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Posts posted by Coldstreme

  1. Being one of my first prime weapons, I really enjoyed the paris prime in the beginning, but as time went on I started to loathe the design, I do not think it looks good at all. Others call it the toilet bowand other things, and honestly I do not think much differently from them. This weapons design doesn't sit well or look good on most or any frames 

    (My opinion of course, the new 'hide while holstered' helps hide my shame sometimes)


    Now I really like using this bow for its stats (Mostly puncture, 100%+ crit) it feels like a good weapon when I use it, but that feeling goes away when I glance at the model of the weapon, I do not feel proud to be using this weapon at all. With the debate between Dread vs. Paris prime, I see people simply choosing dread to use on every mission just because it doesnt look horrible.

    (Yes I know 3-4x CP + slash procs, la-la-la) Even new players see bows in this game, look up the best bows. and it comes down to dread/PP, they look up the weapons and they immediately pick dread, because it looks better (bows still look tiny in this game)


    A simple skin for paris prime (and dread if possible to make it 'even') would greatly please us bow/stealth users, I would gladly pay upwards of 100 platinum for a simple bow skin for paris prime. I do not know what it would be called, you could make up a name or use previous ones like prisma, mara, wraith, vandal, or even make a skin bundle like the ormolu bundle. 




    I think the paris primes model is unpleasant and it would be great if we could get an alternative model/skin for the PP

    (That doesnt have the yin/yang toilet seat going on preferably)

  2. I actually got legitimately excited when he said we could pick what would be there, I really would love to have prime streamline/flow and thats really it.


    but then we get prisma junk, primed junk, and a repeat syandana (that I already have :[ )


    I was promised a steak and was given canned spaghetti..

  3. When I started doing Syndicate missions a week or so ago, theres been one problem. The medallions are buggy

    1. Not all syndicate medallions spawn (Supposedly 6 or 8? I've gotten as little as 3, and only once I've gotten 6/6)

    2. Apart from the first medallion, the rest are invisible

    3. Sometimes past the first 3 or 4 medallions, no more spawn, In a recent mission there was a container/medallion underground (using loot radar+detector) that I could not reach (Looked above and below the current floor)


    Deception mission


    First Medallion, Notice how its visible



    Second Medallion, Invisible



    Third Medallion, Invisible



    Fourth Medallion, Invisible



    All these were found by scouring the map, there were no other rooms, only 1 crate/medallion I absolutely could not get to (was in a wall, did a ground slam to check if it was close enough to break, heard nothing, probably a medallion) So I only "Found" 4/8 medallions 



    With the recent bug fix with mags greedy pull, its become an absolutely terrible experience trying to find them all 

    (I know it was a bug but it was nice to know there were no medallions around without going and breaking every crate)


    Could we get some feedback if you even know about this bug?

  4. I think its a reactionary nerf to a tileset that is excellent at spawning ridiculous amounts of enemies. Come to think of it this isnt the first time they nerfed the wrong part of the "equation".



    im a console player so i dont know whats going on............what's going on? what should i be aware of so i know what to rage at


    Nerfed pilfering swam into the dirt


    Which in turn, makes hydroid a useless frame

  5. DE say they want to reduce grind walls one day and nerf legitimate ways of grinding next day. Never change, DE!


    I couldn't of said it better


    and if this is a reactionary nerf to how ridiculous farming ophelia and the 4th natah mission is, the problem isnt that hydroid/nekros combo can make ridiculous loot, its how often the enemies spawn in that tileset, and that the heavy gunners seem to have a guaranteed rare and mod drop. I was farming there and enemies were spawning 30 meters away without being behind a door or anything, they just appeared. Combine that with a never-ending stream of enemies that drop rares extremely often and you can farm it extremely easy..


    although not anymore. 

  6. It's kind of annoying to be completely honest, every infested mission doesnt need random screeches every minute

    (i've only had him appear once in like 20 missions, 20 missions of EUAURAUURGH every minute or two)


    I'd really like it to be a bit quieter compared to the rest of the levels sounds but this isnt really top notch need-to-be-done tweaking, its just a minor irritant 

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