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Posts posted by Akavakaku

  1. I don't know if I'm just great at jumping or Inaros is just OP or what, but I found the final battle really fun and just the right amount of difficult. Certainly easier than the parts fighting Sentients in the "real" world. (If anyone else wants tips, work in the opposite direction of the "jumprope," stay on the safe platforms nearest to Hunhow when you're not turning notes on or off, and double jump to most reliably clear the "jumprope." Don't be afraid to step on the wrong note occasionally, it's easy to turn them back off. And turn music ON for this battle, without it it's hard to realize the "jumprope" is coming.) Also I'm pretty sure falling off teleports you to a section near where you fell, not always the same site.

    And the lore and character interactions: amazing! It made me kind of dislike Simaris, but not in a bad writing way. I loved Ordis and Suda in the quest, and that letter from Ordis just filled me with motivation for the upcoming battle.

  2. I don't think Su...da was Orokin. Her eyes aren't gold, nor does she wear any gold. So she doesn't have the option of Continuity into a newer, younger body to prevent her mind from decaying. But this does tell us Archimedeans were high enough rank to attain immortality by Cephalonhood, by choice. Still, there might be downsides to the process, which could explain why all Archimedeans didn't just become Cephalons to be immortal.

  3. I think that to fully understand the Valkyr Prime trailer we need the full context. 

    Our long deathless winter has left us numb. Our wasted animal within, ugly and gaunt, hibernates beneath shimmering beauty.

    This is clearly Ballas speaking about his fellow Orokin.

    Why do these Warframes stir us so?
    They burn with our lost desires, lost instincts, tenno-tamed.. but only just.
    Cast and hunted as game. Trapped and tortured, yet they remain animals.
    Less than the human seed, gnawing their limbs from the snare, devouring a banquet of suffering.
    Obese with heat and acid.. and rage.
    That is why they will destroy us.

    This part cannot be about the Operators. The first noun in the paragraph is "Warframes," so it would be very bad English for the following uses of "they" to refer to anything else.

    Even if you ignore that point, interpreting it as "Tenno, tamed but only just" doesn't work because it would make the phrasing "They burn with our lost desires, lost instincts, Tenno, tamed, but only just." I definitely heard a comma after "instincts." Even if there is a period there instead, this interpretation would flow much better as "Tenno burn with our lost desires, lost instincts. Tamed, but only just." Since this is not the case, I doubt this interpretation is correct. 

    So then, let's consider the consequences of warframe sentience for the Tenno. Yes, one way of writing it in could be that these are sentient beings we are subjugating into fighting for us, against their will.

    But I doubt it. Transference was developed by Margulis. The real Lynn Margulis was a scientist who studied symbiosis. This makes it seem like they're hinting at a symbiotic relationship between Operator and warframe. Although Transference was not intended to be used as a weapon, arming the warframes doesn't change their basic relationship to the Operator. Margulis even oversaw their design herself (Silver Grove).

    So I'd say the warframe is probably an accepting and mutually benefited, sentient companion to the Operator, similarly to a Kubrow or Kavat. 

  4. The story remains excellent, and I didn't expect a third wave of Tenno to appear so soon! I guess since the only remaining Prime is Nova, most of them, at least, won't be getting their warframes in the story? Unless you want to just state that they're wearing a warframe, and not describe it. In any case, yeah, I wouldn't really think of Nidus and Inaros appearing until the story for some reason ran though all the previous warframes released. And since this is non-canon it's not like it even matters whether you use all the warframes.

    Regarding Miyoko, yeah her battle abilities pretty much match my experience using Mag in sorties.

    Actually I have a question, are there any major changes you made to the story in light of events revealed in canon? I know there's minor stuff like the elite Sentient warriors and so on.

  5. 22 minutes ago, TasteVengence said:

    ive had that issue with Mag's 2 but i could just refund the lost energy real quick with Zenurik or Energy Siphon + Coaction Drift... or all 3 combined.. but with saryn ive never wasted energy.... so i can see why theyve added this change to Mag....

    I know that I have cast Spores on an enemy that died before the Spores hit. Basically any ability that affects a targeted enemy has a tiny delay before it takes effect.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    I really want @[DE]Rebecca to verify this is accurate and not hyperbole at its finest. I don't doubt you ran it a lot but at some point people tend to lose track and start inflating the numbers for dramatic effect.  Unless you actually kept ticks on a scratch pad or something, in which case, wow, dedication.

    In theory, after 4 million players have farmed Nidus, it's likely that one will have luck this bad.

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