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Posts posted by Coldstreme

  1. Small but active Ghost Clan looking for a large community to talk and do missions with.

    As the leader I am mainly looking for a large alliance so if my members are on during off-hours they'll have a group to speak with if they have questions or just want someone to play missions with. 


    Solar rail conflicts are down at the moment, but I am sure we could assist somewhat when they come back


    Quickest way to contact me is in-game is by PM (/w Coldstreme) alternatives are replying/messaging me in the forums

  2. I've had alad take 100 shield damage from I dont know what and it ended the mission (He still had ~5600/5702 shields and full HP)

    And this was at wave 35


    Do one of the acolytes have a ability to "Capture" him like we do in capture missions? or is this like I assume, a silly bug

  3. We just had this happen to us. It was on wave 24 and Alad had full health, there weren't even many enemies around since the wave was almost over. Then we failed, with no warning at all. I wasn't able to see his health at the exact moment of death because of the lack of warning, but I can attest that he was at full health just a few seconds before that (I was a bless trin). If it's NOT a bug, then damage against Alad V is OP, since we can't prevent him from being shot altogether (limbo's banish is nerfed and he moves too much for frost). Either way, it would be great if someone would look at this before it's over, for the people who need to get beyond wave 15 to support their clan.

    Exactly like chasing a unruly brat through a mall, shame its happened to others, but I've had it happen twice now and suspect its pretty common, seen it happen as early as ~wave 15

  4. as i see it, Malice had casted Bullet Attractor and u just oneshot him. that red gloving is Malice's bullet attractor

    the red hue you see is from the "Mission failed" screen, I didnt have UI screenshots on at the time (Doh!) 



    More look lile Turbulence from Mania


    it is turbulence from mania

  5. Recently on a mission (Start ~9:25 - end ~10:30) 35 waves, Alad took 100 shield damage and the mission failed

    Screenshot on fail screen (NOTE: I had UI in screenshots off [already facepalming hard about this], but that red hue is the mission failed endscreen)



    I've had this happen once before (Only on wave ~17) thought alad somehow melted in like 10 seconds and brushed it off, but now that this is a run I invested a lot of time into, and me personally watching Alad's health as it happened(only dropped 100 shields out of 5700), I do believe its a bug. 


    Team comp screenshot (Taken at wave 25-30) names blocked out 'cause rules



    proof I've done the mission before


  6. You might have a virus, scan with MSE (Microsoft security essentials), Malwarebytes (free/use free trial), or hitman pro (Free trial).


    Warframe isnt malicious, it might take memory if you have left it running while trying to play other games. If this is the problem, right click the taskbar and click >"start task manager" and right click warframe and force close it that way. 


    Maybe try the standalone (Not steam) warframe client, (DL directly from the warframe website)


    Hope this enlightens you a little bit

  7. They changed mirage due to her tendency to literally break people's games through certain means. The dps of the ability is pretty much unchanged and makes it more likely that a shot will kill.

     If peoples PC's cant handle clones + Kulstar I guess it was necessary 




    also what happened to mag? did they nerf shield polarize? (her only useful ability imo)

  8. I dont think having to AIM is the nerf part



    its that peacemaker now takes all forms of warframe stats *(atleast what I heard, hardly had time to play tonight)*, duration, efficiency(Initial cast) range (lol good 200% duration = 45% range) and power strength.


    makes it really hard to build her now compared to before. these toggle changes are kind of annoying tbh, I have to redo so many builds 

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