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Posts posted by Akavakaku

  1. 11 minutes ago, Suncake said:

    1. Alad V is a normal corpus dude, working hard on pushing technical progress ahead. Built Zanuka from parts of warframes.

    2. Alad V gets infested and becomes Mutalist Alad V. That's where we get Mesa. Is it Patient Zero quest? I don't remember.

    3. Mutalist Alad V pleads for our help to get rid of infestation during the event (forgot the name) with Tyl Regor's labs. We help him to get the possible cure.

    4. Still Mutalist Alad V is our ally in Second Dream.


    6. Mutalist Alad V still pops up in sorties as our enemy. This one is probably somewhere between 2 and 3.

    Except Second Dream is required to go to Eris, so #2 comes after #4.

  2. I agree that the difference in viability of damage types is a problem, but I don't think damage conversion is the solution. That still wouldn't have us going out and doing impact damage. Ideally, we should be going out using puncture for Grineer, impact for Corpus, and slash for Infested, as was probably intended.

    So I nstead, I just think enemy defensive capacities should be changed. For shields, their vulnerability to magnetic could be addressed by making magnetic do very poorly on unshielded Corpus, while impact retains some use. Toxic and slash procs could be balanced by reducing those elements' effect on shields, and forcing the proc health damage to scale down to match that low vs-shields damage. 

    For Grineer, most people prefer to just reduce their armor and then use only slash. So to encourage the use of puncture, armor reduction could be replaced with armor impairment: the armor remains, but its weaknesses are amplified. This way Corrosive Projection would actually encourage, not discourage, the use of puncture.

    Using slash vs the Infested is fine. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    No matter how money grabbing the Corpus are, there is one line they will NEVER cross: DO NOT MESS WITH THE INFESTED. It's too dangerous and always cost more than it's worth. It's why Alad v got kicked out and hunted down. Messing with the infested has always been more of a Grineer (Dr.Tengus)'s thing.

    What about the Black Seed?

  4. I don't understand why a Syndicate quest-acquired warframe should necessarily have anything to do with that Syndicate's theme. Is it not possible for a Syndicate to discover clues to the blueprints of a warframe that doesn't perfectly fit their philosophy?

  5. 1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Holy hell some people are really confused.

    Let's see, the Infestation backfired BEFORE the Warframes were conceived. However they kept experimenting with the Technocyte virus as they developed the frames.

    Since frames are of Technocyte origin, one that fully controls the virus is possible. It's like embracing what you're made of... Up to an extent.

    No, just forgot that the Great Plague was during Margulis's time.

  6. 26 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    I've made a different set of choices, first time through completely neutral. Second time a bit of neutral, good and evil. The eyes will change to the black sclera, gold irises and speak weirdly. I don't remember the specific line said, but it does change.

    As to any affect to the actual game, nothing aside from change in your profile with the compass.

    If you replay and make different choices, will your alignment stay changed?

  7. Yeah, the thing about War Within is it's hard for totally different reasons than the rest of Warframe. So no matter how good you are at the rest of the game, you can still be bad at this quest. I play Sorties but one part of TWW alone took me an hour to beat.

    Here's some spoiler-free advice if you do want to try finishing the quest:

    • For the Archwing section, stay around the midsection of the ship and don't go too close to it. Too far forward or back and you could be hit by the beams before or after the ship blocks them, and staying farther from the ship gives you more room to avoid the beams. There's no Archwing fighting.
    • After this part there's a bunch of regular gameplay at a kinda high level, so bring gear with 'cheesing' powers, like invisibility, invincibility, or widespread destruction.
    • Then there will be a part where it seems almost impossible to progress. You will know when you get here because of your frustration. Go to the left, it's the safest way. This part isn't about reaction time, but rather careful planning and timing. Also, look at the HUD map.
    • The final part is also hard and not like regular gameplay, and in this part you don't get very clear instructions on what to do. Once you do know or figure it out, though, you will have to have a good reaction time.
  8. I think the names should be based on actual names given to the Infested and Infested weapons. Like maybe- 

    First initial: A-Nauseous B-Volatile C-Electric D-Toxic E-Healer F-Tar G-Swarm H-Disruptor I-Behemoth J-Sanguine K-Parasitic L-Derelict M-Sinew N-Fossilized O-Pulsating P-Infected Q-Bile R-Caustic S-Venomous T-Arcane U-Technocyte V-Fatal W-Chitinous X-Nanite Y-Severed Z-Lancing

    Last initial: A-Neurode B-Lephantis C-Lesion D-Torid C-Synapse D-Caustacyst E-Djinn F-Mios G-Phage H-Ichor I-Toxocyst J-Mutagen K-Paracyst L-Mire M-Embolist N-Pox O-Scoliac P-Cerata Q-Tysis R-Phorid S-Maggot T-Sac U-Spore V-Tumor W-Hive X-Spawn Y-Tubercule Z-Palpator

    Birth month: Jan-Juggernaut Feb-Golem Mar-Crawler Apr-Runner May-Boiler Jun-Mutualist Moa Jul-Ancient Aug-Charger Sep-Leaper Oct-Mutualist Moa Nov-Brood Mother Dec-Carrier

  9. Just now, LazerSkink said:

    In my case, play Vor's Prize. I've been waiting for replayability for two and a half years and don't intend on making an alt to experience it for the first time.

    Wait, I thought returning players got sent into Vor's Prize when it was released? Not the case, I guess?

  10. 59 minutes ago, (PS4)Terpesr367 said:

    1) True, however from what I could tell from the choices, none of them were really evil or dark to that kind of degree, more like how far you are willing to go to do what you deem is necessary and so on, I could very well be wrong though. There's also the issue of the Lotus, the Syndicates and even other Tenno abandoning you if you go full evil/dark due to losing your Tenno way.

    2) But we do know how they would be exposed, by using the Solar Rails, since all standard FTL uses the Void (not sure about Corpus Wormholes and Grineer teleports) and the Solar Rails are part of the standard FTL method, using them would have normally been a death sentence for the Sentients. And as shown with Lua, before TSD they had no way of getting to it before the Stalker came along, now they can easily get there by their own power and actually stay there despite exposure to space. Also I don't think there's been anything to suggest that Void energy is constantly seeping into real space, the Archimedian in the Detron Crewman synthesis even goes so far as to make that claim near impossible, as in order for the Sentients to get to Tau, they had to slowboat it through real space, which the Archimedian says their adaption and replication would make it possible, and the thing that traps them is the fact that they can't use the Solar Rails to get back. So really the only possible explanations (that I can think of) for them not invading the Origin System from Tau is if either they're heavily distracted with something and can't spare forces, or the Tau in question is a lot further away than Tau Ceti.

    The Sentients adapted to Void exposure, it now only sterilizes them rather than killing them. They couldn't go to Lua before TSD because it was in the Void. Now it's not. Pretty simple. Yes, they could have come the slow way back from Tau through regular space, so we must assume the distance would have made a return trip take unfeasably long. Or alternatively, they've been on their way back this whole time, and pretty soon they'll arrive.

    Tau can't be Tau Ceti, Ceti is yellow, not blue.

  11. What quests would you like the ability to replay in the future?

    Personally, I would most want to replay Vor's Prize. Of course, when you replay it all your equipment would be temporarily level 0 to start with, and revert to its pre-replay level when you finish the quest. Mods also would be inaccessible until you found your modding unit again. But it would be really fun to go back to the very beginning of the game's storyline with your current personalized loadout. Maybe instead of picking up random weapons, the weapons you find in Vor's base would be the very weapons in your loadout at the start of the replay.

  12. I do think there could be new models for some Crewman variants. Maybe something like

    Crewman Grunt Suit: What we have now, for Prodman, Crewman, and Elite Crewman.

    Crewman Tactical Suit: A sleeker, more protruding helmet and some slight suit reinforcement, for Sniper Crewman and Shotgun Crewman.

    Crewman Superior Suit: A heavier helmet and a reinforced suit with glowing shield generators, for Tech and Warden.

    Crewman Vacuum Suit: Like the Grunt suit but with the Superior's shield generators, Tactical's helmet, and a proper jet pack, for Rangers.

  13. I do think there should be certain units that do balance the huge advantage invisibility gives to stealth. But instead of instantly seeing you, I think they should go into a "semi-alert" state (with some distinctive line or sound) in which you have to hide before they realize you're there.

    Example: if you pass through the field of view of a hyekka while invisible, it growls and paws at the air. If you remain in its field of view for 2 seconds, it will be alerted and attack you, alerting its master as well.

  14. 1 hour ago, Damuranashi said:

    They should just reduce the size of the humans in the relay. They are too tall, maybe every human in the Origin System are mutants or something.

    I'm not sure if this is relevant but there are also some relay workers distinctly smaller than a warframe.  Anyway, Darvo and Alad V are also pretty tall so I wouldn't be surprised if genetic manipulation is indeed a factor. 

  15. 12 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    Who says they were trying to create soldiers? The Orokin were pretty clearly into mad science for its own sake, as evidenced by the Infestation and the Sentient. They didn't try to turn them into soldiers until later, when the war against the Sentient was going badly and they ran out of other options.

    And once the Orokin figured out how to make Tenno, they went around kidnapping kids to perform the procedure on. This was clearly not a culture that cared about wasting lives.

    Neither of those examples were for their own sake. The Infested were an attempt to create a weapon the Sentients couldn't adapt to. The Sentients themselves were a desperate solution to the resource crisis in the Origin System. And I don't think there's any evidence of new Tenno having been made after the Zariman's recovery. 

  16. No Trace (Rifle): Enemies killed in one shot have X(up to 100)%  chance of leaving no body and making no sound. 

    No Evidence (Sidearm): Same as No Trace

    No Remorse (Channeling): Enemies killed in one strike have X(up to 100)% chance of making no sound and refunding spent energy. 


    To make stealth more viable again.

    Circulator (Warframe): Energy cannot be depleted by enemies faster than X per second. 


    Dang parasitic eximi, dang instant magnetic procs...

    Deflector Shield (Warframe): Shields have X% chance of repulsing attacks, taking no damage.

    Immune Response (Warframe): X(up to 100)% of health-draining damage is diverted to shields. 

    Longevity (Warframe): Shields cannot be depleted faster than X per second, regardless of damage amount. 


    To make shields a viable alternative to health.

    Twilight Morph (Equinox): Metamorphosis does not end other abilities and can be recast for X% effectiveness. (Equinox appears in Balanced form except during the duration of Metamorphosis.)


    I really just want to use Equinox's Balanced form in battle.

  17. 28 minutes ago, Megakruemel said:

    Well you know how it would go if it was a modern day government and modern day media.

    It was all "an accident" that lead to the TEN-0 being stranded in the void during a jump.

    It was all "an accident" that the supplies were sabotaged.

    It was all "an accident" that the one colony ship with a lot of children ended up in the void.

    It was all "an accident".

    I mean who would even think to do that. The Orokin were good people, with their slave-selling and whatnot.

    We know it was an accident because the Zariman was intended to colonize Tau. It wouldn't have been an experiment, because (A) There was no need for new kinds of soldiers at the time and (B) Before the Zariman, every ship stranded in the Void simply vanished forever. It would have been both a pointless and extremely wasteful experiment just to lose a colony ship in the Void on purpose.

  18. 34 minutes ago, (PS4)supersocc11 said:

    So i spoiled myself and watched it all on youtube.  So are the Tenno now able to basically dissolve their physical bodies into the Warframes and essentially "become" the warframe?  And when the operator makes the mental jump, is the operator's physical body leaving the orbiter and teleporting to where the frame is?  Or is it just normal transference without the somatic link and the operator doing some kind of astral projection of his/her body? 

    The operator's body travels through the Transference link via the Void and physically moves to the warframe's location.

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