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Posts posted by Akavakaku

  1. A common problem for me in Warframe is liking a piece of gear, but being afraid to invest resources into it for fear of a better version being released. What if I use a potato on my Miter and we get a Prisma Miter a week later? What if I get invested in Banshee and then Banshee Prime comes out?

    And it's even worse with the rumor that Umbras will be even stronger than Primes. If I put 4 Forma on Mag Prime and then Mag Umbra gets announced... Well, does anyone have a solution to this fear?

  2. I think the faster you pass through, the less likely you are to set it off. If you go diagonally, you spend more time in the laser and it is more likely to catch you. If you're Loki and you slide, you're probably going pretty fast and can reduce your chance of detection that way. It also might depend how fast the game is running for a particular laser, too fast and it's more likely to catch you, too slow and it's less likely. But that's just my speculation.

  3. 1. Slightly negative, I don't think it should be part of the game but I'm not usually bothered by people using it. I wouldn't have fun doing it myself thought, even though I have both Mirage and a Synoid Simulor. 
    2. My most used is definitely Mag. Not sure about second and third, I'll edit when I can check in-game, but probably Nova and Vauban. I don't have a particular favorite weapon for any frame, but overall I like the Atomos best. 
    3. I don't like Mirage/Simulor on missions with a lower number of enemies, like spy or exterminate. 
    4. Stealth missions like rescue and spy, but also survival in a good squad. 
    5. If it's easy, Public. If it's easy but hard to get to or needs special items, anyone from Recruiting who wants to join. If it's hard, I'll take a carefully planned team from Recruiting or my alliance. If it's hard but more players won't make it easier, or I want to take my time or challenge myself, Solo. 

  4. 16 hours ago, Rehtael7 said:

    I agree that the narrowed vision can be an issue, but it's also a massive issue when your character model takes up half the screen, particularly if we're talking about needing to lead your targets in a three dimensional space. The camera either needs to be moved further horizontally from the player (Which can cause issues when flying in cramped spaces) or move it closer to the target (Which can cause motion sickness issues in more limited cases.)

    And I think it could get very complex if non-hitscan weapons' damage changed with velocity, both from a gameplay perspective and a programming perspective.

    I agree that a lack of audio makes it feel more authentic, but it doesn't result in the game feeling more satisfying. And when trying to make an un-fun mode fun, we need to preserve the satisfaction factor.

    I appreciate the feedback!

    Yeah that makes sense, though I'd at least like the option of choosing the camera distance. 

  5. 1 hour ago, HeavyFtw said:

    will he have it next time? or was it a one time item

    Every Baro item seems to come back some time or another. At the time I didn't buy any because I didn't realize it cost 0 Ducats, I'm waiting for it to return.

  6. I like these ideas overall, especially inertia, but I strongly disagree with the zoomed-in camera. We had that for a while after the archwing rework due to a bug, and it was awful, at least for me. 

    I also hope that projectile weapons can be affected by the velocities of the characters. I.E., non-hitscan, non-explosive weapons deal more damage when you and your target are approaching, and less when you're becoming more distant. 

    Eliminating outside noises would also help the space-y feel, they could be replaced with a sort of "audio HUD" that alerts you when enemies attack you or you hit them. 

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