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Posts posted by nms.

  1. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I’ve been running around leveling some weapons, one of which is the Grinlok, and I’m wondering if it needs 500+ offhand ammo?

    I’m wondering if it could have that amount halved; I get that it’s like between a rifle and a sniper, but I feel like I’d have to sit there shooting for 5 minutes straight just to put a dent in the amount of offhand

    Since players apparently don't need the 540 ammo capacity on the Grinlok, I propose we remove the extra ammo from it and add the removed ammo capacity into the the Kuva Zarr, Kuva Bramma, Kuva Ogris and Tenet Envoy accordingly. We can probably leave the Grinlok at a comfortable 50 ammo capacity and donate the 490 to the other weapons. We could also do a christmas special and add some capacity to the Prisma Lenz too. Then we save some of this extra ammo capacity for future weapons that may need it.

    "Ammo is like energy, it can never be destroyed, only transformed" - Albrecht Entraistein, 1999

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Halo said:

    A step in the right direction. 

    Clean, sleek, and not blurry, but no option to change the size of it. 

    Way too large for others as well as myself. 


    Option to adjust, sure. This size is fine for me tho, since that size is also in the tabs, this means the chances of accidentally pressing "close all" instead of "invite" when I have a bunch of chats open and queued to trade and need to start inviting and closing fast. Also won't be accidentally inviting or adding people as friends when wanting to open and close profiles quickly in a player list.

    • Like 2
  3. 18 minutes ago, kwlingo said:

    Would like to know so I can take off work for a day or two to farm some relics.

    Thank you in advance.

    And just in case you meant this,



    Get access to everything Baro Ki’Teer has ever sold from July 11 at 11 a.m. ET to July 18 at 11 a.m. ET in Baro’s TennoCon Relay! Start saving your Ducats now, Tenno!


  4. 8 minutes ago, RenzorTheRed said:

    And if I'm getting parts or a set of a Prime Warframe, are they just blueprints and I still have to come up with all of the components to build the parts? Or is it the parts plus chassis blueprint and I'll have everything I need aside from the Orokin cells or whatever?

    Warframes can only be traded as blueprints (main blueprint + part blueprints), you have to get the resources, build the parts (chassis, neuroptics, systems) then the warframe.

    More reading:


    If it doesn't jump to the correct section, scroll down until the heading "Limitations".


    • For Warframes, players can only trade the respective Prime Warframe Blueprints. Parts that are crafted through any blueprints, and the fully built Warframes themselves cannot be traded. Note that if you inadvertently started the crafting process in the Foundry and then realised you wished to trade away the blueprint - it is possible to cancel the crafting process before completion and get the Prime blueprint back, as well as all resources used, except Argon Crystals.
    • For Weapons, only blueprints and parts for the Prime, Wraith, and Vandal weapon variants are tradeable. Any other weapons and their blueprints or parts cannot be traded, except for the blueprints/parts of following ones, which can in fact be traded: IgnisWraith Ignis Wraith, Pathocyst Pathocyst, Pennant Pennant, Quellor Quellor, Shedu Shedu, GrineerCombatKnife Sheev, Wolf Sledge Image Wolf Sledge.
      • MaraDetron Mara Detron, and also Syndicate and Prisma weapons are exceptions, and are considered Special Weapons, which are tradeable as a whole, but only if they are completely unranked with no affinity, and unaltered with no Forma, Lens, or Orokin Catalyst applied.
        • These weapons, will remain tradeable even if recolored, customized with skins, cosmetic attachments, modded with regular weapon mods, or freely used in the Simulacrum, due to no affinity being gained from killing the spawned mobs. This is particularly useful for trying out expensive Syndicate and Prisma weapons to test their accuracy, attack speed/rate of fire, range/damage falloff, recoil, reload speed, or general handling characteristics without fear of losing the ability to sell or resell the weapons to other players later, if they are not to the user's liking.


  5. 31 minutes ago, kamisama85 said:

    I haven't been to fond of particle ram blocking my view as of late so I'm open to try something new.

    Just in case, it only blocks because of obnoxious colors. Change "engines" color and "secondary color" (the one below "engines" not under "primary") to true black (blackest from smoke palette) and it's completely invisible (wont even be able to tell when its on). Change "engines" to a dark gray and "secondary color" to true black and you barely get a silhouette.

    You can always experiment with other darker colors, or simply nulling "secondary color" with true black and keeping the silhouette in something slightly bright.

    Example with a gray and true black:


    • Like 2
  6. 21 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    OP, I'd like to share with you a comment from today by user

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    @ModerateConservative About the monetization.

    "Can we discuss how the monetization in this game is overpriced and predatory. Asking anywhere from $5 to up to $200 for platinum is ridiculous, I am also going to lump in the prime access, prime vaults, and the various starter kits that are sold as well. Quick thing on the prime access is that its marketing is predatory in nature for a full prime access it is valued at $380, but is sold to consumers at a "discounted" price of $140. The reason why platinum is so incredibly overpriced is to incentivize customers to purchase them when a %50 or a %75 coupon can be applied to these purchases. Also these coupons only work on platinum and nothing else. 

    Could we have a discussion about how to monetize your game without it being predatory. 

    I know that some people will try and counter this argument by saying "Uh but _____. Why would you pay money for platinum. Just trade in game to get platinum." My reason for taking beef with this monetization is that it shows up every time you log in, and every time that you enter the in game store it takes up center stage.

    Another argument is that I have heard is this "Buying DE's premium currency only supports them." Overpaying for goods that are intentionally overpriced is such a scummy tactic, that is meant to suck the money out of a consumer's wallet. 

    Please reconsider how to monetize your game, without having to resort to scummy tactics in order to make money."


    So... If we have users feeling like DE's, "crossing the Rubicon," already, reverting that change is going to be both untimely and intensely contested.

    They made the Rush Repair Drone feature to be used by folks like yourself, but consider it's also seen as giving DE an excuse to make RNG worse, while profiting more off of, "point of pain," purchases. Whether or not any of us agree with the sentiments expressed, we must acknowledge that those concerns are not without reason, and stand to effect DE's reputation. (And if they're devaluing sentiment around DE, and DE raises rates to combat that... that could be very bad indeed.)

    In other words, water is wet. According to that clown you quoted anything that's monetized, that has the potential to be monetized, and goes through a marketing plan would be "predatory".

    Go into a store and see a promo stand with products, "predatory". Having to pay more for streaming to more devices "predatory". Seeing a product with the MSRP slashed for a lower selling price "predatory". Intellectual property "predatory". Licensing for virtual goods "predatory". Having to pay for anything "predatory". Having sales people sell things "predatory".

    Thank god we have the 15-day-joined high school marketing planners complaining that people need to make money from their IP.

    I'm sure his dream solution is $12.5 full prime accesses with DE firing their dev team and outsourcing it to some sweatshop in Pakistan, and putting the servers on a shared web hosting.


  7. 24 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    I don't have any incentive to play on steam either, I don't spend money for games and I have my friends on the game instead of steam so I see no reason to play with steam

    IT DOESNT MATTER, because you are irrelevant. Steam has enough weight, diversity, presence and leads to count as accurate statistics and dictate a general trend on the PC platform. Whether you are part of it or not, is IRRELEVANT, because there's a larger bulk that is part of it.

    More food for thought, which I believe was the entire point of the thread, the game got released two major updates, one pretty much at or very close to what could be considered vacation season in their own hemisphere/region, which they had been hyping up for more than one year. The rework update a month(?) or so before. These updates didn't perform, they came out of these 'major' 'long time hog' updates with a decreased player count in their main discovery platform for pc, full knowingly they can get 3-5 times the current numbers for major content updates, depending on time of day.

    Although this pretty much means nothing except perhaps a bit less revenue. They diversified the platforms and the current player base on PC is probably more than enough to keep them profitable and afloat for a good number of years. On PS4 and switch these updates probably performed better, if they actually have released there. So the "warframe is dying" statement is just hogwash.

    • Like 2
  8. 45 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    Unless you can tell me advantages from playing through steam other than tennogen, I'm not playing through steam and stay out from that player count

    Doesn't matter, their point is both the trend and count. Steam is probably the major lead generator and major point of organic discovery for Warframe on PC. They don't publish anywhere else on PC, as far as I know. Highly unlikely for active steam gamers to use steam, discover and install warframe, then use warframe without steam, when they probably have more stuff in their libraries and Digital Extremes actively promotes tennogen.

    If anything, non-steam numbers are probably worse with roughly the same trend, since they would be the minority. Reverse that question, there's no incentive to play without steam, once you are on steam.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    Is there any way to copyright or claim this which would restrict it from being possible for the devs to do themselves?
    I've always wondered if they haven't done something like ".market" In Game, because .market owns the property to that idea.


    You seem confused. The warframe.market devs don't own anything except their own code, or have any copyright or trademark on any 'ideas', except trademark on their own brand (42Bytes) and copyright on their own code base that runs the website. Not only that, if you dig through their code, you will more than likely find it runs on MIT, GPL or WTFPL libraries. A marketplace is not an "original" idea in any shape or form, otherwise Amazon, Walmart and Ebay and the 1000 others would be suing each other left and right.

    The only reason that website is still running is because Digital Extremes hasn't flexed it's lawyers to send them a cease and desist. It's also probably been beneficiary to DE and they didn't have to invest anything to ultimately reap any benefits (increased platinum purchased). They did have to put up a notice that they are not affiliated with Digital Extremes, and that was probably the best outcome in their position. Had they refused to put up that notice, they wouldn't exist.

    Not only can they stop that website from existing, they can also take over the top level domain name (warframe.market) for themselves. "Warframe" is a registered trademark and Digital Extremes is within their own right to exercise its own protection. Will they? probably not. Ultimately it's a fan site that fills a niche or a need.

  10. There's only two lists as per the Warframe Eternal Android Ketchup Standard (W.E.A.K.S)



    Excalibur (former god)
    Mag (former god)
    Saryn (former god)

  11. 3 minutes ago, b4timert said:

    No improvement's to lich system?

    If I recall correctly, they said in the devstream they are not touching it until next year or so after they are done with this update and its bugs.

  12. 3 hours ago, --Brandt-- said:

    Do you have to be in the same room as the Crimson Branch on console?

    No, just in the proximity of the invited player ( 1 small/maybemedium room away ), unless they spawn in the observatory, then their "presence" is known throughout the dojo.

    Their "presence" is not know if you are too far, which I believe has been a `bug` for ages. Their "presence" is known once host (or other player) gets closer to guests, then it is known throughout the dojo.

    If you are in the crimson branch and the spawn point is too far, you won't see the guest in the trade station ( i.e: "presence" not known ).

    So the solution is easy, stay in spawn hall, invite a player, wait for them to be in, then teleport to the crimson branch wherever it is, then guests will be visible in trade station, then teleport to spawn hall to repeat if necessary. Or place the crimson branch anywhere close to the spawn point (room doesn't have to be strictly touching spawn room).

    Now you don't need to wait for guests to use/find/guess the teleporter, if you just wait them out in the spawn hall.

  13. 7 hours ago, (NSW)Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    lol. Sorry. When I read the title "Sentinel Warframe". I just imagined Vauban hovering about above your shoulder, shooting ping pong balls at enemies and dying instantly when a Sortie level mob sneezes at him.

    Huh, thought I was the only one. From the title I thought the suggestion was to make vauban a sentinel, so I chortled.

    Turns out the idea of making vauban a sentinel wasn't so bad after all.

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