ramping for new(er) players and learning.

    Bursas need better telegraphing.  What kind is it? What is it doing now? When is it hacked or not hacked? Is it shooting? Stunned? Just sitting there lonely and frustrated?

    Bursa spawns should scale with player count.  Mo playas, mo bursas.


    Yes they are a great move forward in enemy diversity but they break a lot of the experience for many players. Older players complaining about difficulty challenges need to remember that they got to move through this content without the walls they are now demanding. If you want a challenge then remove your maxed serration and elemental mods. That's the kind of challenge new players experience.

  12. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    they just need a spawn rate tweak, that is if they really are spawning that fast. I haven't seen any real proof, so I've dismissed a lot of complaints as overreacting (which this community does a lot), but if that is the case, less spawns are all that would be needed.

    If you had done the recent Sabotage mission in the Sortie you would have understood. Sortie Sabotage missions automatically have the alarms trigger forever and cause the mission to become an Exterminate.

    After killing all 78 enemies listed we managed to have an elevator tile just before the exit and each time we went down the elevator another Bursa with 2-6 additional corpus enemies would spawn before the doors opened. We'd have to go back up the elevator try and take them out before the next Bursa spawn which we sometimes did but then we had to ride the elevator back down... after which another would spawn and set the counter up higher again.  Managed to leave somewhere around the 130 enemy mark with a lucky ride and dash to the finish line. (Note: The exit is no longer an option if new enemies push the counter higher)

    It would be better to just cap the number of possible Bursa spawns to prevent endless exterminate missions due to random map tile placement and poor spawning rules.  That or force exterminate counters to cap at their original number.

  13. I don't think we've really seen the Sentients yet. We have encountered three types of Shard so far but the actual Sentients are still not really present. I think we can expect some real Sentient encounters come update 19 but for now Hunhow and his shards are probably a small taste of what is to come.

  14. 1 hour ago, Etan-gK said:

    same thing was said about manics when they were put into the game

    Yep and Manics had to be fixed for solo players and newer players because they were too powerful and not a slight bit buggy.

    It's not wrong to want some balance to a game that can potentially have new players trying to solo content without all the mods, weapons and frames of veterans.

  15. Couldn't log into the forums.  Ticket submitted suggested I log out of main site and log in again.

    Everything with login and posting issues seems resolved.  Should probably place this work around in sticky somewhere for people who cannot log in and post that they are having issues.

  16. My biggest problem with Bursas as they are now is how they would affect gameplay for new players or players with limited equipment options. This is a game where progression is not assured and you cannot assume every player will have the "correct" Warframe/weapons or mods to field a perfectly tailored load-out for the more unique encounters.


    Either Bursas need massive scaling rework that allows for ramping from low level equipment or the game itself needs a top down rebalance before they are introduced full time. Until then I hope that Bursas are rolled back to special mission status. I really enjoy their mechanics but I don't like to punish players with less access to mods, frames and weapons.


    Remember solo maniacs...

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