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Posts posted by Coldstreme

  1. In the past year we've seen many costs being scaled up, to name a few: Vauban Primes Oxium and Nitain costs, Amesha, Trinity Primes Cryotic, and recently the research cost for the Hema. Now the problem I see developing is that these costs are targeted towards veteran players with thousands or more hours within the game, stockpiled resources from years of experience playing the game. But DE doesn't go for a slow bleed of a resource, they throw haymakers. Initial 14k oxium cost for Vauban Prime, only a few select players could churn out that much out of their own pocket, but at the behest of the community insisting it is an absurdly high cost, they halved it to 7k, much more manageable, but still a huge wall for new players. This wasn't as large as a problem as the recent insane ramp-up of costs for the dojo.


    With the recent introduction of the Hema, and its 5000 mutagen sample and 50 neurode BASE costs (that are multiplied by clan tier modifiers, 3x shadow, storm 10x, etc) leaving Moon clans (Largest tier, 100x mult) with a 500,000 mutagen sample and 5000 neurode requirement. But now, the trend of throwing "haymakers" at individual veteran players are now hitting clans also. 


    To quote [DE]Taylor



    To meet the Mutagen Sample requirement, each Clan member would need to contribute 500 samples. Depending on what kind of squad you run with, the requirements can be met after running a few Orokin Derelict Defense missions (especially if you have a few Nekros’ to help). Many of you may already have the required samples, if not more, already in your inventory.

    Ultimately, Clan research is meant to take cooperation and effort. It won’t necessarily be something that can be done with resources you have lying around already. Although we do not intend to make any changes, we appreciate constructive and respectful feedback. 


    Reasons why this is really bad:

    • * This assumes clans are 100% active, they're not
    • * This assumes the actives, also contribute, spoiler alert: Most actives don't
    • * "Many of you already have the required[500] samples, if not more, already in your inventory" <--- Bonafide proof this is aimed at veteran inventories
    • * "We do not intend to make any changes", Stating this after releasing a weapon that costs ~250x the previous TOTAL of all clan weapons (All mutagen samples previously required, combined and multiplied by 250) Personally I sense an underlying tone of, "Deal with it, we can do whatever we wish". Which is a powerful thing to say days before Christmas
    • Now the "punches" intended for veteran players are starting to hit Clans. (Particularly larger clans) Clans in warframe are generally used for trading, and being in a group with friends and likeminded players, a place to ask for help or organize groups for missions and events.

    So where does this punch hurt the most? Casual clans, clans full of old friends, clans full of players that play warframe occasionally. Players that log on every few days or on weekends. Now the problem I see with this is, with these resource costs being ramped up this high, and abruptly, is that I see many clans kicking handfulls, dozens and a few kicking over 100 inactive players and friends. Just trying to consolidate in hopes that they can downgrade a tier to soften the stiff requirements of the Hema. As corny as this sounds DE, I'm sorry I have to break your bubble, but clans aren't full of 100% l33t years-long players, nor are they 100% active (I'd  have problems saying most are even 30%+), nor are the active players contributing (definitely not 100%). Assuming every clan has members who are 100% active, 100% contribution rate and are willing to grind Eris or Derelict missions for hours is incorrect, this is one of the most thinly veiled jabs at veterans piles of resources that I've ever seen and its coming off not only as that, but as an extreme push towards "Hush, you dont have to grind if you just pull that card out of your pocket."

    Now im seeing players defend DE's decision to make such a high resource cost, bragging that their clan has it researched (All the ones I've seen are mostly ghost and a few shadow clans) which doesn't add to the discussion that this steep of a jump, and these expectations of clans is ridiculous. For sure, a ghost clan of veteran players with obscene amounts of resources will get this done easily, but a ghost clan of friends, who play casually with eachother? Clans that recruit and help newer players? Screw those guys.

    To those who brag about their stockpiles saving them this time and that everyone should just suck it up, heres a famous poem by Martin Niemoller

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a %&#33;&amp; (apparently the nonplural is censored?)

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    For the record, my shadow clan does have it researched, I am not complaining for myself, but for everyone in general. Just because the research costs were blunted because of your stored resources on this occasion, does not mean they'll let up on the pressure, if the playerbase accepts this, they'll keep doing it. If this keeps up and another 5k base mutagen sample, or 7.5k base m.s. weapon gets released (You know DE loves to creep up the costs) you won't be farming "Just the few thousand left" It'll be the full amount, and unless your clan is full of 100% active, 100% contributors, it'll be an extreme burden on the helpful few that are active and contribute.

    I can see and understand the argument that clan research should be a group effort, but at the extent of needing excessively high activity and contribution rate? expecting 100% of both? Its ridiculous. I've made a spreadsheet that features 1750 base cost, 1000 base cost, and the current 5000 base cost, and the contribution per member of each using my estimation of 50% activity and 50% contribution rates. 


    Using what I think is a more true (50% activity and 50% contribution rate) formula, you can see how ridiculous the current 5k base is

    That is the reason why this is unacceptable. DE is "waging" a war on veteran players, and its hitting casual and newer players, and now its even hitting clans. Making everything new a resource sink, credit sinks, which is extremely harsh for newer players, casual players, and clans that harbor those types. And from an outside eye, these ridiculous costs aren't perceived as "Oh they're just high so veteran players have something to work for", its perceived as a blatant cash grab "Don't want to grind?, buy it now for 225+ plat! it even comes with a catalyst you'd normally have to also pay for to double performance!"


    Sorry for the wall of text, but I truly think this needs to slow down or stop, this is a path I really don't want to see the game going down, I don't want to stop recommending this game to my friends and family


  2. Whats there to do? If you want a better riven, farm kuva and reroll it (You can keep the old one if  you like it better than the new)

    I'd personally put on 90% dmg mods instead of dualstats because im not a big fan of status,

    Primed Cryo rounds is great for damage (165% dmg for 9 points, compared to 90% damage for 6 for normal elementals) but the mod costs ~75-80p and could mess with your elemental combo (If you prefer corrosive over all)




    Guardian Prime is Recruiting

    We are a Shadow Clan (30 members max), We will stay at this tier, I believe an large it becomes impersonal and more of a crowd than a friendly group. We also like to participate for Awards in events, We breezed by the Shadow Debt and Rathuum Events recently, That said our goal is to be a friendly little community of good players, Also looking to start daily/periodical LoR/HM in late afternoon/early evenings [Basically when our members get home]

    What we have to offer

    • Fully researched Labs (and new weapons will be started researching within a day or two of release)
    • A well decorated Clan Dojo with Dueling and Obstacle Course/Observatory Levels
    • Active and Friendly members
    • Clan MoTD Updated frequently with News for the clan or a few important game changes
    • Part of a the large alliance "League of Shadows" which features their own discord
    • Clan Logo {Seen above}
    • Clan Discord that we mainly use as a messageboard



    • Mastery rank 8+ (12+ preferred)
    • Know how to handle yourself or use Warframe's Wiki
    • Friendly and Active Player, more than 2 weeks AFK warrants a boot, unless you notify me [Coldstreme]
    • Active in the late afternoons-evenings, [NA timezones] this is when most of our players are active as many of us have jobs during the daytime. This just makes sure you dont join a clan and feel alone for the time periods you play at.
    • Fluent in English, it does not matter if english is not your first language, but you should be able to communicate with other clanmates
    • Use Clan Discord as a message board


    Applications are received by sending me [Coldstreme] a forum message, replying to this thread, or whispering me or one of the officers in-game

    Message/post should include: 

    • In-Game name
    • Mastery Rank
    • *If sending message in-game

    The players to message in-game are [Coldstreme], [Caligran], [Avon_Alexson], [Cazzzz] or [Old.Gregg]





  4. Still no fix for absurdly high Hema research costs


    Ways to describe the Hema's research costs: Shady, snakey, back-alley, crooked, extortionist, expoiting, foul, underhanded, villainous, devious, ruthless, fraudulent, insidious, scummy


    If you wish to kill clans made of long time friends that aren't 100% active, just make a announcement, we all know how much you guys don't want to put even the most minor spotlight on clans or clan dojo's in general. But this is a pretty roundabout way to say that

  5. So DE's crusade to kill clans is starting, just in an effort so they'll never have to rework dojos at all


    Either that or they simply plan to milk players for plat, even though they're already in the process of milking plat out of the playerbase in-guise of a charity event (Tennobaum)


    Pretty long way to go to just say "We don't care about the dojo or clans in general" Why not just make an official announcement and only release weapons to the market from now on?

  6. So they release a horribly boring quest, with lame lore, a revisit to an annoying character (anyo), another bland frame with the bandaid guise of "Skill synergy" 


    And now you're saying they intended to make insane resource costs for clan tech (Hema) for what purpose? to kill clans? to make it impossible for anything but ghost/shadow clans to be able to research it reasonably?


    And what about the frost deluxe that was going to come before the end of the year? Are they pulling another war within? should we expect it in 6 months?

  7. 1 hour ago, Ry0uSh1n said:

    Wife spotted me looking at them on nova prime, she wanted them for her Nova, since the change her Nova is disgusting with closed wings. She is very unhappy and got a canned answer from support, so looks like its steam and then if that doesnt work, charge back. bad form DE, bad form!

    Charge-back will lock your account until you re-pay sadly


    DE and their shady back-alley changes after so many players have bought what was advertised

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